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October 08, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-08

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A/ .tii L.r. r

roday: Partly cloudy. High 75. Low 48.
romorrow: Haze. High 70.

One hundred nine years of editorlfreedom

October 8, 1999

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By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
Anti-sweatshop activists claimed victory yester-
day as Nike Corp. for the first time released infor-
mation regarding the location and ownership of its
factories producing merchandise for the collegiate
a rel industry - something activists have
p sed for in the corporate world for years.
The disclosed information, which can be found
on Nike's Website, w:nikebizcom, names spe-
cific locations and phone numbers for factories
producing apparel for five universities, including
the University of Michigan, the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of

Anti-sweatshop activists declare disclosure
of factory sites and phone numbers a victory

Arizona, Duke University and Georgetown
"This is a huge victory for the student anti-
sweatshop movement," said Jeff Ballinger, direc-
tor of Press for Change, an anti-sweatshop watch-
dog. Nike officials said yesterday they hope the
disclosure of the factory information will clear up

past criticisms.
Nike ran full page advertisements, titled "Here's
Your Chance Criticize Us More Accurately." in
yesterday's editions of student newspapers at
Arizona, Duke and UNC at Chapel Hill. A similar
advertisement also ran in yesterday's edition of
The Michigan Daily.

Nike has been criticized by the anti-sweatshop
movement for it's labor practices around the
world. "The bottom line is we want to do is clear
up these misconceptions." said Simon Pestridge,
manager in Nike's labor practices department.
In July, University Athletic Director Tom Goss
sent a letter calling on Nike and other companies

licensed to manufacture University merchandise
to meet the University's Human Rights Policy,
which includes the public disclosure of factory
Nike spokesperson Vada Manager said the cor-
poration only disclosed information on its Website
pertaining to schools that have requested it.
Univ ersity of Wisconsin at Madison alum Tom
Wheatley, who now works for the New York-based
National Labor Committee, said the information
can be uLLed by to plan factory visits.
"What we're going to do is send this list
around the world" to religious human rights and
See NIKE, Page 2

eady to


hype hits
ever pitc
By Andy Latack
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan placekicker Jeff Del Verne
has a sneaking suspicion about his broth-
er Jim. Although the older Del Verne
played at arch-rival Michigan State in the
Warly '90s, Jeff thinks that his brother no
nger bleeds green and white. In fact, he
suspects that Jim Del Verne is a
Wolverine at heart.
"I caught him with a (Michigan) coat
on the other day," Del Verne said. "I think
when I'm not around he puts on
Michigan stuff and runs around the
But if Jim Del Verne or anyone else has
any allegiance to the Spartans, there's no
reason to hide it right now. Michigan
tate, ranked No. Il in the nation, has its
fans feeling pretty proud to be Spartans.
When No. 3 Michigan (2-0 Big Ten, 5-
0 overall) kicks off against Michigan
State (2-0, 5-0) tomorrow, it will be the
highest either team has been ranked com-
See GAME DAY, Page 7
th id ui , 1q Going to
State for the
The Daily is,
-~ with a
edition of
4 Football
Pick it up on
your way to
the game.

60 remember
victim ofate
crime, beating
By Jennifer Sterling
Daily Staff Re porter
Marching toward the Diag behind a leader holding a cru-
cifix, about 60 people carrying candles and singing "We
Shall Overcome:' remembered the one-year anniversary of
Matthew Shepard's death.
Shepard, a college student at the University of Wyoming
in Laramie, Wyo, was beaten by two local male residents
who had feelings against Shepard because he was gay. The
two men brutally beat Shepard and then left him to die Oct.
7, 1998 near the outskirts of town. He died several days
The group last night, containing few students, first partic-
ipated in a memorial service and then in the "Procession for
Peace: A Call for an End to Violence on the First Anniversary
of the Death of Matthew Shepard."
"I'm against violence," said a procession participant who
wished to remain anonymous. "He's everybody's son."
Local Christian leaders held the service at Lord of Light
Lutheran Church at 810 South Forest Ave. before walking
to the Diag, where various speakers took hold of a single
microphone on the steps of the Harold Shaprio Graduate
Jim Toy, who works in the University's Office of Human
Resources and Affirmative Action, read a poem and the
names of people murdered because of their sexual prefer-
ence. He asked listeners to reach out to those next to them in
honor of the deceased who "won't be able to hold each other
the way we are tonight."
Noticing the procession coming up East University Avenue,
Ann Arbor Huron High School senior Jonathan Baker said "it's
good to see people doing something like this."
Shepard's death occurred last year during National
Coming Out Week.
The University Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender com-
munity is planning several activities to mark the national
week this year.
See SHEPARD, Page 7
leaders learn
lessons at 'U'
By Robert Gold
Daily Staff Reporter
Visions of future employment in careers like medicine,
education, law and engineering often fuel a student's desire to
come to the University. And while small in number, some
students seek out another option and see religious leadership
in their future.
Will Medo, an LSA and-Education senior, wants to

LSA senior David Parzen (front), LSA junior Brian Shapland (front), LSA sophomore David Feld, LSA junior Brian Hayden and LSA
sophomore Joel Snyder show their school spirit as they prepare for tomorrow's football game against Michigan State.

#3 #11 S . ^"
This could be the best Spartan squad since
the 1988 Rose Bowl championship squad,
Michigan coach Lloyd Carr said.
Both defenses have looked impenetrable this
season, so this could be a low scoring affair.
Mistakes could make the difference.
Michigan looked impressive on both sides of
the ball while halting another Heisman
Trophy campaign, trouncing Purdue 38-12.

Spartan stadium exhibits
eerie quiet before the storm

UM - So here I am at the epicenter of the
state. It's pretty calm
now. The stands are Rick
empty, the sun hasF
dipped below the west- Freeman
ern rim and the giant,
white 'S' at midfield is
in shadow. Less than
48 hours from now,
almost every pair of
eyes in Michigan -
and plenty more from
around the country will FREE MA
gaze intently at this THEPR ESS
The air will fill with

the sound of marching bands, public address
announcers, and cheering fans. The 'S' will
hear crunching pads, grunts and groans, and
the sound of 44 shoes pounding on the turf.
But for now, it's quiet. In fact, with all that's
being made of this game, and each team's
undefeated records, and who said what about
the other school, this may be one of the qui-
etest spots in the state.
It's a pretty unassuming slice of plastic car-
pet - considering the burden it has on it for
tomorrow's game.
But what about the pressure on the two
teams? If this is the biggest this game has ever
been, doesn't that mean so much more for the
winners - and so much more pain for the
See FREEMAN, Page 7

become a pastor. But he
"When I was grow-
ing up, I thought 'no
way,'" Medo said.
Medo said he did
not become close to
his faith until his
senior year of high
school. Since then,
however, his faith has
grown stronger. As a
first-year student, he

hasn't always thirsted for this
voitn collptis
i'rcuchin the fith
S", 3 n i t)o3-port
Seris tt osr

Students scream to bring
awareness to mental health

By David Jenkins
Fe Daily
Raising their voices until they rasped, they
gasped for breath and people listened, the women
and men of Mentality, a campus group dedicated
to mental health awareness, screamed to support
mental health awareness yesterday on the Diag.
The third annual Scream In on the Diag could
he heard as far as the Michigan I Inion and the

nesses don't discriminate along the lines-of race
and ethnicity or at all for that matter," said Megan
Heeres, one of the event's organizers. "Mental ill-
nesses effect us all."
The Scream In. sponsored and organized by
Mentality, is the group's attempt to break the stig-
mas surrounding mental illness. A number of area
community and University-based groups joined
Mentality by setting un booths and enduring the

LSA Junior
Richard Algra and
LSA Sophomore
Adrienne Voulta
scream on the
Diag yesterday to
"break the
mental illnesses.
After battling
mental illness
last spring,
Voulta wants peo-
pie to know
"Getting help is
not a weakness.
I+i ~a nh " --

joined the student-oriented Campus Crusade for Christ
and then began leading a -Bible study group at Couzens
Residence Hall as a sophomore.
"I can't justify not doing it. People's eternities are a big
deal,' Medo said, adding that he is a natural leader who likes
to teach others.
Regardless of their religions, some people make the
decision to pursue theology as a career before heading
off to college.
Rabbi Alter Goldstein, age 24, is the student director of the
Chabad House. He said he has spent most of his life in rab-
binical school, including his college years.
"I come from a family of rabbis - so it's something in our
blood," Goldstein said.
Goldstein said while becoming a rabbi is not an easy
process, he is happy with his decision and would not want to


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