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October 15, 1999
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29 and killing three people.
He plead guilty to 13 federal charges in
January 1998 and was sentenced to four life
sentences in prison in May 1998.
Kaczynski's materials are being added to the
Labadie Collection area of Special Collections
- one of the world's most extensive collec-
tions of works of anarchism and social protest.
The letters and other correspondence are
currently unavailable for public viewing but
will be available once the collection has been
processed by library staff. Processing the docu-
ments could take at least a year, Nesbit said.
Original documents t ill not be made avail-
able to the public. But photocopies of the let-
ters with the names of'correspondents blacked
out to protect their identities ill be available.
Nesbit said the collection is primarily com-
posed of correspondence sent to Kaczynski,
but included in the donation are carbon copies
of materials Kaczvnski wrote.
Material admitted as evidence in Kaczynski's
trail case xx ill not be available until "he has
exhausted his appeals options," Nesbit said.
She explained the University plans to request
the remaining portion of Kaczynski's materials.
Judy Clarke. one of Kaczynski's defense
attorneys., said xesterday from her office in
Spokane. Wash.. that she is not at liberty to dis-
cuss the acquisition.
Bollinger said the acquisition of the materi-
als is important to research despite the fact it
may attract criticism.
"The main question is whether this material
is relevant to scholarly research and the answer
is clearly yes:' Bollinger said.
He said even though some works are contro-
versial, studying them is important.
White House
awards UROP
for excellence
Mentoring program
receives grant money
and national recognition
By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's Undergraduate
Research Opportunity Program has
received the White House's attention
for excellence in mentoring, bringing
S10.000 in grant money to the increas-
ingly popular 11-year-old program.
The University announced yesterday
that UROP is being recognized with a
Presidential Award for Excellence in.
Science. Mathematics and Engineering
Each year, the White House honors
individuals and programs that encourage
minorities, women and persons with dis-
abilities to pursue careers in scientific,
engineering and technical fields.
"The mentoring relationship makes a
big difference in the success of students,"
said Lee Katterman, assistant to the vice
president for research, attributing the pro-
gram's success in part to UROP's com-
mitment to faculty-student mentorships.
UROP began in 1988 with 14 stu-
dents and just as many faculty mentors,
said UROP Director Sandra
Gregerman. Katterman said the original
intent of the program stressed fostering
faculty-student relationships for
women and minorities.
But as the program grew, UROP's
focus expanded to include nearly 900
University students working with 550
faculty members. Katterman said
although many students involved with
the program concentrate on biomedical
research, UROP members can conduct
research on t6pics outside of science,
including the arts and humanities.
"As we approach the 21st Century, it
is essential that all American students
are prepared to meet the scientific and
technological challenges of the future,"
said Neal Lane, President Clinton's
assistant for science and technology in
a letter to Fawwaz Ulaby, the
University's vice president for research.
Lane wrote that the University's
"accomplishments in mentoring stu-
dents from underrepresented groups
exemplifies the talent and commit-
ment this program aims to recog-
Katterman said faculty commitment
to the program is especially important
to UROP's success. "Faculty are asking
to be part of the program" he said.
See UROP, Page 2
Four-year-old Shanice Weems holds a "Free Mumia" flag in front of I.SA junior Andy Cornell. The rally for the convicted
Mumia Abu-Jamal was held yesterday in downtown Ann Arbor.
Jamacase moves'
f d ra a
By Nicole Tuttle said Abby Schlaff, an Ann Arbor courts to do the right thing," said
For The Daily resident participating in the Jane Cutter, a University graduate
Political, activists demanding that demonstration. "It's scary that the student. "We have to build this
Mumia Abu-Jamal be granted a new state of Pennsylvania is prepared movement to show the support for
trial rallied at the Federal Building on to execute an innocent man," she Mumia."
the corner of Fifth Avenue and Liberty said. Nearly 30 protesters displayed
Street last night. Schlaff also said she felt the case has "Free Mumia" signs, chanted and
Abu-Jamal was convicted of a wider impact on moral issues in the passed out fliers advocating their
killing a Philadelphia police offi- justice system. cause. Schlaff, amid chanting stu-
cer in 1982 and is now serving out "If they're willing to go that far," dents and community members,
his term on death row. Schlaff said, "I don't think that any of played on a bongo drum in an effort
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge us are safe." to keep the protesters spirits' in a
signed Abu-Jamal's death warrant Since Abu-Jamal's arrest, activists positive mood.
Wednesday. around the world have worked to free Several campus and local groups
The U.S. Supreme Court rejected an him, claiming he was framed and did organized and advocated the protest,
, appeal by Abu-Jamal on Oct. 4. not commit the crime. among them the Anti-Racist Action and
"I think the evidence is over- "I think a mass movement is the Free Mumia movement. Members
whelming that Mumia is innocent," very important in forcing the See MUMIA, Page 5
TIBT pageant explores gender norms
Foggy air and laser lights went practically unnoticed
at the Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Affairs' "Conceptions of Drag" show held last night at
the Michigan League.
What captured a crowd of 175 were the 'stars' who
strutted their stuff through the glamorous ambiance.
"Betner," otherwise known as Art and Design junior
Ben Fife, who was dressed in a long black dress, dog
collar and red lip stick, got the crowd roaring.
Fife seduced the audience as he lip-synced the sexy
40s-style song, "It's Silk." Working his way through the
crowd, Fife flirted with several women and even invited
one up on the stage for a dance.
Fife said he had been looking forward to the event all
"I think its really important to have a setting where
gender can be playdough. There's a lot of pressure at the
University to assimilate one way or the other. It's impor-
tant to mock the gender assimilation concept at large,"
he said.
Haruna Madodo, a Music junior student, organized
the event. "We're basically breaking .stereotypes about
what gender is. That's why we called it 'Conceptions of
-A _ ill ....
Residential College Prof. Ken MikoIowski, who founded the Alternative Press with
his wife Ann, sits in his East Quad Residence Hall office yesterday.
WR pofessor's life
work to be displayed
By Caitlin Nish
Daily Staff Reporter
After 3a years of printing original art
and poetry, Residential College Prof.
Ken Mikolowski has collected many
vivid memories of paintings, composi-
tions and visits from notable artists
such as Allen Ginsberg.
His life's work is now on exhibit in
the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library.
The show, entitled "Your Artwork Here:
30 Years of the Alternative Press," is
part of the Alternative Press
"The two of us started the press
because we lived in Detroit at a time
when the kind of art and poetry being
produced was as good as what was
being produced anywhere else in the
country - they just didn't have pub-
lishers," Mikolowski said.
Artists and poets themselves, the
Mikolowskis decided to use the print-
ing press to publish friends' art and
poetry. "They printed broadsides, fly-
ers, bumper stickers and just gave them
out for free on the street with the objec-