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October 15, 1999 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-15

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'7 _ Tho Minhiann f}nily - Prirlnxr llntnhnr 1 r, 1QQQ

- I nI oi"icrlan Lany -- riuay, uutuueri .),i
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artersacall for trelie rom delay.vs

WASHINGTON (AP) - In the lat-
est round of finger pointing over flight
delays, air carriers told a House com-
mittee yesterday that fliers face a dra-
matic increase in delays unless federal
regulators swiftly untangle traffic jams
in the sky.
"The FAA's system is broken," said
an Air Transport Association of
America report made public by the
House Transportation Committee. "If
it is not fixed, the resulting delays will
virtually eliminate the dependability of
airline schedules and the system will
descend into gridlock."
Jane Garvey, administrator of the
Federal Aviation Administration, told
the panel the government is doing the
best it can to fix a complex and out-
dated system that was plagued by
Continued from Page 1
"UROP has a terrific record of
involving undergraduate students in
their learning through research that is
beginning to help us understand why
these mentoring experiences are so
useful for success of our undergradu-
ate students," Ulaby said.
UROP peer adviser Paul Berg, an
LSA junior, said the recognition
attests to the success of the pro-
"All of us peer advisers know

unusual weather problems this year.
"The FAA is willing to do whatever
is within our power to improve the
efficiency of the air traffic system, so
long as safety is not compromised,"
Garvey said.
In its report, the trade group forecast
that by 2008, the number of passengers
will increase 43 percent and an addi-
tional 2,500 planes will be needed to
transport those people. With the cur-
rent system in place, the additional
traffic would cause a 250 percent rise
in delays, the group said.
From April through August this
year, delays rose 36 percent, a figure
federal officials largely blamed on
weather. The delays intensified the
fight among air traffic controllers, air-
lines and the federal government over
first-hand it's a great program,"he
said. "It's nice to have this kind of
national recognition."
Before becoming a peer adviser,
Berg was a UROP student doing
research on iron deficiency.
Katterman said UROP, among the
first programs of its kind in the
country, has been a model for other
schools, such as the University of
Wisconsin at Madison and the
University of Kentucky.
Gregerman said UROP is expand-
ing its scope to include opportuni-
ties for juniors and seniors.

who is responsible and how to fix the
Last year, delays cost airlines and
fliers S4.5 billion, the report estimates.
More than 100,000 people were
delayed each day, it said, with fliers in
Dallas-Fort Worth, Chicago O'Hare
and Detroit airports least likely to fly
on time.
The report is the latest round of the
blame game stemming from the boom
in delays this year.
Air traffic controllers, for example,
say airlines cause much of the problem
by scheduling more flights into some
airports than can land, causing a back-
up. The airline report disputes that, say-
ing delays attributed to a large number
of scheduled flights amounted to only
7.5 percent of all air traffic delays.
Continued from Page 1.
sity gates to arrest student activists,
Barlow said. Ashrawi soon became a
human rights leader, setting up a pro-
gram to find lawyers to defend arrested
"She really was interested in explor-
ing legal means of action, so people
were not left feeling helpless when their
land was being taken, their houses
demolished and their families tortured,"
Barlow said.
When former President George Bush
and then Secretary of State James
Baker jump started Middle East peace
talks in 1991, after the Persian Gulf

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The FAA, meanwhile, says weather
problems account for 75 percent of
The House and Senate are in tough
negotiations on two versions of a bill
that would provide millions of dollars
to build new runways and other airport
facilities to handle large volumes of
flights and passengers.
But the shortage of facilities is only
part of the problem, Garvey said. Her
agency is in the midst of a S13 billion
modernization program to update air
traffic monitoring systems and to find
ways to deal with bad weather and a
booming regional airport industry. She
said the modernization will take about
eight years, and the eastern portion of
the country should see benefits within
five years.
War, Ashrawi was an official
Palestinian spokesperson.
"At the time, it really looked like
there was a breakthrough in the peace
process" Bonner said. "She was a very
eloquent spokesperson."
The peace talks eventually fizzled,
but Ashrawi remained at the forefront
of the Palestinian movement.
She currently serves as an elected
member of the Palestinian Parliament,
but resigned as the governing body's
minister of higher education in 1998 in
protest of corruption and prison abuse
by Palestinian authorities.
"Her view is that after working so
hard for a state, it should be law-abid-
ing," Barlow said.
Continued from Page 1
Although the Alternative Press has
been on exhibit before, this show is
especially nostalgic for Mikolowski
since it closely follows the death of his
wife, Ann, last August. "Ann was a
great painter. I really believe that her
work as a painter is of the first rank in
American art," Fox said. Her work has
been displayed in New York City with
such artists as Jasper Johns and in the
Detroit Museum of Art.
Without his wife and partner,
Mikolowski is unsure of the future of
the Alternative Press. He said, "The
future is the big question - Ann was
my partner for 30 years. We have an
issue currently in production which we
will finish, but after that it remains to
be seen."
As funding became scarce in the
1970s. the Mikolowskis began distribu-
tion through subscriptions only.
Subscribers received an annual packet
containing bumper stickers, bookmarks
and original works contributed by
friends and artists.
One of the most significant parts of
the exhibit, which runs through Dec. 4,
are artists' postcards, Fox said.
Between 15 and 20 artists over the
years have each created 500 original
works of art and poetry on blank post-
cards. In addition to these artistic
works, the exhibit also includes corre-
spondence between the Mikolowskis
and artists as well as original poetry by
major poets such as Ted Barragan.
"We in Special Collections were
aware of Ken and Ann's work and we
decided this was a really important col-
lection. They are an important part of
the literary scene in Michigan as well
as nationally," Fox said.
The Mikolowskis opened their doors
to any artist passing through Detroit.
"With the press in the basement and a
big house, almost anyone coming
through stayed with us. We publish the
premiere poets of our time,"
Mikolowski said. Ginsberg stayed with
the Mikolowskis in 1969 while raising
funds in Detroit.
Other famous poets such as Robert

Creeley and Edward Sanders will be
reading poetry Sunday evening at 7:30
p.m. as part of the celebration of the
Alternative Press.
Other events also include a six hour
symposium on Oct. 1 8 entitled,
"Alternative Press/Art in Detroit" fea-
turing art critics Marsha Miro and Glen
Mannisto; artists Brenda Goodman and
Robert Sestok; as well as Kathryn
Brackett Luch's film, "Studio Artists:
Scenes from Detroit's Cass Corridor:
1973-1982." There will also be a poet-
ry reading Monday evening at 7:30
p.m. by Ron Padgett and Anne
Waldman of the New York Poetry
School and a final "Detroit Poetry
Blowout" Tuesday evening at 7 p.m.
which will feature readings by 10

Corruption charges
fly as debate begins
WASHINGTON - Opponents of
campaign finance legislation indig-
nantly challenged the bill's leading sup-
porter to back up broadly worded alle-
gations of corruption yesterday as the
Senate opened debate on the measure
to reduce the role of money in politics.
"I have been accused of being cor-
rupt" said Sen. Robert Bennett (R-
Utah) referring to material on Sen.
John McCain's presidential campaign
Web site.
"I did not accuse him of being corrupt.
So no apology or withdrawal is warrant-
ed," McCain (R-Ariz.) responded from a
few feet away on the Senate floor.
The exchange punctuated the open-
ing day of debate on the legislation,
which faces an uphill struggle for
approval. Opponents led by Sen. Mitch
McConnell (R-Ky.) have promised to
The debate has become something of
an annual Senate ritual in recent years,
with sponsors struggling unsuccessful-

Clinton defends defeated test ban treaty
WASH INGTON - President Clinton accused Senate Republicans of recklessness
and irresponsibility yesterday for defeating the nuclear test ban treaty and warned,
"You'll see a lot of testing" by Russia, China, India and Pakistan if the United States
abandons the landmark agreement.
Clinton pledged the United States would refrain from testing -- as it has since 1992
- despite the treaty's rejection. "It still binds us" unless the president says othrwi*
Clinton said.
With Texas Gov. George W Bush and other Republican presidential hopefuls
opposed to the treaty, Clinton acknowledged that a future president might disavow the
ban. "Then all bets are off," Clinton said. "You'll see a lot of testing and they'll bail"
on the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, another major arms accord.
The president's words reflected deep White House bitterness over the treaty vote
and the undiminished animosity between Clinton and congressional Republicans after
the impeachment battle and fights over gun control, tax cuts and other issues.
Clinton, at a news conference a day after the test ban treaty failed on a 51-48 Senate
vote, said Republicans have fallen into "a new isolationism" and had voted on the
basis of partisan politics.
He also said Republicans were endangering America's economic prosperity
"lurching from one unworkable idea to the next" in spending proposals and budget cuts.

ly to overcome blocking tactics by
Republicans who claim the measure
violates the free speech guarantees of
the Constitution. In an effort to avoid a
similar fate this year, McCain and Sen.
Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) decided to
bring a stripped-down measure to t
U. Florida student
contracts meningitis
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - A 19-year
old University of Florida student remains
hospitalized after contracting bacterial
meningitis during the weekend.
Tom Belcuore, the director of the
Alachua County Health Departmei
said the student was admitted to ShanW
at AGH on Saturday after complaining
of fever and nausea.
Leisha Harris, public relations
spokesperson for Shands Health Care,
said the student is in good condition
with stable vital signs and is resting
comfortably. Harris would not com-
ment on when the patient is expected to
be released.


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British group defends
E.U. membership
I ONDON Prime Minister Tony
Blair. with the first cross-party coalition
in a quarter-century here, yesterday
launched a campaign to sell Britain on
the benefits of its membership in the
European Union.
But with an eye on general elections in
the next couple of years, the group call-
ing itself a "patriotic alliance" stopped
short of urging Britain to adopt Europe's
common currency, the euro, which had
been the original intention of the "Britain
in Europe" campaign.
The alliance brought together members
of Blair's Labor government and
Conservative heavyweights at odds with
their own party leader, William Hague,
who has taken a hard line against Europe.
Hague attacked the campaign in yester-
day's edition of The Times of London as a
front for "abolishing the pound."
Blair said their goal was to rebut the
"shrill clamor" of Euroskeptics who
claim that membership in the EU had

damaged the British economy and rela-
tions with the United States, and would
eventually drive the country into a feder-
al superstate.
He argued that a strong Britain can he
its European neighbors with econonW
reforms; that more than half of Britain's
trade is with Europe; and that 3.5 million
British jobs depend on that trade.
Serb opposition calls
for early election
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - After
months of street protests that produced
few results, Serbia's opposition lead
switched strategies yesterday, with ar .
show of unity behind basic demands for
early elections.
Adversaries of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic don't expect him to
accept their demands, which include
international supervision and other mea-
sures to ensure that any vote is free and
fair, said Slobodan Vuksanovic, vice
president of the Democratic Party.
- Compiledfiom Daily wire repo

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