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October 29, 1999 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-10-29

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Today: Partlyucloudy. High 68. Low 48. One hde n ears fdf eedom
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 68. ,~~e.nn er g~ioiiie4o

October 29, 1999

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to divest

nd ways
to help
Byannie Baumnann
SStaff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly and
the"Center for Community Service and
Learning are two of several University
campus organizations that are improv-
ing their facilities to better accommo-
date students with disabilities.
MSA Rep. Rachel Arfa, who is hear-
ing impaired, worked with MSA
Administrative Assistant Angela
Armstrong and MSA President Brain
Isto install a Telecommunications
Device for the Deaf in the assembly's
Michigan Union office.
The device allows those who are
hard of hearing or deaf to communicate
through a telephone by typing their
conversation into the machine. The
messages are then either read aloud by
an operator or transmitted to a second
TDD unit.
Currently, hearing impaired students
SId not register for classes using the
Aiversity's telephone course registra-
tion system.
"In order to register for my classes, I
have to go to the Office of the Registrar
in the basement of Angell Hlall and
write down the classes 1 want to add
and they type it into the computer for
me," Arfa explained.
"This shows that MSA is willing to
reach out to anybody and everybody,"
a said, adding that it is important for
t e assembly to provide services that
are accessible to the entire student
Arfa also helped to get another pro-
ject in the works- the new wheelchair
ramp at the Center for Community
Service and Learning, located at the
corner of Hill Street and East
University Avenue. The building hous-
es community service organizations
such as ProjectSERVE.
Sonstruction for the ramp began
during the summer, but ProjectSERVE
co-Director Anita Bohn said organizers
had been workingon the project for a
couple of years.
"Building the ramp costs about
$20,000. We were funding renovations of
the first-floor bathrooms to make them
accessible, and we couldn't do both. But
the University picked up the entire cost, so
it worked out great' she said.
he ramp was scheduled for comple-
tion yesterday.
See ADA, Page 7

* Coalition calls on the
University to divest from.
GM, Mobil and Exxon
By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
The Ozone Action Coalition, com-
prised of 42 University faculty mem-
bers along with a group of students,
announced yesterday its intention to
urge the University administration to
withdraw investments from General
Motors Corp., Exxon Corp. and Mobil
OAC members said they view these
companies' membership in the Global
Climate Coalition as harmful, because,
members said, they believe the
Washington, D.C.-based group is com-
plicating the global effort to reduce fos-
sil fuel emissions.
OAC organizer Josh Davis said the
group's statement includes an earlier
declaration signed by 2,400 climate sci-
entists and 2,500 economists including
six Nobel laureates, who are against the
GCC's opposition to the Kyoto Protocol
- an international agreement currently
being negotiated in Bonn, Germany to
end global warming.
OAC views the GCC's opposition to
the Kyoto Protocol as a sign that the
group does not support the effort to
reduce global emissions.
"The GCC has fought efforts to
reduce emissions," said Davis, an

SNRE first-year student.
Frank Maisano, GCC spokesperson,
said the coalition does not approve of
the treaty because it does not call on
developing countries like Mexico,
Brazil and China to make emissions
"It's a long term issue that needs a
long term approach," Maisano said,
adding the Kyoto Protocol has multiple
flaws that could hurt the U.S. economy.
Maisano said divestment threats are
nothing new to the GCC
"We're much more common sense'
than we are made to seem," he said.
Maisano claims similar movements at
Stanford University and the University
of Washington have misinformed the
public about the intentions of the GCC.
Davis said a GCC campaign also
misinformed the public about the Kyoto
Davis contends the Kyoto Protocol is
the path to solving the global warming
issue and getting universities to with-
draw investments is one way to
strengthen their movement.
"If one of the largest public universi-
ties pulls out, that is a big political
statement' Davis said. "If we get a lot
of universities on our side, it's going to
make an impact."
University of Michigan Chief
Financial Officer Robert Kasdin said
he was unaware of the student and fac-
ulty declaration, but said the University
S quare'

Many prepare for
holiday festivities

By Nicole Tuttle
For The Daily
The trick-or-treaters won't begin
asking for candy until Sunday, but
many students are already planning
their own Halloween celebrations.
LSA sophomore Robyn Melamad
said she plans to attend a costume
party with friends tomorrow night.
"We're going as the Pink Ladies
from 'Grease'," she said. "We're
looking for some T-birds."
While many University students
will celebrate Halloween tomorrow,
LSA first-year student Cynthia

Shamwell said she plans to make
Sunday the real holiday.
"I've got a cape and vampire
fangs," she said. "I'm going to dress
up all day on Sunday."
In addition to costume parties, some
students held an early Halloween for
metro-Detroit area children.
The West Quad Residence Hall
multicultural council brought inner-
city youth who live in areas unsafe
for trick-or-treating to the residence
hall to trick-or-treat in the hallways
last night. West Quad residents vol-
unteered to hand out the candy from

TOP: Education graduate student Karen
Dyer Saklad chooses a pumpkin at the
Produce Station on State Street
yesterday to get ready for Halloween.
ABOVE: Detroit area students Angela
Boston and Dajeon Franklin trick-or-treat in
the West Quad Residence Hall yesterday.
their rooms.
"It's a lot of fun. The kids had a
blast," said Sherry Chang, a Public
health student, who participated in
the program last year. "They got a lot
of candy in a safe atmosphere."
West Quad Residential Advisors
lead the children through the hall-
ways, which had been decorated in
Halloween spirit.
Not everyone has their costumes
ready yet and the rush to get a cos-
tume is big, said Fantasy Attic
employee Erin-Elvis, who did not

reaps benefits

Seasona disorder causes
d epression, irnitability

By Risa Berrin
Daily Staff Reporter
A lack of energy and sleeping more than usual can be signs
of feeling down. But people experiencing these symptoms
only during the fall and winter months, may be suffering from
Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Symptoms of SAD - a depression triggered by the onset
of fall and winter and suppressed during spring and summer
- include fatigue, poor motivation, decreased memory and
concentration, irritability, mood swings and sleep distur-
"Many people overeat and oversleep," said Mood Disorder
Clinic Director Elizabeth Young, a professor of psychiatry.
"But the hallmark of the syndrome is to show seasonal exac-
erbation of ordinary mood disorders."
Holly Lowe, a clinical social worker at the National

Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Md., said a person
with SAD usually has a depressed mood that lasts for two
"Many people with the disorder experience a loss of plea-
sure or interest in most things," she said. "They may have a
loss or increase of appetite, difficulty with decisions or
Lowe said people can also experience hypo-mania, an
excess of energy or arousal, at winter's end. These individu-
als are extremely productive and require little sleep during
spring and summer.
Young said the shorter length of day in winter is a major
factor of the disorder, which affects 5 to 20 percent of the
"The time of dawn also has an impact," she said. "In Ann
See SAD, Page 7

By Caitlin Nish
Daily Staff Reporter
What do Leeza Gibbons, Whoopi
Goldberg, Venus and Serena Williams
and LSA senior Robert Aylesworth have
in common? They were all part of the
College Hollywood Squares tournament
in which Aylesworth placed second, win-
ning $44,300 in cash and prizes.
Aylesworth was one of 14 college
students from across the nation chosen
in the beginning of October to be con-
testants on the game show Hollywood
"I was in Pierpont Commons and I
saw ads for try-outs. I've always done
stuff randomly and I figured I had no
chance whatsoever but that it would at
least be entertaining. So, I decided to
do that rather than go to class,"
Aylesworth said.
Aylesworth's 30 minute audition
consisted of three parts: a written appli-
cation covering personal background
information, a 25-question true and
false test on random trivia and several
mock games to test how well the con-
testants would react to the host and
interact with the celebrities.
Participants must be more than 18
years of age and able to work in the
United States.
The game, which bears similarity to
tic-tac-toe, consists of a grid with 9
squares, each holding a celebrity. The
contestants choose a celebrity to which

Courtesy oRobe~rt ayiesworth
LSA senior Robert Aylesworth stands
on the set of Hollywood Squares.
a question is asked by the host. The
contestant then has to either agree or
disagree with the celebrity's answer. If
the celebrity/contestant team is correct,
the contestant gets that square. Each
game is worth a certain monetary value,
increasing as the show continues.
Aylesworth said contestants were
chosen based on personality, physical
and vocal energy, energetic and lively
attitude and ability to react without
becoming flustered.
Special Events Coordinator for the
College Hollywood Squares
Tournament Laura Chambers said of
Aylesworth, "He was wonderful. They
go through an audition process and it
showed his enthusiasm and energy. His
See SQUARES, Page 2

Ceremony honors
Latina contributions

H 0 0 S I E R S


By Jewel Gopwanl
Daily Staff Reporter
About 50 people tied beige ribbons
to a walking stick, symbolizing a
pledge to contribute to the Latino/a
community last night in the Anderson
Room of the Michigan Union.
LSA first-year student Sabrina
Velasquez's interest in pursuing medicine
at the University shaped her pledge.
"So when I do become a doctor, I can
come back and serve the Latino com-
munity," she said.
The "Walking Stick Ceremony," was
a part of last night's sixth Annual Salute
to Latinas, present by Delta Tau
Lambda Sorority Inc.
During the evening, the members of

Cynthia Carrillo, a Nursing senior,
received the first award of the evening,
the Undergraduate Latina Achievement
Award. The members of Delta Tau
Lambda chose Carrillo to receive this
honor for her work in student organiza-
tions such as the Latino Task Force and
the Multicultural Nursing Student
Association as well as volunteer work
at an orphanage in Puerto Viarta,
Receiving the Lydia Cruz & Sandra
Maria Ramos Scholarship Award was
Johana Martinez, a first-year student
at the University's Dearborn Campus.
The scholarship is awarded to stu-
dents graduating high school and
entering college. Martinez is a gradu-


Indiana. The Hoosiers haven't beaten
Michigan since 1987, and will look to take
advantage of a Wolverine squad that is on
the ropes.
Nobody thought Michigan would be
looking up in the standings at Indiana, but
two tough losses have put the Wolverines'
New Year's Day bowl hopes on hold.
Michigan gave up 28 unanswered points to
Illinois, suffering a humiliating 35-29 loss to

* MITI-Il YM M/Dail

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