Unft+h, w
Way: Partly cloudy. High 60. Low 35.
morrow: Sunny. High 58.
One hundred nzi'e years of editrfrfreedom
October 5, 1999
B ollinge
yJeremy W. Peters
ily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger outlined
s major plans and updated faculty on
niversity progress for the 1999-2000 academic
ar at yesterday's first Senate Assembly meet-
S the semester.
t finger's first announcement was a reassur-
g one for those who feared the University's
riancial standing was not up to par with other
itional universities. He revealed that for the
rst time in a decade, the investment perfor-
ance of the University's endowment will be in
Ientality -
Jon Zemke
ily Staff Reporter
The silence will be broken on the
ag as Mental Illness Awareness
eek attempts to break the stigma
sociated with mental illness, began
turday and continues through the
endowment ranking jumps
the top quartile of comparable universities "trying to build a group of people" to assist in
nationwide. this venture which, Bollinger revealed, could
"In the past, it has been in the bottom quartile," become a capital campaign.
Bollinger said. "This is very exciting news." Bollinger went on to discuss his plans for
Sherri Kossoudji, chair for the Senate other University projects, including his major
Advisory Committee on University Affairs, also focus - beginning to build support for
expressed excitement about the news. University faculty members, particularly in the
"We are glad to hear the endowment made college of Literature, Science and the Arts. He
extra money this year," she said. admitted that faculty support is stronger at pri-
This news was accompanied by Bollinger's vate universities and attributes this to what he
outlining his commitment to future fundraising. calls "a differential in wealth between public and
"I think we are heading towards a major private universities."
fundraising effort," he said, adding that he is Bollinger said he believes the reason private
institutions are wealthier than the University is
because traditionally, it has not had its money in
the stock market.
The University's endowment is $2.5 billion,
whereas Harvard's is approximately $13 billion,
Bollinger said.
In an increased endowment Bollinger said he
sees great potential for growth. He said the
money would be used to advance the
University's position as one of the most preemi-
nent institutions of its kind in the world.
"We should strive for an environment in
which nobody would leave because they've
found ... better opportunities," Bollinger said.
He also stressed the need for the University to
re-evaluate its undergraduate programs.
"We need to take a look at our undergraduate
programs from admissions through graduation:'
Bollinger said, noting that, "Over the past five
years we've improved, but we still have room to
One of the ideas he said he is considering an
increase of on-campus housing for juniors and
In addition to residence halls for juniors and
~ ound
eneration gap
after traffic
stop on 1-75
T h e
n In is
e of the
ents that
entality, a
t u d e n t
oup pro-
>ting men-
I illness
onsors as
rt of the
I event.
-tday at
8 Wednesdiay. Filmi
Fst, 7i p~m. (and
Friday) in Room
124 of East Quad
Residence Hall
featuring lmovies
with mental illness
8 Thursdiay::
Screailn, on the
® Tow-truck driver turns in
'U' student for alleged
possession of drug
By Dave Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
A University student is under
investigation after admitting to a
tow-truck driver last week that he
was in possession of more than a gal-
lon of the drug gamma hydroxy
The driver turned the student in to
police after police missed the incrimi-
nating evidence during a traffic stop.
An on-going investigation into the
incident includes tests on the substance
thought to be GHB.
Michigan State Troopers found
the 25-year-old student unconscious
in the passenger seat of his Jeep in
the early morning of Sept. 26.
The driver of the Jeep, also a 25-
year-old man from Dearborn, was
pulled over while traveling south-
bound on I-75.
on stu- "'a""i
nts plan to open mic discussion
Fther on the mental illness
iag - and experiences follows.
ream. r
"It's breaking the silence literally,"
id University alum Shari Struass.
hen the reading is to create dialogue
raise the issue."
Scream In, in its third year,
tempts to get people's attention and
nd out information regarding men-
An open mic will be available to
yone would like to speak about
ental illness. In previous years, the
embers of Mentality have used the
en mic to quote passages of litera-
re and poetry.
"There are resources out there but
ODIe don't know how to access
e' LSA sophomore Megan
eeres said.
"It's not like UHS where you have a
ysical emergency and you know
here to go. When you have a break-
wn you don't know where to go. We
ant to clarify that."
Besides the Scream In, Mentality
ill be holding Film Fest in Room
4 of East Quad Residence Hall at
p-, Wednesday and Friday.
y will feature a different
ovie each night depicting a char-
ter suffering from some form of
ental illness.
Last night, Mentality showed "As
ood as it Gets" to a crowd of about 10
udents. In the movie, Jack Nicholson
ays a man suffering from obsessive-
mpulsive syndrome
"These are real issues that affect real
ople and it's such a silenced issue,"
e said. "A lot ofpeople suffer in
le e"
The group also plans on showing
hine" and "Sling Blade." With the help
three University alums, Mentality is
ing to turn its organization into a non-
ofit organization so it can create
ough funds to begin similar programs
colleges across the country.
Sunday, Mentality held a Vigil outside
e Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library to
niemorate those who have died from
ental illnesses. About 15 people held
ndles and read passages to pay their
"I want to be a clinical psychiatrist and
is sparked my interest," LSA sopho-
ore Tara Arrendondo said. "I didn't
nr. m,.-h n t mnni1 inecCPc and
Carole Fleniken of Toledo points out a prehistoric skeleton to h erdaughter Maegan at the Museum of Natural History
yesterday. ~ J
ducate about
tuclear war
knand Giridharadas
'Staff Reporter
hen a young and sprightly college student, Alan Haber
he 1960s was a proud soldier in the Vietnam anti-war
e was there in 1965 at the University's first teach-in on
involvement in Vietnam. Yesterday, some 34 years later,
i his hair grayed but his passion still brimming, he was
k, kicking off a weeklong forum on the abolition of
ear weapons.
cing a thin but committed audience of activists
ng and old, he welcomed two eminent political sci-
e professors, J. David Singer and Douglas Lemke, to
fternoon session on the use of science to dispel myths
ounding nuclear war.
a marked departure from the moralist rhetoric that
come to typify champions of nuclear abolition, the
'essors offered a quantitative approach to studies of
and peace. They asserted that pragmatism, not just
ciple, supports the disarmament cause.
aising a series of claims made by proliferation advo-
s and flatly dismissing them, Singer argued that high-
nilitaristic nations, particularly those with advanced
ear capabilities, are far more likely to end up in war
their more dovish counterparts.
)nce a special consultant to the Pentagon, Singer
illed that former President Richard Nixon and
etary of State Henry Kissinger always wrote in their
ual reports on world security that the best way to keep
:e is to maintain military security.
Vith a trace of irony in his voice, Singer said the
:n-Kissinger reports evoked an old Roman proverb:
rnn wint nenea nren ora nwar"
State Troopers who made the stop
reported that although the driver
appeared drunk and failed all field
tests, he was well below the legal
limit for intoxication when given a
breathalyzer test.
"I'm surprised he didn't kill any-
body," said State Trooper James Ellis,
who also said the driver was swerving
through all three lanes and was unaware
of where he was traveling to when
The troopers also reported finding
small amounts of what appeared to
be GHB and powdered cocaine.
The student was taken to Detroit
Mercy Memorial Hospital, where he
was treated and released after nearly
36 hours, Ellis said.
The day after being released from
the hospital, the student went to
American Towing Company in
Monroe to retrieve his Jeep.
Clyde Robbins, a tow-truck driver,
was working at the time. He struck up
a conversation with the student, who
See GHB, Page 7
Dou gls
on images
of women
By Jennifer Sterling
Daily Staff Reporter
Using a variety of characters, sarcasm
and a touch of seriousness Susan
Douglas, author, professor and
researcher, educated audience members
about the distorted images of celebrity
mothers versus the vilified picture of
welfare mothers in the mass media.
The feminist
speaker could
have been mis-
taken for a
comedian last
night as she
delivered the
first few lines of
her speech and
was met by a
roar of laughter
from the near- Douglas
capacity crowd
in the Dennison building lecture room.
Douglas' message to students was to
"deconstruct the glamorized unrealistic
images of motherhood that surround all
of us because they are constructed" by
the mass media. Many of these images
"make mothers feel like failures," she
The mass media puts women in com-
petition with each other, Douglas said.
She encouraged the predominantly
female audience to be aware of false
images in different media outlets, that
inclue elment lik eamra lihtin.
Political science Profs. J. David Singer and Douglas Lemke discuss the myths and realities
surrounding nuclear science and its use in warfare.
Test banm treaty tofacefight
WASHINGTON (AP) - As it presses for
Senate ratification of a nuclear test ban treaty, the
Clinton administration must overcome Republican
anxiety over the CIA's inability to verify low-level
underground nuclear explosions in other coun-
The administration contends the shortcomings
in the CIA's monitoring capabilities give reason
to ratifv the Comnrehensive Test Ran Treaty.
activity in Russia that could have indicated secret
testing. The CIA was unable to say with certainty
exactly what was happening.
"We don't know that there was any testing
going on," White House Chief of Staff John
Podesta said Sunday on CNN's "Late Edition."
He added: "This is really an argument for the
After the fall of the Soviet Union. President
I "if ,