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November 02, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-02

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Today: Rain. High 47. Low 45
Tomorrow: Snow. High 38.


One hundred nine years of ediorndfreedom

November 2, 1999


Mlcwgm, ftit.


Bollinger questions alcohol


By Jeremy W. Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger admitted
it is not clear whether the University's alcohol
policies are achieving their goals during yester-
day's meeting of the faculty's governing body
asaid the policies are being reviewed in an
a npt to reduce student drinking.
"Whether or not what we have been doing has
had beneficial effects is very hard to say," Bollinger
said, adding that he feels responsible to the students
to create an effective drinking policy.
"I think that we're doing a lot, and I think that
there is more we can do," he said.
Cindy Faulk, an education senior and vice
president of social responsibility for the
Panhellenic Association, said the University
slIld participate in educating students about

"It's important to teach students of all ages to
drink responsibly and the University should take
an active role in teaching them," Faulk said.
In determining an DRINKING
official policy regard-
ing binge drinking,
Bollinger said, the
University should con-
sider a number of fac-
One issue he said
should be looked at
carefully is the addition
of Friday classes.
"We are moving
increasingly to a four- ON CAMPUS
day class week. This
creates an environment in which there's more of
a three-day weekend," Bollinger said.

"I strongly favor having a full week of class-
es," he added. He added that students should
view Friday as a class day rather than "a holi-
A second factor Bollinger said the University
must consider is its role in students' lives.
"To what extent should we, as a University
culture, take on a greater sense of responsibility
to our students," he said.
Faulk said she was unsure that not having
classes on Friday is a significant factor in stu-
dent's drinking.
"Drinking happens every night regardless of
whether or not people have class," she said.
LSA first-year student Phil Barclay said the
University should not dictate student schedules.
"I don't think it's the University's place to step
in and mandate classes on a certain day," he said.
While considering the scope of the

University's role in the lives of students and
its policies toward drinking, Bollinger
stressed the need to maintain a balance
between the fact that students are adults, but
binge drinking is not a practice that the
University condones.
He said that the University should strive to
create "a culture in which excessive drinking is
not tolerated."
Bruce Karnopp, the College of Engineering
representative to the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs said that it
concerns him that the majority of the student
body is underage and therefore drinking ille-
"It seems to me that 75 percent of these stu-
dents are doing something illegal, so it's not just
something that's inappropriate," he said.
The University's Dearborn campus SACUA

representative, Jackie Lawson, inquired whether
Bollinger foresees a time when the University
would become a dry campus.
"I don't," Bollinger replied.
"We're not going to try to impose some
Puritanical view of the world" he added. "We've
made great steps in athletics ... not allowing
backpacks in the stadium, and I think there has
been a dramatic reduction in the amount of
Lawson said she is concerned the University
could overstep its bounds.
"I'm not advocating drinking, but I'd hate to
see the University turn into a police state," she
For now, Bollinger and SACUA said they are
committed to reviewing current University poli-
cies and establishing a more effective system to
deal with binge drinking.

By Robert Gold
Daily Staff Reporter
As city council candidates make
heir final push for votes today, it is
pected most students will not heed
their call to head for the polling sta-
tions dotted across campus.
City council elections are being
held today as candidates in each of
the city's five wards vie for one seat
in each ward.
While many candidates and cur-
rent councilmembers agree student'
participation in local elections is low,
any said students are affected by
council choices on issues such
as traffic, affordable housing, and
the environment.
"Students have important roles in
the community" said Fourth Ward
candidate Lawrence Kestenbaum.
Kestenbaum said if students do not
participate, "they become the scape-
Voting apathy is not limited to
dents. According to city election
cords, .more than 12,000 Ann
Arbor residents voted in the 1997
city elections. Turnout is normally
higher during even numbered years
- when local, state and federal
elections are held concurrently. In
1996, 50,000 out of more than
89,000 registered Ann Arbor resi-
dents voted.
"People feel an obligation to vote
for the president," Ann Arbor
emocratic Party official Susan
reenberg said."
Councilmember Chris Kolb (D-
Ward V) said students' interest in
off-year elections often mirrors that
of the overall voting population.
Many agree a college student's
hectic lifestyle is a major obstacle to
their interest in local politics.
College Republicans President
Rory Diamond, an LSA junior, said
*e student group has registered only
See STUDENTS, Page 2



works to

aid students
with ADHD

By Risa Berrin
Daily Staff Reporter
Many students fidget, daydream and
chat during long lecture periods.
But some students have attention
problems that are more severe -
including impulsive behavior and an
inability to complete tasks and pay
close attention to details.
These individuals have Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - a
condition that affects 3 to 5 percent of
school-age children.
But the disorder is not limited to chil-
dren. Adults with ADHD have trouble
organizing tasks and completing their
work, according to the Website of the
National Institute of Mental Health in
Bethesda, Md. Many adults with ADHD
do not listen to or follow directions and
appear disorganized and careless.
Sam Goodin, director of services for
students with disabilities, said he is
presently working with more than 100
students with ADHD. Goodin said stu-

dent service tries to alleviate some of
the burdens of academic life for stu-
dents with ADHD.
"We work with professors to make the
necessary accommodations," Goodin
said. "We try to provide fewer distrac-
tions in the testing environment and
sometimes we provide time extensions."
Goodin said there is also a program
at the library that reads text while
simultaneously highlighting the words.
He said students with ADHD also have
access to sound devices that help block
out background noise.
Goodin said his office can officially
register students with ADHD as long as
they provide documentation from a
medical doctor.
"Students are free to make arrange-
ments on their own with faculty," he
said. "But this registration does give
students a stamp of validity."
ADHD affects two to three times as
many males as females, according to
See ADHD, Page 2

Michigan Union Building Manager Quenette Walton yesterday assists LSA students Thomas Glover, Eric Slattery and Matt
Gormley set up polls in the Pond Room for today's elections.
Campus group aims to educate voters

She shoots, she scores

By Jon Zemke
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly Vice
President Andy Coulouris wants
you - to vote that is.
Coulouris is heading the Voice Your
Vote Task Force to encourage students
to become more politically involved.
"The idea here is that we want to
stimulate thoughts," Coulouris said.
"It's not enough to be informed.
You need to be informed and then
think about what you need to
Coulouris said that although
MSA did not have the resources to

encourage students to vote for this
year's election, they do have plans
for the 2000 election.
Voice Your Vote will send out a
four page letter to 30 students in
The monthly letter will tackle a
timely popular issue presenting
pros and cons, senate and house
floor speeches on both sides, a brief
history and quotes from politicians
on the issue.
The initial mailing is a test run
for the University, but Coulouris
said he hopes the mailing will reach
all University residence halls by

"Hopefully it's not only going to
increase voting but increase civil
discourse of all kinds across cam-
pus and make it OK to talk about
politics again," MSA President
Bram Elias said.
Along with the letter's informa-
tive component, there will be a tear
out postcard addressed and postage
paid to the student's local congress
On the other side of the post card
will be some general non-partisan
questions about the issue to answer.
See VOTE, Page 7

Counterfeit money
tied t M tdn

By David Enders
Daily Staff Reporter
Last year's redesign of the $20 bill
by the U.S. Treasury Department
attempted to make the currency hard-
er to counterfeit But the plan isn't
foolproof, as one local man recently
tried to prove.
Alim Butler, an Eastern Michigan
University student, has been arrested
and arraigned in connection with multi-
ple incidents of using counterfeit cur-
rency in the Ann Arbor area during the
first two weeks of October.
A court date is pending for Butler,
said Detective Sgt. Craig Annas of the
Ypsilanti Police Department, who was
in charge of the case.

further information was available.
Butler has been connected with five
incidents of counterfeiting in Ypsilanti,
and "a couple" at EMU and the
University of Michigan, Annas said.
"The majority of the bills were twen-
ties," he said. He added that the false
bills were copies of the redesigned 20s,
which features an enlarged portrait of
Andrew Jackson. Annas could not
reveal the identity of the businesses that
had received the fake currency.
Five counterfeit $20s were used to
purchase food at the Wendy's
Restaurant in the Michigan Union on
Oct. 8. A Wendy's employee noticed all
the bills had the same serial number,
and reported the incident to the

LSA junior Jhishin Tay plays the video game "Time Crisis Two" at Pinball
Pete's located on South University Avenue yesterday.
FIJIchart er reinstated
afer members'appeal

By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
The campus chapter of the Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity has been offi-
cially reinstated as a fully functioning
house after being suspended last
The decision to overturn the suspen-
sion of the charter was the result of an
unofficial appeal that FIJI members
c,,wnitte.A ofjs-rvle nnno rf the cucnen-.

group of alumni got organized and
vouched for the chapter," said Ed Gabe,
director of chapter services for the Phi
Gamma Delta International
The chapter was reinstated under
several provisions including a pledge
education program conducted by alum-
ni, the chapter must follow the interna-
tional fraternity's risk management pol-
icx1 the house' must remain alcohol free


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