WE Itil
day: Partly cloudy. High 58. Low 43. One hundred nine years' edftorilfreedom
imorrow: Partly cloudy. High 57.J J
October 26, 1999
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y Anna Clark
aily Staff Reporter
Green in Michigan Stadium? Not if
niversity athletic officials can help it.
)Men Absopure, a bottled water vendor
ia sells its product within the stadium,
onated 100 recycling bins for fans' beverage
>ttles, nobody thought about the color of the
ns - made from clear and green recyclable
But when the green-tinted sample arrived at
e Athletic office, officials said the stadium
ould need an alternative color.
"There was no gray area on this; our
apartment unanimously decided that green
s ouldn't work,"' said Tom Brooks,
clearly wrong
University athletics sales and promotion coor-
dinator. "The rivalry (with Michigan State)
makes us sensitive to the color green in our
Brooks said Absopure is replacing the green
bins with clear ones, which will be positioned at
all major gates in the stadium by the Nov. 6
Northwestern v. Michigan game.
The greenish bins would have arrived just
before the football game against Illinois.
"The whole situation was kind of frustrating,"
said University Recycling Coordinator Sarah
Archer. "Personally, I think the issue of color
was taken out of context. But I guess I have to
understand that (keeping the color green out of
Michigan Stadium) is important to the Athletic
"To me, green bins would've been better, more
noticeable to fans. I'm not sure how clear bins will
work," she said.
Brooks said it wasn't difficult to return the
green bins in favor of clear ones.
"It turns out that the president of Absopure,
Bill Young, is a huge Michigan fan. He didn't
blame us for wanting to keep green out of the
stadium," he said.
SNRE Prof. Raymond DeYoung, who
teaches environmental psychology and con-
servation, said that he could understand the
desire to keep green away from the maize and
"Green has a definite meaning in a football
stadium. I imagine it's very important to consid-
er the color of the bins," he said with a laugh.
Archer said that the Athletic Department had
been very cooperative with expanding the recy-
cling program at the stadium, which currently
recycles cardboard.
"The stadium's done very well with announc-
ing opportunities for fans to recycle. And they're
not saying no to recycling by replacing the green
bins; they're just looking for an alternative,"
Archer said.
Archer said Absopure's unexpected donation
of bins was "probably a result of the first game,"
against Notre Dame, when temperatures reached
the 90s for a record-breaking number of football
"There were water bottles everywhere
after the game," Archer said. "Maybe
Absopure took notice of that." She estimated
that at least 60,000 bottles were left in the
Brooks said that Absopure is "very active in
recycling," which may have affected their deci-
sion to donate the bins.
Absopure works with its recycling affiliate
Clean Tech Inc. to promote the recycling of plas-
tic beverage bottles.
According to their company Website,
www absopure.com, the two companies have.
"made a solid commitment to helping protect
our environment by keeping plastic out of our
o give
if abuse
y Shomari Terrelonge-Stone
aily Staff Reporter
Survivors of sexual and physical vio-
:nce will speak out publicly today in a
upportive environment of friends,
imily and the University community
a ' the Sexual Assault Prevention
n wareness Center's 13th annual
peak Out.
"Speak Out is an opportunity for the
>mmunity to help break the silence
iat surrounds sexualized violence,"
APAC Director Virginia Fhingairai
hitanda said. "The forum is open to
omen and men in the community to
ome in and support survivors."
The Speak Out is scheduled to take
lace from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the
14 gan Ballroom of the Michigan
nion. October is National Domestic
iolence Awareness Month.
Chitanda said national statistics
iow that one in four women will be
exually assaulted during their colleges
ears, and that women at the University
re not exempt from that statistic.
"The problem of sexual assault, dat-
Ig violence, domestic violence, sexual
a sment and stalking exists in the
r rsity of Michigan community
ist like they exists in any other com-
iunity for both men and women,"
hitanda said.
Ann Arbor Police Department Sgt.
See SPEAK OUT, Page 7
Send in the clowns
Profs. elected
to Institute
of Medicine
By Jeremy Peters
Daily Staff Reporter
In what is considered a great honor by
the medical community, four University,
professors were recently elected to the
prestigious medical academy, The
Institute of Medicine. Only Harvard, with
five new members, had a higher number
of faculty elected this year.
The institute, comprised of 588 med-
ical scholars from across the nation,
elected only 55 new members this year.
Biological chemistry Prof. Michael
Marietta said he was greatly honored by
his election to the institute.
"It feels pretty good," he said "It's cer-
tainly a recognition of what my students
and I have accomplished."
Head of the section of neurosurgery
Prof. Julian Hoff also said he was grate-
ful for his election.
"It's a great honor and a humbling
experience" Hoff said, adding, "It was a
bit of luck. My number just happened to
come up .
Marietta stressed the magnitude of
having so many University professors
elected to the institute in a single year.
"The fact that we had four elected
speaks highly to the quality of the bio-
medical sciences here. What we are
doing here is valued outside the
University," he said.
Lee Katterman, assistant to the vice
president for research, said he, too, sees
the elections as extraordinary.
"Part of what makes this so significant
is that the whole body elects the new
members. You really have to prove your-
self to be an outstanding scholar and
researcher to even be considered for elec-
tion,' Katterman said.
In addition to Marietta and Hoff, the
professors elected to the institute this
year are Director of the Survey Research
Center and sociology Prof. Jim House
and internal medicine and human genet-
ics Prof: David Ginsburg. All four pro-
fessors were recognized for outstanding
contributions in the field of health care.
Marietta is recognized for his discov-
ery of nitric oxide's role as a chemical
messenger in the body.
"The surprise value of nitric oxide as a
language cells use to talk to each other
was very high because nitric oxide is
toxic!' Marietta said.
He added that the discovery initially
came, "as a shock to many scientists that
something this toxic is so important."
Hoff is recognized for his study of
cerebral hemorrhages - one form of a
stroke. His research involves the search
See MEDICAL, Page 2
Chelsea High School student John Holmes volunteers at the haunted house at the former Ann Arbor 1 and 2 Theater on
Fifth Street yesterday. All proceeds from the haunted house will go to benefit youth programs.
Israel opens safe
passage in Gaza
for Palestinians
t-year Pharmacy student Audrey Nakamura works in a pharmacy lab yesterday,
easuring the rate and stability of enzymes.
onpatient .relations
Gaza gateway is
newest step on road to
The Washington Post
Bank - Assad Kamel Abu Jazzar,
who lives in one of the most crowded
stretches of real estate in the world,
got a breath of fresh air yesterday. It
was a long time coming.
He awoke before dawn, stuffed 300
Israeli shekels (about $70) in his jeans'
pocket, packed a change of clothing
and a bag lunch and - for the first time
in six years - set foot outside the teem-
ing, destitute Palestinian-ruled part of
the Gaza Strip.
"We've been like in a siege," said the
20-year-old Palestinian, smiling broad-
ly in the midday sun and savoring his
newfound sense of liberty. "Between
the sea on one side and the border on
the other, we haven't been able to go
anywhere. It's like being in prison."
The gates of Gaza swung open yes-
terday for Abu Jazzar and about 425
other Palestinians, nearly all young
men in their 20s. After four years of
delays and weeks of 11th-hour hag-
velinu - even after peace talks were
The Palestinian leader, Yasser
Arafat, and the late Israeli Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin agreed in an
interim peace deal in 1995 to open a
route that would allow Palestinians to
make the passage without Israeli
interference. Since then, it has been
postponed repeatedly by Israeli gov-
ernments worried that it posed a
potential security risk.
Right-wing Israelis have opposed
it, arguing that Palestinians deter-
mined to attack Jews could easily turn
off the designated route and slip into
Israeli communities to do so.
"We have every reason to be scared
and to be careful," said Haim Gross,
24, a religious Jew who said his broth-
er was killed by a Palestinian in 1983.
He was among a small group of pro-
testers posted near Gaza's Erez
Crossing Monday as the Palestinians'
buses and taxis rolled by on the way to
the West Bank.
Despite such fears, Israelis promised
not to use the right of way to trap and
arrest Palestinians wanted for past ter-
ror attacks - although they will deny
crossing permits to any such suspects.
The difficulties in crossing between
the two areas began shortly after the
Oslo agreement, which revolutionized
work, business or personal reasons.
More than 35,000 Gazans have per-
mits to work in Israel, and many more
West Bankers cross into Israel legally
or illegally every day. But until now,
the passes that allow entry into Israel
for work have generally not permitted
a Gazan to cross into the West Bank,
or a West Banker to go to Gaza.
Monday that changed.
Those who have no record of secu-
rity arrests will receive a magnetic
swipe card that allows them to ride in
taxis or buses across Israeli territory;
it will be valid for one year. Those
who have a security record in Israel
will be able to travel Monday or
Wednesday in a convoy of buses
escorted by Israeli soldiers.
For thousands of Palestinians, to
whom the Middle East peace
process has paid paltry dividends
since it began in 1993, the route
holds the promise of real improve-
By Josle Gingrich
or the Daily
Open most people think of pharma-
ists, they see images of busy and unap-
proachable people in white lab coats
counting pills.
The object of National Pharmacy
Week, which started yesterday, is to dis-
pel this view of pharmacists.
"Pn m.-v i nn i;frmnt;nn nres-
Pharmacy Week is "Educate before you
Medicate," and advocates consumers
be more demanding of the pharmacy
In a written statement, Jennifer
Pakkala, director of marketing and
communications with the Michigan
Pharmacists Association said "the pur-
pose of the week is to encourage
a;tients to enter into a diloPIae with
TOP: A smiling Gaza resident holds his
transit papers out of a taxi about to
take him across Israeli territory
yesterday. ABOVE: Dozens of
Palestinians stand behind barricades
as they wait to cross into Israel.
make up an independent
Palestinian state.
The 34-mile corridor, which uses