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November 05, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-11-05

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Today: Partly Cloudy. High 60. Low 41.
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 56.
Searc;h I
By Nika Schulte
Daily Staff Reporter
After more than a year of interim leadership. the
ersit's internal disciplinary office is looking for a
A committee met for the first time this week to begin a
national search for a new administrator to oversee the
Office of Student Conflict Resolution.
Since the presentation of internal and external reviews
of the University's Code of Student Conduct last February
to the University koard of Regents, the staff and advisers
of OSCR have been working to reorganize the office with-
out a permanent director to guide the process.
OSCR Director's Search Committee Chair Kerin
land said that during the last past few months, the

One hundred nine years of edt inl fryedZr1

November 5, 1999

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egins for OSCR
reviews have allowed OSCR to sharpen its focus, basis. and Rackham studint Sean Esteban \eai c eri
"Now it needs a leader to make it happen and move the as interim OSCR director untl August.
unit forward." Borland said. In addition to xord ) mouth and p insnm the
The Code is used by the University to create a scholarly University Record srxing as on-campu, adxertisn a
environment and set community values. The University notice w as pla ed in the Oct 22 issue the Chroni. e otf
can discipline students under the Code for a number of Higher Education 1 help expand the search natinal
violations, including misusing alcohol and other drugs, -Gien the fact that ths s the Unersity of \ieuian.
tampering with Unix ersity property or sexually or physi- we want to find the most qualif'ied indixidual whether
cally harming another person. Sanctions can range from that's someone familiar 'a th Univ ersity of \ichigan or an
educational projects to expulsion. expert in their field, Borland said.
Although two people have served as interim OSCR Because the University community is interested in the
directors since Mary Lou Antieau vacated the position in selection of the next director. the eight-member search
September 1998. the current search is the first "full- committee -- which includes ini ersit Housing and
fledged" effort. Borland said. Legal Counsel representatves and one studet --- encom-
Silva Goncalves currently heads OSCR on an interim passes "a full campus ice Borland said.

The committee is scheduled to meet w eekly to deter-
mine what qualities it desires ii a director and then con-
sider applicants and identify a finalist by IFebruary.
LSA senior Abe Rafi, who serves as chair of the
Students Rigthts Commission for the Michigan Student
Assembly, said determining xwhat characteristics a director
should ha e is a decision the search committee ~will have
to make. Rafi said he ill be looking tbr a candidate who
demonstrates concern f r students rights in Code discipli-
nary processes.
oncal!es, who has, served as interim director since
Atgust, said the future director miust approach the position
wanting to proxide rot only a disciplinar, hut also an edti-
cational atmosphere for students.
See OSCR, Page 2

'U' online
classes to
By Jewel Gopwani
Daily Stati Reporter
Robotic character Max Headroom
might not be teaching classes next
semester, but online courses at the
University could appear on monitors at
4puter labs across campus.
Although Director of the Media
Union Barbara O'Keefe said the
University does not have plans to cen-
tralize online courses like Eastern
Michigan University and Michigan
State University, the Media Union is
currently developing tools that will
allow departments and schools to indi-
vidually create more Internet courses.
The Media Union is creating items
,internet infrastructure such as online
dscussion groups, virtual office hours
and online lessons.
O'Keefe said students can expect
such innovations to show up in their
traditional courses.
"This should
be faculty dri-
ven and allowed
to evolve natu-
rally," O'Keefe
a i d
"Eventually you \
end up with a
course that Irneqrd C OlOqy'
could be offered PJIOd Jopdrlseriesdboul
equally well to Ihe/uolore ofjeediclsion
distance learn-
ing students," she said.
O'Keefe explained that the
University is not interested in develop-
ing an isolated online curriculum.
Instead integration of technology and
itional teaching methods are the
University's chief goals.
"We want to obtain a quality of edu-
cation where the online programs are
fully integrated with the regular pro-
grams," she said.
Academic and technological integra-
tion rears its head in many of the
University's classes.
Prof. J. David Velleman, who teach-
SPhilosophy 361, titled "Ethics," has
ized the Internet in an effort to help
students pay more attention to com-
ments made on assignments. "My
hope is that by giving the paper back
on the Website with the comments
connected to their writing with a link,
I can structure the activity of viewing
the paper and the comments,"
Velleman Said.
See ONLINE, Page 7

Fed. education
budget nearing

Business senior Dina Goldwasser (left) and LSA senior Shana Kurlandsky attend a vigil held last night on the Ilag for
Yttzak Rabin. The former lsraefl Prime Minister was assassinated'our years ago at a peace rally in Tel Aviv.
Yitza Rabin-reembredat

* Budget negotiations
may not affect higher
education spending
By Yae Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
As Congress and President Clinton
continue to battle over one of the last
budget bills for the next fiscal year, fed-
eral spending for higher education
appears to be finalized and thus
immune to bi-partisan negotiations that
will craft the final bill in the coming
On Wednesday, Clinton vetoed the 1
percent budget cut passed by Congress.
Negotiations have already begun on a
compromise, as Democrats and
Republicans try to hammer out the
Health, Education and the Workforce
budget for fiscal year 2000.
"The controversial issues had noth-
ing to do with higher education," said
John Brandt, press secretary for Rep.
Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.).
Negotiations for higher education
grant funding and student aid have been
stabilized, and funds allocated to the.
higher education budget expect to
"remain roughly the same," University
Vice President for Government
Relations Tom Butts said. The differ-
ences are more policy issues than fund-
ing, he added.
Butts, who lobbies in Washington,
D.C. on behalf of the University, said
the budget "looks fairly good" for high-
er education.
The budget includes a $75 increase
in the maximum size of a Pell Grant -

raising the cap to 53,300, which is 550
more than President Clinton requested.
F unding for the Federal Work Study
Program, which was threatened in ear-
lier stages of discussion on the bill, was
restored to levels comparable to fiscal
year 1999, which was also one of
President Clinton's requests. As a
result, a feared 6 percent drop in avail-
ability of funds did not materialize.
Funding for other federal programs,
including the Perkins Loans,
International Education Program and
Graduate Education Program, will also
be renewed when the conference com-
mittee passes a final form of the legis-
lation that President Clinton agrees to
But concern is rising about an
amendment to the Works Incentive Act,
which deals with funding health care
incentives for working individuals. The
amendment to this piece of the bill
would "provide a big windfall profit for
the student loan industry," Butts said.
"Tax dollars should go to the student
not the loan industry."
Among these policy issues is that of
fund distribution for the National
Institute of Health. The NIH received a
15 percent funding increase for health
research, but a large portion of the
funds are being allocated for the next
fiscal year, Butts said. There is concern
regarding subsidizing grantees' before
the federal money is available, he said.
Butts said that the University is nego-
tiating so that the entire increase is used
in one year.
Another concern regarding higher
See BUDGET, Page 2.

By Jody Simone Kay
Daily Staff Reporter
Illuminated by soft candlelight,
about 100 students gathered last
night on the Diag to remember
Yitzak Rabin, the former Israeli
prime minister who was assassi-
nated four years ago yesterday
after a 1995 peace rally in Tel
Students shared significant
moments from Rabin's life, their
* reactions to his death and songs

conjuring his nemory.
Rabin was a central figure in
Middle East peace talks. In 1993,
he signed the Oslo Peace Accords,
the first Israel-Palestinian
Liberation Organization agreement
with Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat. In 1994. Rabin, Arafat and
former Israeli Foreign Minister
Shimon Peres received a Nobel
Peace Prize.
"The death of Yitzak Rabin for us
was also the death of hope and peace.

Many of us felt just lost. We didn't
know if we could find again the hope
to bring people together," said Social
Work first-year student Ariel Paleg,
who is a native of Givataim, Israel, and
was in Tel Aviv the night Rabin was
Directly after Rabin's assassination
by right-wing extremist Yigal Amir,
the peace process slowed down
because of the switch in political lead-
ers, said LSA first-year student
See RABIN, Page 2

Senator wants rioters barred from college

By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
After the Duke Blue Devils up-ended Michigan
State University's men's basketball team in the
semifinals of the NCAA men's basketball tourna-
ment on March 26, students flooded East Lansing
streets and set countless fires across campus that
burned long into the night.
Under legislation now up for consideration in
the state House, students like those convicted of
inciting the riot will not be welcomed back - not
only to MSU but also to any campus in the state.
A bill proposed by Sen. Loren Bennett (R-

House coee approves bill
i 1
inspired b MSU campus melee
Canton) following the melee would allow judges to "My idea of success would be that if this bill is
bar anyone found guilty of an offense related to a riot signed into law and 50 years from now no one had
within 2,500 feet ofa college campus from attending ever been punished under it and there had never
or visiting any public university or college in the been riotous behavior again," Bennett said.
state. The ban would last one year for misdemeanors The ; House Criminal Law and Corrections
and two years for felony convictions. Committee sent the bill to the House floor Tuesday

after the Senate overwhelmingly approved the
measure in May.
Sen. Dianne Byrum (D-Onondaga), whose dis-
trict includes MSU, voted in favor of the legislation,
while Sen. Alma Wheeler Smith (D-Salem Twp.),
whose district encompasses the University of
Michigan, was one of six senators to vote against it.
Rep. Laura Baird (D-Okemos), the House com-
mittee's minority vice chair, said the bill places
authority in the wrong hands.
"I think we should trust campuses to meter out
their own punishments," said Baird, whose district
See MSU, Page 2

#15 v.W L C T
The Wildcats won the first-ever matchup
between these two teams but since that
892 they've only won a dozen more.
This is the third in a stretch of three games
that Michigan should have won. But both
Indiana and Illinois have scored at least 30
points. Will the Wildcats be next?hp

would allow
voting b ma
By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
As the November 1999 election season comes to an end,
legislators are working to increase voter turnout in future
elections after the turnout upset Tuesday. The lack of citizen
participation in government affairs has prompted Sen. Alma
Wheeler-Smith (D-Salem Twp.) to introduce legislation. SB
41, that would allow voting by mail in state and local elec-
Voter turnout was at its worst this year in Ann Arbor. with
less than 12 percent of the Ann Arbor population voting in

Lghts, Camera, Action!




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