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December 16, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Daily ishes Everyone A Merry Christmas . r VACATE See Page 2 Ci r Ewr a Di ~E~aiti , I a Yes t WAULl eel ne t iLtate VOL. LX., No. 70 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1949 7'9 T I XKT £L ! 1 u-l Tu w'N r CLOUDY, WARMER PRICE FIVE CENTS 3 t 17 DA Y (Fl BLISS Students Begin rek Homeward By DAVE THOMAS Ann Arbor town braced itself for another Dunkirk-like debarka- tion today as a huge majority of the University's 23,...…

December 16, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

….4 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1940 - , _ -I1 Vacate FROM THE Student Legislature, from the Daily editorial page, and from the stu- dent body itself comes the cry "Vacate." The general tenor of the argument sup- porting the idea of longer Thanksgiving vacations is singularly indefinable. Per- haps the aggitators feel that the school work is just too tough for them and that they deserve a rest. Perhaps also there are ...…

December 16, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…FMIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1949 Cagers Prep for THE MICHIGAN DAILY #AGR M ._.IC I A D T . .P . n.U : . T Ras rZ" "U! 'aUA+w. U Iw F Holiday Slate, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Toronto Tilt First of Two At Coliseum (Continued from Page 1) Trophy at stake. This year, however, the Windy City date has been cancelled due to diffi- culties in securing the Chicago Stadium. Wolverine mentor Vic Heyliger intends to use practically the same combinations tha...…

December 16, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR, VIPE MVTCHWAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1949 'l YM1:11'.NI. ML 1 1.L l.I 11 V 1. I - -- -- .- I., t1m TREASURE HUNT: Antique Adventure Told by Patterson By ROZ VIRSHUP Antique hunters may start in search of silver spoons but they never know when they'll run into a historical treasure hunt, ac- cording to Robert Patterson, Ann Arbor resident and former United States consul to Ireland. Patterson retired from business and recen...…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…IS THERE A SANTA CLAUS? See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 43at Q COLD, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LX., No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS y 'M' Cagers Upset Bulldogs, 73-48 Un iversity To Seek $19,915,000 Appropriation From Legislature I 4- Suprunowicz Hits for 18; Skala,, McIntosh, VanderKuy Get 12 Each By BILL BRENTON Hitting 35% of their shots, Michigan's Wolverines reversed form last night to ...…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUIRSDAY, DECEMBER, 15, 1949 _. ., MILLIONAIRES TO TRY: 'U' Doctor Says Claim Of Longer Life Possible CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING By JOHN DAVIES The three aging millionaires 'who called a 78-year-old British ,old age specialist to help them live as long as possible "are quite like- Jy to be helped," according to a prominent specialist in internal pmedicine at the University Hos- ital. The British specialist, Dr. ...…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…DECEMBER 15, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY' PAGE T m .. ... , =, rI fIII AILY DOUBLE by pres holmes, sports co-editor 'Buckshot' O'Brien Stars as Butler Fails Before Accurate Michigan Shooting Spree VarsityTops Frosh Matmen HE'SUBJECT of the two-platoon system is presently under very serious consideration, and some of the attitudes of well-known figures in the world of sports should be aired. Tennessee's veteran coach, Bob Neyland, states,...…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY TITTIUSDA'V, DEC1EMBEU t,15, 1949 Is There a Santa Claus? EDITOR'S NOTE-As some of our readers are probably aware, the New York Sun, in 1897 re- ceived the following letter from Virginia O. Hanlon: "Dear Editor: I am eight years old. Some of ny little friends 'say that there is no Santa Claus. Please tell me the truth. Is there a Santa Claus?" SANTA, Virginia, is the spirit of Christmas. He exists if you wan...…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…Y, DECEMBER 15, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA4 AGE FIVE I r i ts I- . Incorrect Basketball Rules May Be Injurious to Health Betrothal Told \ By PAT BROWNSON "Ignorance of correct women's basketball rules, which is a major, problem in Michigan high schools, may be injurious -to a women's health and causes a confusion be- tween men's and women's rules," says Ruth Harris, state basketball chairman and assistant supervisor in the Women's ...…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

… THlE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER a11L 1A;14a1aviaa a riaau a.. MEN~ I? SHOPPING TONIGHT WOM'n select a t THAT WILL MAKE A DIFF' [EN? Y{.. fiC . :. ' ..'" M f t yN'N f2 M $ # . # t @.L. , w ' ', ., .. 0,09- t CA 1I 4>-- I r_,m . I Wh ie Niroadcloth fthimrts Tonigh9sSanto r fy5 -bu do t istobuy. We're9 p.rO. Iii of the University of Michigan A Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year I7 Wec Wishii - j> -- mmwmmmw i....…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, DECEMBElR 15, 1949 TRVWTTPTYT- P.A lq TAT 1'.Y +' 1111:A,. l 1 V111TTTLA' l iit].LL v ..t 7 Y I't i- d . - A in I , - .. 4f III, . t' E - i , ' ' }; !, s !i, A t t t, i 'ilau.:...:' 4 Y $Y V 3 } } 1 x r j MNwdwmNwmm TONIGHT is MfENS NIGHT Your annual "stag" shopping spree ... unhampered . . . unhurried and everything is arranged to make your gift-selecting easy and pleasant Gift wrapping service. 7 to 9 p.m. ' ; .. s.. : : ...…

December 15, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 69) • Page Image 8

…BHT mICITGN AnXiLy TnUSDAY, DECEMBER 15, Ven s Councils lhosen on Merit (EDITOW'S NOTE-This is the second In a series of articles to acquaint stu- dents with some of the influential organizations on campus and how membersand officers are chosen.) By PETER HOTTON Interfraternity Council repre- sents some 2,500 affiliated men on campus, and is the executive, leg- islative, judicial and all-around helpful organization for frater- nity member...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…4 - TRAVEL BUREAU See Page 4 :Yl r e Latest Deadline in the State ~I~itr PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LX, No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS tGuilt Denied .By Kostov In Bulgar Trial Ten Others Seek Court's Mercy SdFIA, Bulgaria-(P)-Traicho Kostov, No. 1 defendant, attempt- ed to the very last yesterday to deny his guilt as Bulgaria's Tito- ist treason trial drama neared the 4end of its last act. One by one all ...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO' THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1949 'Washington Star' Editor To Talk Here' Benjamin M. McKelway, editor of the Washington Star, will speak on "The Press in a Changing World" at 3 p.m. today in Rm. B, Haven Hall. McKelway, who was elected President of the American Society of Newspaper Editors this year, began his newswork in 1916 as a reporter for the Washington Times. AFTER A SHORT stint with the New Britain (Conn.) ...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1949- BRIAN DUFF SAYS: Gargoyle Goes On Sale Despite Santa's Threat THE MICHIGAN DAILY Symbols of 'March of Dines' Polio Campaign P'AGE' f Despite a written threat from Santa Claus saying he wouldn't dare show up in Ann Arbor during Christmas if this month's Gar- goyle was published, Brian Duff, editor of the campus funny book, coolly announced that the Garg would go on sale today as adver- tised. "Santa Claus' fea...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TrarelBureau AS ANY vacation time approaches, students begin to think about the cheapest and quickest way to get home. "Wouldn't it be fine if I could find someone driving to Podunk" is the gen- eral sort of conversation heard during the week preceding the holiday. In the past, if the student wanted to do any more than think and talk about the possibility of riding home, he was pretty much out of luck. All he could do was p...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN Positions Now Available on League Council Dean To Serve Bridge Game JQP Will Hold Modeling Tryouts x The following League senior positions are now openufor peti- tions according to Pat Reed, in- terviewing chairman. Executive council: president, 4 vice-president, secretary, treas- urer, judiciary council chairman and "chairman of interviewing council. OTHER LEAGUE Council ...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…PAGt SIX THE MTCHTG A N FA TT bIVLV AW AV n.5. 1d- IGjE.L ~AGE "'yy - 11111 1T11LI 111.t=1'1.1\ Lt11L 1 "V JL"1, r"!ILY I, 11x.1 1v1I5L'tf 14, 1945 F= Women's Glee Club Glee Clubs To Give Christmas Concert The annual Christmas concert, presented by the Women's and Men's Glee Clubs, will be given at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. It was previously announced that the concert would begin a half hour earlier, but because it is to be bro...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 7

… WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1945. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN _ _ - - - --- - - ®- - _ ill SpoUBLE by pres holmes, sports co-editor 'Wolverine Cagers Meet Butler Tonight f.5 I' I A FEW LOOSE ENDS still dangling about ought to be gathered together before the 1949 football book is closed-a few choice moments which should be recalled. The most ironic statement of the year proved to be made by Gayle Talbot November 17 when he rated M...…

December 14, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 68) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHUT TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, GIANT-MAKING: Activities Offer Campus Fame' Friends' Plans Workshop AP Pi T UE NEWS (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first In a series of articles to acquaint students with some of the influen- tial organizations on campus and how memberssand officers are chosen.) By PETER HOTTON The large number of students on campus pose a real problem to those who want to make a name for themselves while at t...…

December 13, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…GOOD OLD $T :?;$ RL See Page 4 Y 4 A6V 4br .Aitr t :4utai4 ._ , __ Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1949 PARTLY CLOUDY, COLD PRICE FIVE CENTS .Hoover Hits r High Cost of Government Calls Tax Load Past, Safe Limit WASHINGTON-(P) - Herbert Hoover,tin a new appeal for gov- ernment reform, said yesterday that soaring federal costs may turn "two Frankensteins loose in the land"-higher ta...…

December 13, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TtTESDA'Y, DECEiV.t'SER 13,-.1949 ~ PAGE TWO TUESDAY, DECEMflER 13, 1949 PAKISTAN TROUBLE: Hindus Initiated Riots--Clark ' Artists CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .N i By JOE TANNENBAUM The government of Hindu India, with the full knowledge of Gandhi and Nehru, deliberately planned and executed riots and massacres British troops from India, geology department lecturer John Clark charged yesterday. Clark spent two ...…

December 13, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…TUFSDAT, DOCEIMMV. 19 1940 TITIE Mit-ItAN IL Y~ PAGE. TTMFE TUESWAY, DECEIWBEU 1~, 1949 PAGE TJIUEE Puckmen Impressive; Cage Loss -ares Problems C First Effort Satisfactory To Heyliger Still Seeks Real Test of Strength Vic Heyliger's 1949-50 hockey * crew made rather an impressive showing against McMaster Satur- day night, but the lopsided victory can't be takensas a true indication of the team's strength. THE CANADIANS have always...…

December 13, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN D AILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1949 H - -_ I- -- i Good Old $%:?;$! RL T HE ROMANCE Language Building is still standing. Why? Endowed with as much glamor as a coal shed, this perennial eyesore is not only carrying "ivy-clad" tradition too far, but remains a serious fire hazard. Ann Arbor Fire Chief Ben Zahn has corroborated this observation by noting that RL is one of the three campus struc- tures where a really seri...…

December 13, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1949 U Perfumes Created To Suit Mood; Speciaities. In the kingdom of perfumery, many of the modern masterpieces owe their beauty, freshness and lastingness to the use of speciali- ties which give the scent the aid it needs in creating its intended impression. In fact, the names of some of these specialities are as famous among perfumers as are the names of many perfumes among the public. *Specialit...…

December 13, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…PACI STX TIE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMrER 13, 1949 :i~ University Choir To Give Winter Concert Today DRIP, DRIP, DRIP - $5: New Yorkers Face Dry Spell as Water VanIshes The University Choir, under the direction of Prof. Maynard Klein, of the music school, will give its annual winter concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The group, consisting of 205 String Quartet Class Slates ConcertToday T're String Quartet Class, under t...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…EXAM READING PERIOD See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 4EI 41P tt. ti RAIN, WARMER VOL. LX, No. 66 School Job Given Back ToKauffman Sunfield Board Reverses Stand SUNFIELD, Mich. - (P) - The Sunfield School Board voted yes- terday 3 to 2 to reinstate the Rev. Albert W. Kauffman as su- perintendent of the publip schools. The board reversed its action of Thursday when it fired Kauff- man because of unfavorable pub- licity he was sai...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TiE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1949 I PORTAGE LAKE LOOKOUT: New 'U' Observatory Nearly Comnplete By LEONARD GREENBAUM The University's new observa- tory located at Portage Lake took another step towards completion with the recent installation of its dome. The dome, 28 feet in diameter and 41 feet above the ground, was added to the modern structure a year after the scheduled date. THE OBSERVATORY was be- gun in April, 19...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…StNDAY, DEGEMDER 11, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 1'II rr - THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE R COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Harvard Students Finally Yield to Old King Football By DAVE THOMAS The rumbling heard last week- end by observant citizens as far west as St. Louis, was not an atomic blastsor even an earth- quake - it was merely old John Harvard turning over in his grave. In Cambridge the racket was terrific. Disillusioned by a dis- astrous, single-vic...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECMERii 11, 1949 I I Exam Reading Period N ITS EAGERNESS to push an extended Thanksgiving vacation, Student Legisla- ture has over-looked another far more needed "calendar" change. This is the so-called "Dead Week," a period (not nec- essarily a whole week) set aside immed- iately preceeding exams, in which no class- es are held. In this time the student has a chance to review, organize and integrate the mater...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…SUND~AY, DECEMBR, It11,i 1949 TIE IMIIIIGAN L AI iY I PROLIFIC PAST: JGP Boasts 46 Year Tradition; elabeth illcn S. State St. just off N. U. in Campus Town from 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Formerly for Senior Coeds Only By PAT BROWNSON Prom the first production of the Junior Girls' Play, staged in 1904 by six junior women, JGP has ris- eri to become one of the biggest traditional events held each year on the Michigan campus. The play, fir...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…P'AGE ItX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1944 :.. ..._ Toledo Topp les Gage rs, 5 7-36 Moss Equals Pool Breast Stroke Record As Michigan Dominates State AAU Meet C J y Ragged Second Half Costs, Wolverines Initial Setback Rockets Lead 25-24 at Halftime; McDonald High Scorer with 15; Suprunowicz Nets 14 By BILL BRENTON (Special to The Daily) TOLEDO - Michigan's cagers were unable to cope with a very effective Toledo zone or...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…r SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DlAtL' PAGE SEVEN Keen Starts 25th Mat Season By CY CARLTON Michigan opens it wrestling sea- son against the University of Pitts- burgh on January seventh and that day will be the start of the 25th year of coaching Maize and Blue mat squads for wrestling mentor Cliff Keen. * * * Since 1925 Maize and Blue grap- plers have been tutored exclusive- ly by this veteran of the game. * * * KEEN HAS esta...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 8

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY SUJNDAY, DFiCTEMBER 11, 1949 FACULTY FOR KNOWING: Prof. Paton Crisp, Quotable By PAUL BRENTLINGER Though best known as an auth- ority on accounting, Prof. William A. Paton has extended his inter- ests and activities far beyond the intricacies of the realm of debits and credits. Crisp comments on public af- fairs, plus several popular ac- counting textbooks have made Prof. Paton's name familiar to students of economics a...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 9

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1949 - THE MICHIGAN DALLY' PAGE NINE SUNDAY. DECEMI~Th 11 1948 PAGE NINE r _ .__ ._r.. J K f 1 1 i ' 11f. V .1. s0 af Y V o 9 ". JK . ~ x. 4 /2-' 1k A T AS 1k -IS £P IC y- ° , ' ,y Y"r: ..,r . h ' v. 1 . - '', GIH 4, 13 .2 N onidav 01 77F I 9 SAN'S Ann Arbor Merchants NI when. will. i remain open until 9 P.M. in honor of this Grand Old Man 77 is here, and Christ- i *r Yes, Christma...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 10

…THE MICIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBE9 11, 1949 SUNDAY, D~CEMB'EIt 11. 1949 3 Varied Footwear Provides Useful, InexpensivePresent Typical yuletide problems in Ann Arbor are looking for dif- ferent, unusual and relatively in- expensive Christmas gifts for roommates or coed friends. Bed socks, loafer socks, or bed- room slippers may be just what is desired and local stores have them in stock between the one and three dollar price range. COLORS...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 11

…SUND41AY, DECEM~BER 11, 1940 T NIT 1MICTTC AV T l ATT.V PAGE F TEVTN 11111 1V11L 111V H1\. .LL& 1L. 2. x nu L r.4 c:vI Male Fashion Experts Advise SpecialCare of Tux, Tails Christmas, J-Hop Formals Replenish Stock Of Local Stores in Varied Colors, Cuts, Prices It takes more than a quick run! to Sam the Tailor's and the aid of a roommate to cut an imposing figure for that formal dance, cam- pus lotharios have discovered. Wholesale ignor...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 12

…PAG 't-W - AE " . THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, flECEM 3UR 11, X94 Fashions for Skiers Revealed Tiny Flowers, Jewelry Adorn Christmas vacation plans bring thoughts of skiing --- and ski clothes - to the minds of many sports enthusiasts. The woman who wants to throw conservatism to the winds -- the icy winds of the ski slopes - may choose a parka of canary yellow nylon seersucker or she may choose garnet ski pants to be worn with a brightly...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 13

…SVNDAY4 DMCB.1 IflER 11p 1919- 7tHE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TJIITREN. _. Shoe Experts Predict More Color, Ornaments for Casual Footwear By BARBARA MOLYNEAUX Mosct popular of all the casual campus shoes today is the suede oxford with a crepe sole, seconded by the saddle shoe with the loafer retreating to a quiet third place. Fashion experts are predicting that in general there will be a lev- einfg off of preference so that the saddle and espe...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 14

…PAGE FOtITW THE MICHIGAN DAILY,- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1949 THEs MTCH caANaBAtixx "1Lt.Y 1- - - ... .. 4.aa. .avclrNaAY r.i~lw; alMuPR11, 1.'=1 Perfumes Vital To, Women; Women Plan Wives of Henry VIII Character, Name Important Yuletide Fetes By JANICE JAMES To the majority of well dressed women in the world of fashion, the proper perfume is as vital a part of their good grooming as lipstick, hose and nail polish. As is customary, th...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 15

…SUNDAY, DECtMBER 11, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIFTEEN, Pearls, Jet, Rhinestone Clips Ornament Velvet, Satin Hats- With Christmas festivities just around the corner, coeds are be- ginning to plan for this party and that tea, and along with these plans go thoughts of what hat should be worn to each. Styled to add charm to the short dinner dress or theatre suit, yet not to obstruct anyone's view, are little cocktail hats in black velve...…

December 11, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 66) • Page Image 16

…PAGE SIXTEEN T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DEJOEMBER 11, 1949 . 1 ! !} t _ r Old Time Customs Revealed In Origin of Silverware Usage Eating peas with one's knife was not always uncouth. Time was when banqueters held their food in a napkin with one band, while with a knife in the other they cut it, and -so carried it to their mouths. It was the back of the knife, which in polite society,' entered the mouth, and the protuberance on the back o...…

December 10, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…FREEDOM SHORTAGE See Page 4 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State P3a tti;y .,,tr L w CLOUDY, LIGHT SNOW VOL. LX, No. 65 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 PRICE FIVE CkNTS Atom Bomb Speech Stirs Speculation Weapons Hidden In Caves-Mitchell WASHIGTON--(P)-A casual, reimark by a former Pentagon oiii- cial set off new speculation yester- day on where America's atomic bombs are hidden. It started with publication of a speechby Cu...…

December 10, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 4 OIL, ROADS, AIRFIELDS BIG FACTORS: Clark Believes Sinkiang Key to Asia * ** * * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 'k ~1 i 1 By JOE TANNENBAUM Control of the little-known bor- der province of Sinkiang (Chinese Turkestan) gives Russia the means to dominate all of Asia, ac- cording to Prof. John Clark of the geology department. Prof. Clark, who spent two and a half years in Asia with the Ar- my ...…

December 10, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE M Opens Hocke eason; Host to AAU- Swimmers * * * * * * * * * Heyliger Begins Sixth Year As Michigan Coach Tonight McMaster University to Provide Opposition For Opening Game in Remodeled Coliseum Michigan Swim Team to Make Debut; Three Olympic Stars Highlight Meet By BOB SANDELL The sixth year of the "Heyliger Hockey Era" will commence this evening when the Wolverine Ice- men s...…

December 10, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…t. PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 w Freedom Shortage E GREYING Sunfield Michigan minis- ter probably never realized that what he was writing in a letter to a magazine, an ex- pression of his own beliefs, would lose him his job. He probably thought that the once- hailed American right to speak one's mind was still prevalent in modern society. And so he wrote. He wrote that he believed the superpatri- otic organi...…

December 10, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…SATftVDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 TOTE MII,*'HIG.AN DAILY PAGE FI 6'E THE MICHIGAN DAILY I I PAGE............ Badminton Enthusiasts Find AmplePlaying Opportunity Coeds Can Still WAA To Open Join WAA Club With co-recreational badminton coming into the spotlight, strict- ly coed badminton must not be forgotten. One of the older and more popu- lar WAA sport's clubs, coed bad- minton, is played from 7 until 9 p.m. every Wednesday in Water- ma...…

December 10, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…'THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1949 THE ICHGANDAIY STURDY, ECEBER10,194 Vest Quad Men Broaden Relations With Faculty .4 EMPHASIS ON INFORMALITY-Faculty' Associate Prof. Frank L. Huntley, of the English depart- ment, getstogether with three Adams House men for a bull-session in one of the student rooms. Left to right are Prof. . untley, Charles Stauffer, '53M, Jap Reid, '51, and Bill Stonebraker, '53M. In- formality is the key...…

December 09, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

… FIRE HAZARD AT 'U' See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State ~aitA1 Ccv- . 1,> o ; ,T °a / rn : FAIR VOL. LX, No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS i 'Young GOP Favors CED Dissolution Voices Support of SL Subcommittee By JOAN WILLENS The Young Republicans voted last night to favor the dissolution of the Committee to End Discrimi- nation. In the same motion the club voiced support of the Student Leg- is...…

December 09, 1949 (vol. 60, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBEA 9, 1949 I I I FRIDAY, DECEl~fBER 9, 1949 i I )on'm Teams Enter Finals Of' olleyball Greene House and Michigan House advanced to the finals of the championship round of resi- dence hall volleyball by virtue of their overwhelming triumphs this week. Greene House swamped Lloyd House 4-0, the same score by which Michigan sunk Adams House. - * * * IN THE SECOND placeplayoffs, Wenley House topped Hinsdale,...…

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