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December 15, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-15

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State






'M' Cagers Upset
Bulldogs, 73-48

Un iversity To Seek $19,915,000
Appropriation From Legislature



Suprunowicz Hits for 18; Skala,,
McIntosh, VanderKuy Get 12 Each

Hitting 35% of their shots, Michigan's Wolverines reversed form
last night to hand a good Butler club a 73-48 basketball defeat before
3500 Yost Field House fans.
Butler, respective two and four point losers to strong Ohio State
and Illinois fives, came to Ann Arbor a decided favorite, but watched
four Wolverines led by Captain Mack Suprunowicz hit double figures
, in the scoring column for a comfortable victory margin.
e COACH ERNIE McCoy's club hooped 29 of 83 tries from the field,
hawked the ball on defense, and controlled the backboards to reverse
" last week's 57-36 loss to Toledo.

Packing Plant
Blast Claims
Sixteen Lives
Iowa Explosion
Blamed on Gas
SIOUX CITY, Ia.-(P)-Sixteen
persons-including two women-
were killed yesterday in a bomb-
like explosion at the Swift & Co.
packing plant.
As darkness fell, hours after
the blast, rescue workers braved
gas fumes to continue digging
into the debris for possible addi-
tional victims.
* * *I

Israel Moves
To Holy City
JERUSALEM - (R) - Israel
brought her government to Jeru-
salem yesterday in defiance of a
United Nations order for inter-
national rule over the holy city.
Premier David Ben-Gurion de-.
Glared "We have entered upon
the greatest political struggle in
the history of our people."
"Israel is aligned against the
whole world," he said.
THE PREMIER moved his min-
istry to this city from Tel Aviv
following approval by the Parlia-
ment (Knesset) of a decision to
speed the transfer of government
offices to Jerusalem.
He made his pronouncement
upon the gravity of the situation
*.vin accepting the freedom of the
city from Mayor Daniel Auster.
The blue and white flag of the
4 young republic was run up atop
the Eden Hotel, a stone building
K in the modern section less than a
s- quarter of a mile from the old
walled city still patrolled by the
Arab legionnaires of HashemYite
BEN-GURION took offices in
the hotel.
"Today's courageous move by
the Israeli goverfiment comes as a
great relief," the Palestine Post
said editorially, "But it is only
the first step and it will need de-
termined and well considered ac-
tion in the future to protect it
against all outside intervention."
Tribute Paid
To Muyskens
By Students
Prof. John H. Muyskens of the
l speech department spoke last
night before students and friends,
who had. gathered to pay tribute
to the distinguished bio-linguist
for his work and the help he has
.given them.
Words must be lived with and
studied carefully if real meaning
x is to be conveyed through them
Prof. Muyskens advised in his
speech, a lecture of highlights
from his'famous talk "Beware of
the Dog."
AT THE conclusion of the pro-
gram he was presented with a
4 tae recorder and a wiring of
his talk.
"Beware of the Dog," a lec-
ture in semantics, has been giv-
en by Prof. Muyskens since 1910
in talks all over the country.
His talk was chiefly a recital
of personal experiences and ex-
amples, which he feels carry
across meaning more effectively
F than just words alone.
* * *
against the concealed meaning of
words. "There is a dog in words,"
he said, "beware of it, it may
He particularly condemned the
foreign "-isms" that have crept
into this country recently. In our
attempt to take them over we fre-
quently fail to comprehend heir
whole meaning, which only results
in friction and misunderstanding,
he declared.e
Train Ticket

The winners played aggressive
defensive ball in holding the fast-
breaking Bulldogs to their lowest
score of the season.
Ralph "Buckshot" O'Brien,I
Butler forward-guard lived up
to advance notices by notching
20 points, 15 of them in the sec-
ond half, to pace the scorers.
Michigan's Chuck Murray
checked the diminutive shot-
maker in the opening stanza,
but O'Brien found the range in
the final half largely against
substitutes. Murray also con-
tributed seven of eight free
throws and a fielder for nine
Mack Suprunowicz paced a
Wolverine offense which took
command at the opening gun and
was never headed. "Supy" count-
ed, eight fielders and two free
throws for 18 markers, rising to
the heights with three straight
one-handers to check the Bull-
dogs' only second half bid.
* * *
JIM SKALA, Leo VanderKuy
and Don McIntosh all played the
pivot position for a time and each
tossed in 12 points. McIntosh was
especially clever around the mid-
dle with the six-foot-five Vander-
Kuy dominating the board for
Showing promise of things to
come, sophomore Skala proved
an effective mate for Supruno-
wicz at forward with his drive-
ins and clever passing, and per-
formed ably at center when
called upon.
Meshing a long one-hander for
his only field goal, Hal "Lefty"
Morrill put the Wolverines out in
front to stay in the first minute
of play. Butler kept it close until
double baskets by Suprunowicz
and McIntosh gave Michigan a
16-6 lead at the 10-minute mark.
Four dogshots by Vander-
Kuy along with steady scoring by
the starting five widened the mar-
gin to an impressive 40-16 at
Butler came out strong in the
second stanza, narrowing the
lead to 16 points before Supru-
nowicz' spree iced the verdict.
Both teams substituted freely in
the final 10 minutes with the
See 'BUCKSHOT' Page 3
World News
By The Associated Press
TAIPEH, Formosa- The United
States approached Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shek about the de-
fense of Formosa last month be-
fore he went to Chungking, diplo-
matic sources disclosed yesterday.
* * *
SOFIA, Bulgaria-T r a i e h o
Kostov, who got next to the top
in Bulgaria's post-war Commu-
nist revolution, was sentenced
last night to die on the gallows
by a supreme court which found
him guilty of a pro-Yugoslav,
anti-Soviet conspiracy.

AT LEAST 76 persons were
known to have been injured.
The blast was attributed by
city fire officials to natural gas,
but it was not known what
touched it off or precisely where.
An area a block and a half in
each direction from the scene
was roped off. Gas masks were
used by the rescue workers.
* * *
THE RED CROSS sent disaster
workers and supplies here from
Omaha, Kansas City and St.,
The Iowa National Guard
made all of its facilities avail-
Shortly after the blast, which
occurred just before the noon
lunch hour, company officials and
civil and mliitary authorities es-
timated the number of casualties
might reach 200, including 30 to
35 dead.
HOWEVER, three and a half
hours later the head of the naval
reserve unit here said 13 bodies,
four of them unidentified, had
been taken to the naval reserve
Patrolman Tony Bilunos, one
of the first officers to arrive on
the scene of the disaster, said
"it was a terrible sight."
"We found debris which rose
four feet high in front of the
building," he said. "Several per-
sons were running around with
blood streaming down their faces."
Court Order
National Labor Relations Board,
which ordered the AFL interfia-
tional typographical union in Oc-
tober to stop insisting on the clos-
ed shop, decided yesterday to ask
a federal court to enforce its
Elisha Hanson, general counsel
for the American Newspaper Pub-
lishers Association, had complain-
ed to the board that the union was
disregarding the .order. He said
instructions sent out by the un-
ion's officers to local officials
Nov. 14 made it clear that the
union intends to "ignore the
board's orders until such orders
are enforced by a court."

-Daily-Wally Barth
IFC SANTA-Santa Claus (alias Buzz Durant) distributing gifts at yesterday's IFC Christmas Party
for Ann Arbor youngsters. Santa was kept busy listening to the requests of the childreft for dolls,
games, paint sets and such oddities as three Hula dancers, the Eiffel tower, and, "two years with-
out school." Besides the visit from Santa Claus, children were treated to an exhibition of magic and
a showing of movies.
-- -4-- - - - - * * *

Transportation to Airport
Assured for 'U' Students

More than 400 students today
were assured adequate transporta-
tion facilities to Willow Run air-
port tomorrow afternoon, follow-
ing two hectic days of preparation
by the Wolverine Club and local
bus and taxicab companies.
Earlier, travel authorities had
expressed fear that dozens of stu-
dents would be unable to make
ITug Week' To
Continue Next
Fall Under SL
Move To Cut Tugs
Of War Defeated
Student Legislature will spon-
sor a revised "Tug Week" next
Revisions, as the result of a
proposal overwhelmingly passed
last night by the Legislature, will
be to shorten the week to two
days on a weekend, during which
a combined freshman-sophomore
rally will be held at Hill Audi-
torium Friday, a talent show im-
mediately after, a tug-of-war theJ
next day and a party for every-
one Saturday night.
* *
A MOTION to take the tug-of-
war out of the program was
soundly defeated 23-9 in a roll-
call vote. Members who left early
and were absent in the voting
were: Tom Cramer, Bill Duerr,
Adele Hager, Walt Hansen, Sally
Hughes, Paul McCracken, Gordon
MacDougall, Pat McLean, Jo Mis-
ner and Bob Vogt.
Members absent at the entire
meeting were Larry DeVore, Ray
Guerin, Polly Hodges, Chuck
Murray, George Qua, Irviag
Stenn, Joe Stone and Joan Wil-
SL's National Student Associa-
tion Committee will invite NSA to
the University for its annual con-
gress next summer.
University officials gave the
committee the go-ahead to use
facilities on campus for the 900-
odd students and educators who
will attend the congress.
* * *
ed that five students have been

their afternoon flights from Wil-
low Run because under a special
license, only one local cab com-
pany can operate on the airport
run with a maximum of 12 cabs.
* * :*
JOSEPH S. SCHIROS, president
of the cab company, said yesterday,
however, that he has received per-
mission from the Michigan Public
Service Commission to add four
more cabs to the Willow Run fleet
tomorrow afternoon.
"And we will seek emergency
permission to add even more
units if the need arises," Schiros
Previously, he had guaranteed
students transportation to the air-j
port if they made reservations by
noon today. "As yet we have re-
ceived only 11 reservations," he
MEANWHILE, Don Greenfield
of the WolverinerClub reported
late yesterday afternoon that his
club has six cars available to take
students out to the airport and ex-
pects students and faculty to vol-
unteer several more by tomorrow
At the same time, Greyhound.
Busline officials announced that
special buses will leave the Union
for Willow Run at 3:05 and 4:05
p.m. tomorrow and promised
that extra buses will be thrown
into use if the demand is great
In addition, Greenfield said that
if more students register for rides
to the airport than can be handled
by the regularly scheduled Grey-
hound buses and by volunteer cars,
the Wolverine Club will charter
special buses.
He urged students to sign up
for rides from 9 a.m. to noon and
from 1 to 5 p.m. today at the Club's
booth at the Union ticket desk.
=hose riding in private cars will
be asked to share gasoline ex-
penses, while busfare will be 35

Santa Patys
Call to IFC
Yearly Children's
Fete Held at Hill
Santa Claus played host to al-
most 4000 Ann Arbor youngsters
yesterday at IFC's annual Christ-
mas party, held in Hill Auditorium.
A bearded, gloved, padded Santa
sat on the stage and beamed down
on the thousands of happy young
* * *
"HAVE YOU all been good boys
and girls?" he shouted.
"Yes," they screamed back and
jhurried up to the stage clutch-
ing their lists of hoped - f or
Christmas gifts.
A tiny little girl was one of the
first in line. "I want a mule train
with Frankie Lane driving," she
Six television sets, the Eiffel
tower, one hundred million dollars,
two blondes and a red-head, were
other requests.
After the talk with S a n t a
Claus paper bags brimming with
candy, peanuts, gumdrops and,
peppermint canes were handed
out to the children.
Most of the children tore open
their bags and sampled the tasty
* * *
OTHER entertainment featured
a balancing act by Bob Shetler,
songs by the Vaughn House trip,
and an animated movie cartoon.'
Some of the supplies for the
party were donated by local mer-
chants but most were bought with
funds from the IFC treasury.
Students will be given another
chance to place their orders for
1950 'Ensians, from 9 a.m. to
3 p.m. today in the lobby of
Angell Hall, according to Gor-
don Sakstrup, '51, assistant
sales manager.

VIENNA-(AP)-Viennese laun-
dry owners yesterday held a
protest meeting and accused
two American businessmen of
stealing their customers.
The Americans, Kenn Rogers
and Louis Satz, both of New
York City, opened a 27-machine
self service laundry here five
weeks ago. They have been do-
ing a big business ever since.
Urey Urges
WASHNGTON= -(')--Western
Democracies were urged by atomic
scientist Harold C. Urey last night
to take the first steps toward a
world government as the only al-
ternative to future wars.
He recommended that a limited
political union be formed by At-
lantic Pact nations now linked in
a defensivenalliance to bulwark
free nations against what he call-
ed the world-conquest ambitions
of Communist Russia.
* * *
sponsored by the local chapter of
the Atlantic Union Committee.
The committee is supporting
a resolution now before congress
asking President Truman to call
a convention of seven sponsor-
ing nations of the Atlantic Pact
to explore the possibilities of a
federal union.
The seven nations-the United
States, England, France, Holland,
Belgium, Luxembourg and Can-
ada-would be authorized to in-
vite: other democracies to partici-
Urey, who helped develop the
atomic bomb, said neither it nor
other modern military weapons
can be counted to give peace and
"Eventually," he said, "there
is no satisfactory solution to
modern military problems ex-
cept a universal government."
But he contended that objec-
tive cannot be realized until "dem-
ocratic institutions are established
in those countries where tyranny
now exists."
** * *
Says Russia
Aided at Cost
Of U.S._Lives
CHICAGO - (-1P) --Vivien Kel-
lems, outspoken critic of federal
withholding taxes, contended yes-
terday that the United States
sent atomic equipment to Russia
during the war at the cost of
thousands of American lives.
The Connecticutt industrialist
said the Roosevelt wartime admin-
istration "stopped production of
tools and munitions for our own
armies and made full equipment
for four huge atomic factories for
She said cables, generators and
other electrical equipment car-
rying "the highest priorities" were
shipped in 1943 and 1944 on "dir-
ectives right out of the White
Miss Kellems, of Westport,
Con., has been in the public eye
for several years, chiefly because
of her refusal to collect federal
income taxes from her firm's em-
ployes by withholding sums from
employe paychecks.

Drop from
Last Request
New 'U' Hospital
Clinic Planned
State Budget Office officials yes-
terday revealed that the University
will seek a $19,915,000 appropria-
tion from the Legislature for oper-
ating expensesnand capital-Im-
provements during the 1950-51 fis-
cal year, which begins next July 1.
This represents a drop of $1,440,-
000 from the amount requested last
December by University officials
for the current fiscal year.
Included in the $19,915,000 fig-
ure is a $13,870,000 operating ex-
penses budget and $6,045,000 for
capital improvements.
ported yesterday that Frank M.
Landers, acting state budget direc-
tor, and possibly Robert F. Stead-
man, state comptroller, would meet
with University officials in Lansing,
"sometime next week" to study de-
tails of the appropriation request.
Here in Ann Arbor, University
Vice-President Marvin L. Nie-
huss confirmed details of the
budget request but said the time
of the meeting had not been dis-'
closed to him.
Last year the University request-
ed a $12,500,000 operating budget
but this figure was slashed to $11,-
436,315 after a stormy three-way
fight between State administrative
forces led by Governor G. Mennen
Williams, the House and the Sen-
POINTING OUT that this year's
operating budget request is well
over $2,000,000 more than that
granted by the Legislature for the
current fiscal year, Landers said
the. increase was based on pay in-
creases for University staff mem-
bers and for additions to the fac-
"The University has been try-
ing to adjust its student-teacher
ratio to compare more favorably
with that of other major colleges
of the nation," he explained.
"The ratio now is' one faculty
member for every 18 students. the
big Eastern colleges have a ratio
of one professor for every eight to
12 students."
* * *
INCLUDED in the $6,045,000 re-'
quest for capital improvements is
a $2,800,000 appropriation for a
University Hospital Out-Patient
Clinic for the medical school. Plans
and specifications for this building
were drawn up this year.
Another $2,700,000 request is
for an addition to the General
Library. University officials
sought an appropriation of $,-
500,000 for this same purpose
last year but were turned down
by the Legislature.
Balance of the appropriations
asked for 1950-51 capital improve
ments is made up of requests for
$295,000 for the Natural Science
Building, $120,000 for the West
Engineering Annex and $130,000
for the School of Architecture.
Group Living
The Human Relations Commit-
tee of Student Legislature, in its

effort to increase understanding
among racial groups on campus,
has commissioned four students to
make a study of three university
international houses during the
The students are Roma Lipaky
and Flo Barron who will study the
house at Columbia University in
New York; Peggy Nimz, University
of Chicago; and Janet Pierce, Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley.
* * *

Seamen Hear Nautical
Advice from Prof. Peek

An even temper, coupled with a
sense of humor, is often the key
to overcoming a ticklish situation
aboard ship, George A. Peek of
the political science department
told NROTC banqueteers last
Campus NROTC midshipmen
and area Naval officer personnel
swapped sea stories and "perti-

saw action in the South Pacific
Solomon Islands' campaign. He
commanded a destroyer escort
and was discharged with the
rank of lieutenant-commander.
Capt. Homer B. Wheeler, chair-
man of the naval science depart-
ment, pointed to the "continuous
education process" necessary in
building a crackerjack Navy offi-

New Yorkers Face Dry Holiday

Ann Arborites from the New
York area who had been planning
to take their washing home dur-
ing vacation period would be wiser
to leave the soiled clothes in a

observance of a shaveless-bath-
less day tomorrow.
As airplanes and trains carry
hundreds of University students
to the Big City, New York dwell-

THE CITY HAS issued a re-
quest for all veterans familiar
with methods of water conserva-
tion used in the army to lead the
citizen effort to cut down the use

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