- , _
FROM THE Student Legislature, from the
Daily editorial page, and from the stu-
dent body itself comes the cry "Vacate."
The general tenor of the argument sup-
porting the idea of longer Thanksgiving
vacations is singularly indefinable. Per-
haps the aggitators feel that the school
work is just too tough for them and that
they deserve a rest.
Perhaps also there are a great many
scholars on campus who are nurturing
Oedipus complexes and simply can't wait
till Christmas to get home.
A third possibility is that the students
see other colleges giving their clientel a
longer vacation and want to get on the band
It's all very curious.
Whatever the basis for supporting the
drive for a lengthy Thanksgiving may be,
the idea itself indicates a general trend in
student thought toward the good old golden
days before the war when college was a
place for enhancing one's social prestige
and draining papa's pocketbook.
Theory has it that young men and wom-
en now-a-days go to school for an educa-
tion. What sort of an educated mind is it
that sits around dreaming of a chance to
Undoubtedly something should be done
about the present situation, which finds
a lethargic professor administering his
knowledge to a half-filled classroom on
the Friday after Thanksgiving.
The solution does not lie, in degrading
the University into a glorified kindergarten.
Why not wield the axe?
-Rich Thomas.
No Reindeer?
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
WASHINGTON-The discussion of a new
approach to international control of
atomic energy, now going on among the
highest American policy-makers, may well
come to nothing in the end. Yet it means,
at least, that the somber new situation
created by the explosion of the Soviet atomic
bomb is beginning to be taken seriously~
This alone is a great gain over the befud-
dled complacency which was the Adminis-
tration's first response to the news of last
The current position may be simply
summarized. Leaders of the General Ad-
visory Committee of the Atomic Energy
Commission have forcefully warned that
the new situation in which we find our-
selves demands a coherent, thought-out
policy The inner circle of State Depart-
ment officials has considered whether a
modified plan of atomic energy control
ought to be discussed with the Soviet Un-
ion. The problem has gone up to Secre-
tary of State Dean G. Acheson in whose
hands it now rests.
But before Secretary Acheson can recom-
mend to the President that we abandon
the stringent Baruch plan for international
control of atomic energy, he must carefully
consider several major obstacles in the path.
* * *
FIRST, there is the danger of being drawn
into one of those bilateral, exclusive ne-
gotiations that the Kremlin has always de-
sired, in which the two giant powers, Russia
{i ,
At The Michigan .. .
Montgomery and Ann Blyth
A LOT OF Montgomery fans have been
clamoring for his return to comedy
roles and this picture is the result. It re-
veals that he has not lost his old light
acting touch, but the same is not true of his
Montgomery, the actor, is suave, and
certain, but Montgomery the director
is crude and erractic. This film, which has
many genuinely funny scenes, has many
which merely make one uncomfortable.
The chief fault with Montgomery's di-
rection is his penchant for getting a comic
gimmick and milking it dry. One example
of this is the overworking of the gag in
which Ann Blyth, the scatterbrained
heroine, takes the initiative in the romance,
and makes all of the traditional speeches
that love-sick men are supposed to make.
pi til' ncredit side of this movie are
the gay performances of Montgomery and
Jane Cowl, the great stage actress, who, for
some obscure reason has chosen to make
her screen debut as Montgomery's glib
The dialogue, when Blyth is not around,
is sprightly and amusing, and even the bit
players make the most of it
-Kirk R. Hampton.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
At The State .. .
Cotten, Jennifer Jones, and Ethel Barry-
AS PART of the local Joy Month billings
in the local theatres, we are this week
presented with a great big present, beauti-
fully wrapped in the finest of trappings-
with nothing inside.
To begin with, the audience is told it is
going to see a "picture of quality," the
particular quality unspecified, and then
is presented with quotes from Euripides
and Keats. These are doubtless thrown in
to provide an aura of significance to the
proceedings, and also inform the audience
of great truths which they don't get out of
the picture itself.
Then the film passes to the story proper-
the well-known yarn about the artist who
watches a little child pass to maturity and
sudden death in the space of a few months
in actual time. The artist, Joseph Cotten,
and the ill-fated girl, Jennifer Jones, are
participating in what the producers label "an
adventure in time . . . and space."
Now aside from being a very beautifully
filmed story, all the movie seems to be is
a rather touching, completely inpossible
love story. The impossibility of it all is
not annoying, but the pretense to great-
ness that the producers make is down-
right insulting to the intelligence.
It's merely an entertaining film, made
easy-to-sit-through with Debussy for back-
ground music and fine photographic effects.
The flashes of technicolor toward the end
are somewhat jarring, but the total effect is
quite enjoyable. And that's all it is.
-Fran Ivick
and America, will sit down together and di-
vide the world.
Second, there is the danger of giving
an impression of doubt, uncertainty and
unreliability, both to the Russians' and
our own allies.
Third, there is the danger that our own
defense plans will be thoroughly disorgan-
ized by the "new look" at atomic energy po-
licy that is now advocated.
* * *
THE FIRST TWO dangers can certainly
be avoided by caution, ingenuity and firm
action. The third danger, of disorganizing
our defense planning, will be harder to sur-
mount. Indeed, this difficulty is growing
every day, since Secretary of Defense Louis
Johnson's so-called "economy" drive is more
and more transforming the American stock-
pile of atomic weapons into a new Maginot
Line. When atomic weapons look like be-
coming all the weapons we have, it is not
easy to talk about demilitarizing atomic en-
ergy. e
The position in this regard has recently
been worsened, moreover, by the planning
that has been done since the ratification
of the Atlantic pact. We are committed to
the defense of Western Europe. Both the
Europeans and ourselves are aware that
the weapons being provided under the mil-
itary aid program are insufficient to give
Western Europe true security.
The Europeans have also noted the "econ-
omy"-born American disarmament program.
Because we have not much else to offer, we
have offered the destruction of the Soviet
Union's vital centers as our contribution to
Western Europe's defense in case of war.I
This is another American commitment, of
almost unimaginable significance.
THERE ARE several comments to be made
on this state of affairs, all of them un-
In the first place, a measure of general
disarmament, to give greater security to
Western Europe, would probably have to
go hand in hand with any plan for inter-
national atomic energy control. Even so,
if atomic weapons were outlawed, we
should still be called upon to make a more
serious, more balanced defense effort than
we are now making.
In the second place, however, there is every
reason to believe that we ought to make this
kind of defense effort in any case. As is clear
from the remarkable analysis presented in
Dr. Vannevar Bush's "Modern Arms and
Free Men," many leading scientists think
the whole plan for massive, strategic use of
atomic weapons may shortly become obsolete.
New means of defense against big bomb-
ers, such as ground-to-air guided missiles,
V are already in the prototype stage. The
Russians, meanwhile, are working overtime
to provide themselves with the convention-
al means of defense. The whole problem
of air attacks on Russian targets may well
be transformed in two or three years' time
by Soviet production of jet fighters and
the rapidly progressing installation of So-
viet air warning nets. Yet no comparable
air defense is being provided for Western
Europe, within easy range of Soviet air at-
In short, we have made a promise of a
specialized contribution to the defense of
Western Europe, which we may well not be
able to keep, if and when the time comes.
And because of Secretary Johnson's so-
called economy, we are increasingly unable to
make the more general contributions to the
strength of the free world that this country
ought to make. No situation could be more
dangerous or more pernicious. It is to be
hoped, therefore, that the "new look" at
atomic energy control will be only the be-
ginning of a realistic new look at the whole
problem of our changing world position.
(copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
Take It Easy
PERHAPS NO ONE looks forward to
Christmas with more hope in his heart
and schemes in his head than the student.
Christmas has always been a good time of
the year. For the student especially is this
true. He can return to his home and loved
ones, break out the Christmas cheer and
clasp the steering wheel of a non-restricted
This happy time however can be a time
of tragedy. It requires only a disgruntled
shopper, cutting between parked cars, and
a drunken driver to turn a joyful season
into one of disaster.
If you drink don't drive! It has become
trite .to say it, but it is no less true. No
matter what, when you take over the control
of a cart-take it easy.
-Vernon Emerson
with Justice and Treasury men in Birming-
ham at which he contended he did not
have sufficient evidence. In the end, and
with their concurrence, the prosecution of
jewelry profiteers Ripps and Mitchell was
sent back to Washington as closed.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Hindu-Moslem Riots . . . a
To the Editor: in
O, I'M BIASED, unfair, preju-
diced, ridiculous, and a heel! s
It is not immediately clear to me t
why Indian politics evoke such t
heated emotions on the part both s
of participants and of their b
friends, but so be it. Perhaps the e
reason is that the two great reli- t
gious groups, Hindu and Muslim, P
are so far apart in their basic a
philosophies that Indian political V
and social divisions inevitably ap- i
proximate religious groupings. f
I do not intend a detailed dis-
cussion of the three articles (Mich- 1
igan Daily December 14 and 15) e
criticizing my statements in The l
Daily, December 13, but a few a
points should be made, in the in- i
terest of fairness. Let's consider h
Miss Patterson's article. t
1. The riots accompanying par- g
tition took place on both sides of r
the new border, and millions of d
refugees did flow both ways, and y
there was brutality and suffering c
on both sides-as there was bound t
to be, once the thing started and P
reprisals occurred. However, no e
one has yet found evidence of anyr
orgarldzed effort to start riots by c
the authorities of the newly form- t
ing Pakistan Government. I most I
heartily reiterate that my witness-
es were telling accurately what d
happened to their families ande
villages, and that the widespread, l
systematic nature of the action s
does indicate Indian Governmente
organization. Furthermore, India
as a much larger, wealthier nation
was in a fair position to absorb re-
fugees, while the infant Pakistan
was not; it is unreasonable to i
think that Mr. Jinnah would work
against his own best interests.
2.' The "Direct Action Day" pro-
claimed by Mr. Jinnah in 1946
was a day of protest against a Bri-7
tish Parliament suggestion to or-
ganize a United India without ade-
quate protection for the minority
groups. It was not aimed against t
the Hindu, and had nothing what-f
ever to do with the partition riotsF
3 years later which were the only
ones I referred to.
3. In her enthusiasm, Miss Pat-
terson overlooks two facts aboute
Mohandas K. Ghandi (I do nott
call foreign politicians pet names).t
First, in the case in question, he1
let the rioting continue for two
weeks, and incited it by inflam-1
matory speeches; "Let true Hindu9
women know that they are com-
mitting no sin if they kill them-a
selves by refusing to breathe, in
order to avoid being raped by Mo-
hammedans," was one little gemc
nicely designed to quiet Hindut
male nerves. Then, when the dam-
age was done, he made this great
parade of riot-torn areas (Miss
Patterson herself says he startedk
in September; the riots began Aug-
ust 14).
Second, Mohandas Ghandi had
for twenty years been giving greatx
speeches on 'non-violence,' witht
an almost invariable sequence ofd
the most violent rioting, followed
by prayers and fasting by Mr.i
Ghandi. Once or twice that might1
be an accident; twenty years of
it suggests that it was de-t
liberate. "For Brutus says that
Caesar was ambitious, and Brutus
is an honorable man." Anyone ac-1
quainted with Indian semantics
can appreciate the inflammatory
nature of his "now violent" ap-
4. Miss Patterson's final state-
ment that the "so-called 'Hindu'
Government did not come into
power until August, 1947," is aE
serious distortion of fact. The Gov-
ernment of India, under Congress
Party leadership, changed its re-1
lationship to the British Govern-
ment on that date, but there was
no break in its continuity and its1
higher officials were continuously
in a position to arrange the actionsl
for which I have eye-witness evi-
5. The several million outcaste
Hindu residents of Pakistan re-
mained there without trouble dur-
ing and since the partition. I vi-
sited outcaste communities in Ben-
gal in 1945 and in Pakistan in 19-
48, and found the Pakistan groups
much better off, happier, and more
hopeful under Islamic tolerance
(Mohammedans believe in religious
tolerance as Christians do) than
under the Hindurcaste system. An
outcaste, Mr. Mundel, is Minister
of Law and Labor in the Pakistan
Cabinet. It is not clear to me why
so many Americans overlook the
race and religious tolerance which
is a working part of the Moham-
medan creed in every Islamic
-John Clark
More on Engineers .
To the Editor:
re underway to extend all engi-
eering programs to five years, or
As for "the unusual engineering
tudent who is able to discuss any-
hing but sine functions . . . ," of
he last four men in charge of mu-
ic in the Strauss Memorial Li-
rary, West Quad, three have been
ngineers. Of my male acquain-
ances, as great, if not a greater
ercentage of the engineers truly
ppreciate serious music. To a
arying degree in other fields this
s the general trend among my
"Engineering colleges, largely
gnoring this trend" to require sev-
ral years of variegated college-
evel training as a prerequisite for
dmission, are being intelligent.
t has been shown that for mos't
iuman beings, the period from 16
o 20 years of age is the one of
;reatest physiological drive. Hence,
nodern educators feel that stu-
lents should begin their collegiate
ears at sixteen. Since engineering
urricula are aimed at developing
hought processes, it is almost im-
perative that the student be train-
d during his most formative and
receptive period. Pre-vocational
ollegiate training, followed by in-
ensive concentration bespeaks of
massed learning. Spaced learning
s far superior, and thus, while
definitely in favor of broadening
engineering curricula, I firmly be-
ieve that all non-technical hours
should be interspersed among the
engineering subjects.
In closing, I pose a question for
Mr. Dawson: Why is it that chem-
cal engineers are recognized as
being the happiest married group
n the country?
-Jim Gibbs, '51 ChE
* * *
Michigan Plan.. ..
To the Editor:
I'D LIKE to thank the girls at
Helen Newberry for the oppor-
tunity Wednesday afternoon to
finish the debate on the Michigan
Plan with Gordon MacDougall
which began during the SL cam-
paign there.
While the Daily story pointed
out what I am against, I hope that
the girls at Newberry have a bet-
ter idea of What I am for than was
indicated by the Daily story.
To set the record straight I'd
like to point out that the "Michi-
gan Plan" has two goals:
1. the elimination of discrimin-
atory clauses, and
2. the changing of prejudicial
attitudes. My views on tactical pro-
cedure stem from the inter-rela-
tion of these two goals.
To accomplish the first we are
working to have NSA's 313 schoo
adopt SL's tactic of last spring of
barring new organizations with
discriminatory clauses from the
campus. Blocking further expan-
sion in many schools is one of the
pressures on national organiza-
tions with such clauses being ap-
plied at the National level.
To achieve the goal of chang-
ing attitudes, the SL has estab-
lished the Human Relations pro-
gram which is working to expand
informal social conduct among
various groups at the campus level
MacDougall agrees with the Hu-
man Relations program and also
agrees that discriminatory prac
tices will not be eliminated unti
the attitudes behind them ceas
to exist. Gordon's tactical sug-
gestion-imposing a time limit
at Michigan-should be evaluated
in terms of the two goals suggest
ed above.
Recognizing the fact that claus-
es must be changed at the na-
tional level, we must weigh the ef
fect at the national level that add
ing Michigan to the list of school
that are now applying pressure b
time limits will have againstth
possible adverse effect which such
a move might have at the loca:
level in terms of impairing the ef
fectiveness of the Human Rela
tions program on the campus.
Those of us who place a greate
emphasis on the changing of atti
tudes feel that it is more impor
tant on this campus at the presen
time to develop the cooperation o
all segments of the campus com
munity than to apply pressure b
a time limit which would be likel
to solidify further some of th
blind negativism which now ex
After Christmas I hope that w
can discuss the Human Relation
Program in more detail.
-Tom Walsh
* *- *
AP Reports *..
To the Editor:
Australian elections the othe
day, but, strangely, I found noth
overturned the Labor government
because they were fed up with
government controls, shortages, .."
They always are, everywhere.(It's
a wonder they ever vote them in in
the first place.' I even know who
the "observers" are, and that they
all live in New York, working hap-
pily for the AP.
I didn't know much about the
candidates, the programs, the plat-
forms, the issues involved. But
perhaps there isn't room in the
Daily to print all the doings in a!
distant country; just enough to
tell us what the AP thinks, and
therefore what we are to think,
trustingly and all together, in the!
randest tradition of free enter-
-David Park
* * *
World Peace-..
To the Editor:
WITH THE world peace situa-
tion being what it is this
Christmas, I feel it is high time
that the 'men of good will' plan
now what steps they will take to
bring peace on earth. Discussion
in a letters-to-the-editor column
will be an aid to such planning;
so I contribute the following state-
ment to tee off the discussion, in-
viting all comments.
To prevent the third world war
which NOW menaces our lives and
our liberty, we must NOW estab-
lish a free, firm, and enduring
world peace. This can be done
ONLY by forming and using a
democratic world g overnment
granted adequate power to make,
interpret, and enforce world law
directly on individuals and their
To achieve peace in a city, we
form a government of the city.
We do the same in a state, and in
a nation. Yes, uniting in govern-
ment is our accepted method of
achieving peace. And to achieve
WORLD peace we need a WORLD
But we must not sacrifice es-
sential liberty to obtain security;
indeed, we seek security to pre-
serve liberty. Therefore, we can
accept only a DEMOCRATIC
, world government that allows
every citizen his full, free share
in determining its activities. Such
a democratic world government
to achieve world peace is urgently
needed NOW. We cannot afford
to wait!
-David C. Firestone
*. * *
Good Old Quad.. ..
To the Editor:
I THINK THAT one of the nicer
things about dormitory living,
particularly West Quad life, is
the pleasant mien and gentle-
manly character shown by so
many of our cultured American
This is especially noticeable at
times when they join together in
tasteful unison to disrupt such
unfavorable efforts as the singing
of Christmas carols.
During one short season of the
year it is customary to help kin-
dle Christmas cheer by this sing-
ing, but last night when a group
of girls unfortunately tried it they
were interrupted by catcalls, fire-
crackers, profound remarks, hisses
and cries to "knock it off." The
singing, which was good when
discernible, would have been en-
joyable to me, but evidently most
of the intellectuals in the crowd
objected to such a horrendous in-
trusion of their valuable time
Just think how awful it would be
to live in a fraternity where they
o actually encourage this sort of
l Ah yes, I certainly will hate t
e leave the good old quad next year
-Peter Grylls
Not in AIM .. .
To the Editor:
'WE, the Council of Hinsdal
- - House, ask you to retract the
statement appearing on page eigh
- of Thursday's Daily to the effec
that Hinsdale is represented ir
y AIM. We have no desire to be re
presented in AIM and feel tha
1 AIM has no right to represent us.
-William R. Hoffmeyer
(EDITOR'S NOTE. Information
- for The Daily's story on AIM was
obtained from AIM Vice-president
Marvin Failer, '50.)
r * * *
:' Proof Poiie . .
I To the Editor:
- THE LETTER appearing i
y Wednesday's Daily signed byE
Y students is interesting and de.
e serves comment. These individual;
- want to know what is unusua
about the YPA leaflet title
e "Proof Positive."
s The startling fact is that this
is the first time a University of.
ficial has publicly stated tha
information on admission form
is used for discrimination.hFor
merly they have claimed that th
information was used for statisti
cal purposes and not for admis
e sion. Pressure in the form of leaf
r lets seem to have clarified thi
- stand, if not changed it. NoN
1_ 4 , .7- 1 i U iii s~+i f
means. He has already taken that
into consideration before sub-
mitting the application. Discri-
mination in employment should
not affect admission. The two are
distinctly separate. The way a stu-
dent finances his education is
distinct from his intelligence. But
Dr. Vaughan said to the contrary.
The 6 students should know
better than to say that there is
no segregation in U dorms as
they are residents of the east
quad. This dorm and others
openly admit a policy a segre-
gating students in room assign-
ment on the basis of race and
religion. May I refer you to your
residence advisor.
Let's all get straightened out
on this issue. Jim Crow and
other forms of discrimination
do exist , on campus as an ad-
mitted and open policy. Let's get
busy and stamp it out.
-Gordon MacDougall.
* * *
CED & Discrimination
To the Editor:
SINCE EARLY last spring an or-
ganization known as the Com-
mittee to End Discrimination has
been functioning on the campus.
The immediate objective of this
group was and still is the removal
from University Admission blanks
of certain discriminatory ques-
tions. The CED can point with
pride to several concrete accom-
plishments throughout its history.
The work on the Fair Educational
Practices Act last spring, the ini-
tiation of a petition drive asking
for the removal of discriminatory
questions from application blanks
this semester, the uniting of over
twenty campus organizations in
this fight and the issuance of at
least two educational leaflets are
important steps for the success
of this task.
This semester the CED realized
the necessity of reaching the main
bulk of the students with its pro-
gram of taking the issue into the
dorms, league houses, coops, fra-
ternities, sororities-everywhere, of
teaching, educating and arousing
the students as to the necessity of
removing these questions NOW!
Suddenly, last week, the pages
of The Michigan Daily were filled
with accusations, threats and in-
sinuations as to the character of
CED ad its work. Strange faces
appeared at CED meetings asking
that CED disband in favor of Stu-
dent Legislature, that CED cur-
tail the activities of its member
organizations, that the CED wash
itself of "ultra leftist Tendencies,"
ets., etc. Who were these people,
who had never lifted a finger be-
fore to help the CED in fighting
discrimination, who suddenly be-
came so interested in "saving the
CED"? They are the so-called
campus "leaders", the bigshots, the
B.M.O.C.'s. Here are some of their
names-Walt Hansen, president of
the AIM, Dave Belin, president of
the Young Republicans, Lyn Mar-
cus, president of the Young Demo-
crats, and Dick Morrison of the
IFC! These leaders threatened to
quit the CED unless they had their
way, unless the CED was tailored
to fit their purposes. What a joke!
They never knew what the CED
was until they decided to rearrange
things. The utter hypocrisy be-
came apparent when Marcus
(Democrat) and Belin (Republi-
, can) teamed up with Hansen (In-
dependent) and Morrison (Fra-
ternity) in their process of making
the CED a "respectable" organi-
zation. These men with titles re-
present no one but themselves!
They are content to hunt for a
few headlines and split progres-
sive organizations as a coverup for
their own inactivity.
The CED has weathered this
storm and will weather a lot
0 more until discriminatory ques-
tions are gone from this university.
Every student on campus should
get their oiganization to go on
record opposing the presenqe of
such questions and to send dele-
gates to the CED immediately.
-Al Lippitt
- *4ru ai3
Washington Merry- Go-Round
WASHINGTON-One. of the worst scan-
dals in the nation today is income-tax
fraud and the way certain politicos or
friends of politicos are able to get away
with it.
With the country facing almost certain
tax increases next year, it remains a fact
that every man who dodges his taxes sends
the tax bill up higher for the other fellow.
Recently this column{ cited various tax
cases {where the little guy got prosecuted,
but the big guy-able to hire political in-
fluence-got off. This is far more frequent
than the public realizes, and this column
herewith begins a series to show how in-
come-tax fraud is put across,
For instance, in Mobile, Ala., Joe Mitchell
and his brother-in-law, Sam Rippe, or-
ganized the Gulf Coast Tobacco Co. during
the war and sold millions of dollars worth
of jewelry to army post exchanges. The
boys in the Army camps would buy almost
anything those days and Ripps and
Mitchell made a killing.
Then, a couple of years later, alert
Treasury agents caught them keeping two
sets of books, and after long investigation,
recommended criminal prosecution.
The two men who were so eager to sell
jewelry to GI's had not been so eager to
pay their taxes and treasury agents
claimed they owed a minimum of $700,000;
perhaps as much as $1,200,000.
Ripps and Mitchell immediately began
to pull every political wire south or north
of the Mason-Dixon line. First they tried
to hire Joseph Nunan, former Commissioner
of Internal Revenue. Then they negotiated
with Martin Sweaber, a good friend of
Nunan's. Then they retained William
Nicholson of Charlotte, N.C., former law
partner of Lamar Caudle, Assistant Attor-
ney General in charge of the Tax Division.
Scrupulous Caudle, a conscientious pub-
lic servant, phoned his former partner,
asked him to withdraw from the case. He
did so.
Finally, however, Mitchell and Ripps ap-
-proached Will Walter Bankhead of Alaba-
ma's politically powerful Bankhead family,
and through him retained Ben Leader,
former law partner of the U.S. Attorney
in Birmingham, John Hill. Significantly it
was Hill who was to try the case.
That case, however, has never been tried.
It was sent by the Justice Department to
Hill for prosecution, but that was as far as
it got. U.S. Attorney Hill held a conference
Fifty-Ninth* Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jarof............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson....Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker........ AssociateEditor
Don McNeil ..... Associate Editor
Aies Lmanian...Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbac.. .Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Allan Ciamage......Assistant Librarian
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