A Merry Christmas
See Page 2
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Students Begin
rek Homeward
Ann Arbor town braced itself for another Dunkirk-like debarka-
tion today as a huge majority of the University's 23,840 students
prepared to evacuate their dorms and rooming houses for a glorious
17-day Christmas recess.
The weatherman has predicted fair weather and slightly warmer
temperatures for the operation.
ALTHOUGH NO ENEMY warplanes scream overhead, holiday-
spirited students seem just as eager to pull up stakes as were the
outnumbered British tommies of Dunkirk, x.940.
The exodus, which officially begins with the lifting of Uni-
versity driving regulations at noon today, actually started at the
beginning of the week. Empty seats began to dot classrooms and
ticket agencies reported a brisk business as early as Monday and
Local eating establishments also reported a progressive slacken-
ing in student patronage since the first of the week.
* * * *
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THINGS DIDN'T really start to hum until yesterday, however,
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Homeward Bound!
when students began to show up for examinations decked out with
traveling attire and luggage.
Departing scholars jammed more than 20 regular airline
flights at Willow Run, including two complete air-coach sections.
Bus and railroad facilities were likewise taxed to the limit and
favorite hitch-hiking corners were well patronized despite a
biting wind.
Masses of prospective term paper authors jostled around the
main desk of the General Library, withdrawing texts and other
materials for vacation use. More than 400 books went yesterday
afternoon alone, with an even greater drain expected today.
* * * *
THE WORST IS YET to come for beleaguered Ann Arbor trans-
portation authorities, however. Today, the greatest portion of vaca-
tion-bound students will descend on bus, train and air terminals.
Forty-eight flights are scheduled at Willow Run, and countless addi-
tional railway and bus sections have been arranged.
Many will leave by automobile for nearby localities and
points as far removed as New York, Florida and California.
The Union reports that more than 400 students were accommo-
dated through their share-the-ride plan.
Rail travel, however, still remains popular among wheel-less
students. Vulcans society found no difficulty in filling eight of their
east-bound special coaches, and three more to Chicago.
Residence halls will be almost completely emptied by nightfall.
Of the 3,045 male students normally accommodated by the Univer-
sity residence hall system, only 84 have applied for vacation-time
lodging in Prescott House, the only men's residence to remain open.
Women dorm residents who are staying on campus during the
recess will be billited at Helen Newberry.
Other University residences will be subject to a thorough house-
Local foam joints had their last big night of the year as students
swarmed downtown to imbibe some Thursday evening Christmanj
cheer. "We'll sure miss 'em," admitted one proprietor, thinking of the
quiet weeks ahead before thirsty students once again would crowd
his tables.
Faculty Will Attend Many
Professors as well as students get the opportunity to leave Ann
Arbor during the Christmas vacation.
This year many of them will appear at conventions, conferences
and organizational meetings throughout the country.
* * * *
DEAN E. BLYTHE STASEN and several law professors will attend
the meeting of the Association of American Law Schools, Dec. 27-29
in Chicago.
Among those attending are Profs. Ralph W. Aigler, William
W. Bishop, Jr., Grover D. Grismore, Charles W. Jjiner, Albert
F. Neumann, Marcus L. Plant, Lewis M. Simes, Allan F. Smith
and Russell A. Smith.
Seven members of the political science department are scheduled
to attend the Annual American Political Science Association Con-
vention, Dec. 28-30 in New York City.
PROF. JAMES K. POLLOCK, department chairman, and James
A. Rowe, former members of the Hoover Commission, will speak on
"Executive Reorganization."
Prof.. Thomas S. Barclay, visiting professor of political science
from Stanford University, will speak on "The Future of Ameri-
Germans Get
Financial Aid
From U'S.
To Decide Nature
Of Help Later
BONN, Germany -(P)- W e s t
Germany yesterday signed an
agreement accepting European Re-
covery Program aid as a claim of
debt against her young, govern-
How much of the money Ger-
many gets from the United States
will eventually be counted as an
outright gift and how much Ger-
many will have to repay are ques-
tions to be decided later, when a
peace treaty is signed.
YESTERDAY'S agreement ele-
vated Germany for the first time
to full national status in the eco-
nomic cooperation program. The
occupying Western Allies previous-
ly have represented West Germany
in ERP dealings.
In Germany's case, money is
to be repaid "at such time as
the German economy can sup-
port such payments," an official
American statement said.
The agreement also contains a
provision that the West German
government will provide economic
aid for the U .S., British and
French sectors of Berlin. Due
largely to the long Russian block-
ade, West Berlin is hard up for
money and raw materials, but it
is nota part of West Germany.
Otherwise, American spokesmen
said, the ERP agreement with Ger-
many is almost identical with
those signed with other ERP na-
Hockey Team
Faces Strong
Toronto Sextet
Pucksters in First
Real Test of Season
Vacation thoughts will be farth-
est from the minds of the Michi-
gan hockey team as the Wolver-
ines get set for a two game series
with the University of Toronto at
eight o'clock tonight and tomor-
row night at the Coliseum.
After a comparatively easy 12-
3 shellacking of McMaster Uni-
versity last week, the Michigan
sextet will get its first real test
of the season when they take the
ice against the powerful Blues.
* * *
TORONTO coach Wally Balder
has taken five returning veterans
(two of whom have since been in-
jured), added a group of inexper-
ienced 'newcomers and molded
them into a strong squad.
This reorganized aggregation
has won two of its three starts
this season, one of which was a
wild 12-7 upset victory over the
Montreal Carabins, last year's
senior division chamupions of
Canadian college hockey.
The Montreal encounter brought
revenge to the Toronto club for
a previous 5-0 drubbing at the
hands of the Carabins and gave
indications that the Blues have
a high-flying forward line to
match Michigan's Celley-Burford-
Grant combination.
AGAINST the Carabins, wing-
man Norm Fox slapped in four
goals and added two assists. Four-
year veteran Cec Turcott posted
one goal and four assists and.
flankerWes Moore chalked up
two more of each.
Veteran Bus Hayes and new-
comer "Porky" MacDougall com-
bine to form the Blues' starting
defenseman duo with freshman
noalie flouO rr nzuain the
Prices $4 Per
-Daly-Wally Barth
IT IS MORE BLESSED-Don and Joyce Wall catch up a their
Christmas shopping before joining the Christmas exodus of
23,000 University students, who are leaving Ann Arbor by train,
plane and bus for their respective firesides.y
* * * *
Season Brings Cheer.,
High Sales to Merchants
With nearly all their stores decked out with holiday holly, cam-
pus-area merchants yesterday seemed generally happy about the
Christmas shopping season.
However, the fact that students will have a while week to do
last minute shopping at home this year will probably decrease the
overall volume of those stores who depend largely upon the student
STORES HAVE BEEN busy and crowded for most of the week.
By late yesterday afternoon, however, the crowds were no longer
excessive, indicating that most
students probably hadn't waited
to buy gifts just before ctching,
the train home.
Generally, people were buying
the usual sort of thing for
Christmas gifts.
Jewelry has been a big favorite
this year, according to reports
from several gift shops. These
stores also reported that sales of
jewelry boxes have been especially
* * *
streamlined perfume dispenser
shaped like a cigaret lighter has
been especially popular with men
looking for a gift for the current
vomen-of -their-dreams.
Standard cigaret lighters have
sold well again this year, despite
competition from these gadgets
which dispense fragrant scents
instead of flame.
In women's shops, lingerie seems
to be a top-selling item this sea-
son. No figures were available on
the status of lingerie buyers, how-
.* * *
THE GIFT department of a
fashionable variety shop reported
that playing cards and card tables
have been its big sellers during
the past few weeks.
The buyer for this department
attributed the high volume of
playing card sales to the Canas-
ta craze.
"Anything which entertains
people has been selling well this
year," she reported.
IN SEVERAL stores, bar sup-
plies and liquor glasses have been
very popular.
"They always have been," one
clerkin a gift shop remarked.
In men's wear, nylon shirts and
white shirts have sold especially
well, although sales of the faith-
ful necktie have continued on a
high level.
Blames Higher Operating Costs;
Congressional Investigation Likely
PITSBURGH-(P)-United States Steel Corporation yesterday
boosted the price of steel about $4 a ton and put the blame on higher
operating costs.
A Congressional investigation appeared likely. Senator O'Ma-
honey (D-Wyo.) said in advance of the announcement that any
price hikes would bring such a probe soon after Christmas.
THE INCREASE also made it probable that many consumer
products such as automobiles and refrigerators will carry higher
price tags.
New demands by the CIO United Steelworkers for wage
U.S. Steel Raises
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Southern coal
mine operators asked President
Truman yesterday to force John L.
Lewis' miners back on a full work
schedule by means of a Taft Hart-
ley Act injunction. The Southern
Coal Producers association also
asked that Lewis and his United
Mine Workers be prosecuted on
anti-trust charges for their three-
day weekly limit on the mining of
1949 navigation season at the
Sault locks ended yesterday as
an ice-coated freighter eased its
way into the Davis lock.
ROSWELL, N.M.-An Air Force
B-29 crashed and burned two miles
west of Walker Air Force base yes-
terday, killing five crewmen and
injuring four others. Fourteen
were aboard. The others escaped
without injury.
* * * ,
LONDON-The London Daily
Mirror indicated yesterday Brit-
ain has the atom bomb, a devel-
opment that wouldn't surprise
the world's scientists. Confirma-
tion, however, was lacking. The
field is a top state secret.,
S. * *
TAIPEH, Formosa - Bidding
strongly for renewed American aid,
the Nationalists yesterday named
a new civilian governor for this
strategic island - former Mayor
K. C. Wu of Shanghai, American
trained and well-known to many
increases are a virtual certainty.
Philip Murray, CIO, United<
Steelworkers President, said in
Washington he will not comment
on the steel rise until he sees the
full list of price changes.
U.S. STEEL President Benjamin
F. Fairless said in a statement
that the new prices "reflect actual
and approaching changes in the
cost of production."
He saidcmounting expenses of
operation include "the substan-
tial higher cost to result when
our new insurance and pension
programs become effective. ,
THE INCREASE is the fourth
general price hike in the steel in-
dustry since the war. Like the
Effects ofr Rise
NEW YRgK-(h-ebere is, how
a $4 a ton increase in the price
of finished steel would affect the
cost of steel used in manufacture
of some common articles made
from the metal:
Cost of steel in an automobile
would be increased about $7; in
a mechanical refrigerator, 40
cents; in a metal office desk, 60
cents; in a medium farm tractor,
$3; in a lawn mower, 5.8 cents;
in a large kitchen cabinet, 27
cents; in a garbage can, 4 cents,
others, it comes on the heels of
new contract benefits to its steel-
worker members. The last in-
crease was in July, 1948.
Before the amount of the
steel price hike was announced,
union and governmental sources
criticized any increase as "scan-
dalous" and "out of line."
Everett Kassalow, Executive
Secretary of the CIO Full Em-
ployment Committee, said in tes-
timony prepared for the Senate-
House Economic Committee that
his organization is "simply ap-
palled by the rumors of pending
steel price increases.
HE WAS called to the sub-com-
mittee hearings on ways to at-
tract investment capital to smallj
He referred to the board nam-
ed by President Truman last
summer to try to find a settle-
ment of the free pension and
insurance dispute that eventu-
ally brought on a nationwide
strike October 1 ,.
That board recommended a 10-
cent package of pensions and in-
surance but advised against any
wage increase for steelworkers now
earning an average of $1.65 an1
Last Edition
With this edition, The Daily f
suspends publication over the
Christmas vacation period.
The next issue will appear
Wednesday, Jan. 4.
May Repeal
Excise Taxes
KEY WEST, Fla.-/)i---Presi-
dent Truman disclosed yesterday
in a press conference that the
administration is considering re-
peal of war-time excise taxes.
He said treasury experts, and
staffers of the tax-writing House
Ways and Means Committee, are
working together harmoniously to
determine the wisdom of such a
step and whether to recommend
new taxes to offset them and bal-
ance the budget as well.
* * *
EXCISE TAXES are those on
theater tickets, railroad and bus
fares, telephone bills, light bulbs,
luggage, jewelry and many other
items. Congress put on new ones
and boosted the old ones in the
wartime search for new revenues.
Truman didn't propose to say
whether he will recommend
either repeal of the excise taxes
levied during the war or new
taxes on corporation profits un-
til he sends his budget and state
of the union messages to Con-
gress in January.
The President declined to say
whether he will ask new taxes.
He did say it was always his aim
to balance the budget.
Airport Rides
Offered Today
More than 85 students yester-
day swarmed over to therUnion
ticket desk to sign up for Wol-
verine Club-sponsored rides to
Willow Run airport this after-
Club member Don Greenfield
said that the desk would be open
from 8 a.m. to noon today for
students making last minute
preparations to leave Ann Arbor
for the airport.
EARLIER, Greenfield announc-
ed that Greyhound Buslines has
scheduled special buses leavingI
from the Union at 2 p.m., 3 p.m.
and 4 p.m. Two sections will beI
run on each of these scheduled
trips if the demand is great
In addition, the Wolverine Club
has secured six private cars which
will make shuttle runs to the
airport starting at 9 a.m. today.
Two of these volunteer cars willl
also carry students to Willow Run
tomorrow morning.
Busf are for the trip will be 35
cents, while students registering
for the volunteer car ferry service
will be asked to share gasoline
Agency Cuts
50 Per Cent
Loyalty Checks
Provoke Action
Atomic Energy Commission an-
nounced yesterday it is cutting
its student training program al-
most in half because scientists
object to a requirement that all
those who receive the fellowships
undergo FBI loyalty checks.
A total of 421 students are -re-
ceiving training this year at a
cost of about $1,500,000. The list
will be trimmed next year to about
250; the expense to between $600,-
000 and $900,000.
THE FUTURE of the program
after the 1r50-51 academic year
is uncertain~.
The National Research Coun-
cil of the National Academy of
Sciences has been administer-
ing the fellowship program for
the AEC. But it bittery oppos-
es the loyalty-test-forall re-
quirement written into the
atomic appropriation bill last
At first the Council wanted to
withdraw entirely from any con-
nection with the program, but up-
on the atomic commission's ap-
peal agreed to handle the work
one more year only, on a sharply
reduced basis.
THE COUNCIL took the pos-.
tion that the requirement fr an
FBI investigation and Atomc
Energy Commission clearance for
students in non-secret work Is
"unwise from the standpoint of
the advance of science."
"We are convinced that by
this restriction the value of the
broad program has been great-
ly reduced," it said in a state-
ment. "We have grave doubts
whether the continuance of the
Atomic Energy Commission fel-
lowship program thus restrited.
is in the national interests."
Congress demanded that all
Communists be excluded, whether
they were working on secret or
non-secret subjects.
The Commission said the fel-
lowship program is being cut be-
cause it believes it necessary that
it be administered by some scien-
tific or educational organization,
not the AEC.
Lewis Spurns
TPolicing'. Job
Sawyer Hits Bars
On Reds' Education
Prof. Howard B. Lewis, amem-
ber of the Atomic Fellowship Com-
mission of the National Research
Council, last night explained his
group's stand which resulted in a
slash in the AEC student training
Prof. Lewis is chairman of the
biological chemistry department.
He said, "The position of some
members of the Atomic Fellowship
Commission was that, regardless of
our merits as a body of scientific
men, we should hardly be asked to
police as well as to work for the
advancement of science."
DEAN RALPH A. Sawyer of the
graduate school, who participated
in the U.S. Government's 1946
atomic bomb tests at Bikini, also
defended the action of AEC and
the National Research Council.
Even Communists are entitled to
an education by virtue of their cit-
izenship, he asserted.
"In most cases the Atomic
Energy Conmission fellowips
are on non-secret work, And I
don't see any reason for FBI
Enrollment Shows Students Survive Academic Ax
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