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December 11, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-11

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Latest Deadline in the State

4EI 41P
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VOL. LX, No. 66
School Job
Given Back
Sunfield Board
Reverses Stand
SUNFIELD, Mich. - (P) - The
Sunfield School Board voted yes-
terday 3 to 2 to reinstate the
Rev. Albert W. Kauffman as su-
perintendent of the publip
The board reversed its action
of Thursday when it fired Kauff-
man because of unfavorable pub-
licity he was said to have brought
the village by writing a letter to
a magazine about Russia.
Sipperley cast the deciding vote
by siding with two board mem-
bers who stood pat on keeping
Kauffman as the village school
head. Sipperleyhreferring to as-
sertions of Kauffman's critics
that the letter indicated he was a
Communist, said:
"Until somebody can get on
the stand and prove this is true,
I will have to vote as I did to-
It was the third time that the
board voted on the status of
Kauffman. The board voted to re-
tain him Tuesday after the let-
ter created a furore in the com-
mut. * * *
KAUFFMAN'S letter appeared
in the magazine Soviet Russia To-
day, which is published in the
United States. It criticized "fool-
ish patriotic organizations, thse
Vatican and Legionnaires" as ob-
stacles to peace between the
United States and Russia.
Kauffman emphasized later
that he is not a Communist. He
also denied his letter was an at-
tack on the American Legion.
The school executive also serves
as pastor of the Congregational
Church in nearby Vernon.
APPEARING before the board
today, Kauffman said, "When
the time comes I will have an
ample explanation for the letter."
,Sipperley commented, "I will
change my stand instantly when
Communist charges are proved."
Chiang Flies
To Formosa
SAmid Revolt
TAIPEH, Formosa - (W) -
Chiang Kai-Shek flew to Formosa
last night from the chaotic main-
lnd, where a Yunnan province
revolt was stripping the Nation-
alists of their last major foot-
Large-scale organized resist-
ance on the mainland is ending.
A new era of Nationalist guerrilla
warfare is at hand.
spokesman, admitted the Yunnan
situation was grave. Nationalist
quarters held a faint hope that
the revolt could yet be localized.
They have counted on that south
province for a base.
(Air crews of planes reaching
Hong Kong from Kunming,
Yunnan province capital, said
it was believed the whole pro-
vince had gone over to the com-

munists. Turncoat Nationalists
held Kunming.)
Chiang laid his plans for guer-
rilla warfare before he left
Chengtu. The city served for 10
brief days as a refuge for the Na-
tonalist government before its
removal to this island 100 miles
off the mainland.
THE Generalissimo also made
a strenuous effort to keep Yunnan
loyal. He called in three Yunnan
generals for conferences shortly
before he left.
When Chiang left Chengtu the
streets were filled with soldiers of
Gen. Hu Tsung-nan's 350,000-
man army. They were withdraw-
ing to the mountains beyond,
there to take up the burden of
guerrilla warfare in Western
Vacation Ducat
Reduced-rate round-trip student
train tickets to Boston, Albany,



'Treetops Glisten'

Aussie Labor Party Oste

G 1 /t'





-Daily-Carlyle Marshall
EARLY CHRISTMAS--Nine year old Roger Passon makes use
of his right to a handful of gumdrops (indirectly) from the tree
in the center. Mrs. Dorothy Legg, receptionist in the lobby of
the General Administration Building who made the tree and
controls distribution, does the honors.
'U' Receptionist Plays
SantaWith Candy Tree

Santa Claus, sporting not a
beard but a blonde braid, ap-
parently descended on campus
this week spewing candy from a
gumdrop tree in all directions.
However, Mrs. Dorothy Legg,
receptionist in the lobby of the
General Administration Building,
denied yesterday that the old
gentleman with whiskers pushed
her to put the candy laden tree on
her desk.
Reds Claim
West Plans
NEW YORK - (P) - An old
Russian charge that the United
States and Britain are preparing
a "black plot" against world peace
jarred the closing session of 'the
U.N. fourth General Assembly
It was knocked down by a sal-
vo of cheers for a Western answer.
THE SOVIET blast, delivered
by Deputy Foreign Minister Jakob
A. Malik, drew a rebuke from Sir
Alexander Cadogan of Britain.
Cadogan told the assembly the
Russian had unnecessarily in-
jected a "certain amount of poi-
son" into the final speeches of the
After the Malik-Cadogan ex-
change, Assembly President
Carlos P. Romulo said in his
closing speech the peoples of
the world are determined that
every possibility should be ex-
plored that can lead the na-
tions out of the Russian-West-
ern deadlock.
He then declared the assembly
adjourned finally at 1:21 p.m.
w THE RUSSIANS pulled the
same stunt this year that they did
in the closing session in' Paris last
Dec. 12. They attacked the re-
sults of the assembly at that
time. Yesterday, Malik gained the
floor during the final send-off
round and said:
"Instead of making the
fourth session of the General
Assembly an assembly for the
strengthening of peace, the
Anglo-American bloc exerted
all efforts toward converting it
into a session to cover up ag-
gression and the preparations
for a new war.
"At the fourth session of the
General Assembly, the representa-
tives of the United States and the
United Kingdom exerted efforts
to prevent the adoption of the So-
viet Union proposal directed
toward the strengthening of
peace and the security of peo-
"THE Anglo-American imper-
ialists and warmongers, prepar-
ing behind the back of the United
Nations a black plot against
The delegates showed what.
they thought of the Russian

She stoutly maintained that the
idea came to her "from a sugar-
plum fairy in the Nutcracker
* * *
A TOP OF a thornapple tree
and about ,two pounds of gum-
drops were the basic materials
which went into Mrs. Legg's
Christmas concoction. It will be
on display throughout the holiday
season, she said.
As to everyone getting their
share of gumdrops, Mrs. Legg
reasonably r amakesdthat
"=Gumdrops will be given out, as
long as there are gumdrops to
give out."
The receptionist wanted it de-
finitely understood that gumdrops
are not to be taken off the tree
* * *
TO GET his swag, a person
must first tell Mrs. Legg that he
admires the tree. From there on
she has worked out a formula to
govern the distribution of the
"One admire," Mrs. Legg has
decreed, "one gumdrop. Two
admires, two gumdrops." And
so on up to what she refers =to
as a "reasonable" number.
To little boys under ten (with
small hands) Mrs. Legg gives a
handful of gumdrops from her
supply, which 'she keeps stashed in
a bag under her desk.
* . .*
COMMENTS from passers-by
have come fast and furious. One
wit drolly remarked, "It looks
good enough- to eat."
Remarks, however, were not
confined entirely to the tree.
One gallant gentleman de-
clared, "I don't see how any-
body can look at the tree with
the beauty behind the desk."
After being pressed, he ad-
mitted that, "Yes," he had kissed
the Blarney Stone.
Carol Sing To
Be HeldToday
The 13th annual Campus Carol
Sing will be held at 8 p.m. today
on the Library steps.
Today's Carol Sing will feature
a mixed quartet composed of the
sing director, Roger Appleby, '50
SM; Dorothy Appleby, Robert H.
Werme, '50, and Nedra Werme,

Burford, Celley
Star in Trouncing
The setting was a little differ-
ent but the outcome was essential-
ly the same last night as the Wol-
verine puckmen romped to an easy
12-3 triumph over McMaster Uni-
versity before nearly 3,000 fans in
Michigan's revamped Coliseum.
For the fifth straight year the
Wolverines completely outclassed
the Canadians from Hamilton, On-
tario, by piling up six goals in the
second period after getting off to
a rather slow start in the initial
AS EXPECTED Michigan's ter-
rific first line of Neil Celley, Wally
Grant, and Gil Burford dominat-
ed the scoring with both Celley
and Burford pulling the "hat trik"
with three and four tallies re-
Michigan's first goal came at
6:30 and was an easy one. Shep-
pard had made a nice save on a
short poke by Grant but fell to
the ice. Burford grabbed the
loose puck on the rebound and
drilled it into the open net.
The play slowed down consid-
erably in the middle of the ses-
sion and it-wasn't until 17:41 that
the Wolverines broke into the scor-
ing column again. This time it.
was Al Bassey who took a pass
from Bob Heathcott right in front
of the goal and flipped it high into
the nets.
* *.*
McMASTER SENT Nic Christo-
pher to tend goal in the middle
period and the Wolverine attack
went into high gear.
Burford started the onslaught
See CELLEY, Page 6
Unions Minits
Non-Red Oaths
Hit byRuling
tional Labor Relations Board yes-
terday ruled that employers don't
have to bargain with a union
whose officers have not filed non-
Communist oaths.
It held unanimously, however,
that this does not give an employ-
er a defense against charges of in-
terfering with rights of individual
employes under the Taft-Hartley
But an employer is not barred,
the NLRB said, from raising'
wages without consulting a non-
complying union, even though a
majority of employes belong to
The - non-Communist affidavits
are required under the act from
all local and international union
officers in order to give the union
any standing before the NLRB.
Without such standing the un-
ion is powerless to enforce its bar-
gaining rights or complain against
any acts of an employer, the board
has ruled.

WING TO WING--Six Sabre jet fighters roar over March Field, Calif., in a demonstration of pre-
cision formation flying. The planes, shown flying at approximately 600 miles m.ph., were built by
North American and assigned to the 1st Fighter Group. This is the first news picture of Sabres
in formation. The swept-wing plane holds the accepted world speed record of 670.931 m.p.h.

SL Told To
Push Uiion
Of Counidils
Student Legislature should
work for a loosely knit federation
of the various school councils as
part of its over-all organization,
President John Ryder told Legis-
lators yesterday at SL's work
Such councils, as those from the
engineering college and Bus Ad
schools, would have a "mutually
beneficial" effect on each organi-
zation, bringing them in more
direct contact with more stu-
dents, he said.
RYDER keynoted the confer-
ence, which planned SL activities
for the coming semester and pro-
vided members with an intimate
look at SL's function, as well as
what they should do to be effi-
cient legislators.
Eight members were absent-
those without excuses were Bill
Duerr, Pat McLean, Harvey
Schatz, Lou Wirbel and Ed
Yanne. Those with excuses
were Ray Guerin, Gordon Mac-
Dougall and Walter Oberreit.
In addition to coordinating
student activities and organiza-
tions, Ryder listed two other
functions of student government;
1. To act as a soundboard for
student opinion.
He urged Legislators to strive
to represent students more "on
their own," as well as in their
capacity as members of the Legis-
lature, and to emphasize in their
work the importance of greater
2. To work with the admini-
stration and faculty for coop-
eration on student, faculty and
administrative affairs and
So often Legislators view such
problems only in the scope of
their own four years at college,
and must revise their attitudes to
approach them with a long-range
view, he said.

Rise StevensWill -Sing
In Concert Tomorrow

. -

Glamorous Metropolitan Opera
star Rise Stevens will be heard
in the sixth Choral Union con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
The star, who shattered tradi-
tion by refusing a contract with
the Metropolitan in 1936 to con-
tinue her - studies, has achieved
fame in movies, radio, and con-
cert appearances, as well as on
the opera stage.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Congressional
probers disclosed yesterday they
have asked for records of the
Chemical Warfare Service as they
sought to run down the whole
story of how the Russians were
able to get precious atomic mater-
ials during the war.
* *s *
STOCKHOLM-Seven princes
and princesses of Swedish royal-
ty rose in tribute to Dr. Hideki
Yukawa, Dr. William F. Giauque,
and Dr. Walter R. Hess today at
the awarding of Nobel Prizes for
scientific achievement. The win-
ners received the prizes from the
hand of crown prince Gustaf
TAIPEH, Formosa-The Chinese
navy warned today that ships in-
tentionally running the Nationalist
blockade do so at their own risk.

MISS STEVENS will open her
concert with "Wher'er You Walk"
from Handel's "Semele" and "Il
est dous, il est bon" from Masse-
net's "Herodiade."
Her program continues with
"Oh, What a Beautiful City"
arranged by Boatner, "Were
You There" arranged by Bur-
leigh, and "My Good Lord
Been Here" arranged by John-
Also on the program are Schu-
mann's "Widmung," Strauss'
"Trumo durch die Dammerung,"
Brahms' "Meine Liebe ist run"
and Wolf's "Mausfallen-Spruch-
* * *
FOLLOWING intermission,
Miss Stevens will sing Rachmani-
noff's "To the Children," St.
Leger's "The Ash Grove," and
Brooks Smith's "An Ocean Idyll."
The concert will conclude with
excerpts from Bizet's "Carmen."
Miss Stevens made her opera-
tic debut at the Prague Opera
House in 1937 in the title role
of "Mignon." Following this,
she sang in opera in Vienna,
Egypt, and-Buenos Aires, South
The young star then returned
to the United States and made
her American debut in the title
role of "Mignon."
* * *
.Will IPer form.
Messiah Agaain

Goes Liberal
In Australia
Follows in New
Zealand's Steps
By The Associated Press
Free enterprise parties opposing
Labor made a clean sweep In
Australia yesterday.
A combination of Liberal and
Country parties won a general
election which meant that the
Australian Labor party is out after
eight years in office.
* * *
THE ELECTION followed a
similar test at the polls in. the
neighboring British dominion of
New Zealand on Nov. 30. There
the Nationalist party defeated
another Labor government that
had ruled for 14 years.
Robert Gordon Menzies, Lib-
eral leader, who will succeed
Labor Leader Joseph B. Chifley
as Australian Prime Minister,
had predicted the Australian
trend in a statement Dec. 1.
"The Socialists were brought t
power in New Zealand, Austai
and Great Britain in that order'
he said. "This dramatic (New
Zealand) result seems a happy
omen that they will go out in te
same order."
SOME TIME before the end of
next July Prime Minister Attlee's
Labor government in Britain also
faces the voters..
Observers in Australia said the
people overturned the Labor
government because they were
fed up with government controls,
shortages, gasoline rationing,
rising prices and the trend to-
ward socialization of industries.
The combination Liberal aned
Country parties were assured of at
least 64 of the 121 voting member-
ships in the House of Representa-
tives. Labor had won 50 seats
- with seven others still in doubt
- and seemed likely to control the
Senate. But the Senate does not
affect a shift in the government.
Election 1No
Shock = Laing
Ousting of Australia's Labor
Government does not come as too
much of a surprise because a close"
election race was expected, accord-
ing to Prof. Lionel H. Laing, of the'
political science department
"The socialization structure is
well established in Australia so the
economic picture may not under-
go radical changes for quite somne
time," Prof. Laing said.
"Of course, further socialization
schemes will be slowed down con-
siderably," he added.
PROF. LAING pointed out that
the two coalition parties, the
Country and the Liberal, previ-
ously had difficulty working to-
gether and may find it difficult
to agree on various issues.
Commenting on Australian
Liberal Leader Robert Menzies
remark that Britain may be next
to give up Socialism, Prof. La-
ing said "there is danger in fol-
lowing that line of thought. "

"The politics of the dominions
are so different from England's
that an assumption based on La-
bor Party reversals in Australia
and New Zealand is not practical."
PROF.sLAING pointed out that
there has been no decided->swing
against the Labor Party in Eng-
"In bi-elections held since
1945, the British Labor party has
retained all the seats in parlia-
ment which it originally won in

* * * I A second performance of Han-
MACKINAC CITY-Five freigh- del's "Messiah" will be given at
ters were locked for several hours 2:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
yesterday in fast-forming ice in Chloe Owen, Anna Kaskas, Os-
passageways between Lake Super- car Natzka, and David Lloyd will
ior and Lake Huron. sing the solo parts, accompanied
Shortly after they had plowed by the University Choral Union.
their way out, the Coast Guard Lester McCoy will conduct the
icebreaker Mackinaw pulled the chorus' 300 members.
freighter George F. Rand off a Tickets will be available one
mud bank in Saginaw Bay, where hour before the concert at the Hill
it had been held fast for 48 hours. Auditorium box office.

Long Thanksgiving Vacations Found Prevalent

A full Thanksgiving vacation,
long-time project of Student
Legislature, is the policy of an
overwhelming majority of col-
leges and universities checked in
a Daily survey.
As the survey was being com-
pleted, it was announced that the
question of a long Thanksgiving

that keeps students in class out of
10 schools checked.
Of state supported schools, 40
out of 45 give the students a
four-day4breather at Thanks-
giving. Those polled which do
not are the Universities of Mich-
igan, Minnesota, Kentucky, Cal-
ifornia and Idaho.-
The Big Seven Schools, located
in the western part of the Mid-

Whether the school is on the
quarter or semester system doesn't
seem to make much difference, for
11, or 14 per cent, out of 74 schools
on the semester basis hold classes
over the weekend. And of 21
schools with the quarter system
(three terms per year, excluding
summer) three, also 14 per cent,

Tech, Stanford, Utah,Montana
and Michigan State.
Even President Ruthven's alma
mater, Morningside College of
Sioux City, Iowa, has a long
Thanksgiving weekend.
* * *
THE FIGURES compiled by the
Daily survey are not scientific,
but only a random check of schools

would take positive action on the
HE ADDED, however, that the
University Calendar Committee
would not feel unfavorably to the
proposal if it passed.
Dave Belin, chairman of SL's
"Committee To End Classes on
the Thanksgiving Weekend,"
said that the biggest trouble

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