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December 14, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-14

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AS ANY vacation time approaches, students
begin to think about the cheapest and
quickest way to get home.
"Wouldn't it be fine if I could find
someone driving to Podunk" is the gen-
eral sort of conversation heard during the
week preceding the holiday. In the past, if
the student wanted to do any more than
think and talk about the possibility of
riding home, he was pretty much out of
luck. All he could do was put up a neatly
typed notice on the bulletin board of the
Union or his residence, and hope that
some kind-hearted person with an auto-
mobile would read and heed his request.
This year, however, the Union has done
something about the how-shall-I-get-home-
for-Christmas problem. It has set up a travel
bureau specifically designed to bring togeth-
er persons driving to a certain area and per-
sons desiring rides to the same destination.
Response to the program was most enthu-
siastic. Nearly 1,000 students registered with
the bureau, either as drivers or as riders.
Despite the expected shortage of drivers,
the bureau was able to accommodate a size-
able portion of the would-be riders who sign-
ed up for its services. Considering the Uni-
versity's rather restrictive driving provisions,
the bureau's accomplishment is quite im-
The Union staff deserves a well-earned
compliment for providing a needed service
to the student body. The support which .
the travel bureau received shows beyond
any doubt that students do appreciate
worthwhile student-sponsored projects..
We could stand more of them around here.
-Paul Brentlinger

This Atomic Mess

Bill Mauldin


WASHINGTON-Resignation of David E.
Lilienthal from the chairmanship of
the Atomic Energy Commission has left
this vital sphere of effort in an appalling
mess. The mess is none of Lilienthal's mak-
ing; but his going has brought the situation
into rather lurid relief. Hence there is now
talk, in the very restricted circles where
the situation is understood at all, of the
possible need for a wholly new start next
The reason for Lilienthal's resignation was
entirely personal. He simply did not like
his job. He is one of the great administra-
tors and public servants of our time, but he
has no inclination to be a manufacturer
of weapons of hideous destruction. When
this turned out to be his real task as A.E.C.
chairman, he had no enthusiasm for it. The
sense of duty that kept him going was
broken down by the most recent spasm
of neurotic Senatorial inquisition, and he
resigned forthwith.
FURTHERMORE, Lilienthal's efforts have
at least kept the mess in the atomic
energy effort within reasonable limits. On
the worlging level, the Atomic Energy Com-
mission is adequately if not always bril-
liantly staffed. The various divisions of the
A.E.C. are operating pretty satisfactorily.
The program can jog along for a while,
without risk of immediate breakdown.
There is clear risk of eventual breakdown,
however, in the state of affairs at top. It

Washington Merry-Go-Round

was already unwieldy to try to run a great
industrial effort through a commission. If
not replaced by a single qualified adminis-
trator, the A.E.C. ought probably to be
reduced from five men to three. What Is
even worse, however, is the enormous num-
ber of persons legally authorized to breathe
down the commission's neck.
* *
THIS ROLE IS performed by the General
Advisory Committee, by the Military
Liaison Committee, and above all by the
Joint Congressional Committee .These neck-
breathers represent an obvious sacrifice of
efficiency to "safeguards." And their mere
existence has also reacted sharply on the
relationships within the A.E.C.
It has long been known, of course, that
Commissioner Lewis Strauss is at odds
with Chairman Lilienthal. This disagree-
ment has been rendered crippling by
Strauss's habit of running for aid to
Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper, or other
members of the Joint Congressional Com-
mittee, or leaders of the Defense Depart-
Now, moreover, politics has crept in.
While no doubt an able man, the most
recently chosen commissioner, Gordon Dean,
is also the patronage appointee of the chair-
man of the Congressional Joint Committee,
Senator Brien MacMahon. In the nature
of things, Dean's special relationship in-
creases the invitation to Congressional in-
terference in the commission's proper work,
already extended, as it were, by Strauss.
A S IF THESE obstacles were not enough
to repel any candidate for the succession
to Lilienthal, the President has lately weak-
ened the commission's support from the
executive branch. The issue here has been
the form of our co-operation in atomic
development with the British and Canadiars.
The explosion of the Soviet atomic bomb
has removed every intelligible obstacle to
the fullest Anglo-Canadian-American co-
operation. One of the strongest lessons,
of Dr. Vannevar Bush's "Modern Arms
and Free Men" is that we are likely 1
benefit the most by full co-operation.
Chairman Lilienthal fought for full co-
operation from the first. But the White
House and the State Department have
alike shrunk back from asking Congress
for the necessary exceptions to the "se-
crecy" rules.
As a result, the recent conversations with
the British here would have been comic, if
they had not been tragic. Sir Oliver Franks
and Sir Alexander Cockcroft, representing
the British government, went into the talks
completely briefed, completely united and
completely aware of what had to be ac-
Although Secretary of State Acheson
had been strongly urged to take personal
charge of the American side, our repre-
sentatives were six representatives of the
A.E.C. and the State and Defense Depart-
ments, all divided among themselves, all
uncertain of policy, all unauthorized to
act. Complete failure was only narrowly
These are the real reasons why the
President is having such difficulty in finding
a successor for Chairman Lilienthal. In
the end, indeed, it seems clear that the
President will have to choose betwen two
alternatives. Either he will have to name
anotherofthe dim hacks who are becoming
so common in vital government jobs. Or'
he will have to promise some qualified man
his own energetic support in any reforms
the new chairman may think necessary
after a year's experience.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

uates, 21-25 years of age. The Line
Operations (Steel) is interested in
obtaining Mechanical or Metallur-
gical Engineering graduates, 21-26
years of age, in the upper half of
their class. 18-month on-the-job
apprenticeship type training pro-
gram is followed by placement in
a supervisory situation. There are
also opening for Commerce gradu-
ates with majors in Accounting, in
the upper quarter of their class,
22-26 years of age, for 18-month
on-the-job training program.
For additional information and
appointments for interviews call
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Bldg.
University Lectures in Journal-
ism: "The Press in a Changing
World." Benjamin M. McKelway,
Editor, Washington Star, and
President of the American Society
of Newspaper Editors: auspices of
the Department of Journalism. 3
p.m., Wed., Dec. 14, Room C, Haven
University Lecture: "An Immu-
nological Approach to Problems of
Fertilization And Development."
Dr. Albert Tyler, Associate Profes-
sor of Embryology, California In-
stitute of Technology; auspices of
the Department of Zoology. 8 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 15, Rackham Amphi-
A cademic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Ar-
thur Edwin Johnson, Jr., Educa-
tion; thesis: "Development of an
Interest Blank to Differentiate
Types of Mechanical Interest," 2
p.m., Thurs.,Dec. 15, West Coun-
cil Room, Rackhain Bldg. Chair-
man, H. C. Koch.
Doctoral Examination for Lyle
Frederick Albright, Chemical En-
gineering; thesis: "Thermodyn-
amic Properties of Freon 13," 3
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 15, 3201 E. En-
gineering Bldg. Chairman, J. J.

Continued from Page 2

Doctoral Examination for David
John Davis, Education; thesis:
"A Comparative Study of Achieve-
ment Levels of Twelfth Grade Pu-
pils on a Test Designed to Measure
Functional Competence in Mathe-
matics," 4 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 15,
West Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Chairman, H. C. Kochj,
Doctoral Examination for Ern-
est Milton Halliday, English; the-
sis: "Narrative Technique in the
Novels of Ernest Hemingway," 7
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 15, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Bldg., Chair-
man A. L. Bader.
AE. 160 Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 14, 1504 E. Engineering. Prof.
M. V. Morkovin will speak "On
Wind Tunnel Corrections." Re-
freshments. Visitors welcome.
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: 4 p.m., Wed., Dec. 14, 101 W.
Engineering. Mr. F. W. Nieden-
fuhr will speak on the "Analog
Computer." All interested persons
Physical-Inorganic Chemistry
Seminar: 4:07 p.m., Wed., Dec. 14,
2308 Chemistry. Prof. J. H. Hodges.
"Activation in Unimolecular Reac-
Zoology Seminar: 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 15, Rackham Amphi-
theater. Mr. Martin J. Ulmer will
speak on "The Life History of
Postharmostomum hellcis (Leidy),
Student Recital: Graham Young,
a Wind Instrument major in the
School of Music, will present a
program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree at 8:30 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 15, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. He will be assisted
by members of the Woodwind En-
semble Class taught by Dwight
Dailey. A pupil of Clifford Lillya,
Mr. Young will play works by
Barat, Hindemith, Bohme, Feld-
man, Tomasi, and Daniel Gregory
Mason. The public is invited.
(Continued on Page 6)

"Shinin' example, my eye! I happen to know he's payin' off a
gamblin' debt."
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


WASHINGTON - A significant develop-
ment has taken place inside the Justice
department regarding the amazing John
Maragon, close friend of General Vaughan
and once a frequent caller at the White
Higher-ups in Justice have given orders
to Morris Fay, efficient U.S. Attorney for
the District of Columbia, to give them a
full report on the perjury case against
Maragon and to make no move without
consulting the Justice Department.
This has not been done in other important
cases. General Benny Meyers also faced a
perjury charge, but no such order went to
Fay from the Justice Department. He was
convicted and jailed without any delay or
John Maragon not only faces an almost
identical perjury charge, but Sen. Clyde
Eoey of North Carolina, chairman of the
Se rate Expenditures Subcommittee, official-
ly sent the case to the Justice Department
with a request for prosecution. Furthermore,
Hoey went to extra precautions to have a
quorum of his subcommittee present when
Maragon was questioned so there would be
no legal -loophole for a wriggling out of a
erjury prosecution.
Finally, it has been three full months
since the Senate sent its report to the
Justice Department, and still no action.
Ordinarily, it takes about one week to
bring a case of this kind before a grand
Maragon, of course, has had a special
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Lux on Weseurup
WHEN BELGIUM, The Netherlands and
Luxembourg set up special economic
arrangements, they were called Benelux
for short.
The proposal now is that the arrange-
ments be expanded to include France and
Italy, and this new proposal has been
dubbed Fritalux. Lest this be considered
a slight upon Belgium and The Nether-
lands, which are also involved, the name
had better be Fritabenelux.
The Dutch are urging that western Ger-
many also be included. If this is done, the
name would appropriately be Wegefrita-
Other nations are intimately concerned
with these economic arrangements. For
example, the Scandinavian countries,
which have special ties among themselves.
By the Scandinavian countries, of course,
we mean Swenorden.
And always there are the vast interests
of Great Britain. She is at the same time a'
part of Briswenorden and Briwegefrita-
benelux. Sooner or later these must be
brought together into a Briswenordenwege-
But there will remain the problem of
Spaipor, which is not a Marplan country,
Marplan, of course, means Erp or Oeec.
When the political and economic difficulties
have been overcome, the whole may be call-
ed Briswenordenwegefritabeneluxspaipor.
Or, it might simply be called Western
-St. Louis Star-Times

White House pass, has supplied liquor to
Gen. Harry Vaughan, has ridden on special
Presidential trains, stood on the bridge of a
battleship with the President when he re-
viewed the fleet in New York, and at one
time had access to the White House at al-
most any time of the day or night. So while
General Benny Meyers can't even get parole,
Maragon isn't even indicted.
FAILURE TO ACT in the Maragon case
brings up. a point regarding the Justice
Department which most people don't realize.
The public generally thinks qf the Justice
Department as the protective branch of the
U.S. Government, which reaches out to pun-
ish dishonesty wherever found and does its
best to keep the federal government clean.
* * *
A review of important cases, however,'
Indicates that the justice Department is.
extremely reluctant to go after the big
boys in government, and that most of the
cleanup cases have been developed either
by committees of Congress or by the news-
papers. Frequently it isn't until after a
crime has been thoroughly aired by the
press and on Capitol Hill that the so-called
upholders of the law in the Justice De-
partment move in. And if some friend or
high political figure is involved, such as
John Maragon, sometimes they don't move
at all.
Here are a few notable cases in point:
ALGER HISS-now on trial for perjury.
This case was developed by the House Un-
American Activities Committee, w h i c h
turned up the famed pumpkin papers. Since
the Justice Department finally moved in,
however, its lawyers have done an efficient
and persistent job.
sentenced to jail. Various hints of May's
peculiar activities were published by this
column and others for some years, but it
took the Senate Investigating Committee,
under Sen. James Mead of New York, to
bring out the facts. After that the Justice
Department acted,
now sentenced to jail. It took a newspaper-
man to dig out Thomas's skulduggery. After
the cancelled checks in Thomas's kickback
deals, plus an important witness, were turned
over to the Justice Department, it carried
through thoroughly and efficiently. How-
ever, Alex Campbell, dynamic chief of the
Criminal Division, who carried the ball, had
to buck some opposition near the top.
public revelation that General Meyers had
been up to no good was published in this
column on July 29, 1947, when it was stated
that Meyers had speculated in the stock
market with as much as $4,000,000. Chief
credit belongs to the Brewster Committee,
however, for bringing out the facts in the
Meyers case and turning them over to the
Justice Department..
ARABIAN OIL - It was also the Brewster
Committee which developed the amazing
manner in which certain admirals and the
Navy had overcharged the U.S. Government
for Arabian oil during the war. The Justice
Department, for reasons best known to itself,
never prosecuted this scandal, but exposure
of the facts resulted in new oil contracts and
a saving to the taxpayers of millions of dol-
grand jury probing lobbyists learned about
the speculating activities of Senator Thomas,
it wanted to indict him, but the Justice De-

In Defense of Engineers
To the Editor:
A BIG HEAD-er-a big hand to
Philip Dawson on his illumi-
nating editorial in Thursday's
Daily. Mr. Dawson spotlighted the
over-specialization of our engi-
neering curriculum an stated the
need for a preliimnary course that
would give engineers more social
poise and background. In this, we
quite agree.
However, Mr. Dawson ap-
proached asininity when he tried
to place the engineering student
on an "animal level" of existence.
Mr Dawson has a narrow and
naive mind if he thinks the aver-
age engineer is unable to "engage
in light conversation" and speak of
"anything but sine functions,
electron beams, stress, and torque."
But if enjoyment of life depends
upon discussing such topics as the
culture in the Vatican City be-
tween 1669 and 1769, we'd rather
stick to our sine functions.
We can't decide whether Mr.
Dawson is ill-informed or just
plain facetious in his comments.
At any rate, past experience in
the engineering field disproves all
those horrid inadequacies he has
painted. Certainly the average
engineer could profit by training
in the L.S.& A. college, but cer-
tainly he is far from desperate.
For Mr. Dawson's information, the
field is not full of mechanical in-
troverts. On the contrary, it deals
with personal contact and super-
vision, as much as in any other
profession. Engineering sales is one
of the most extrovertive types of
employment to be found anywhere
and represents a very large seg-
ment of engineers.
If engineers are so lacking, how
do so many, many engineers, and
not only the exceptions, find their
way into management's ranks? In
fact, from the outset, engineer
graduates are employed with the
idea that someday they will join
the executive ranks. Yes, despite
all of Mr. Dawson's inherent hand-
icaps, the engineers are quite a
successful group.
-Merton Westott,
Sam Sargeant.
* * *
To the Editor;
I'M SURE THE editorial page of
,Thursday's Daily flustered and
completely left most of us engi-
neers in a quarry.
The editorials therein told us to
do exactly opposite things and
thereby nullified us. To wit: One
(by Mr. Dawson) criticized us for
not getting into the fling of things
-then, the other (by Mr. Tanner)
said don't throw snowballs.
Whither course do we take?
Admittedly, the average engi-
neer is somewhat rectangular so-
cially and not too hot on literary
endeavor, etc. - but the throwing
of snowballs is to him as the
throwing of. parties is to others.
Are we to rise from our "animal
level" (Mr. Dawson's words) only
to be depreived by public opinion
of making contacts by snowball-

Many a snowball has made a
lasting impression on a person's
mind, with an engineer-meets-girl
The snowball, it must be pointed
out, is an American institution-
and if it is not thrown, it deterior-
ates. Many GI's in tropical com-
bat longingly thought of it and
thanked it for -making sour guns
more accurate. (It was Benjamin
Franklin, probably, who threw the
first snowball and traced its tra-
jectory-hence, the science of bal-
listics and range-finding.)
All of which points up the basic
issue: Why is it that engineers
throw more snowballs? Is it not
because, they want to emerge from
their social and cultural stupor?
-Is it not an act of conscientious
desire to make a striking impact
on lit students and their more di-

versified society?
Yes, it is.

-G. L. Scott

To the Editor:

welcome Home

SENATOR Pat McCarran has returned to
these shores after a two-months expedi-
tion to darkest Europe, and we are glad, to
see him back safe of limb and sound,. -of
wind. If there is one thing we like, it's: a
man who was right all along and isit
afraid to admit it. The Senator is such a
man. He was right about the D. P.'s being
undesirable; he was right about a loan for
Spain being necessary; he was right about
the E.C.A.; he was right about any number
of things which escape us at the moment.
It shows what seeing things with your own
eyes can do for you.
Also on the boat was Senator Elbert
Thomas, and we're happy to have him
home, too, especially since he reports
that the Swedes pulled the welcome mat
out from under him. It may have been
just a misunderstanding caused by the
strange surroundings; it's astonishing how
many foreigners there are in Europe, and
some can't even speak English. Senator
Thomas says he's pretty worried about
Sweden; seems to think it may go Com-
Well, both Senators are back now, and
we expect things will be much better for us
all. We even notice that the Weather Bu-
reau says a mass of cold air is rushing down
from Canada. Cold air from Canada, hot
air from Europe-what more could we ask
as we move into the winter?
-New York Herald-Tribune

I WISH to thank Philip Dawson
for his concern and interest in
the welfare of the Michigan en-
gineering student (Dec. 8, 1949).
Only rarely does such an expres-
sion of sympathy penetrate the
cloistered walls which hide our
specialized existence from the
more enlightened elements on
campus. Our enjoyment of life on
the "animallevel" has evidently
become cause for alarm. I am
somewhat dismayed that these
reports have spread to various
parts of campus. Yet there is no
need for alarm. Our "narrow" in-
terest in profit, women, and wine
is a highly specialized disease and,
I dare say, only afflicts members
of the engineering profession. It is
hoped that this statement will stop
any plans to quarantine engineer-
ing students.
-J. Eichhorn
* * *
to th' Eddyter:
AM JUST a plane and ignerant
Chem. Ingeneering studant.
The other nite one of my friends
in Lit. Scool done read to me som-
thing which one of your boys put
in the eddytoryal part of the Scool
Noospaper. (I hope thet you kin
unnerstan my writin.)
Your imployee over their sed
thet fellers like myself caint read
or rite. That aint true atall. We,
sure as my name aint John Doe,
kin read and rite. Why, shucks, we
just sorta pick up some sorta ed-
'jucashun out and over them corses
in Ingeneering by some sorta
nacherel methids. Sure as all git-
out you mite find me lissening to
Baytovens nineth symfonie one
day or another.
Us Ingeneers know thet their
are sich corses as Cycology, and I
think thet it sure is a purty gud
corse. Dont think thet we Inge-
neers are dumb about thet corse.
Why it is almost neseccary to know
a purty gud amount about Cycol-
ogy for us Ingeneers. Heck, I even
done herd about Edifice Wrecks,
whats more, Im purty sure that I
know what it means. Didnt need to

take a corse atall, just red a buk.
Red some gud litteryture also.
Your feller rit thet we wernt so-
shal. Gosh, I date gurls. I even red
Emly Postes buk on gud mannors.
Thets whut I go by. Aint nobady
complained yet. Nobody done calld
me a beest or sed thet my talkin
on diffrunt topicks aint gud enuf.
Now thet feller is ganno make
peeple kinda sore at me fer beein
a Ingeneer. Them folks aint even
goin to talk to me becuz I ain't
taken eny corses that makes me.
awear of whuts going on. O well,
you beleeve just wht you wanna,
but I thincik thet you shud hold a
polycie: ffJ -.!ilessa&y-fairy" (thets
french) ', lwn it comes to Inge-
neering cbrckalum.
-Don E. Kory
A Ingeneer, 1950
To the Editor:
RE: EDITORIAL by Philip Daw-
son Michigan Daily, Thurs.,
Dec. 8, 1949:
"The ,foQ doth think he is wise,
but the wise man knows himself to
be a fool." The engineer realizes
his shortcomings.
Despite the fact that our time is
limited, we have decided to go to
bed a little later this morning in
order to offer an explanation to
Mr. Dawson concerning the Col-
lege of Engineering.
We agree with you, Mr. Dawson,
that an engineering college pro-
gram falls short in presenting sub-
jects 'outside the realm of engi-
neering. To be exact the non-en-
gineering subjects comprise 15.7%
of the required engineering pro-
gram at this University. However,
there are certain subjects taught
to literary students which from
necessity must be second nature to
good engineers. They do not, for
example, need to learn psychology
from a text to be able to apply it
in their everyday contacts. Never-
theless, to obtain the maximum
efficiency from those who work
under their supervision they must
be gregarious individuals. Should
one take a course in music appre-
ciation to appreciate music? Yes,
Mr. Dawson, it is obvious that a
course of this nature would raise
one about the "animal level."
We also .agree that our interests
are too specialized-so much so
that one of our engineers is pres-
ently the Managing Editor of our
Michigan I gily.
It is claimed that our engineering
college education is of a "less suc-
cessful" nature than other col-
leges. We disagree. Education is
defined as a "discipline of mind or
character through a study or in-
struction." Where can be found a
report or a process of thinking

with a more open mind for the
facts than in the engineering
school? The most important thing
that an engineer is taught is to
-Roger Daniels-'50E
John David Marks-'50E
* * *
Abdominal Revolution
To the Editor:
USUALLY I ,am a man of few
words, and when I do make a
statement I like to come right to
the point and be very frank. Thus
I will dispense with the usual pre-
liminaries and make my state-
ment, 'I think that Barnaby is an
insult to the intelligence of the
University students.' It practically
makes my stomach turn every
time that I happen to glance at it.
-Marvin E. Trim

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan und"r the
authority of the Board in Control at
Student Publigations.
Editorial Staf
Leon Jaroff .......... Managing Erditaf
Al Blumrosen............Ci Fdtor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Direotor
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner............ Associate - I~tor
George Walker ........ Associate' Editor
Don McNeil .... Associate it
Alex Lmanian . Photography Editow
Pres Holmes ......... Sports Oct-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady...........Women's Iditqi
Lee Kaltenbach...Associate Women's d.
Joan King......... ... bara
Allan Claniage.. Assistant Lbraliia
Business Staf
Roger Wellington....Business Manaer
Dee Nelson..Associate Business lwanagea
Jim Dangl........Advertising Mu10!
Bernie Aidinoff..Finane Mager
Ralph Ziegler.....Circulationa E
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
fhe Associated Press isexclusivly
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape-
Ail rights of republication of allOthe
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-clas al
Subscription during the regular, scbooW
year by carrier. $5.00. by mail,.66.00.

-. A



Mr. O'Malley-I didn't mean that the
refrigerator Pixie is as wonderful as YOU!

Sure he can make ice! All he has
to do is wave his magic cigar-

What's his silly cigar got to do with it?
E To make ice he needs a comoressor and-

- I


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