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December 15, 1949 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-15

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Ven s Councils
lhosen on Merit

(EDITOW'S NOTE-This is the second
In a series of articles to acquaint stu-
dents with some of the influential
organizations on campus and how
membersand officers are chosen.)
Interfraternity Council repre-
sents some 2,500 affiliated men on
campus, and is the executive, leg-
islative, judicial and all-around
helpful organization for frater-
nity members.
The Association of Independent
Men is the unaffiliated men's
counterpart of IFC, representing
approximately 5,000 independents.
I'" WC V mad" un rf tw
branches: House Presidents'
Counc;, composed or presiuents
of the 46 fraternities on campus
acting as the legislative branch,
and the Executive Committee act-
ing as administrative and judicial
The House Presidents' Coun-
cil has charge of the entire IFC
staff, which includes all com-
mittees, on which any fraternity
man may work.
Starting out as a volunteer
"tryout," he serves on a commit-
tee and in the I'C office until
he wishes to go before the cabinet
for appointment to chairman of
a committee.
* * *
AFTER THE aspirant serves a
hitch as committee chairman in
his search for fame in IFC circles,
he petitions the Executive Com-
mittee for one of the three execu-
tive offices: president, vice-presi-
dent and secretary-treasurer.
This Committee screens all
petitioners down to one above
the number of offices open, after
which the nominees go before
the House Presidents' Council
for election.
To become president, a man
must have a majority on the first
ballot. If he doesn't, the person
with the lowest number of votes
is eliminated, and voting starts
all over, until one man gets a
Theseythree officers are auto-
mnatically on the Executive Com-
mittee, which consists also of two,
alumni, a faculty member, the
Dean of Students and five fra-
ternity members elected from each
of five geographical house areas
on campus.
The alumni and faculty mem-
ber, who also must be an alumnus,
are appointed by the President of
the University, and the Dean is
ai ex-officio member.
* * *
Independents.. .
AIM, alphabetical code name
for the Association of Indepen-
dent Men, is open to anyone who
will work for an appointment or
vie for an elected post in the or-
Actual working members are
chosen from each of 19 dormi-

tory housing units, such as Hins-
dale House of East Quad and
Victor Vaughan House. Only unit
not represented is Strauss House.
THREE OTHER representatives
come from the three rooming
house districts set up in Ann Ar-
bor, and are known as "indepen-
dent independents" because they
are connected to no organized
Selection of unit representa-
tives is by election by unit mem-
bers or by appointment by the
unit's elected council. Repre-
sentatives from the three out-
side areas are appointed by
AIM's president, according to
their ability and work done on
the council.
The president is elected twice
a year by the Association's mem-
bers. After his election, he has
the privilege of appointing his
cabinet, which includes vice-presi-
dent, secretary and treasurer.
Three standing committees
make up the innards of the Asso-
ciation. Each committee chair-
man is appointed by the cabinet,
subject to AIM approval. A fledg-
ling independent has his best
chance of working up from the
ranks to great heights through
these committees.
Quad Councils . . .
"Affiliated" independents, or
those from the East or West
Quads, have their own councils,
each set up according to the Quad
The West Quad Council, repre-
senting the 1,326 men living in
that dorm, is made up of the
presidents of each of the eight
houses. Presidents are elected
every semester and serve a semes-
ter as president and a semester
as past president, which insures
continual integrity in the organi-
EAST QUAD Council, represent-
ing 1,500 men: has a slightly dif-
ferent set-up, for which mebers
are the president and one elected
representative from each house.
East Quad Council cabinet
serves a year. Officers are elect-
ed at the first meeting of the
council after elections at the end
of the spring semester.
The East Quad Council has a
special activities committee for
coordinating quad events, headed
by a council member and manned
by one non-council member from
each house.

-Daily-Burt Sapowitch
METER MASTER-Walter Schmid, head of Ann Arbor's park-
ing meter repairs, adjusts the clock-like mechanism of one of
the instruments with the aid of a pair of tweezers. He uses this
tool to work on the delicate parts of the machine. Schmid is
kept busy running between his workshop in the City Hall and
broken meters.
*~ * * * * *
Motorcyclist Keeps Up
With Meter Breakdown s

Keeping up with the breakdowns
of some 700 parking meters is a
task that makes Walter Schmid,
of the Ann Arbor police depart-
ment, jump eight hours a day.
"I imagine that at least three
or four of the meters need re-
pairs every day," Schmid relat-
* *
IN EXTREME heat or cold the'
main spring of the meter, which
is built on the principle of a clock,
can be thrown out of order, Schmid
Or someone can upset the bal-
ance inside theamechanism by
backing into it and bending it.
At times Schmid receives reports
from citizens, merchants or po-
licemen that a bad coin has ac-
cidentally jammed a machine.
Then Schmid boards his three
wheeled motorcycle, races to the
Cook Choir Airs
littlest An gel'

A special Christmas program
TOMORROW: Union, League featuring the Martha Cook Choir
and Men's and Women's Judi- will be presented at 4:00 p.m. to-
ciaries. day over station WPAG.
Jointly sponsored by the Union
Fighting To The End and the League, the choir will
present the "Story of the Littlest'
Between 17 and 20 thousand Angel," a tale popular with
guerrillas, many of them women, adults about a little boy in heaven
*are still fighting in Greece. who does everything wrong.

broken meter, replaces it with a
good one and returns to his City
Hall workshop to begin repairs.
* * *
"MY FAVORITE tools are a pair
of tweezers and an old crochet
hook," he remarked. "They are
just the thing to handle the deli-
cate parts inside the meters."
Schmid has cribs full of new
parts, as well as 25 new meters,
so that he can keep all of the
coin collectors in tip-top shape.
George Kaercher, Schmid's only
helper, is kept busy collecting the
cash and totaling it up.
HE DOES THE sorting of the
coins with the aid of a sifting ma-
chine that Schmid designed.
The money is counted into
rolls on another machine, and is
on its way to finance a car port
or neighborhood parking lot.
"When the meters were install-
ed in 1946 to relieve Ann Arbor's
parking problem, there wasn't any-
one on the force that knew how
to keep the things going if they
broke down," Schmid said.
city attempted to obtain the serv-
ices of the local jewelers for the
repair work. 'They just laugh-
"I'd always been an amatuer
gunsmith and clock repairman,
so the Chief gave me the task,"
Schmid explained.
"After 23 years with the force,
I'm about ready to retire. We're
looking for a man to take my
place," he noted.
But it's a big job. Schmid learns
something new every day.
Garg Sells
Out Again
A shout of joy burst out of the
Gargoyle office late yesterday af-
ternoon when Brian Duff, '50,
managing editor, learned the Garg
had sold out for the second
straight issue.
"We ordered a 100 more this
time and still got rid of - that is,
found purchasers for them," Duff
Duff went on to say that the
magazine's ad offering to buy back
copies of their last issue for 30
cents was definitely not a joke.
"We need them badly," Duff
said, "to get tear heets for na-
tional advertising out of them."

isagree n
V' easure
Debate Value of
Mecigan lan'U
Two Student Legislators, Gor-
don McDougall and Tom Walshi
strongly disagreed over the value
of SL's "Michigan Plan" to elim-I
inate discrimination yesterday in
an informal debate at Helen New-
berry residence.
MacDougall contended that the
plan "fails to meet the need" and'
must be augmented by a Univer-I
ity time limit for fraternities to
id themselves of discriminatory
** *
new organizations with discrim-
inatory clauses from campus, buti
does not eliminate discrimination
from groups which already exist,"
he said.
But Walsh countered that theI
Plan puts the problem of dis-
crimination before the publicI
eye, thus creating so much pres-
sure against fraternities at the
national level that they will be
forced to strike out clauses pro-
hibiting membership because of
race, religion or color."
Commenting on MacDougall's
proposal for a time limit, at the
expiration of which fraternities
with discriminatory clauses would
be barred from campus, Walsh
said it would only antagonize fra-
ternity men.
* *
HOWEVER, MacDougall said a
time limit is necessary, adding that
any social change is bound to an-
tagonize people.
But Walsh felt the antagonism
would disrupt the efforts of SL's
human relations committee to
change the attitudes of any per-
sons who still practice discrim-
He pointed out that the com-
mittee is attempting to bring to-
gether members of different cam-
pus groups so that, through in-
formal social contact, prejudicial
attitudes will be broken down.
BOTH WALSH and MacDougall
agreed that there will be no elim-
ination of discriminatory practices
until these attitudes cease to exist.
But MacDougall claimed that
most fraternity men are in favor
of bringing a halt to discrimina-
tion, but are hampered by claus-
es in their national constitutions.
"A time limit would level pres-
sure against southern chapters and
alumni groups which refuse to al-
low these clauses to be stricken
out," he said.
These groups would be forced
to realize that bias clauses must
be removed in order to keep mem-
ber chapters from dropping out
of the national organization, Mac-
Daugall asserted.
Patients To Be
Feted atParty
Cookies, candy, balloons, dolls
and secret treasure boxes will be
distributed at the University Hos-
pital's annual children's Christmas
party tomorrow.
Christmas party for adult pa-
tients will be held December 19
and 20 according to Dorothy Ket-
cham, director of Social Service
at the hospital.

- Planning proper gifts for the
more than 1,000 patients at the
hospital is a difficult task, Miss
Ketcham said.
"Extreme care must be taken to
avoid the use of hazardous or in-
flammable materials, sharp point-
ed objects, defective lights, small
or loose articles which can be in-
haled or swallowed and anything
which will jeopardize the patient
in any way." i
Other considerations are the
patient's illness, allergies, diet,
and individual needs, Miss Ket-
cham added.

* * 4'.

Freedom of the press is a' con-
cept generally accepted as desir-
able by all countries, but the Rus-
sian meaning of this freedom dif-
fers greatly from ours, Benjamin
M. McKelway, editor of the Wash-
ington Star, told journalism stu-
dents yesterday.
"The Aussian constitution." Mc-
Kelway said, "guarantees freedom
from private control. The Soviet
Government acknowledges that the
people should know the truth, but
it reserves the right to determine
what the truth actually is."
* * *
"THE AMERICAN constitution,
-'n the contrary, guarantees news-
papers freedom from government
control," McKelway continued.
This puts a tremendous re-
sponsibility on the individual
newsman, McKelway asserted.
"It places our press in the hands
of men of all political, economic
and religious beliefs," McKelway
* * *
papers to a great deal of public
criticism - much of it valid, Mc-
Kelway said. It is aimed princi-
pally at irresponsibility in news
reporting and subservience to busi-
ness interest.
"But," McKelway added, "there
is a new concept growing among
newsmen that the news is ac-

* *


tually 'public property, and, as
such, it is getting better treat-
Any reforms which are forth-
coming within the press, should be
instigated by the newspapers
themselves, according to McKel-
* * *
"THE ONE THING newsmen
don't want," he stated, "is outside
policing. For such policing would
necessarily come from the govern-
"Giving the government any

sort of control whatever," Mc-
Kelway remarked, "would grave-
ly endanger the present freedom
of expression which newspapers
"The best and most successful
control exercised over the press is
that of public opinion," McKelwa~y
concluded. "As long as an alert
and well-informed public keeps a
careful eye on its newspapers, the
press will continue its improve-
ment, as it has in the past."
Laves To Give
Lecture Here
Walter H. C. Laves, deputy di-
rector general of UNESCO, will
speak on "Problems of Policy and
Administration in an Internation-
al Organization" at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in Fackham Amphithe-
A graduate of the University of
Chicago and of the University of
Berlin, Laves was for many years
chairman of social science division
at the University of Chicago.
He was the United States dele-
gate at the meeting which estab-
lished UNESCO.
His lecture here is under the
sponsorship of the University's In-
stitute for Social Research and the
political science departmelit.


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