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May 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…he ichigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1904. No. 149 POOR [[IELDIi S[NIOR SWINGOUT flAY F[ESIVAL S. L. A. IECTION. Caused Loss of Yesterday's Game to Senior . Literary .and . Engineering Illinois-Score 10 to 6-Nagle Classes Will Hold Their Annual Shows Up Well. Swing-out Next Tuesday. Plans for the Exer- With that courtesy towards oppo- ne-itts which has made Michigan fa- mous, the 'Varsity infield, in yester- day's ...…

May 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0tNosto® TH-E MICHIGAN DAILY (Continued from page one.) - - 1.11Ii1R~m onu isoeda ntoslmtotiott~essnicely In the fifth, Robets hit Publshe dalyUUUona11je pod)(curng he hirt sies Del rtt'fumbled lI ottet 4'cou Ied uer tie(117esdsywhrn{ten tiretithit, 00(1scored while Redden adI Dc (fieeee lestite eteadliesc stlSrbetween first and~ second.- Z MANA0ING EDITOR: Th Illinois addtedl autther in the Pes ®f} SIORlY Ttl, SON Pewhnrni...…

May 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Agecy orDRESS SUITCASE ~ ~ ~THE (BUYER $3 HATS D ESt At the Straight Front and lDouble THE 111Low-PRICED, lilllDIUMAND I)IINEST 1MADE ', Breasted Varsity- Hart, Schaff- 15Mn tHNBGTLSOE + ner & Marx Make. They are two The Ne'tr-1 .Mi t ADAS LDTNS EECPS A- oftlrnppet fe lrdle TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES this season. and lmany of thesto__________________________________ +1 011-~~ dreses like the dolulle bese ALL MODERATELY P...…

May 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DIAILY SU ITS Dwight E. Watkins, A FIT UARA TEEB 111!lflI ~ ATNew M illarrd Ou fit. UUIII U U~ U . hibs givveetgred ,oranye re rCLOT5HIERS,4 - Hatters an,. Furnishers. F o relst Ah m u t' M gt NIdr et, 109 and 111 5E. lashington Street, i ntr30 am ai Vsa Ph Saon 0 ANNI 0R}3}153FoetAePhn40 i . F E ALBERT LUTZ (l ,l IYOURlit Iu i OF Riiable Shoe[teal r * 124hS. ain Street G(ive and Take' is the principle of - President Suspende...…

May 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…The ichiDaily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUEISDAY, MAY 8, 1904. No. 150 MlCiIlIOAN TilE FOUNDEfR MANY UPSETS IN CANOEING YIAV [FESTIVA[PRORAM1 Spingogh)0 s 5hve lred13 Iin Formation of Northern Oratorical in lie rut waters sithr flois, al Grea Muscl Event This Week.-1 League First Planned by Presi- though nol, cacily at tin wish ofi lb- Four Concerts To e Given. dent Angell and Professor lewunforiunate' victims conced. r1. __ Trueblood.-M...…

May 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ffffffffffffffffffff= THE MICHIGAN DAILY the earth already filled in aa been 4 le tt ts el In'., ett t atthe ttt Irae tte lvelof te feld otaIr f* __J only $5,000. It being posible then to ISttttIIty(tttto aet' ant"teaetaon twti emta ly by the expenditre of an etuini- G. H WillConealyyeare t 177Wit on street. tfar-ightet policy shottld reqtire a L eadinlg lMerchailn alrs rent fue ie Itne13t arter expenditre for raiing the SA...…

May 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY You Surely have heard of PENNYCOOK THE TRUTH It is uot through egotism that we say that Ices Sherbets were uukuowu here before we came. There is a vast differeuce betweeu frozeu lemsouade . usually served aud our LemnuIce. TUESDAY LEMON ICE WEDNESDAY ORANGE SHERBET Ponnycook. AT GRANGER'S, itY APP'OINTM[NT. Class pto- mTt itttty tnightstot o' 1 Closie TJune 1th. $ YOU CAN GET A Hot Lunch At Tnttle's, 338 S. State UINIVERSIT...…

May 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - -__-_-- - - -- - _- NOTICE. Spring Line of Puritan Shoes aild t Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in s the "New Spud Last." For lie benefit of our cusomners we wish to say that the- Puritan Shoe Co. bas been made very innch stronger by gong. M:47, into the hands of the factory--Geo. E. Keith Compay, Brockton as ereE et osnt oto h aePrtn u he flos 01501 lltzc~lt he (iii lsl1~s, patir115 ,- obdlo/o...…

May 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1904. No. 151 N[WS [ROPI CI1IICAGiO S[NIOR SWING OUT [AWS ON T[AR PRACTIC[ GAiEfl New Law Building Opened to Stu- Successful Swing Out Took Place on Take Off on Lit. Swing Out. Two High School Defeated in Six Inning dents Recently. One of the Fin- Campus Yesterday Afternoon. Hundred Lawn Parade the Cam- Ga'Vart- Turner -dlureic Tried et Buildings in the Coon- Aout Four Hundre...…

May 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY + N*se*f*f t THE MICHIGAN DAILY SG. H. Wrild Coimpanly Y Btrd ase tushd dly Monayrsepeldinte p y } q*f olle 77It. Wahi:WtLostreet, Leading M~erhant Tailors; 6 se:lneor, sid nrne hno.3 * MANAGIN EDITOR: __ f S.EMORY THIOMASON * BUSINESS MANAGER: * iOSCOE R. LICTON * EDITORS : 2For Sis Top Coats and Nes,-- . . s. AoSY Z ASSOCIATES: G eo AOsbon. Harold C. Smith. Kilowens, Blarneys, Higli- HaryIH. Ad:rews. lThos. A. Si...…

May 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…TPHE MICHIGAN DAILY ~c~+asal.~laals: 1*ala4.aI4ay TA KEZA LOOK At the Straight Front and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff= ner & Marx Make. They are two + of the snappiest styles produced this season, and many of the best dressers like the doauble breasted style best for summner woar. $1.0t 2.0 Agency for THE GUVER $3 HATS DRESS SUIT CASES S THE,OW-PRIED~i, .01)11 11 AI sD1INSOT IVADU The New Stare-217 S. Main St. '' HANDBAGS, GLADSTONE...…

May 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY __... _ 1 e : MM' r "W"v1 _..--.. -S -3U 115 Owight B. Watkins,$ Mad Ic yor ttcatreandTYPEWRITI1rNG Maet ortiair n mhvrsrlto2 .Pt t orwr.A FIT GUARANTEED AT COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL Pul04 i Under New M1anageme ~ip~tII11New Billiard Outfit. U111I1I,, AU'UI N1 U.UChips given good for anywhere r ' "the house. Free Lunch.. CLOTHIERS, A. [It"IB[[ ,Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Avenue Meat Market. 109 and 111 E. Washington Str...…

May 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…The M D. aily VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1904. No. 152+ T[NNIS TOUJRNAMEINTI w-1 STRONG CONTEST INLANDEZR INCORPORATED Trials Being Held to Select Team for( Orators Who Will Represent Their $1500Shaes Fie ihCtoaBeSPoceda Coal Contest With Chicago Net Colleges Friday Nght. All Amon. the stents.-e Wek-rseotGo onor Men. Prospects Are Stockholders' Meet- for Another Winning For Finest Oratorical ing, May 14. Team.Contet YetT...…

May 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Compaly Leading Merchant Tailors SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you our London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see G. H. Wild Company 108 E. WANINGTON STREET. 11e Great GameI 4c . Pocket...…

May 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 3


May 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 71 NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and t Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace7 in ;Jf the "New Spud Last." 1For the hbeeft of out customtersx xxe xx ix to ix tihat the l ' S Purithin Shoe Co, tas heexn'ade very tmutchistroiigxerhy going >4tlii it thte hanls of the factor'-Geo.I-E'. K(ixtitCompaniiiy, Broektonx * Mass. George t ?I Ketith loes not conttrol tieim 0 itO. Iittit, bitt * xxx,. 4 S 4 t ...…

May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan D aily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1904. No. _153 McAfee to Lead Yells-Lare Nm ber of S eats Sold-Orators o the Grond-Winner to Get $100 'Tonight in Universtiy lll twil e hebtthe forteenthttannul clot et of the Nrthertt Oratorical Legie. The sle-of seats has eeni large ant it is expected that lbyiPaeocktis eve- ning,'althedeirlesItat %ilt at ieen ttisosed itfs r:rholtttesants atitdelegtet- i gan toItteintty-ester...…

May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY +iffff~fff~~d®°°°l T"lE MICHIGAN DAILY BEST GSAME OF YEAR. ntrd(Eneeasscdc liss i lttethe. An Yesterday aftternoon thibeshea game , I.H Wild /i Company zVst ArboroOfce.sedl-dain- theof basket ball, which has been played l a k t f ; Pu~~tblished dily (odaiy ecpe)duigtei*tegmaiu hsya, came olf f lge yirat 17 E. Wahington street, i legmaimaasa Leadling e ft an Tilrs" bsent floor, sidle entrance) Phase 892-3r between the sophom...…

May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…T 11 MICHIGAN DAILY . +K ~:TKEALOK THEAGU.YfoR $3HATS ~DRESS SUIT CASES k At the Straight Front and Double ++" 'ilE LOWW-eRICEfl, ifit]It IM AND I 1'S' MADE f. Breasted Varsity--Hart, Schaff= + ner & Marx Make. They are two the New Stoe- 2175S. Main St. : ADAS LDTNS TELESCOPES of te snppiet syle roileedTRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES this season, and many of the best ,c f dressers lite the doublo breasted ; ALL MODERATELY PICED_, .# syebest for...…

May 06, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUITS Dih akn, ; TYPEWRITINTG 3 4 Made 10 your measure and Drop us a card to 323 . Mairn t.t Q S and have us call for yer work S f J' A FIT GUARANTEED --/ftc- , i AT COOK HOSE BILLIARD HALL. ~ liUn 'i der New"ageat, IN1~l, N orI & IJ Seiis New Billiard Outfit. 1 yhp ien good for angwere in the house.:. Wi sIAet5 CLOTHIERS, [ree [une./ A.tte[[andFurnihersCOLLARS Hattrs nd F rniher. Forest Aellue Meat Market Linen and CUFFS r?...…

May 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…The Michi9an Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1904. No. 154 "INN[SOYA WINS Jones Carried Off Honors in Contest Last Evening-Meek of Chicago Second. Halliday, Third. -Enthusiastic Audi- ence Present. A loyal AMihigan aidienice, d isa- piointiedIbt still moodi of her relate setntative, (tody hay(s tribt to Gfor P. Jones of Alinaesoa, tesccesful orator 01tlast n. nt 5 c i i cys. r. IHaolliday M1ich((((n's1 r i c ewoait e. re...…

May 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wgild Companly ILeadillg Merchat TailorsI I SPRING WOOLENS S For Suits, Top Coats andI Trousers. Full dress suitsa specialty. Let us show yo our London Serges, London ICheviots, Scotch Mixtures: Kilowens, Blarneys, High - lands, Fdinhurghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London jand St. Andrew Flannels, SLondon Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see SG. H. Wild Compally 108 E. WASHINGTON STREET. S The Great G...…

May 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY You surely have hard of State Savings Bank. GEORGE D1SCHOFUf Correct Clothes for Men DReC'rog Pennu'ctol[ w 1. Bothn. V. Sheehan PLORL5T.coreyue 5 0 .Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaugha_ _____________ as I.Wad R E. Mills CNoice CUr PLOWMZ3 & PLNSFcureyur lENN1f.OK ir Po S. lCrhart Chapi St., betwe ues S..and Miller Ateeoto.we PE NruOKlp i st io al Chrisian Martin k lone 809. it comes to buy- SHERBETS ' 'TOU did right ii goig to te fnet3...…

May 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -0-0-0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 10 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 * 4. 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0-0-4 NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in _ Cjrokmnin Turkey. Perfected in Lgype. Lnjoyed in America. 'MOGUL SMO KLAKS EGYPIAN SMOKERS . : W .a the "New Spud Last." Y - For the benefit of our customers we wish to say that the Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very much stroni...…

May 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…Te N i ig V. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1904. No. 155 CICAOO 4--MflCII1AN 2 A MAY FESTIVAL STAR ROP[ IDAV Midway Aggregation Won From 'War '"r 1X Campus the Scne of a Uni~ue Cus- sity Team 1n An Eciting Cona z{{ ty tom loesrocoatd by Miciigam tst-Soth Pitchers in Eo- ua.-.-TeNew Men from celent Form. r" Junior Clas Elected - e 4to Member to a lame rollita with instanc ..ofv ship. iiiniiu001gory, Chcago Ilefeatedliliiir .ticigan alto...…

May 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…THE IVIOHLGAN DAILY - G. . Wild Compay Leading Merchant Tailors SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you our Loudon Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see O R. Wild Compaly 108 E. WAShINGTON STREET. The Great Game f T SExci...…

May 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAKE A LOOK THE HATS DRESS SUIT CASES j. At the Straight Front and Double ~ THE LOW-PRICED, MEI)OJM AND I NEST MADE Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff- ner &c Marx Make. They are tswo ThNwSte-1 Mact HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES of the snappiest styles produced --- TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES this season, anti many of the est,.'.~.- ______________________ dresers like the double breasted d ALL MODERATELY PRICED style hest f...…

May 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUITS Dwright B. Watkins, TYPEWRITING Made to your mneasuire and iDrop us a card to 323 S. MxIira St. 'and have us call for your work. A FIT GIIARANTEED --_ - AT COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL o01 Uder New "ranagemeot. I~lltil~I, 1J~O1~ 11.'s his NewBilliard Outfit. yhp ien good for anywhere inI CLOTHIERS, A [rB[ Hatters and Furnishers, Forest Avenue M~eat M~arket, 109 and Ill E. Washington Street, Poultry, Game and Fishs in Seas...…

May 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1904. No. 156 MICHIGAMUA MEMBERSHIP OBERLIN GAME TOMORROW.[ FESTIVAL TillS WEE I '04 MEDICS WIN. Through an error in proof reading, Ohio Men Have Strong-Team-Hard The Musical Event of the Year.- In the class game between the '04 the Daily in its article Sunday morn- Practice This Week- Big Im and '06 Medics, the seniors won by ing, omitted the name of J. A. Stover provement. First Co...…

May 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…THII MICHIGAN DAILY H$ +++-8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I N oTEntered as second class matter at the Ann Arbor Post Office. Published daily (Mondayexcepted) during the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, Leadifg Ierchant Tailors <basement floor, side entrance) Phones892-3r I SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you our London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys,...…

May 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THSIPSMICHIIGAN DAILY CARDINAL PUNCH OF all iced dishes none has met with more approval in the East than Cardinal Pnnch. In order that onr cnstomers may have the latest and hest, we will serve this delirious dainty. WEDNESDAY CARDINAL PUJNCHI TODAY PIN[APPL[E SHERB[I PEINNYCOOK i r i State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF orrect Clothes for Mefn W. .J.11011 . ticl xkcoh1V. Sheehan F'LOkI.T Win. Arn-old lDe. V. C. Vaughan las. HI. Wade E. F. Mi...…

May 10, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new $ Tans in window, button or lacer in tt the "INew Spud Last." For the benefit of our customers we wish to say that the Puritan Shoe, Co. has heeu made very iuuch stronger by going into the hands of the factory-Geo. ES. Keith Cumpatty, lBrockton, Mass." George E. Keith does not control the nai Puritan, hutf he does own and control tih, lasts, patteros and ...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1904. No. 157 OBERLIN TODAY CHANCE FOR GOOD-POSITION ST. LOUIS TRIP ABANDONED Wilbur S. Tupper, vice president of The Choral Union will not go to Ohio Ball Players Meet 'Varsity at the Conservative Life Insurance Co., St. Louis. It has been decided that Ferry Field This Afternoon at Los Angeles, Cal., has written Dr. the Chorus give a concert at the Ex- 4:10.-New Pitchers Jo...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY :"fffffNffff THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTICE. Entered as second-class matter at the Ann The next dance of the Social Club 2 .rb (Onnal E d or Post Ofice. series will occur Thursday evening, Published daily (Monday excepted) during the May 12, at 9 o'clock. Tickets are non- college year, at II7 E. Nashington street, transferable. 57-58. Leading Merchant Tailo (basement floor, side etance Phone 89-3r MANAGING EDITOR: GOOD GOVERNMENT...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAKEI A [00K At the Straight Front and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff= ner & Marx Make. They are two of the snappiest styles praduced this season, and many of the heat dressers like the doable breasted style heat far summer wear. 4$15.00 to $20.00. Agency for THE GUYER $3 HATS The NewStore-217,5. Main St. U TZ The Clothier f i DRESS SUIT CASES THIE LOW-PRICED, MEDIUM AND FINEST NADU HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOP...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…THIC MICHIGAN DAILY S I ST TYPEWRITING4 Madeto our easre ad ~ and hve us call for your workI A FIT GUARANTEED 2 ~ ~ ' AT( COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL o I~j oll' n r f Uder New Mranagemet.' I(lul F~ ~~& L~. hs New Bilard Outfit. i F ree Lunch. 1CLOTHIERS, .Lfl~[ COLLARS Hatters and Furnishers, Forest Avenue Meat Market Linen. (and CUFFS -109 and 111 E. Washington Street Poltry, Game and Fish in Season AR.1E THES BEST. ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Pho...…

May 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1904. No. 15 "lAV [ESTIVAL OP[NING I CIICA6iO T[NNIS TEAM I LAST WORK TODAY OBEIRLIN DEEAT[D Music Lovers Reign at UniversityI Arrives This Afternoon-Dual Meet Track Men Nearly Ready for 'Varsity Michigan Won From Buckeye Ball Hall-Miscellaneous Concerts To- Begins Tomorrow-Make Up of Mot on Saturday-Keen Compe- Tossers-Score Was 3 to 1-Vis- Ria and D Gog- theTeams andHow They titi...…

May 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE MAICHI1GAN DAILY GI ~Wild Coupally IC A * "Leading Merchant Tailors ; SPRING WOOENS "For Suits, Top Coats; and Trousers. Full dress snits'a Ispecialty. Let us show you our London Serges, Londo~ Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Ediuiburglis, Drum- tochity's, McGugors, London{* and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amner- ican Serges. Please call and ae* G, I Wild Colipallyz 308 E. WAS"INGTON sTRE:ET. * I...…

May 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCIOFF, W. I. Booth D CTI6Jo. V. Sheehan .. L 1~'~T Wm. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan as. s. Wade E. F. Mills CHOICE CUT PLOWS & PLANTS N. J. lyer John Haarer Jno. Kloch Prof. H. S. Carhart Chapin St., between Huron St. and Miller Ave. Frank P. Glazier Christian Martin Phone S0.- i i r '> VISITORS We want every visitor to Ann Arbor, as well as our regular patrons, to make our store a meeting as...…

May 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…THEt MICHIGAN fDAILY Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new t Tans in window, button or lacer in 5 t e N w S u L a t " ;For the benefit of our custom ers w e sh to say that the/ Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very 1tuch stronger by going , ff(1 11 into the hands of the factory -Geo. . Keith Companiy, Brockton; e Mass. George R. Keith does not control the name Puritan, hut he des own and control the lasts, p ttet- s acrd ...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…he ichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1904. No. 159 NAY FESTIVAL Begins With An Excellent Concert- This Afternoon's Program- A Noted Tenor to Sing the Part of Gerontius Tonight. Never has a May Festival opened tinder more auspicious conditions than those attending last night's concert. The weather mild, the audience enthu- siastic, and the artists eager to do their best; these were the causes for the success of the conce...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY * ffffffff®ffffff+ +, THE MICHIGAN DAILY AbrPost Office. : G W ld Entered as s"ad-class matter at the Ann t j J Pubished daily (Mdonday excepted) during the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, Leading Merchant Tailors (basement floor, side entrance)_Phone2 *f MANAGING EDITOR : S. EMORY THOMASON BUSINESS MANAGER: ROSCOE B. HUSTON SPRIN6 WOO[ENS f ~EDITORS : f Athetics, - - - ROBERT K. WALTON For Suits, Top Coats and N...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIAK( A [OOK At the Straight Front, and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff. ner & Marx Make. They are two of the onappiest styles produced this season, and many of the hoot dressers like the double hreaoted style hest for summer wear. $15.00' to $20.00. -I Agency for THE OUVER $3 HATS The New,-Stare--2175. MainSt. UTZ The Clothier DRESS SUIT CASES THE LOWG-PRICED, MISDIUM AND PINEST MADE HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOP...…

May 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i ti. r ,.a i',' 114 a>. , i Imo.,/,, f //,, \; / , ,f I , '' SUITS Dwight E. Watkins, Made to your measure and Drop as a card to 3235S. Maurs St. A I URN U ad have as call for your war b f ATI COOK HOUSE BILLIARD, HALL ii ~ 7 Under New franagemeot. (~llII~ll~ &New Billiard Outfit. I Cj'Y~IL Chps given good for angwbhere in !c !the house. ; el, i~naea o CLOTHIERSFree Lunch. _ HatersandFurishrs.ForstAvenuie Meat Market. Lin...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail. VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MAY 14, t904. No, 160 A BRILLIANT SUCCESS Production of Dream of Gerontius Ex- ceptional-Chorus Does Admira- ble Work-Soloists Are Per- fect-Flashlight of Chorus. The second day of the May Festival was a veritable triumph. Both con- certs were well attended, and the hearty applause which broke forth spontaneously many times, plainly tes- tified to the appreciation of the audi- ence. In ...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…s LL THE MICHIGAN DAILY tf~ffffff ~fffff ff THE MICHIGAN DAILY is not complete if they do not hoar * * also the best; music, and in that re- * I rd : as eo,,d clasa s.tier at tic Ass spent, what an advantage is offered Ansif ratOto' to Michigan students over those of f .H W ldC ~ l 1] l-he al y (Mndayexep~tdinuing the moat other colleges. To have the bs yer.atI]rE.eahig nstreet, singers in grand opera aptpear before Leadinlg Micr 811Iilt stn ...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. W..1.Bootl 111. V. Sheehane ciA\.N Dlii Wil.(ArBlliDr.V. C.Vua Jas. If W ad1 . 1. dills k .11o. och'reof. 11 . 5.Carhart 'It is not -n ecessarty to . eak of :<++++wfs +s++++a+a+++++«++a++fas+e++f + the variety of our candy stock, bu utaword a othe qdual- :t<r_ ity. At the samneprice as is L asiked for the facetory intd, 3 adveertiei, ihrec muouths 01(1, <<_ iotlicii5 filled 'sith pleservativces clo-« r ~...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY JUNOTICE. rrtN Spriig Line of Puritan Shoes and% o, en Oxfords now in. See our new Save_____he__ ______ ___ r Tans in window, button or lace, in / . The WC. Kern Co. the "New Spud Last." f 411 E 57th St Chicago . I . - . / .4 tips tnd Cons made to o- I ttider audtnt Itt il )H , ifd For the benefit of our custonmers we wish to say that the frt (itt ii> crried Puritan Shoe C/o, has-beeni madle very mnuch strotnger by going an ...…

May 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1904. No. 161 CHICA6O LOS[S '05 ITS. WIN. ANN ARBOR WINS AGAIN. STOCKH@I. R ) Michigan Tennis Team Takes the In a ten-inning game Saturday The seventh annual contest of the Elect Board of Directors of 1nI1 ndr Squad from "Windy City" Into morning the '15 Lits defeated the '04 Peninsular League was won by Mat- Publishing Company for Next Camp to Tune of 4 to 2. Engineers by a score of ...…

May 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - - ---- - ---- - -- - -------- 'THIS1 MICHIGAN DAILYt Z G.Hr ' ill( r mn y :nnv trd as 5 ndels e. ttathe Ana j * H1 VYIIU rIP tcor Pst Office. f f{ p ebG("e yerat IC K. Wahintn steet,V Il 1111 chant Tai lb isf emet ftou side entane)t Phne 8W, 3 .-.-.,hallt. STailorsHOASO 4 BUSINESS MANAGER ROSCO B. IUSTON E : SPRINO WOOLE±NS : AthileteLC. -E - ROBRT K. WAIrON ±For Suits, Top Coat anti Nes J. S. BArv 4~ Trues ulde' ut ,...…

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