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May 12, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-12

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The Michigan Dail
Music Lovers Reign at UniversityI Arrives This Afternoon-Dual Meet Track Men Nearly Ready for 'Varsity Michigan Won From Buckeye Ball
Hall-Miscellaneous Concerts To- Begins Tomorrow-Make Up of Mot on Saturday-Keen Compe- Tossers-Score Was 3 to 1-Vis-
Ria and D Gog- theTeams andHow They tition Promised In All Events itr FeldPrfcyBu
night-Anito R-The e og 'Varsity'sow he ior Records.eclyBu
orza-Visitors Arriving. Will Pair Off. -TeVrst'_ Rcrs._CuloHtte al
Ot at Ferry Field, the track men
Tonghtat o'loc wil ocurthe The four membero of the University are putting in some hard licks in( Michigan won her first baseball vic-
first concert i h May Festival ser-ofCiaotnotemwlarvet preparation for Saturday's 'Varsity try of he season on the home
irs Te roi m ischis aosscl-4:58 p. M. in preparation for the an- meet. Today is the last of the heavy grounds yesterday afternoon whet
is a tiilos: ost hicgts-ichgantenns Metwork, everyone resting Friday so as t)5Oberlin set sdefeat y a score of3
lanseosss , isis olos scheduled for Friday and Sasrday of to e in the best of shape Saturday oI ~s as pnddssrul
SOLOISTSay101. hegseopnddssrul
Atiaffithoras. Iis we. Tihe sdistasce rniners are all rninsg listien-dlliin a blaze of glory, the last
ni1ta- tlSoraaio e. The mnagement hssarrangedsto50 their (sll disance and he practie wli-is isnetting a ally each. The
OvrueF RsaiIome andtoJu- have a fie of chairs csompleely stir- russ yserday were all fat. tCsnsgrega inialissa failed to connect
it, - Taha iey roundisig he cusr s iside the sir- Thi- entiy blans are now at the ssirs-sssiily wills Skoe" Nale's
"W illowe Willoisv" and "Ave Ma- fieadhselthenmrst211 training qarers ans are rapidly fi1- beesanasd were given gose-eggs in
cia -- (Ishel)- - -Veri will be sold tos spectators. 'Phe ad- ing upl; all indicaiosi tst to a eviry nig xetteoee
"DazadelOr" (a iocnd),... mission Ie of z5censt will admit to rerdirlbsreaking number sif entries. They parially made up for the loss of
I.scad5r,(a loona) ll both days games, All contesaintt shusld enter today [sh-r btating eyes by their subeb
Aro -,0Ps'i~e i o iie-- On Friday afternoon at fousr o'cltck withost fail, as the estries clse tu- sworrithse feld,plyn an eror-
.(Ler Roi OdePie Lahore), -..-..Joy-. iviefassenet the two matches of doubles will be nihlesaaethoghuihefllnn
PR IIplayed, On the Michigan team Lee In every one of the distance runs innings,
PyApsny RBsT Irf.Ufiihd- and S. John will play together and there is a keen, although friendly Michigan earned her tallies by time-
Sypoy io,"niihd" Hunt and McNil. rivalry among the different candi- l ybatn as all of er hit counted in
Alego -odrao;Ana chubmoertM, lwntedorhalc tn h oes and these events will all be the uss gtting Wiley was ht harder
Farllgesnosieralo ..Andantescon1moto, d ftrec a wnast team yesterday in a close fiish fromt hotlycontested, From a sectacular tiasnte Michigasi twirler but had
Ch- - - - - -eSolAoiirsecanhailcwneatset point of view, Satrdays contestI ireses' csntrol, alowing only two men
('tnis Stlisstsans Orhesra, Ofield seemedto s have te smach wll. shoutld be ass tverwelming sccess a ri-c rids- to first as against four
'hesioissts;fr he concert are ltse scre beinisg Slto 4 in his favor With a still, warm, day or the mc, lbaes hanided out by NaleAfter the
boils Anni Arborfasrites, having beenan by g
heati ii he1'sstiala sunserof nd hepoints I0louw Wiith only several sit the 'Varsity records are first nigtmnar, flit Wolverines woke
t~se.Atlii Fidyaferuonco-ou pit erid o ae o i tein great dangersiltasd i elded like veterans for the
ties A te riayaferoo cn-match for Ofield, McNiel took a great l'her'Varsity oustdor records sp 5o renaindier sif tegae
cert of last s-stoss Anita Rio received trace and wontist tihe gme sd later daeaeaaflosmecliwshe .rw ccpe h
a msost enthusiastic receptioss -She re- gt dee sets anlws:II csnatchr 8-ticuiedth
spondieid very gracittusly wish several 111 adds,51seC .Liles ransstasd when Oberlin came to bat
The Chitago trait conssists of Bisg- 1111; A. Hahn, 101,eus thus firt. The first batter went out
encores andiuvill nmost psibably have an, Mlorehead, Bacons anti either 2211yr ah 125acA an is uusue oOBin h e
th u-aluiisst iesnetiih.Jayne or (Gay. They are all goodul1903s. tutd basmns cosld not repath
'The fnls inluer sutnte rogramsiis mn iga aigbe nte 40 rpa h
Burrlis h-sir Ellin" which will le msBohsshvsgtes0 i 41 yarud rus, 58 sec., C. M. Tfeezel, tic, huwever, sn MCusky's ground-
gir IysisIiisauuiusadro rm ouse years, assudlMourheadl three 189- r, adu the runsner sent to second and
cuss.byThis strausuol555istsasnditcho- 'Tuestay BinighamssasndlMosres-adlS , yard ulrst, 2 mis,, 2-5 sec., 1H. . Ithintduoul uiluthrows, scoring on
ouspic u vur st uil sssosb-wo mth cthtu swapir H-ayes, 885, Hsusu's grusnder. Boyle finally ended
oils pies of welThelnins will udbt- Temnw llay against each Mile rus, 4 mis.:35 2-5 sec., W. B. isv aguny by catching Rupps foul
usdlysriusesoneifu tthus-favosrite mnm-sohra olw:Pry
1st-s of tssnights lprogram The rho- ohe s:- eos i'rr,18uty.
Boobies:-do n, 'llntwok t wo mile un, Illmn, 2 25 sec, N. Michigan evened sp matters at
the rucu-st rebsasais, and after the Match 1.-Lee and SE. Johns againssa A. Kellogg, 103. snce,IBid gal, iithe way of one of
uhsiiessl ilsfu orhestra Bingham and Mrehead.,211 yard high hurdles151 2-5 seJ ie' nhos tl seconwn
final rhearsa withhJ.orWilt-yr-Huntshdtotsl astole Fseconda, went
this safternoonus, it will te in te best tole -birasId ioaaiutisti~at,59. shn ussOrreea sacrifice hit and
Bacon and ray Or Jayne 228 yard low hurdles, 25 2-5 ac., J. cm oewe ol ie u
1o sillr coniuitin sun the iiila- Singles- F. McLean,189.unrey sisgl. throusgh short,
partisee. Match I-MclNiel vs. ray or Jayne. Brouad umpiitl, 2 feet, J. F. McLean, Is lokediu as it Oberlin was due for
'he Festivsal f this year gies Match 2-St. John vs. Bacon. st.asiuiistuseodwhnBro
pruossise'oftbeisg isse ittthe greatest Match -Lee vs. Murehead. Hg up 3feA nanustaieysu al ufe adl
sores-ss-v intheii history sitthe Choral Mach4--Husnt s. Bigham, Yusagn's ust.Withmenton Second
Uno. iiorr fo uto tw ure'sbn. ih e n eanhv arad arveadthis RGNSMETTDYPle vault, It et, 9 inches, C. E. situ thi,to flies and a strike out
havo slnt-suty tsr-gustsENTu arriveOaAth ivoac, 12.i. te15gm ihga a o
e vesisg will switneses a msst brilliant enedtianericignwa__v
scen int Iietesit hal wen ll f Aninsoetnt eetig o Sh Bonul Shot pts, 48 fet, 2 inches, . Rose, enuangeus-s.
scn nlnvni~ al hnalo nipran etn fteBad14. Agin i the thirud, when agle
thrnussic lovers have taken hir of Regents will be held today, The Hammer throw, 152 feet, 5 inches, passel Shaple nd souRops to firt,
veryuatsb.scti tebllhsbusiness uof greatest inprtance toR. Roa, 94,the Busckesuuh ail a chance to sore,
uvrydiss aleusofatn thendalligaroomcue before the body will be the Discstthrow 182 feet, 2 inches, X. bhutfast wrkl bs the infield retired
herodsoe fan tnigro adoption of the buduget fuse the ros- Abvry81.li ie
fuetu vsii uoet saraying year. Building opeations will (onssisreust feluig and good pth
finduing aspiransa also be cunsidered, especially matters SEIRLWpiTNi si dsi i ale noetwo,
relating to the finishing soul general ___rcethie e unt uil liii seventh, when
CI1ICA6iO LETTER equipument of slur sew enginring Cup Presented to Professor Sage- slur-eticign mun began o find the
buiding. Lansing Trip Decided On- Hee- batus. tamnpbeull worked Wiley for a
New Divinity School Building Provid- nan to Present Memorial tbsa, writus second on Carrothers
ed for-Prof. Dewey Leaves Chi- MUSICAL CONVENTION.____Sariiue asd scred when Turner
cag t Acep Poitonl he fourtils assual convenion ofsthe The class nmeeting of he Senisr susmasu it ight fielu for three
cao olAcepm PsitonatLaws yesterday afternonswas uell at-ass, Lsclrounges, hit of the game,
Columbia, Sinfonia Musical F-atenity will e tended thre being consiueable Inter-OliusflslliconetadLte
-ChldatcnnAoononIlaySilt8.thet aroused ii the formal pesentatiuons1Isle" uas eft sranueu on third base
Iefiune itmassmCinsguufteMay Ca e i and k fsis mtesithvelrrigeuin stthe silver cup oProfessor Sage Nags,crke the first mansp in the ninth,
in Haske-l Hail Lst s esda sit hoyt, ue smtngu sie rag-in fstalfoe his so, recently bun. aenhri-utum a neat single. Redden
thubusla f lii-has 'ssedaynigt, int to etreaiuiss lh- vsitngEach member of the class had conrib- sat-eiiced ianu Nagel scoedh when Bird
nouncedrlans19--miliy Scholi50' deeigates.hever mlalyosinslues wvhllseeusedlrive cruts towads the cup:he liiisaftuly, the catcher ging to second
costtig fruiisruingng s00,000.ht mliay iclswilsubscsriptonuss were all withoutl solic- its this'throuwsvto thehplate A $ epeet light-
'iis statemsent was not wholly n- Th eeae il eioi h it to n collected in one on two insgsdoule plaly retired the side,
expectoed as it has beens apparnto for WXedesday soul will atend the acul- ulsitmatsig Sepolaiy of wesn aultsglukdu D~e'
toter timse lautt-e;theologs had out- ty concert that evening in a buouy.sdpeotuehM S aebyThe Frsentationslissea ffreinehs frum the ground,
growan their hrest quater. After hecocueert an informnal recep- si r aeacceptesd itsbealf siOuerslitriedhar's t so caughear
" T'he sew tdivniy building will beLoss will be lhelin the Alumnieoms, hs u. 'ahe fc fsh ract-eha w aix feeh b t Boff'sechodonanattemp-
enruled i an o11n 0pacuer now the crn- Thursday atenoon the annual con-thsissnincerpofaeftecpbasrwsxtetffeodon. tem-
urnsu th esuusut. t s suttootochventon concert will be given in Uni iiasa.riln h ae
to say thai thuose tuildins will not be versiy Mall. The visiting delgates Official sumomay as follows:-
surpassdcby itseo any other theus- Pesned1Micigan ab r h o a e
Isp thussetake part in this cocet, sd it is the CAR eseh-t) MIIed AEtedeto1 -
uuges sesuol tsthu aorhlTheosincstom to make it very interesting by theBiu,'-55573
builisngsillS be T shaped, and he Admission will e by invitation only. 194 Law Cas Birdeuec ...lu.. . 8 18 8
whmiiltaepst suifte T illx b eeS heeac0eigtex5ufI0I a- As a token of isaesteem on IBoyls, b . . . . ... 2081 5 2
whil Sh afso it se Twil hef~tious college ognisations. hIs father, Professor Frank L Sage.Csnueiaa. 21811p
feet. A magnificeut chapel will oc- A list of the deleaes is not et woefth wstotnar.-Campbute-se. 3.2 8 8 2 01

espy os-acl h hleoihewsbotiabe'Houwever, repreesentatives 'The class huidget of over $488 was T'Turnr, c. f....... 2 0 0 2 01
wisg. hischase wil slveoneoffrom seven chapters will be present. apporved and the members requsesteudt'lis,2 -
Chicago's mostseriosus space-economsy Chapters are located at Bostio, Phil- opaOhetxBreimenut$22 Ngs, It..........3 0 1052 21
prnoblems, as the present chapel is not auephia, Ithaca, Chicago, t'incinnati, ayus he taEarl emnt was $2.25ete gl, _._3_1_1_1_2_
at ll ssieu fse he uesos. Detroit soulAuto Arbor. to present the class memorial which 'sua-21245 Q
Dr. John Dewey, professor and head Total_26_3_4_26_10_5
of the department of philosophy, has GIFT TO FORESTERS is to be an oil painting sit Prusfessor
resigned Iis position here to become a _____Wilguis, by Percy Ives. The propouseud Oberlin ab r h o a e
member of terColumbia University The Forestry department of the discnsin rb u ed e sb ctical-yMt'iley . .....3S - 1080 0190
philosophy faculty. Br. Dewey will University of Michigan has received ayaiscsinnimostt e asb cid iao l-ellerk, c.lu.8,, 100 1 0 10
enter a muschs lroader field of work, gift of about ninety species, includinglof'Shentipos v ecalldernfvorShlersp, 1. ..- 28.. 0801P 10
as She departmnent at Colombia has over five hundred specimens of forest c hIrpa aeal rvosHop,1 ......
s lasses. I= lll5h.....Ru 8,
recently been enduolwedl. His loss will trees, in value about'x2, from Rob- It ,, ."" "300,
he deeply felt by Chicago, as he was ert Douglas' Sono, forest tree nurs- BNrTICE,2It.n...w 2 hi - 4 0 1 1 2 0
a man of high intllectual attainments erymen, of Waukegan, 1ll, The ma- NTC.Sandelbureg, a. sa-... p 0 3 3 0
and personally very good to know.torial was selected at the invitation Oawing to the May Festival, the neg- llsitsista r. f.""". 3 0 0 2 0 0
His successor as head of the depart- of the donors, by Prof. Roth and Mr.;uar Frisday lecture in Pedagogy will Toddl, c- --..... 8 P.3 06 1 p
inut has not been definitely deter- Davis of the foreotry department, and be given Thursday p. m. at 1 o'clock
mined unpon; but it is probable that will at once be oet out on the Sagi-; in Tappan Stall, by M. G Coburn of Totals ,....28 1 1 24 12 p
(Contintued on page two) naw Forest Farm.j Battle Creek. ' (Continued on page thuree.)

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