Te N i ig V. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1904. No. 155
Midway Aggregation Won From 'War '"r 1X Campus the Scne of a Uni~ue Cus-
sity Team 1n An Eciting Cona z{{ ty tom loesrocoatd by Miciigam
tst-Soth Pitchers in Eo- ua.-.-TeNew Men from
celent Form. r" Junior Clas Elected
- e 4to Member
to a lame rollita with instanc ..ofv ship.
iiiniiu001gory, Chcago Ilefeatedliliiir
.ticigan altosser115s0at 'err y iFieldil
t"dI'wo 1(0India~n 11ares 1in 1ar1'p11n11
yesterda~y allterno(on1 tyit scamof;f(11n
to 2. The coolest waO closte all iihe' feathi(rs0 001'lcl11'', too' 111 .01
way, but ill the tosl two tinn toi it .'oflld11.''0e('1A1 0 0i1an1i1' 000;.'
''li 1 (((octor111s,011111 chncedi
Stagg's ltitpls 1 to0(0 'et01 00 00ulr~h' 1111 s
he -w'olo'reei 110for (heir udefeat if - ai ('00r mh lsot igshotaO 1 1101111ly
three wees ao. ' 1IPII oi't 01 uoj'' 01
110t10Ellsworlthl 01111Wedeil11ri'll 11 bealts 'ofg1 1101the at
great ball .t hte idway'twirte. it il 110liil 011 iioelg
hail a little btterlf' he i at 1u111 .1gb i .c oi' tug . othe 11' tue sil
(liecr11icot oaeos. Only' foriii n uhrootesn
ell 0w0astic' iore geneol''uns of till.MADAM HOMER. of IIthe 01a101'.,110110 tugnerer aid
two, giving a bse liii balsto liBe zlc'l, nearer1 to lieu lld'pOaktfundmier
-- - - - wiii Ii 0a011a011 crwd0'tofimn were
which resutledl io a score. Elswo'irth atrc.T'hfenihylste
Tant i o cot i~oli ae CN.[ ICK[T WINS R[V. C[. A. CO0RDON .OInd l i launchedhitelo, the
11111100i(atellmen underl (he tr011 ndth
OFrrtutu' innings hoe as weri Will Give the Last Lecture on the a 'orit"i011iiiir11'tr'ui
treateid to a spectacle o 'irorless oilr Gets Co~resnonding Secretary Weseyan Guild Course-The ('irhllii 111(11t:io'iii in a0wiliwar
halttilayng. 'Tiote ater tieie in- After Close Fight-Hottest Elec- Lecturer a Noted Author itillil. Atr a (110'-11110aiid the
fielers gathered tn seemingly 10(111- to in the History of the and the Pastor of Old seains;ii5of(1seoverai liiiis, 1111'mo
sitli' boiundlers, OBrtienainil Campbiell Ascato.South Church w0101' Oti/i d Io theiieiid' 'fithet OO
tring lir Michigoan whil' Baird (]i- Boston. ( f1(00'1 whi1rslti'a way beforei''(th1
plicateid the stunit tor'Chicago. Attice fth eidrd rw fo
Pautos error0o1111 lti's' snashing AlIeriio01'it(1fithelanest tnilmostol Dr. Goirdlothe famoustotonloo 111(0 0.
dieboetecamero cme J, lgcooiey 1111onsei caiiiaigis ii yars, reecer will give' the last lecture of ihignniail, the'oisiiorsociieityait
criticat stages. Neiher tinnobtte(thlle Conllo ticke it wis in thei'S. L.. A. liii'Wesleyaniu(11111corse, Sndaiy (tIniaugura~tedoilo 111w i'usoiiiani t' tot.
tillto its usual oom lull his is 1((1'c leotin ithi lli lei'c101'i'(ilo1100 ice even''lini~g, May . Fou' twenty ers h.(tio (lof iits (I es ii' 111050.1.Frlo
moi o th leieceo'tiveuve'iti'is utor the ''esient.and ii'cod(tng s'cretr'y. (iso hoeit tastuui'fite(hisltoriiic' Olill1' i'iiilpii0 0(1' imeniio're' takeini to
stlsos((a 01' ioiity 1 (i 10'Nearly 01011ickets1.weri' otedI'lliiie111Sioot'lChinch, ondhas beinoiucoi he '1Oy i''storBy adut taiiitti'I'.ni
it ths'slugges.oisilt sas onc'rtain unlt ithi'latlsiought (y cogegationls of yiigpeh o ast; fol(l50'i'iiiiowigheti reitoonant
Michigantool:mdithe fiel wheo tril-imintit. The' miust stre'nuioseforts tle ill the plastic stagof thi.ide of ithe ogiiziiialio wsou1.11git
1111' (Iro's cliool' soumeit Tis' ren'mtaie by oth isies, rigs adilgrowth. His cngregaticos arecci 11(1 nameilyte lstriiig(f Michigan
weaihi'r' sas idealtauiiilfa ily lrgl'ristli's leig usei freely (t ring to osed of aoxetionally high pr st and uit -aryiiigo11111of good oii ir
croosit hfi'iethelo' olaoolaniil bleehers. le tarone liis. cfei'iofctmeio adin clidi' me s0(- (ifor ithi. an . 1 itogasta flub
t'hiea'o sas aile toi doinoth(ing with Cioley itOa0meii'ofiir th(le jiiiir ents cf that classic Cebter has ayoiys11110'proetath11 iii iioir t'iounil
Wseniel(atndwIntloulit ((Iiniel its, law css atd il iviiiioitily fir-lo'e' cogegtiniiototo. A ,ptjctae to'e aiacii'i'ittho
1111' miey (olsmono'eehiu irI Wistohe(tc'ablis kindutosientil'itas ic' wsriter it biiiiss on theligy.hls ot ir"'niziteon.
a clise ecisimn. hisooll tc' pre'ene('aldiil (xci((10'phy, religion 0an1ie, h has ciitib Ie hIo(11111afair011000excuitd in
Ellswoirth pic ted 'llhei' Irids it his Ioaility n'essary foir tic' darae. itei miic'ltoiAneicatnlitertre adoila.0excsellento manner0u' andulis li (becme.u
uulluindlt soI~uitg li' irt I lst il lerthe newlooy eueteditor respbond-has c0omilumanduelth(lie lsuetof the' permanelntut Oomiofitheli'scit y on
(rte thutbenchionuc aguuesyouts isscretaryI icy ol'iris.10 at,0cuboulbl, ush cittal. t('Ie i'electioniof aiew otibeutuo tuim
Ihec'ond. C'hicag o ototsissineioit's01011 out'thou' other'u'mpohrant Iistoagrat oporuniy 'fores i-(Ie.tuio'clssSveraloellinwn
it whecnt Bairdl landed'uton the ball hitruoffce. Hei'isa iiouuuur lierary s' nsit- tii o lisento iotne ou t hegreatohtueots lunt Ootoni'tly tme'mtber were
a1ea.s(gl.Th1ffrtaaie'111 (lilh ol Lt t wnou.t' I hioulor anugrat lpreahers f Amr.amnoug th cl crwd sttrcied ty the
lug.bow'o''r.as to'so-s irc ItTuy ho' tabulated'u(risilt itfI Iii'elec tc.His sbjctis '"TIheo Passion foruniqOul'ight adutall exresseduhthum-
Boomer. 'Boyle toh irsi ut expuo rclthon is as Iolows: ceform.' selvs'os00rgrigte iauguatio
there'as htot elliote01s coudtoit ridnt . ..L. C'onley or tE. . _____________of his ustin s ohe(o'greaest
notuhing with hllsortl's delivry t Kenny maority 2. REV. WI LLIS R. HOTCHKISS vaho'to the 'nversity.
Thue upeing out the our b S t e Vie huu'seth'hIL.. rese uover L. hoot, lue upleasnt eircumtanee
saw the Midway suggers tadehoay I1IIJontas.manoriy:Regot. \Wilis R t hchss'TravigiobccureutoIirnar the cmlet succs
ho toe, two,thre orer Dcl rs' Correispoinig secetary S. I. Mit-SIcretaryositheooShuet Vlunte'r of thi' ffir. f O'misguided'ufrsh-
scoeu 1lo' trs rinou t~e aoe hoter usr F'. Bu leuir.maoitliy t.. utmovemni, to vstngyourhUnversty oman, Lotgtmani 11yunamelsnathedha
atec his gruouder got away fro I Recorditogsec'etru(y . 1L. Petero for a three as' cofeece. At cruotnofu feathers from thou headl of
pat, he stlthse'ond, reachedothintduoverI'. t er~asaoosriy 1M. 10:3011tIis toutring he withloccuy tnt'f te setoris, aodlthougho nt
oto a assedl lathduulcaome h]ocon1110 aurerA. I1. tightfoot over C. F. Itesv.IPato'spuliIth it heConrga puruedhcoansray sitho it. 'The suci-
Moyh's ygroudr too Baintamid a. Btnhardtuum'ajoooriity 1.I(toal curiuch. e't0'tooth 00011 (iat tepslsiirec'oeer
chotrcus oil'cheers tfoumtoe crowdsu. 'Ihe ilght owa ovl on-Iefitotoay M. Hothkuliss boos 510ent Severlto lot hea ga'.
Goout picling anol perfect sportihirespecuts. Alen1frts this'literary ito'years as a missiouary amon thetnmot T'heufolulowig m11110 e ooselutit sc-
set the Mtidwosa baters t the WsemmulsIirti'tt( weu'e'o10 bothi Icets atodlsavage tribes of OCtral Afica oand I'lltoo membeirsipI:
toe ato- n onther'i. Michigatn's fitstthis achIieveduthetho'tappyl' nisuth ou lt 11has just r'cently redouc'dhthe ht-, HI. 0. Hunt, 11. I. Armtorong fChas.
batten,'ITurners', washltots tt hI'tose tyitg mde'partmient l''efere'ncu-s so (lht gage oito1005' i lo-rinicipal trihs l I".Camuupe'tll, 'redhC. Straint, Ve'otn
a ht inshoot, ut UllmupieIByrnlore- thIefight wasbetelweeno 0110itsteadl f t o thig. IC aiA IRbtc;A .Ga
fue hmabas."Little lEa" was btwween udeprmentu(s. TIhei-cmptagn His wie'exerince aosd ability as, ve, alhuStoplul, J. S. Paey.
apuiedo himga ess whoen he h leun conning ftrunenaly two a sel'0 willcsoohsurey maeh io
sent a flyp oSonrat.Iteddeto anul VWen- nmtio nIi sof-tosyta onh u ag tohttathec. ENGINEERING BUILDING NOT
dell addiedt twot mmeescalps to tlls- uorie thoroeuigh cn Illo vteswao0 lis theriliogad iterstngddrssCOMPLETED.
woth's belt. tne'elr soash-iol'nivesiypoluihtis. inTaIpaha~Illl lashboght was liseeld
ho It oixb. Cicag foo-eul01.0-Oilto ty an ethuistic attienco.
Nowls I hit a sthashniao single gdboe""ee STABAT MATER. Alhouugh wmtk nco the ew etoyi-
shneamtwecl nt tu e -onlTRACK STUNTS. rneeing buling is being usmhel ap-
Bezcdeh was given a freechue to fist 'Tonight oil8:1111 o'cocks he choci ofil.Iitos eou tuoufu fi o
Harhersuotybut ata fst mne1ad . ''homonas ('hilt-eliwill givem-anoter Wthlthe 'Vasiy meet only a week has'entirey completmdubefoete (oopen-
whenarethe smwuge cleorredulstaway. eBeoeh ad epuroductioofmIRuossin's ttotM-away andmha0fine hot ay imeastfortentofmtcllege net Seembe. The
an ~uel a etsm h ltere. 'Whleo this famoustmtass swis gv- rcdswoeul, temen escre givn some 0ast few weks, bhoweer, have
while the catchersoas hustlitg for eo sev-eal wso'-osago11(-u-i'was 01Ti'wilspsedyatouug uiig se aku cuni n(eappea-
sWhile.'lehl esntpu til arge audiietce (lootmsnophaul to in lbsnatee of a try-out was O- atcuo of (lo-ehubutig. 'h'huthintdaond
andHanee oo attlottwi fet oi he tutrnedl away antI it isfrtilos ea-tetouttou. The' hrdesone afte as- foumthefloos oe enieely finished, and
hidtyo hostretch iutltw b is fetwo - gsoon thtsnlevenipgesehuoisutetothe wereset 1211 yads oven the all that rettiants thoe uone tomthem
bager.. tSmhant and l lswte' onthaso. anoothis evenigs'entoir, toolerhigho fetces so-ile Taie Fitpaick is the itstalatio of the furnittre,
easy otto. eenedtle udiectimo ot M. Ieossoutol, has aboutCat. Kellog hedt watches ono Iatdplacing of fixttres. The inteio
Mihiansyuth coueithnsechd igt ftb-mlterlet boo, s them. While nouttime was given ut, funisitgoftthe stondmo uor oy
washiganuewtne itstthesforeinoter reache a highuctameN ico's wosuonubutmedly te best atd abuttthalfscum Mtedtm-.anot helo owe
wotb'seroc soueoeon ad eah-tf the Stabat Mater, anduthImosie shu t- h'exhhudo pretty fuorm. flouor has practically bceon utntmttchedl.
ed (hind on Campbell's sacrifice.I tend may' he store of blaring 1100 of 'the half-milers ran three -eights tPlumbing antI wiring, have been
Boyl agin amoto te rscoe wthetofinest lpresentatios of sacrod ubo- againtottime. Ball making the mdis- dompihltdsootwateranub tight anoe
ahbard ingle, Bird ocoring. so that has evenrhbeen giveon itoAttntatoce in 1.28, taroham in 1.29 2-5 and available 000 the. upper floors.
Th svethisong bogh n c-Arbor. 'tprevetot a pomssible over- Rtamey 1. 2913-5. The process of cleaning away the
salts but in the eighth Boyle lost croweditng tonight an admoissiont fee of eounithwng he am runbbhcrelondrngheps
Bboorssif rutnee lomrten cents will ho charged. very consistently, buoing134 ft. 11 in. few days has improvedb the external
stoerscond arndcome lhomeronyesterdlay. atppoarance of tho, buoilding wosnderfotl-
oBrens erord ofBaenda om eonc.MEETING OF GRADUATE STU-. OMany of the uditance runners are ly hT~eyadbotheuiin hs
Ellsworth waso pihiog'uuperhly one now DENTS. complainn of sotnostore legs cautsed been cleared and naked, and the diag-
and the strotog piengfte abogtns__ by the condhitiomn of (be beach which is onat walk put into commission again,
cond notnstop the netogthioe A meetiog of all gradusate stouents extremely hard. adding greatly to the 'convenience o61!
who are to.false a degree this year those living souutheast of the campus.
processiotn.habencle foMtnay t JAYNE CHOSEN. A noticeable point of heautty aboutt
Chicago added another to her score ha encle o ody t5p
in the ninth on errors by O'Brien and m. in oo mom C, tUniversity Hall. The The Adelphi Society at a short the building is that the archwa~y
Carothrs ad ald itdes heIobject; of this meeting is to consier meeting last night, elected J. W. across this, walk forms a sort'of frame
loft foul lite. O'Brien mrade an ex- the qoestion of cabus anud gowns. and Jayne as the society's representative ho the view of the elm walk and
other matter connected with the grad- on the oratorical hoard for the cos- produce ats effect which is altogether
(Continued on -page 2.) b ating exercises. ing year. plaig