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May 13, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-13

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SUITS Dwight E. Watkins,
Made to your measure and Drop as a card to 3235S. Maurs St.
A I URN U ad have as call for your war b f
ii ~ 7 Under New franagemeot.
(~llII~ll~ &New Billiard Outfit. I
Cj'Y~IL Chps given good for angwbhere in !c
!the house. ; el, i~naea o
CLOTHIERSFree Lunch. _
HatersandFurishrs.ForstAvenuie Meat Market. Linen, and CUFFS
109 ad 111 E. Washington Street, Poohl ry, Game and Fish in Season .~R H 3 Sf
ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407 AI H ET
i* M~sisis J siti~ik "p s it it+ " t ij iit++j~j+...Barker's D Collars areaker'stampedare "Lmpd nen'en
OUZ ~ 0 tmead dverLisedn. ISodWhy? nnar
S ALBEL UTZ OT ted averiedsd" olasLiey? r
0IT'yoU _elalhoelrodb _Wge C. or2 t
01ff YOUR F Reliable S n teelr St yWge o,2fr2 i

R E NTS CH L ER For anything in the line of
1, Maker of Photographs Framing, Call on Rentschler, +1 .
j4Phone 389-r. Corner Main and Mron Streets.& We've' Got
+ a & 8 + * & A New
Two Mthso obe ilB The annual meeting to etect officers
PR SI ENladOTchsofteoubsWitR of the Cross Country Club wilt be Have You Seen It?
Suspenders Pae f hnAtresa held in the Trophy Room of Water-
SFur O'clock-Much iter- man gymnasium, Saturday, May 14,
work in perfect harmony with et Shown. at 10 a. mn. MORRIS A. HALL.
th errseeymvmn.5-60 President.
Comfort, Style and Service he fiicago Tennis team of four WAGNER & CO. 4
ABSOLUTELY mnen arrivedl yesterday afternoon an( Ticket for four shampoos-$1.t0. H±
appsear in fit condition for he dual. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, near Quar- 'Haberdashers .9 d Hatters
GUARANTEED meet which b(gins o the Gymnasiusm ry's. t t4
Trimmingis cannot rust. cts this atternoosn at 4 o'clock.
Prtcetsad~t.s,any soreeor mal,peepatd. 'h' inter est is general and there--
THE CA FnOOAOTON MFG. e. itmsetoh01ureadenhs Fresh Lowneys, Allegrettis, Spar-
astic audiensee The admission fee of row's and Hyler's Chocolates at~uh- -____ ,____________
2, cents wilt almit the earer also to ings Pharmacy.
A. J. ATSON the matches of singles on Saturday
A.J ASN morning. TChe mathes this afternoon Your eyes examined by an
are:. expert optician. All the lat
Wall Paper, P it Match 1-Lee and St. John against est approved appliances and methods Newi~~
tingham and Morehead. known to te profession aremployed.
and Ois Match 2-H1unt and MNiel against New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupli- 4b
lacon andI.lanes. ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew- O A
216 East Hluron Street. ery Store. te ODA
LOST-A ladies' closed face gold
SpeialPrcesonwatch. Leave at Args or Times $,500 to $4,000 down, long time on
ofiradrcivlead aace ilbyaspeddpyn ade u Pillows, Pillow electric light plant. Will also sell con- CATALOG S
Demostraton all this week. Come trolling interest in another good pay-
Tops and IFanners, igpatt at aal fpyn
in and try the new Swiss Mills Choc- igpatt at aal fpyn
TttIS WEEK, AT late. Peter's is so much better than $2,000 down and taking personal Ar
At Darling & Malleaux's any other that we want you to get charge. Address,Ar
____4 c5uitted willhi. J. S. MAURER & CO.
-- FtE___54-59. Monadnock Bldg Chicago
Picurs nd Frme Skinners. Bath supplies of sskitsoes atf all
_______________ prices at Cushing' rgsoe i
DE rIES RT .T~kE Have you had a Vibromassage at -
Chafing dishes at Hller 's Jewelry Furnishes mosite-for all occasions.
,..4. t..o..tStore. tf. Dance music a specialty. Address L. 34s tt t
. Chaffing dishes at Haler's Jewelry D. Bates, manager, 80 . Fourth ae-
Ze m u t aoIStore. t nue. 2-tf
lE. 271. 'is'rilt, J~Br. : Fountain pens at Cushing's. tf. o will find the bea strings for
Phone0 o titlsoAtiedsasfr a e-violin, mandolin. gitar and banjo at Ak lxs XC
4 . Main Ssett. An *Abo. Best reserved et o a e-Roots Music Mouse. We make a Aransas, TxaNeic
a. tival at Skinner's, specialty of the best."Tr them.ws
W ord Are et reache via
Word U R __ 17C St. Louis, World's air City,
Thle building up of a Telephone System with every possible mod-
o st d n s emninmprovement; the giving of better service than was ever thought ron frountain
It isit or Cstlo possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detal,
our tt pref11ser- G ied with suothinig short of the confidence and good will of every citzn
r- gto eethe pisur- I~n the county. cTwoedailymtrainsis S
Sw eeto. we To alytaisto Cafornia.
howev)ersttte's n ssgis'TENAW HOME TELEPHONE O~. , Three daily trains to Mexico.
Eyatnears orTamPORARY 0FFICE: Liberty street, near Fourth. Four daily trains to Texas.
the______i___h__standing________of_ Four daily traino to Hot Springs.
a - Tar . 11 S.tCsstsett s a - Si daly trains to Little Rock.
. d t yisi.oasdreets-
YPTIAN OI. l hs.is hsarit.ses THE BEST OF EERYTHIG.
..:,ls.w ecand psesise'tl fI ,.U EWITE ME.
ths e tsoCosly ii, U
Pha rmaceutcl e sity. sssd we dntt ta Iesi i - -~
t tetorceomttetd too'rde Ith is oat 1.0 rmtonT.
superorrem edy isstllcae scofspflrtinhcss-3
es sor- ustes lamts-ts sndtufor ct erti tp- 1V , 1233 Washteaw Ave.,
- licatiossafle yst 5 iu ot rs kt eue- CCET
hot' ad esseslist ils rasd soitittgand eal- roln tn Turkey. -Ann Arbor Rllh.
isk medicis'aI isgeodieats tat peerate ___________
quickly asd allay altsor'ness and ittiaoma- Perfected in Egypt.''-' "---
onsIr loaig the silunaetlotingfree rosm ____________ __________
st'ain. There is so hest ItftIny kid usesd isnoe i mrc
Dr. Cotwell s Maic FEsyptists tiLt Enjoyed________n ___AmeMrica.. - enhe
Wehave suchosfidece in r. Cowel. . - _ LS'kOd EL ttirsaK5L~cvT5APOStOLm M GIL ESPI ..tache
Magic lEgypti'n Oil tt we sett every batte---
with the po sitive guaranteht it swil ive rLi ~ ~ slo teo.Pandolin, Bnjo and Guitar.
saebtisfactio. it does not yu can retortsn ~~"Co po Pi. S2t7IE. washigtn St. Phe 722
the botle and e will efusd yur mone.aventhe Cpnsos. hsaec o
Quarry's Camkus Drug }Store fornl aats FrdBssstrtsisar

Always Ahead
In Styles.


The Rest
of Everything in Tailoring

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