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May 11, 1904 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-11

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Madeto our easre ad ~ and hve us call for your workI
I~j oll' n r f Uder New Mranagemet.'
I(lul F~ ~~& L~. hs New Bilard Outfit. i
F ree Lunch.
Hatters and Furnishers, Forest Avenue Meat Market Linen. (and CUFFS
-109 and 111 E. Washington Street Poltry, Game and Fish in Season AR.1E THES BEST.
ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Phone 407
4.'n.,t~.~nt 444 4444 4+44 *+4 Barker's Collars are stamped "Linen"
Other brand adertised and Sold as Linen are
OXF flDS ALBERT LUll 'NOT stmped "Linen." Why?
g° oVr YOUR f OF Reliable Shoe Dealer * Sold by Wagner & Co. 2 tor 25 cs
*t 124 S. Moe Street ~ ________________
-R EN T S CHL E RFor anyting inthlinoof a4+
+1 Maker of Photgraphs Framing, Call on Rntcher, +
ePhone 39-2r. Cornr Main and Huron Strets. 4+ We've Got
"Give and Take" I FOLD COLLAR
is heprncpl of The annual meeting to elect officersjj
sof the Cross Country Club will be Furnishes music for all ocaion,.
P e i e t held in the Trophy Ennui of Water- Dance music a specialty. Address L. Have You Seen It?
Pre de t iass gymnasiuom, Saturday, May 14, D. Bates, manager, 80 S. Fourth ae
a10am. MORRIS A. HALL. ue. 2-tf
Su p n es 5760 President.
What one side gives the olher side Ticket for four sampoos-$1.0. WGE O
takes. Comfort style and sevice. AENSSft water. Miss Vaughan, na Quar- WGE O
Absolutely Guaranteed. College students note that big mo-'ry's. " Haerdahers At .A Hatters
Metal trimmngs cannot rus. 50ce ey can be made selling our aluminum
and 1, any store, or mail prepaid. okn tnis Ecletpooi Fresh Lowneys, Allegretts, Spar-
terms. American Aluminum Mfg. Co.,insPhray444+ 444444444-
care of this paper. 5-8 -____________
TH our eyes examnd by an
A. J. WATSON $,00 to $4,000 down, long time on exprt optician. All the lat-
balance, will buy a splendid paying est approved appliances and methods
14W all Paper, PaintSr electric light plant. Will also sell con- known to the profession areemplayed. New
Oilstrolling interest in another good pay- New eye glasses fitted, lenses dupi-
and Oils lug plant to pary capable of paying c ated, frames repaired. Haler's Jew-
a d$2,000 down and taking personal elry Store. tf.
216 [EatHuron Street. charge. Address, .MUE & CO, Bath supplies of set kinds at all O A
- - -- -- 54-59. Monadnock Bldg., Chicago prices at Cushing's Drug store. tf.
Special Prices on Chcigdse tHle'
Mae p ilow , iloW A sheet of paper and a piece of St e afn. ihsa H~e'tf, rly ATALOGSu
~1ad u1 illo sPilowcharcoal are all Alexander needs to
Taps and Banlners, make a picture of you. But with an
TH IS.WELEK, AT up-to-date camera, backed by natural Co1umbia U iest
ability and long experience, he can 011iha U iest r
At Darling & Malleauxs make a photograph of you that is a GRDAEAreL i Iauteo
-- ~portrait, a pitiure and a wor of ari.teaSien0cr, Phiosohly ad ure cine o-
FIN Call and see. ALEXANDER, feesa idesangs of maor-tn leading to the d-
l+-INE teesof AMI ai. Ph.D0 raduates of col-
Pitro nd Fam s 13-18 Athens Theatre Bld g. eornesrtihe. schools are admitted with- Inl
SCOL OF LAW Three-year course. Can-
D 3 PI 1- + .TOk , -joint, watch. E. Y. Sturg is en- colgeequivalscenttriing.ol rso eiec
DE r= f ,graved in ack. Reward if returned SCHOOL of MtEDaveE or-ear corse.
217 . Forth vene. t J. . Wtts,331 . Lbert stret.Cadidates mst have ompltte eyero
217 5 Fouth Aenue to . C.Watt, 32 N. ibery stowir in a college or se-ienific school, or mst
TECTURE Four-ye ar courses in Mining, MeL
++"A. '*"I'''4I .4s'4444 May Fetival tikeets wated a allrgy. Cheitry. Civil. Electrical and 324 S. State St.
Sinners Mecehaica Engineering and Arhteiecture.
-- Graduates of colleges or scientific schools can
r/ uO usally enter teseeourses with advanced
Mr. lrager' oficehour attheTEACHERS COLLEGE Professional cors _____________
)E. Z. 'tlribt, Mgt59. , Academy will be 7 to 8 o'clock p. i., is Education of varying en ths, ladming to
from now to Junle 2. For inform- degrees and dipomas. Students will recess 2 t
hne811. due credit for work dine at other collees or Aras, Texas, Maxcoe
+3116 S. Sain S. Ann Aror. tion wanted at any other time, 'phone schools for ie triing of teachersAknss
No. 6, City Clerk's'4l'-~ office. 56-7. For information apply to the Secretry of
" o . Ct Cer' Colmbia University. ew York, NY and Caliornia...
1 Are best reached via
A Mord ()[R 1?OLICY1KSt. Lois, World's air City,t
The building up of a Telephsone System with every possible nmod-
lo ~ ~ ~ l~ erts trprovemeu; the giving of better service than was ever thought ron frountaio
tI snotli custom possible before. To be honorable, courteous and just in every detail.
toecnienl or To anticipate requirements. To overcote impediments. To be satis-
px rtWRsortriegrepaleasefei-ir- fld w Ilsoting short of the confid,.ence and good will ofevr citizen Rout
urtrona ee - fle'wih io___-ver

UR.COWLS chaser to teiake his in toe county. TUwo daily trains to California.
r" however-have kmown fj WFLIYEAW O ETLP O ECO, Trediytrist eio
D~rCowell's Stagic YiIEUiCVVT[PU LindaltrnsoMec.
d Egyptian Oil for TMPORAEY OFFICE: Liberty street, near Fourth. Four daily trains to Texan.
l r the high standing of___________________________________ Four daily trains to Hot Springs.
b _7 Dr. C.i3. tCoiwellias Six daily trains to Little Roc.
as , physician and re-i--
YPTIAN OIL. tered pharmacist. lie
beingtesmenior r m- , THE BEST OF EVRYTHING.
her sod presidentuof WRTEME
PhamacutcalSoeetthe Jackson CountyWRTME
Phar ceticl -ciey. and we do not hesi -IK E
tate to recommend to oar trade his oil as a 1 - 0 U L. D. Armstrong T. P. A.,
superior remedy is all caseo of spraiiis, brass- U E
es. sore muscles, lameness and for geiieral up- C EYPTAN 13 ahea v.
plication after gymmasium work or violentlex- . IAL~'S - 13 ubea v
ercise. It in a high grade prepiaratsin of alco- GrlnsTrkyAnAbo,1ch$
hol asd essential oils aud soothing and heal- jontoTke.AnrbMch+
ing mediciual ingredients that penetrate Prece i gyt
quickly and allay all soreness and lnfsenma- Aefee nEyt +++ + ..
tions, leaving the skin and clothing, free from
stain. There is no grease of any kind used in Enjoyed in America.
Dr. Cowelins Magic Eg1ytian OitOILELAGILLESPIEAStSaches
IWe have suck confidnce sn Or. Coiwell's _ r 'iNonut OL HAMEL GILLESPIE tttSlh
Magir Egyptian Olt hat we sell every hsottie+
with the 1ositive guarantee that it will give Ce Tsstt.10k asntnBtn Phone 711ar
Sanisactin fit osnnot you can retursn j '.t'os feris ctens.PnolnBaoad utr
tebottle adw ill refund your money., oek Tipso Plan.27 . ahantnSt.agesny for
Quarry's Campsus Drug Store 19 Brandt Mandolin, Farland Banjo and Martin Guiar.

Always Ahead
In Styles.


The Best
of Everything in Tailoring

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