The ichigan D aily
No. _153
McAfee to Lead Yells-Lare Nm
ber of S eats Sold-Orators o
the Grond-Winner to
Get $100
'Tonight in Universtiy lll twil e
hebtthe forteenthttannul clot et of
the Nrthertt Oratorical Legie. The
sle-of seats has eeni large ant it
is expected that lbyiPaeocktis eve-
ning,'althedeirlesItat %ilt at
ieen ttisosed itfs
r:rholtttesants atitdelegtet- i
gan toItteintty-esterttt atelrtnttont
sTdayteoratorsi ispetIsI hl
Tbu Ittnoseiwitle coe Ms
th iachi eltfirtoyfomiii i
cialielegtesoth a fee~e et
TihenasJwh in fti I ie-i
"Webter andeth--eiC oroneo
:limes i:Ttot-F.ta lia.1Tc r.
Johnson, i-r-Itestern.
.vilheloision I ofuttheil sil Il-axon,"
Auvick W Godenu ihOelit-. i
"The iDesnltit1gina"Hnrtl
"AslexndrHiam ilon."enryt iitil
"luthnit1. itordonthei Pificti tit"
Thoa Jlt eel -hicitgo iIi-t
"sTih meian Ct iii tt IPis
wilh e il a nd e- i-tal diectti h
ial l s i fot het-( M .1Tlie r
wiillfurtniis s-ealsnameirtlslonii
lpen (itecotest, Iit- t i s i rt lihie
bitg-crowilltndulge tellabIot fifeen
STh bligges bnc io i tack oil
trat tastehvesissematedalt als ait i
(tacdti~s, niwt wot;undteriaKieen 01it
nh ater s twlo octu-
sirsanitmayha three, tiItih
thiracetalril a aciomelisheidt-iii
L2 eehet: tretns anilthis isInCtrls
oo t is11prnteit tpoityLi itril
mhs ee ac htlasl o 121selltlill
amonGarrhlse Itliti e liii tid5.tofs
the year iyla~i alei1t
Thor-hy lers ran1athaelfl tli last o h en fiihn lsl
The S. L. A. Campaign Promises to
Be Close. The Form of Ticket
Not Yet Decided. The
"Dark Horse" Still
an Unknown
As the week dtraws to a close, the
S. L. A, men are puitting in their most
strenuouts efforts. Owing to the fact
that hoth factionls were this year giv-
en classifiei ltisto of the registered
voters, the campaign is heing con-
ducteid more systematically than ever
biefiire, as it is110ssibl for the candi-
dates to learn the names of etach
Then too, the raidical change in the
methodl of conduting the election has
tendeid to arose inlterest and the far-
ulty .are watching keenly their first ef-
tiirt to culrtail graft in college poli-
tics. The general opinion on the cam-
puts, however, seems to he that no
startling resutlts wiltlibe attaineid by
Ike chan.s
The stirit in whtich the "Dark
Hlorse" ticket was receivedl by the
stttdent boidy has proven lieyiand a
ioubitthat there is considerahle ad-
verse senttimet to the present sys-
Julst what status this ticket now
htas tur what figutre it will cuit in the
election Satutrday, it is impotssibile to
dletermine. Whether theoten who en-
tereid it in the race will tdrive it
through to the finish in an effort to
complete this idea is not known. Hoiw-
ever it has ptrohahly oered itslbpur-
pose and will he 1eft to itself.
The form of b~alloit has nst yet keen
-etermined, the canidiates have bteen
u~nabile to agree sit far, antI that tito
will he left fist the faculty; the sen-
timent, however, seems to he strong-
ly in favor ot the Altstralian system
with distinct tickets rather than
merely a piersonal mixed classifica-
The registration reveals the fact
that the bttlks tf the tickets are held
by laws and fits, and between the twit
the ratiti is ahotut even thus jttstify-
log the rtule if rotation of toffice hi'-
tween the two departments. A ratiter
sturpris ing fact- alsii is that the fresh
engineers alsii shoiw op espiecially
strung ntumerically, though this mray
tie Ine to some extent to tlte Illcing
ot tickets there for voting-only. Noce
ot the -andidates fef confident. of
victory and the election wilt ondoubt-
edlly heisne ut thecliisest 14 years.
Coacht Johnisoni is resosnsible fur
the installatiiinoftitIe new biatting. al-
leys ont Ferry Field, which will he
u~sed for the Scost time today. Coach
Johnson usedl this scheme of devel-
oping pitchers at Kalamazots College
last year, where it proved very effi-
Varity and Scrubs Played Seven In-
sings Yesterday-Came Was
Won By Scrubs in the
Last Inning.
The -'Varsityp last-ball ltantnmet an
at lhelhanisothto:Misfits, attagyle-
galtitt tomosedi'ofii coches, ineligibile
mit -anisctrtil. Thescoettewtas li0
Is o 8fo teret nitgs ittplay. As is
usill itillittcetamessellther team
I Itipiruch Ileifort.astwin hnd-anye
lauibl il i tutu I rlted.iaAtgios-a
it-iiiI( hii- sals mcliiihratened~
irails-i-inlit ipby bas all as
Tluh yhee a'Variiatailenandli
is tilynshated ibyitairtlleoftheipatos
elyionitt IlollvI I ittil gla st wkai
lientittha iis elet shi-iand.cane
eral --l paingtli-stIl lsalll lay
Thetatls tillailti twirlerthalt speis
to burnbutNadltrou1b1lte ilicating
gthe-plte.rter thfirhosin- itsth
titat ,hesoI fesintlandwillkiisiin at
thi IacRittp p-iion.r csastili
Voa Vrs~ le ielOtrienamdhed-
den onenre on paryhigthee)am
Lettuce hy A. F. Sheldon, of Chicago,
Before Commercial Students.-
Elements of a Sale. The
Law of Salesman-
Yestetrlay afternoiinitIhiistmmients in
ti a lItur111onittScientif1k Salisman-
shute"lby Mm. A.P'.Shueudunttofi Chu-
eagou a flriitlitraulate itIftelUntver-
sity nd a o metine quizmasterhere
in Ike liw idielartmIent. She talt was
not.1 only iof the greatest lpractical
valtuilbut tast lighily etrtIlalinngas
st-ll.I lTeslitaleI said in stbtliantcet
ITe salesmimtiofStes-ildulare
ciomrcullisit ittiloswotsieuoject
is 1111-salteuof'tutois fuompriht. hue
amouutnltloIllpromfilt eeds uptio hois
s-Ill lie indivrtuauls, workinmg taro-
ntiou~slyltigteteruuothteir s-otk.IUni-
ty is the lbasic'. principile iof comnmercial
lifet Nou mtiimu lussalllhtstshtoumltd mn-
letsshelotuie all liiicalm
"Salesmaneshipu is the poweer toi per-
suade others t irhsei at5amprofit.
ITuermu amreuonly ftir slasses tif sales-
men initle-woirlds-wholesaletrs, retail- IMPORTANT NOTICE.
trs, speialty -salestsen ateulprom otlers. The electiotn ot officers sit the kitm-
Iti a tamnsamct iun i ofay ouithIese thttre idents' Lecture Assoiciatioin will he
aeu iurtteliemstts, salesmalncltstm- held in Room C, Utniversity Hall, May
melrIt srliclIt-I Ibte solud,-attdthe Stietween thte homurs it 8:111)a. m.and
salu its11f.12:38 p. m.
Asito1111 salesnmanItrut are twot Each voter most present tickets
tfounudatioln slttnts itt lpermanenlt anut hearing registration number and sig-
increasing suctcess, char-acler anil nature of identificatio committee.
tealth, botlh of which rest on eiduca- (Signed) JOHN 0. REE~D,
tililt All thrtte terms utsedi in the Chairman of Committee.
hroadest, siseitBy health anit char
acter is nutant tke lesitideveloipment SENIOR RECEIVES APPOINTMENT
wflrlmitthoodymtnil a mos i ushe Mr. Clyde Firman Craig of the class
workng o bod, mid an sou. ittof1884 haxsitust been appotinted to a
gruxlisihtnllnclti Ih sltean$50tellowvship tnt mathemathtcs at
(Contiond from page one) Cotrnell Utniversity.
University Hall, 8:00 o'clock.T Seats Reserved at University
General admission O I HHall Box Office, 2 to 5 this
25c to all persons. T I G afternoon, 25c extra.
Associa.*ion Members No Extra Cha.rjje.