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May 11, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-11

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Entered as second-class matter at the Ann The next dance of the Social Club
2 .rb (Onnal E d or Post Ofice. series will occur Thursday evening,
Published daily (Monday excepted) during the May 12, at 9 o'clock. Tickets are non-
college year, at II7 E. Nashington street, transferable. 57-58.
Leading Merchant Tailo (basement floor, side etance Phone 89-3r
a __ ________± SEMSORY THIOMASON Perfect Balance.
-* BUSINESS MANAGER All candidates for office in the Good erWe AhB a e.
BUSCOE B. HUSTON Government Club should hand in their Best White Ash Frames.
SPRING WOOLENS names to the secretary by Saturday Clearest and Best Quality Gut
EDITORS: of this week. 57-58. Stringing.
Atletics, -_-=-ROBERT K. WALTON
For Suits, Top Coats and Nes, -J-- - n- K. BALEY "Happy Hooligan" the clever farce Workmanship a nd finish
ASSOCIATES: comedy, which comes to the Athens
Trousers. Full dress suits a Clifford Stevenson, Roy Peebles, Theatre on Wednesday evening, is Thronghnat the Best Fver
Z pcaLtushwyu A. M. raer, IHery P. ErwnetIt eni akt
specialty. Let us show you A. C.Pouad. A. H. Ortmeyer. one of the best and cleanest entertain- Put Intn a Tennis Racket.
our London Serg'es, London Joseph Y. Kerr, StoddardS.tMdore. ments of its kind ever staged. It has
Ida M. Brownrigg. i. Waite Jayne. attached to it a corps of pretty girls You'll find all of these good
Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Geo. A. Osborn. Harold C. Smith. that are a wonder to the theatrical points in
Kilowens, Blarneys, High- Harry H. Andrews. Thos. A. Sims. profession. For adorned beauty, sym-
Thomas B. Roberts. Clyde L. Dew. metry of form, radiance and brillian-
lands, Edinburghs, Drum- BUSINESS STAFF: cy, the "Happy Hooligan" girls are MI[ PIM at $8.00
tochty's, McGugors, London C. A. Thompson. Wm. R. Loyd without peers. There are no eye
M. S. Koblitz. H. K. Latorette. soesacrwgndmtrsr A-
and St. Andrew Flannels, Bens. . RDeRoy Thos..L. Pehete. sores, scarecrows, grand mothers or -Ann-
Max Pinkelstein spectres in the chorus of this attrac-
London Cassineres or Amer- tion, but there is a concinity, a deli- SPALDING'S GOLD MEDAL
ican Serges. Please call and see Editor Today.-Stoddard S. More cacy and a refinement about the
--- --- - ---young women of the chorus which With Cover, $8,00,
f 5s1,scription-Two Dollars per year, payable in make them veritable Venuses, Hebes
advance. If delinquent after Nov. 1 1903, $2.50 and Narcissuses, when attired in the
12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 t 7:30 littering and gorgeous sartorial con-
G.H.WldCompally Ofi p. m. Daily. fections which the management has,
. Z*Address-ROSCOE B. HUSTON, Business Man- with lavish liberality provided for For sale at
ager, 331 Packard Street. them. One of the gowns alone, a
08I t. WASHINGTON STREET. Telephone, 461. black velvet affair, trimmed and em- WAHR'S BOOKSTORES
*° -broidered with brilliants, represented
fffffff~fffffff N~f =?an investment of over $2,500. When
wearing it, iss Eva Davenport shines
_________________as a bright eyed, resplendent Houri,--
CALENDAR. trancendently beautiful and harmoni-
__ously symmetrical. and
Thursday, May 9--9 p.m. Law Social Men of Ann Arbor! A chance is
clu dnce wat ouwant, I handle the ligdes
Sc b ca*t a t lsMay 11-4:10 p. i ., Base ball, Ober- and strongest canoe on the market.
lin vs. Michigan. CLIFFORD B. EDWARDS, Agt.
W *Thursday, May 12,-Insurance lecture First National Bank, Detroit, Mich.
z by Wilbur S. Tupper, at Tappan 55-57-61-64.
Lecture Room, at 4 p. m.
2S ay 12, 13, 14,-May Festival. I will sell my law library of about
y . s 275 volumes, office furniture, includ-
ay 13- p. in., Dual tennis tur ing a $100 safe, and a good business,
Exciting ofn [fo Everyone ment with Chicago. for $500. A rare chance for an ac-
May 14.-'Varsity Field Day. tive young lawyer. Address
May 15-Sunday, 7:30, Lecture by E. D. LEWIS,
Rev. Mr. Charles Cuthbert Hall, Weds-63 Perry, Mich.
4 5c President of the Ulnion Theologi- SENIORS NOTICE. B O K S
cal Seminary, New York City, at
Presbyterian church. Auspices of Do you intend to teach? Secure a
Y. P. S. C. E. position now by writing to or calling
Pocket War Maps for the upon A. Pearce, 615 S. Ingalls street. 'DSl
There is no reason why Michigan U. of M. representative Lewis Teach- D1S l
Far East, 1SC. 2should not turn out an excellent ten- ers' Agency. w. St.
nis team this year, especially when
the favorable circumstances under you will find the best strings for
which the team works are taken into violin, mandolind guitar and banjo at
SH E A O, consideration. The University nowRo's ui H s. Wemk a
possesses no less than two tennis Hoot's Music House. We ake a
courts and, as only the mornings are specialty of the bet, Try te. wfs
University Booksellers, Sta.. reserved for the use of these by the A 7
girls, there is plenty of opportunity $2,200 REWARD
tioners and Engravers, for the team to practice in the after- - T1r
320 South State Street. noon, and also for the many tennis en- ..$1,000 TO THE MICHIGAN CLUB E LI'IH14T
thusiasts to exhibit their skill and to HOUSE; '
N @.f.".N.f..D .6.6.@.@.grow proficient in the fine points of ..$1,200 IN SCHOLARSHIPS; .Sub-
the game scribers Vote for the Beneficiary. Tel. 761. 326 S State St.
MANN'S DRUG. STORE This reward will be paid from the_ _
UNIVERSITY AT ST. LOUIS. prize money and commisions for
thirty-five hundred yearly subscrip-
2 3 SOUTH1 MAIN ST Mr. David C. Starr, '02 Engineer, tions to the Saturday Evening Post,
O of Coldwater has been appointed to $1.25; or the Ladies' Home Journal,
------- -_________ -___take charge of the Michigan exhibit $1.00; if sent to me before May 28, Be fair to your
Correct Clothes for Men at the St. Louis Exhibition. Little when the contest closes. Whether I face." Use Williams'
further has been arranged for, but Mr. get the desired number or not, the
S. T. Price, chairman of the commit- money earned sbalI be used as above. Shaing Soap.
S P e a n t o-sn h b e .vtee in charge, will meet the regents Will you help to bring this money t Sold in Shaving Sticks, Tablets, Etc.
o0D taste iflhere in Ann Arbor on the twelfth of Michigan?
dress is very de. this month to fix definite plans and McELDOWNEY, '05 Law,
sirable; it's an arrangements. 56-61 308 Packard St.
The most stylish U.of M, Antiseptic Barber Shop ; N wf Nw ffw f N ff++++w++ +++
garment is really
AND BATH ioorls. MTNE @i ~jrj
the simplest; the ADBT ~ A bGJJT E T ~~
opyright19 50, A..&co. best-dressed man J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Proprietor. DEAN M. rABOLT, 'Manaer
actually the least ConSpiCUOUS. Face Massage aSpecialty. STREET
This label 322 SOTH STATE ednesda y 1 h
Secialty of Fine The big, glittering extravagant
___________________Interior Decorating
MAKERS'21 NEW YORK Com Comedy Success
_ oplete new line of Wal PapersC md UeS

'd . Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
identifies the famous "Correct Pans il n arih.
Cthes fre 123 E. Washington. Phone 237 "H A PPY UOOLIG A N "
criterion of correctness for more
than a quarter centuryILEY ED NDS So PEOPL- ALL NW EUN
than quarer cetury.FISH NETS for Decoratiu6
Equal to fine custommade in all but +ISH N
price. The makers' guarantee, and t 121 E. Liberty St. Whistly Music A Beautifully Massive Scenic
ours, with every garment. We are
Exclusive Distributors in this city. You'll Like Costumed Chorus Effects
509.-In East Washington St. in
SZd uo A cPrices: 25c-354-5Qc-75c-$1.O. Sea Sale .Moday.

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