The M D. aily
No. 152+
Trials Being Held to Select Team for( Orators Who Will Represent Their $1500Shaes Fie ihCtoaBeSPoceda
Coal Contest With Chicago Net Colleges Friday Nght. All Amon. the stents.-e
Wek-rseotGo onor Men. Prospects Are Stockholders' Meet-
for Another Winning For Finest Oratorical ing, May 14.
Team.Contet YetThe Ilander will hereafter te is-
The annua spring tenois touloom- Held. sted not as the ogn of a fewi 0(1-
055iit ichiiii l dec . i tete ae-pviuailsa class or aiy clbofth
of ii coinam or te duat l miet:sitti Oo riday afternoon at 2:0f p m.,tUniverity but asth iagaineOf ol
Chticago is o l rgrss ontho tho delegates fronm the various oivei- Inlade PlisiisgICooiany.Atit
cours wst Oft hi Ismasim.Yess-ities represeted in the cotest Fli-cs of icitoioatoi loss obheisiled i
is 00' sichies resalcd s folliws iday nigiht isill omeet to transact iopor a1 asig lealiig tli~" ,(ne
I-atsi dfeteus a ' eedeesedratbusiness Each univrsity will (it the coipaiy for a perbof 0
tirryiOwnsii efiiti editS issir trNeilt be repitseoted by tseesdelgates. At yas.
c f fieirid I uis t5ius Sprguii' il'iltt'(this meeting lthe cedentialsofoteachti he stools of te ciiiorationihaIiso
llai i iiia he raitois will e tastid spun Ii eoninpacilat 1 50(witonal' sl
Th is afllernoiinlithiiililiiwaingisina Iih-ottlprobability 1ke qiesioinuof iakh a ul*- 0n.Ii orderito liciiiitiii toilaw
es wll e paye L iarns v, Leo; iiinte system, 01 oaiiog tiithe etch saecis vliii''ati4101lh1 g
' Ownu Vi tl; 1rugr vs ranshing syteim will soe up. At the only 4> is akedsi i atIte Ii Iie~
ott-ttlie ;15.Jonv.Srigsi' Thue ctusioniifuthIe conteset in le eve- Smay Irest aslihtyIas ssible itii
isa wii ill hei-selecte illsWeek. Te ni" ,a sii shot eting wilt be calledl flu sochilits.ei ultniitaii tok
liiiii sutifhiuc-go isill btie lduluheriieto leai'le t reasire's report and to wil pobatlyiive tb' alledt for.
nestI s-ol.. boginnn Fidyafer cmlelteuiihiiidsiltusiess. Thepreseontiurctor are- Pos
niiiiiii ilnislhing Silol I mrmg" Te cotst itel, it is said, will be Scot, forwn WeVoley Rber aiii
']'his is throiiily -csuie -hatiiteniissuniusual in thal in sone of the tre- Mirrill aiiilS .hoasoun.ITho an
Iiiesi Iwsill haretlisieai- - - - hecinlg"coitsts have all the contest- siial metig otheIstoukloldrs iil
Iteami s wot aant l-er;fom Sar!- aits behrciniiiiicmen. The nen whobiihoheli 00 Saturday ay 4 liiih
at uiversity h nri-ll''guuulosloak. Friday iight ae iot only all piiipose ot eleciiig a inewsboaof
bouiinaisii hiciihIis alsi ayss islhIiitionor in ibtut ]ave seveiral times rep- reitiro.This boari is aiiiliiriei'iio
fun-iagi Ieis slayI30' Ii i 'iiii u- risentdItliu Aa Mater inlirevos elect a business omanagrcndaiiian-
iomnii biili siglesanidIidiiibli'sare onte(ir s.agiig eiitoi 1f1Tle Inlanderia- ail
pliyut,'ei-lic meil onriii g oine"'ii''Minnsota'ola ratoi got first in iet fronm their swn niiisrstio Selesoli'
'oint. ''hie'univety 0 w'sii chirsii sIlivergiin tii'Leagiie last yeai. John treasurer, who sallIke'p'thesbos I
sins sos-s olint's wiiSlars' ti'riiiiison it Noithwstern is fbiee timesi of the lpiiblication
iviiitliipos iiissiiolf'the I -isi-Si 'cl- a loniii man anid Walkeof Iowa It is the otject of thseo slsatver
I ~iialecu.rte i t hree yersiiistices'an hiinor san Michigan's scued the cicroioi n tiioi splci' thle
li, i lchigan rake arissi hverereseiitative la irtprestedl hosstucks among the iili'iis pril-essr
swep Illeliiboiardis xiiiii i i bt sn 'resop liiitwo ocinesto GCoolen noiiolersinteiiirestei'instudent li'ii .
0 ulsudido lesI 'is "iaiiniix o'gholf Obir lii, oneepieisetn tand laaiticlaily (lir' welaii-of ih
I-oil'-sioflthe- i <eis' ri'een oa~. hatein tollege ini one of tht Illinois puiilication. Ii irie'itIo faciliat tr1
Lee tink tti s yeas leanti isill s'ciiiontss.Peirhapo ihe istIre sae of stock, the tcompaiy has (iSaie
bei as sron'-'as 'any iaitIhisi-'rsiI markiletii nsance of all i that ot aii offer swhich sanscertiaily beisaidI
titedii' selliiw ii'uil liii' sii1110iChiucago's elreseniative Thomas JI to be a ''tusiness propoisiioTbe
pro0slets aresonil Ihatiltle cpill 1sili le., whoi is hove tes an hnor hlieir of a share io eniledo per-
fiiiilaiperm'i'i ntliii'ii ill-_li placeISinSiltI hiran. letial subcriptoun hubThe Inlandiier
trph Ii rn situ ides'C apt. Ii 111he', Xl lihe -ueiusiun ioflie tsut FrIiihiring the lits'of this' n yui-w'hish
uld men wholir IrmingI forl- 10cteaI ' ayii venungos"Prudesour amd Mrs Trit s ncorphoiat eulfhru"(] yars I illser
ar:SntsJouhn, OfPilu hh uiuh1SbNtlit luaduiuu ll give a reception htu the coiumiordii hihvtudolisntol eue
SI. IJilhn was aeil ur io hesti ual' Iesaius judgesudeega es andlall oh The Inlander for I30 yeas uh mlii
I hii 111 ihu h I SO iliuilh~u~il(i lu'iiau's bhionor msenansI a tfew tlmks ehof rsu tuh im
the tuu-uuihu ih deii i 05iChicagoiii iia members oh le faculty at thtir holders of the compnyua.
.1 dhual cotest I as e rite MuNeil hoimestouuHifll street Thut object fr incoiipraing th
swas onithlieam-swuhihiplayedi- In- PofsorTuelodii nine-publilcation was priariily t lace1(1-o
sae wo y s ag msds hse n a sounmuilfinaociauass aniul hi
It G.Ihllt uhaplofi tll lIhe, Gh11Vu ing on Mihianspospecsof win~ hugtuuueus huh lsiialI
Si ~ ~ ir hithil'iiiuah uiflumh'ls lgie cines, sai hIaMichigansodigtinesttdnsofalc-
ason io-te les tnisplayers n o useuuaiueoo vulu ive a gool an almnsi-i''hs lsc'h m
I hi'coln cI --il u-~ hurI is auu Icounisthiselt, ut Ireusetito makeIThe Inaniert o thu slanulam if tuioheri
Itheiii' uunuu s-ill try forshlelteaim -hidle itiuhun If alcollege monthly pulicuatians pompli ted
guis i has liiu iiI ulumu ItooiisvereIa hoiievr,'rthat hei-hail atenideudall tht h cuoilhm
lii ii i 11(1 ii II1111 lulSontlsests limt one(isnetthefouanuing vuIv little of Ithe sooklhalusoufa
straIkefIrcane inq 1o50)andy ikltbFribeen placeud as miiiesfot as as ysI
V uu'iuu'-iuoral (sill- niuht' s coiisct ivoulube the hamrd lieun made tub diosuoie 1 ai e sh .
Iat Iichliganru' ilu-iuw uinthirt lc s on "olughii aiy in thttLeagiut's his Several Ifaernuitis hsi al"ieay (11
whiss I his- hubb~es 1 nil He' lu'limuhtl this to the actcsoda 111t
iii uiit I I 'i~iia( ll 11mm'speaker's are exherinctil hteeychlai iguuauu
-5 iilirdeuu ((s.ibiI-tIe cllege will beicime a sockhuolder.'
The jmlesuaI: Pih'.C11.Spohhon IThi Inlanuderuas foundisibyith
will lbe hldt oI il li icalgsio meetI. ims t- - Iclass uf '91,-andmluinhg the fouumei-i
_________________ er, of Washington inversifv SI Lou
s; Henruy-VarumCiy AttorneyIs- years uf its exitence has epericed
WORK IN BARBOUR GYM. NOTI lospoihh;rnlI fesrJMmanyup(~s nuddows. Ihas bieuiy
CLOS'ED. CallIof the lUieisty of Indiana taken from ie rakiof ut ater (it
Aii-miliu (i- hi' ii li-liiBloominighon, Insd. strictly the liter.y depatmuet ansi
A~cuhu n he ole o th Uri-maude a pubicaiun of all dep~lartmntsil.
verilh' - cily sr-,.-imrqure uwrkof --It has sriven tsu least all blug mmlci
lte fcisluimsiuu li's ofi theigymnsiumlllli NEW BASE BALL ALLEYS on variedh shmbject s ILashsiemm le-
endedluiia Ihu-sp-cugi"acuion. Ati01the -cause uof soinetriuiulie IisIhessmahagin
pretsentm luau -Di% --us licand0her as 'Ile 'Varsity ase-,ball mn pil in wient it was hplcd i udec11mmsumuusi-
sishuunl XMiss 11(0 .1t rvrybs n afterooun uf especially snappy siion.uof IkheQuarangle tlub, hm hi us
clsigremeermmmhuyar or b or esteruday. move has leaulto hum lbs w010rat. l is
taing tuhme -miasrnmi -il-ils lflthe-iirs leneral batin" andl fielding hpra- Pe'faduty's aer'' andulto0 dislm
wvho tookumluhumgo tiiii miorku.f Iice Stuskllrehimosmofitthe time but this the incoirpourhtiohn was iade. I mu
At Ihes'lohs uofI hecm-'eurumequredltossads ike clise of the afternouo,fer fis new planai m s throiisn opeinhum
workh.g"m'siumbihicluassi.; hdlduuiot-CodchJoihnsonusgare his entire often- the studuents as never huhfmmmi ait smu
cease mu behis-lhuh er.huu''c or six 1limm to the pithing staff. One after one who wishestsomurcha lus a sae
weeks aiterthliipich"acin onlDh-l Sm omie-che toiul& the--cold twirlers in can lecome a sluoclkolder wilk au
Snydercsvuwihuhtic 15asses Ill-i'titsose tianditThey -were puit through their vuice in the manigoemnt of he um'bili-
vIlim uuuisu ml isrmm - s--mufmia t lill. All-bstI maces andl in the couurse uof their cation.
gymnasiuumus uisrls wh o sur' tuoner efoturs fo wist Ie covers off the all,
Iesecss my odo ecived iiImaely himb inu Ike genle art NEW ST. LOUIS FAIR STAMPS.
'his gear, s syetmliegils laue somushfm ysttymuug basmen,
linen givenmthume iiuselof ihe-tIniisiiii itt~le Fva" Turner, the biggest Stamp collectors have a newsesries
courtsonmuthIe Casmpuhsunoumwill this maim omi t team was fried o-t be- io go after. The new Wuords Fair,
huve tiemis en1irely (101il this men's hml Ie lau, and Murray Wendell, series, commemorative of tie Louis-i-
SOw coaurs in F-erry Feluhiehfia- ah will probably pitch against hi- ana Purchase, havue been recevedu by
isheulIprobaubly thaluwill noimIeIi' us mu dnmotof the bumswork. Oen- Postmaster Pondl and they will he on
schooul iear The mesius)rasi conset mull luliiitIe twirlng at Chicagom when sale Monday. They are as folluws:I
i-i tmm give lte girls theuseomiii' l(ii teb- 0 e midway bomys were. tronced two 1 cent-Green. Picture of i~ving-
nis courhus b he li gnumosuhnu orlumirumweos agum -ston, the tUnited States commissimnr
Iuumu ummur omec la 11111 hnsnum fatting alleys are being built in who represented the country at Paris{
yet beem deodsw vhus h Iese ohurms are the southlwes, corner of the fiel when the purchase was mae.
toi he'hseodhnist of psts, rigged with I cent-Pink. Picture of Jefferon.
A hasket ball comnnmiemoiting wi' nutting in the shape of a cage 3 cent-Purple Picture of Monoe.
wao hld Wedlnesdayg aternoounm buut anul will alloiw three batteries to workc S cent-Blue Picture of MlcKinley.
no dates were fixedl for the remaininmg a uonct with the added advantage that 10 cent-Brown. Map of the United
games of the series. An open g ame therev will be no hard batted balls- to Staten with darktened space showing
wvs pluannedl hum he playedl lhm Sahhur- chaoe all over the hot. The resultf of the Louisiana purchase.
dayof ay esiva wek.'fs hiaMange Baird's experiment in thin The stampa are 1 1-4 x 7-8 inches
gain is flayedl, if will lie httween the direction will be watched with inter- in dimensions and sit s.a beautifuli
(Continued on page 2.)' est - series.-
Short T e t emanin" in College
Yeoir-Oher Causes Make Delay
Am; bun mensmg of the CccI ye
Comitteu e lioi' tle Studentils' lUni~n
I Iwsda'O ft s1er'noonmmit wsdulul-
11111 ymudecied tIhatuhelistlglanu me
I usi liichs iias tum lau-s iuaugma-uuin a-ui-
t'io aunds uhlclluhusi, shomuul besplsii
}ihoned untilI lllIThiss actioniiwas ha
te-e -usal u'r humusg mdeliberionuhm iadl,'or
manyius mu is-i i lthieiblas-mu'eu--sione
b y 'musini iiigi-l s -absnce'--has
nude bit impssble thumsm-cams 1he
sired Th sson was d uusiiii1s 1,
lheetl I i a-I mm iiii banque is
u icyiii'rIe'inai' in.,blodVcioimsSouu
short luat mumeilprouerhu h us iasmlllu orl
th hm-smomeintu woulishi ificlt
bearusdaslminsm't"1iilld hu
banu mu-s bu pspmoeduntuiuluthes
th ustomari ng Iinis ubs humting. m
so wills i ii' o t, si te of himp st
effotb is'i I- eingm uaei'toumsee humfhs.
l in su(e -it l Siumliio s cI rc
Flo ill s iesc dn1 orth
'casahu hll hi s
limit' mimi- '4 . n. S f rr
1al 'I
'Mah 24
'05 uiIll, vs.i Is of l 05i'
06U v. '07 Liii I
Ali Omi, lsi us 'iIip.r'lu N.ofi eri
Olumml u- ii.5ai
05 Au Si Isumuvsi') 1cibm ai
'imibil u y 6,Ohm .Il., f Frry
'Match l6.
Mounday -PslMyshipu4y 14 i. ainr
'iguSc ailvs 0i1.,,w
Ohutch h.
O'I'nsdaMay 0,4-.of ,N.ohIFuerry
Omutch 10
Wimer of Match i Is10vsOX Winer if
Musathu2.-- - I'm hily luryI 14 mi., a
Vasmity -'ild-
'Machi 14
N~imieri- oif'mh(ltshIvI.vWinner uof
Matcmh lb----luumaM~a 1,34 l m.-S
S-huch 12.
Winunme-of 1-aclitvs. Oentaluep-t
I uhi 1 ---aliMy 1,ay. mluNy11of4Ferryn
Match b1.
WOinnmer of hMatckh15 vs. OWinner uof
Mahalel.i.-m~edneshay, May 25, 4 p.
in, 'Varsity FluI.
Match 17.
'mXinner hutKMatch SI vs. Wuinner uof
Match lO-Mondlay, May 30, 'Varsity