The M D. aily VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1904. No. 152+ T[NNIS TOUJRNAMEINTI w-1 STRONG CONTEST INLANDEZR INCORPORATED Trials Being Held to Select Team for( Orators Who Will Represent Their $1500Shaes Fie ihCtoaBeSPoceda Coal Contest With Chicago Net Colleges Friday Nght. All Amon. the stents.-e Wek-rseotGo onor Men. Prospects Are Stockholders' Meet- for Another Winning For Finest Oratorical ing, May 14. Team.Contet YetThe Ilander will hereafter te is- The annua spring tenois touloom- Held. sted not as the ogn of a fewi 0(1- 055iit ichiiii l dec . i tete ae-pviuailsa class or aiy clbofth of ii coinam or te duat l miet:sitti Oo riday afternoon at 2:0f p m.,tUniverity but asth iagaineOf ol Chticago is o l rgrss ontho tho delegates fronm the various oivei- Inlade PlisiisgICooiany.Atit cours wst Oft hi Ismasim.Yess-ities represeted in the cotest Fli-cs of icitoioatoi loss obheisiled i is 00' sichies resalcd s folliws iday nigiht isill omeet to transact iopor a1 asig lealiig tli~" ,(ne I-atsi dfeteus a ' eedeesedratbusiness Each univrsity will (it the coipaiy for a perbof 0 tirryiOwnsii efiiti editS issir trNeilt be repitseoted by tseesdelgates. At yas. c f fieirid I uis t5ius Sprguii' il'iltt'(this meeting lthe cedentialsofoteachti he stools of te ciiiorationihaIiso llai i iiia he raitois will e tastid spun Ii eoninpacilat 1 50(witonal' sl Th is afllernoiinlithiiililiiwaingisina Iih-ottlprobability 1ke qiesioinuof iakh a ul*- 0n.Ii orderito liciiiitiii toilaw es wll e paye L iarns v, Leo; iiinte system, 01 oaiiog tiithe etch saecis vliii''ati4101lh1 g ' Ownu Vi tl; 1rugr vs ranshing syteim will soe up. At the only 4> is akedsi i atIte Ii Iie~ ott-ttlie ;15.Jonv.Srigsi' Thue ctusioniifuthIe conteset in le eve- Smay Irest aslihtyIas ssible itii isa wii ill hei-selecte illsWeek. Te ni" ,a sii shot eting wilt be calledl flu sochilits.ei ultniitaii tok liiiii sutifhiuc-go isill btie lduluheriieto leai'le t reasire's report and to wil pobatlyiive tb' alledt for. nestI s-ol.. boginnn Fidyafer cmlelteuiihiiidsiltusiess. Thepreseontiurctor are- Pos niiiiiii ilnislhing Silol I mrmg" Te cotst itel, it is said, will be Scot, forwn WeVoley Rber aiii ']'his is throiiily -csuie -hatiiteniissuniusual in thal in sone of the tre- Mirrill aiiilS .hoasoun.ITho an Iiiesi Iwsill haretlisieai- - - - hecinlg"coitsts have all the contest- siial metig otheIstoukloldrs iil Iteami s wot aant l-er;fom Sar!- aits behrciniiiiicmen. The nen whobiihoheli 00 Saturday ay 4 liiih at uiversity h nri-ll''guuulosloak. Friday iight ae iot only all piiipose ot eleciiig a inewsboaof bouiinaisii hiciihIis alsi ayss islhIiitionor in ibtut ]ave seveiral times rep- reitiro.This boari is aiiiliiriei'iio fun-iagi Ieis slayI30' Ii i 'iiii u- risentdItliu Aa Mater inlirevos elect a business omanagrcndaiiian- iomnii biili siglesanidIidiiibli'sare onte(ir s.agiig eiitoi 1f1Tle Inlanderia- ail pliyut,'ei-lic meil onriii g oine"'ii''Minnsota'ola ratoi got first in iet fronm their swn niiisrstio Selesoli' 'oint. ''hie'univety 0 w'sii chirsii sIlivergiin tii'Leagiie last yeai. John treasurer, who sallIke'p'thesbos I sins sos-s olint's wiiSlars' ti'riiiiison it Noithwstern is fbiee timesi of the lpiiblication iviiitliipos iiissiiolf'the I -isi-Si 'cl- a loniii man anid Walkeof Iowa It is the otject of thseo slsatver I ~iialecu.rte i t hree yersiiistices'an hiinor san Michigan's scued the cicroioi n tiioi splci' thle li, i lchigan rake arissi hverereseiitative la irtprestedl hosstucks among the iili'iis pril-essr swep Illeliiboiardis xiiiii i i bt sn 'resop liiitwo ocinesto GCoolen noiiolersinteiiirestei'instudent li'ii . 0 ulsudido lesI 'is "iaiiniix o'gholf Obir lii, oneepieisetn tand laaiticlaily (lir' welaii-of ih I-oil'-sioflthe- i