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May 07, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-07

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You surely have hard of State Savings Bank. GEORGE D1SCHOFUf Correct Clothes for Men
Pennu'ctol[ w 1. Bothn. V. Sheehan PLORL5T.coreyue
5 0 .Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaugha_
_____________ as I.Wad R E. Mills CNoice CUr PLOWMZ3 & PLNSFcureyur
lENN1f.OK ir Po S. lCrhart Chapi St., betwe ues S..and Miller Ateeoto.we
PE NruOKlp i st io al Chrisian Martin k lone 809. it comes to buy-
SHERBETS ' 'TOU did right ii goig to te fnet3lths1r
+: .. ailr. ie cargd yu roremade specially
altlor li corigetyyounbyr
II.,L~'Q7 Ithanl readymade clohs cost, 1)1u to CuPy=Ineh t sA tIACaALFRED BENJAMIN
ICE gave you more of what you watied-: & CO in New York. Their apparel
1.,. idividuality adl style. I ou o 7111! ay is the standard everywhere. Insist
NUF stD olepnsen ti ae whenl he gets your order. Col-+uosengtilal
lege Braud Clothes are here to take :.deimnc
the place of his clothes. The custous ff edf V~jRmn&
1HRS A shops touches a d cut it ready-fixed- :M M KERS NE
up togs-made just for youg fellows on your coat-anger, inside coat.
[[frlON IC[ nd made their way. Extreume cloths :F pocket, or waistcoat strap. It is
-exresue haps-nt etree pice ~your protection, and ours, from
FRIDAY -exriehpsnteteepie old ready-mades.
NEyIERICAS --1 Equal In fine custm-made in a but
ORNG IIRI[ 15 t$25 price The aers' guarantee, and
______ours, with every garment. We ar
~ Stabler& Wueth f Eclusive Diriutrs in this city.
___ _________________ o__ tit111East Washington St.
P RIVAE 307 Ip11 in., May 7. Tictus lb the Southern Clsb dnce -- ---
LESSONS IN ANCI Anartc1111,0........Alen. can be proured from the secretary oi
LESS 5ling11..........Ciubb. te ceub, Mrl. Ruc S. K. Wood, 1732
AT GRANGER'SBY APPOINTMENT. i...... .BaroulshtIlenaconuerfresisc o memberIll
I......,...I.....Sparaglthe otsmlit tetpuchonis feccr
ltslc . . . . Sius. Cree, Searcy, Waters and Slllrlit.
#rvv..............®Dvion FOR RENT-I have a large 11011,e on
YOU CAN GETA----"""--"" -"" Clancy North Diviuion sreet that I wilt
7at is P~tatiuy Drill. . . . have reuoeled to sut fraterniy or
Hot~ Lun chl-i t.Cndtllllld Iby Snsenubein sorority. JAS. R BACH,
Atttle's. 338 S. State HWMCgen R$0? 45631 tawrence loc.
-_ , ®__ Unverity tdentn desiring to s-
It is for you o CIsay how many Stu- cure poiton to teach will Cund it to e a
(ent oty Sco~larhipu will be es- their interest to writn to Jame F.
alidluhed Whether mlschl or little, I McCullough, 63 Fine Artn Bldg. Chi-
UNIVRSITY DAN- shell use whilt evr lprze money I win cao. t . Ve EusikTbe
J$2 IN 1.ASAlDEMY1111CC 1(o11sb lTscrii atthedayaEe-Fountain pens at Cuhing'n. Blllsik abe
33INII AC S a. FYlora111J11111al orler at urd15il a diEes A
StIO~ ~t111 R}0. t ot P1f1Crschlarhitstund the INL-NDAT
]icitans Club Hoe. Ytu elect lbthLNDR REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS,
""°-°- ° ° ' °Fine Cigas and Toacs
11e111iciar-y. Notice is hereby given of the anutal JAS. W. REID, Prp. 312 Stte St., S.
- ($} M~~~~~IcELIIOWNEY, S5 Law meeting ofth le stockholers tf the --5-40 EIR O38CP ~adt nadrPbihn opnt c ao cdteOI ET I IE ags n tns
OHOc~1~l~jbit~usr Saturday, May 14, 104, at 11 C lneofDRC IE- 'cokaC.lnRam8 fWs al
SENIRS NTICE selcic . in, inRoomI, o Wes Ha l rkish garettes and Pipes
DRCLIEEDWARD SAMUEL CORWIN, eesrslbroufgh lt t iy.
Do you intend to teach? Secure a ine Leches in Cnnecin.
TLD TOCLMU poition now by writing to or calling i Secretary. Eer yingseaN t anssl Cis s
P~oers oei al r., tupon A. Pearce, 615 . Ingalls stree. 301 . Sate St R E. JOLLY
U. of M.t representative Lewis Teach- NOTICE C. C. C. _ _-_. ..... .-
eaAec.w. s. COFFEE
PICKWICK BtIItAkt)ROOM ______Agency____ The antal loetnft let ostiersMOH Y N
ANSI ltisssettss Sl~aatu taer, St. Thomas (f the Cross (ounaty Cltb ill lwll be
sTCANDC llrll ds ))t nseatS ileuhls tnSattrday mtninosg, M-y 14, at at8IYI AND JAVA hucocntts uda vnigFr a,,,, t ikt
nly y s~ssSe - 11 10 101scel . Es aeat Osarry's 10 ocloc, in te Trtspshy 1room,1 of Ourn- Owene Roasttnug
andIat St500hant'C. 751-5 Waterman gymtnasiumn. Aways fresh 28c rer' pou.nd
52-54 MORRIS A. HALL, Pres. 21 Mail St. 1DEAN ft CO.
707 N. UNtvtdsafwv AEN-TT. IFORltSALE ihslt romfuCtrnihetl - -
-I- - ctage, all covenietce, situtedC~ Viromassage - At Trojys Its # ". . ______ _____
1155 7l~l, n icigans State parkla liaiacgreat.IT THOMAS ROWE, Prprienr
Isllad. Adress J. A. Busrley, 604
a n i t " 1 I u u b v , Mta dis n adv eA n n A r b olr. S 1110 nss D a i r f t b e w r ttat "I i b ,f r t e s si er ar e 10511 d Illc lll lf o nU I R O E S L A N R
Q + 1V Com~~~plete tnct of Wahun, Martin, L. JL Harwood~l, Rosm 12, CokHue 1 111111eaadW ld utr t oetCl a nei heatronoree 2 . t v. BllPoe47
ilbone 667. 303 0. suite at prices. tf ning. 53-56
121-123 South Mlain Street WA6NER d.CO.
____________ LS EVER BEFORE.

In the ORIGINAL and EXCLUSIVE designs, will now be found at
119 S. ailm tretnext to Wagner & Co.
Formerly Manager of Puritan Shoe Co.
For the henefit of mty frienids atnd customers, I wish to state 'that George E. Keith never did and never will control the make or
sale of Puritan Shoes, as developeuseuts will prove. I, alone, control the sale of Puritan Shoes in this city and Washtenaw county.
Anyone desirinlg to prove the trutlh of this assertion tsay do so hy referrilng to page 376, libel 7, of miscellattuls records ill office of
± register of deeds. Respectfi-llv yours
,+ 5$~qen55~$5~54nt~nt .t.le++ 9Iln5n~I.~ienl~s5nIt~nnt.ln.+d+WILLIAM PURFIELD. t

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