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May 07, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-07

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The Michi9an Daily



No. 154

Jones Carried Off Honors in Contest
Last Evening-Meek of Chicago
Second. Halliday, Third.
-Enthusiastic Audi-
ence Present.
A loyal AMihigan aidienice, d isa-
piointiedIbt still moodi of her relate
setntative, (tody hay(s tribt to Gfor
P. Jones of Alinaesoa, tesccesful
orator 01tlast n. nt 5 c i i cys. r.
IHaolliday M1ich((((n's1 r i c ewoait e.
receivedird111pac e.wilei Tomast .I
A eh of (hieag)o saiatradh seol
roThefouteen th ianneat i atrecat
etety Way i-cr- p1i atIiiiai tr.t
disaitoitedoui otiltiiig. A larg
anuilethsitsiicaudiince- ttealeltesakrwremnohih
toilitthenditeaeerograte- oas caf igh
lhrughowithotia hiiicih.
Acrdino tettltsof the Aso-
ciati, Al. IHallia spoke istl - lit
subject of hLborton w a tas"Wi-ht
andthle- tooproie tf 13,0.'le te
livereid hittaddrestoiltheii-s,"Li
grate-and lasi that otoe is l e-i
vioust cotts. tlasitet. isltontinit-
ittild iiig sitter-his tsitvietory
s-i-ciato htve ee lote piettti nt
sitesgti tdisetwi-ltre- it trioneieed.
Ait-higatitiis sil i itslatin ih-- coa-
fiencei ametsttoIHallidaty, atuil iily
rerte thi poitinonte perogramit
'lTomas AJAltei-ksiof (liiii-a ia iv
tims a ottInor'ismat. le- toefe i
snhtiltr"-Johnt Ir. GotrdoueutThe I'a-
iliii'"ttun osit iati-sill devlediti
very imiilar to(fatiofoura own i-ipe -
e-taive.ndthul le adiece eirliy
realizediithat in himi Miicianhed a
strongtivael. Iis istiett-ltvtiee
chatngeede-aily at hiuiatill to,)e the ii
differetnf sletit towhuchhielisired-.
spoeak-rofthe-eenittg. idelit-ielda
citrngappeeal lior- leter-ityii govien-i
mnt-,tMAl.ottes's oat io wtatmoeo
argumeutaat aIlee(o0le-s.((toilhis
toile rang stonginiiiiie-eltii iiiof
(lie- (reset munaiialev iloanelcot-
Al. ttJohnseenof Nirtili essiiii tl-
ediloni hr. Nutsee t (acit ferthePe tl.
Folloingtim.(Ir eume- Ale,(Gee I-tetegi
of (beli,ella he tilj e e f ti e fb is-t
sliii(ioofte Agot~Saxn.ii li. Vil-
lirief Ieee'a.ifolleewelProf.lRe atit-l
-eansootith titae eesmieeeoneof le--
anber aet eeln tie-i-nnci -:
l-it. Holie are, ldates -li:
PttofesorCe 11.hioonr. te.tLoi;
atndlProifessooe hnleC.iIC(appte Bleem-
Inthe semt-iitfinals i henneistor
itili itiias laue e I (is Li-dte-
feae M Alt 6l 1ad let 2 h
othet intoh i bltieeiSi a ohn(tIltnd
ane lh iii et il bebe aeii Leo
andl Itle' winer of t1his neetiielas
maltchottdsll b let-ite lrtilon lonii
The ('(ittmi ci ii eptet te a de-
et (el tie- I tneiatiestioe reyiy
a scute of 11, to 4. Patt 1 ei: (bi-
lot.,(uutema oui(elihe-t.
T('le fesht Iits deifeutdthe Ii-siti l
Lills in ott exi itty at i,yodr ay
afeeraoutito it asoee-of in . Hta-
I tei's, 1907,iAShili e auo. il ilife 90
Sagr Simams anartatan.
'Te 1(117 Mettls defeaed the Il.905
Medico ysteroduy afteounuaby the
sette iif 13 toi1l.lBateie, fresh-
mene Sibley ail Campbtel; jitaitr,
!Marshall antI Rssel.
Itcasini'c Saat Maer, S. Thmas

C~hurchStunday evening at S. Tieliets
only 10 cecnts. Ftir sale at Quarrys
and at Sheehan's. 51-55

F ' t
OR~hOIS NI A~' N~fhhTS('OtliIh
yf ueteFtitWhll le ogh
uhthe i fi It-t Oale tws Mch (htou
Luets c met'hel hutS0 ti5
(co e-iuutuh O 'ho I tatto Nn hati o-oo; Pohi- Vi ituoto-
1 AIR ~r[ ~ lIIiNPA RIU[I C'NAi 1R OA
OffisafNrhenOatrcl egey ihga ih etth aooso
Cocq dalyvsisMnge ar- 'etCane1 ae nCnti.IFrr ih a heV Ocok
HaldyYfcian akr o a eekerha go.ruit h l-eyoe wl uo ia0t iSag u ut t
iCa eelMorleyviit a nagertahii i rd-teuO icerisof huNeote cOratrilieuegay it-oilan i llMwet t-esMaruoo (utuo h
Sii-ii lue- ll iths ht (oo ii - Chin tolo ti adeit inihCo lsi r i eldutu Tyhr eethO ifl(oc ac
e xt ll-ef00 it ii uni Ott(y li t t'ctone d-Sioh(ut i ts o Itwad ie I tt t Wteintet utll aullu tcuo htt (ii
Will Belhu-hwecikentl iSouilnht. Presidet . t threeruo'cluockftit ht (i -ar (tnori
tuie te utti I at t Oto i YP O te rdayif n t ernoon ti th ee ga (t- tt-O i llscuritssitbats i t it s he Mart o -i-
Cach Morlteyhi o toteubal ie- e d t rou hte seveniit i itoft thit rest- h t -i uih i ihh0 tlgcu ttto'i
gioti leti oiu Ita ht tos tiil i-a (tugu itauratu iia game hi ch ogtio dvio
Ann eelorle t erdaIyil and'i h etl tia eon-a cot intIah ue hnas a s r ta'l i l t.m t ros er h it or er(t aeb all. Iu rt h etho- Miu c hia-
eit eu auhuttitutatr'uer roiuiruvuiuo ha e-uf r iih e t t (ndt atouedaCsimiaro uon toace
vii tao f a frtel dly a ur e a n d oitu -eh m' anto f sh e;t execue iva o m me- wit e aveus hat~t l lild-uhttuuw to stee s et-I, boh
5it eu-bi-i itiiii ie at-cy-sgto h ist e ii tn ni uatl lesort oft'sthe iL Ieatue. tgtg ifhath-t i i-tgoul oo
p e n in AnenleAtbor.ilo lSil eem eratti lau posh talt meunh dml(entsto Le ce and0 teo t t h ti i hi gan m on or
- -htil tutuil e i ' tnd uore ya lerlit l tre o nhstituin aid bylasufthe the-n is oItt-i-c ton t at (,Ii
ov-itthe haill- ou tit it,esectiallytih e A sh ai onhuwlur-u lau e.lIt he i(tee-s ago\ il l bet asnIea eli-u-hosiiohu tueo
til iiiiy of a(ac e lbt e ii i a gr(ueedtahia t l-und e th p yesent usys- dagi O n t hei o t rau y , tutuit yto hutoin
in i d'hilI oi. CoachaMle w ex-i eitom ofu ue- cutingicoieo f ut inth o ai sou-n beyi ufl-i e ie- uattosh thu-laitio rthe
pi,,,t e Man ele ia s v r o t e ot i ntc h ereafu t era bei e ntuoir the(tat ght:thgia p a of g d c li r is o
iicine b uttsid(it Isis e wa( nt t 0hit1i- iits a wourutbAietpeteitdi. rtiu
poer edli ult t reatt ffc ally.fol mb t's he mp rtea tga eim en ias icat fOnlhue ohu e ithand h uhloca Ito-
5ebc ule.is onclded n N vemb r 'hidtpo visdi n ochat ieaf t no es grega tin thas hmhdelassmiharaeite e ,
12 sH Ls;hto C caaSE N T D Cd te sritel esit i iiisholi t jug h o resto iss ( cilels fatdrurig thers r f Ity
tutiha; ep'uast ic (iweeek.I ' d OThe~t(
(ise-rs e erus ,u betveryot goxdt foar itaeyofthe(iowa;esbier tie etite c agnto edn-o]f g re a
hu t llt e ' irh e t mie-s nowlay ncthsruleaguhI.IHoee ('cgtof uonl hteronleem a eal PH I M~eneTI N teONtfiHT.
lu-tisIof uit1eo is giBoard ifmC tt-e rou thu t stri a teo i leo huech hth c ntetuah h reyn l a t cod isaA oeMo
auu liitlue ha ugrt ii (s w ituat twspovdd ta-ntie uue en elh sh c cetd t ic
ert' 'ni A 'atupagiln Col bats o taro o s, whluedhoty oratIoarlauay 1(0 0 isto-uu i dwEayi menu he(hos ingca
teSauontw r s roatn sh-alltnappeVarp ('ilyt- t e i th guat.a etio tt M cia
it ac oreleeu ftclatuth lastni g hto M-h oa 's he-ea e s a t (ho' spe nfers chtuoChicatoo ruteam atrrivu Aes insiAire
theea- to t he l tro istgstto uahs- ownce' rs.A barthis ahmorinrgu. o ie- tets
Nuu (unetiee citoc b en recab ul froom The _falowingoicers_ wee_ electeT00000 i an -flinup- ilre a
witheuiiisthit r e-g arth to, M S foo r theRENo minN ANar PrBORdetf lmlo:R eddno.lolBrdc.,De
wih M eLte bash ht t ree A IA.rnimmsn Michigan fimrstosFre, sCme lleth sooge, . .
baa tre astun dabnle'exinemntion dhaltsoot, Iona;lthu lpear identI l e'ivto
his t reori I lr gely ascnsn nn de rsiern'(2 Ic , rtagR a few lyso rhing
iecluproeiiy otulethe ea w um e r oae- freno in oan e, supl~e ie oib NOTCERENCR S' LUB

ferre-utytoy eii'M~ichigan Bosed to (he (hr many scrcessfuol fetlball cotach(-.I____
lhniterc'olegtate cuummittee on eligibil- thatMichigan has tuened out, (he rec- Inotrtant meeting of (he Fencers'
ity" A. ft.PA'FTEN(IL tirt madetoy hicstHaskuell Indilan tram ((ltbWuednesday, May 11. Audopoton
Th~is means that Mr.e Schule's casej lash year luing stil fresh in the of new cotnstituion. All come. Meet-
will noeilefitnitely odechodedtuntil the memiory ot everyotne. Ha will protb- ing calleod at 7 p.m. sharp.
night boefore tho Itercollegiate nmeL ably coach again next fall. SCHMILTZ, See.

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