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May 03, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-05-03

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The ichiDaily



No. 150

Spingogh)0 s 5hve lred13 Iin
Formation of Northern Oratorical in lie rut waters sithr flois, al Grea Muscl Event This Week.-1
League First Planned by Presi- though nol, cacily at tin wish ofi lb- Four Concerts To e Given.
dent Angell and Professor lewunforiunate' victims conced. r1. __
Trueblood.-Mhichigan has ive ctoesi'511li( Vi tipped' iver i i Pu'Itiov i is h' officil pro gami
Won Seven Contests. St o tusie-ltlitstou r(f iLi.annua ilay Pc siii 51iche i
awro-Sidup uthr asirst iwatiiocc'- shiatilsi'i~rdy
ile extiriecedi-t simsirns. minttoti rrrr hs ek'hnly
The approiachtintg cnntest of thetIihr nise y ty ud1 refs shot ifoldFIRST CONCERT.
NiortrntOratriral cLea, whtichi wericlouhingtmorr at die on Su Tttrsday Evening, May 12, 8 Oclok.
till ho helid next lFrday night, rmakes uilay, lbu atsidelrofim te l n ger ha-10 OLIS
especially itrsle-otig siitiic1ts rot attitletuls otruetci.NutiOLuOIiiii
ticcteilwsthhr tefutuidigoith lemitRo opa.
Lecagiue ini lhltii.When the Liague lnii i'lsse oi(s
tossflst ttoglt Of there alre e 'BRI[N O0T1 Oliititci icr it~tisi, louiso an ii -
iletdiia1M1ihiganStiiie Oratrical As- ieti. sitiiil oiskly.
- -tobu o aiusraosi Speedy Inielder Comes Out For 'Var- \illiii. \\ thu-"andii Ave 3truf."
wastouighiltiundesiale that IMichi- sity Nine--Capt. Redden Goes- - - - - - ......"(Ithllo)huterdiii
gat ltiiileste i Asiea i. to Outfield-Practice Fast lltii.-.di u'lti.......- - -c~ielilit
The platt tas theeforueeropeiiti ofl iiYesterday.ItaIiiiiiii.
ttitig all tie geeal. utitersiies of--S ist'f liiiii u ii ii Ili
lietaiidlecNest int ati tiatoical Theree were siie chetangs inilii ul eIii ii (1.-iLhori-) l Sssiuf.
le aguesewit sholdiioiittduct its twn ie iiofliS'asiyi-it tti'iAltI
cotts needn:o h tt n hywn u totheiamnd t oliiii -Itms, I- tiiuistud''-.
ituestaictssociatiomns. liiitiesrng iietry3 Fie'lltiifor atie iiy' 5' d i ...-- - - - "- -.Sitbhit.
f 1890, afi t-a tiiceetice iof ttsfus- Iiriiiiiii -Capt.Rddn - othiii'i i iiin Aler e m((iiii il:Ate iioinii
sil TrIutlooduu, lPtesiident Atngell, aiid flt iiildipulin don fis iil'in t ~d ht 1-lai -e....- - -Ii.
a tiittber'tof stideiiis ittlererstedlinthetmue55a3 aniilcoierigsiitintiig liie 1"iioiis. Sloitii-s do fn-lu>-.
prtoiject, letties wero scit toiisiceral attsrcem f ugrouniuu. ft'tti. iiiwas lti SECOND CONCERT
if thlivttsersitis itt which tI lan1)1t ti cndtia ndIhis wormmclastiaS ii-v- Friday Aternoon, May 13, 3 O'clock.
f a 'Norterne Orttrsical tLeagute" eltoto lithe spetie--oris. t'tBrin oe-SOLOST
teas set fothliatiila call issue oithlii-liiiiely tlayetirilbise on th~i(le' hi Ii'redich-31 ri iis,;ts.
ielegateso lit tin Ants n At'i- Sa ' Iiit ci3 Ii) i ii is i iic ti ic [i- teiil - a ts
itun felto 'sfet t'morgatiation. T'lii eIirltstyeai'thaIti iih e s beii' i i iAria Inl i e ilion'Ii tili 'i' I-St i''l
this conufeetnce all tei vertiti es in i- l fo th, ariy le lu s me v te ........ ... ozr.
siticilsentt delegatsimsexeplt Coretl.Pett13fielditng3is)iiye 3-siedsverl it liiiiI Frida-Sell'' ( tasiflaI -
('ottnell wantethle pisviiege of wendi- silsitu itiiissu i i - - - -iai
ig lsr-gatie oraitos to le cots- ittandstdorder. As Xehe is sid IoibeiIv, .iwit pino,
tests. dMit'higan iobjectedt as iiididte a hardt ltiihelksle ike ii5aciiifixtue, sphnyA ajrNo. - - tuin-'tusi-r
tiitt'etlleges,wstlls the rsultlthal - - - - -
The Isfir rist cotsts held hissetis ONC[ IN SEIV[N YIARS
gait as Ithi'fiiuinesitftLeaguhe
At slic risosest hsuuite sssss ese
weree rtepNorthern Oratorical Leagjue
terepescetedi;thiy were'Oberlin, Wsosn otwsenadMci
gani. Thle cpettteststas woiit litAistitsAT ANN ARB~OR
Carlots Sloesiley o ictheligan.
IwavandosslKnoux IthnSosistoaimisi
Knox sas dctnieidlute Iuswa was ai-
ititteid. Chlicagom was adttitted n i181. REPRESEN4TING
attil tinuisota its hI898. sishiii-
pited ele list f seven uisitieis Seven Uinivrsities, Six Sates, Tevnty-Two
now hmem'nbes of lie L'ai sue.Ni thlt
ers a 1wibe admuittIedilasorsiiietispekieis1Thousand Students
tre'hll thtcrsticeIeatud taivai-
tage itslttti'ecveninig. ADfr1SSION, 25 AND 50 C[NIS
The place' tieeach seales umtthle
progrum ashas comeii ltsr'e a' muaier o
conutesh t iigattit-tstisetw u'sutufistpaendCchtit l e3isaid hatii Iiits noc hriday Eening, May 13, 3 O'clock.
his ctablilshed'iia pr-c'e'entii)whicuhs i sutamilaulihi-change ou- uihldIto per--"talii la of e i iuui Opiie
ias sitt enocsacduopter]u andsi luttuuu'e iathtch'.tt - Ir
lit all s't i terun''iveri'stis. I'flu'- atstic e's teimdaly s)5wa ulsicii(,orn, oo l Orsi hitsai.
Fthi us rsonaJ. . Hal soliuay Mith-h ftstibeig tmut uch more stisfuctory5
igan'h rrsentaiih'tiv eu ItIis yearohpht))ihI Itaun tat oflu t I wsi (vms If the eamii l't' 1
te' C011ttuSt swhilem Minunesoitca lumho cut- i mutiuumestoimprovutue, it lokis i ;, lii ii ...(_- - - Itlw s I intie
last otutIhum'rolrah Fredgayniht n e Ys't)Soi a ii Y hteni t yapea
Inu a sittm u iar hmanneu hum' officeris of (hi Ferry t l'l u ii uoehus Ili u m
tie Leaguts'rotahi uiteuogtle utiver-t - - - ni
uifue'uttsr SENIOR ENGINEER SOCIAL . Anel ote e mliiAeoi tfmi Io e-
rcotuitugft-mtis Ihuta t.il ieg itwhit th t io-t ______ i it
tints t' rutcisiatss. Am( mu''sent W (X The SmutiaI uc si'mi f t lii'Si- lDeimmis Auimmii'al,hs ml Sri..its..
1. Cuie, '05LIawt, hols hihus po~si~tro sitn. gu cttg us(it tgsuru t - - - - mss
Th onet ti ea spa ieu orEgnern eles sotialtohum hum'lt-i Iiharbour F OU.RTH "CONCELRT
]arly iuhmorahn tiecauseiit s thue see-GmaimTusaMy51 t
maml time that t Ihas cme hu Mihiu- 13iumsih 'tucts l Stm Saturday Afternoon, May 1, at 2:30
g;as, anti ibeases'of the uxc .'he'uthcu-r hs I-SOLOIST
mrt hihlMicluhiganu has madi'. Afte a en.nrd-n vr ta1
with be tt rto hult Ih'the f uor'n hemlii' 'niiiii i foiirdeilCSnus)i-lim
winningtthe1mmfirsiehontest, iMlichigsnvru etcniinfrtacn.TeBl un" p_,Rcadsins
lust is. 'econd u t.li woniI te'exsi x. s in e um' tickets ih s u limethmted 'Inhue's'A ii i Si)))' oli t . i. ltiih il SIh't s
- ______________ it hlth n tii'h soildtthus far -indi cat s Sm ui iii~ u-'u-mis i i
GIRLS ATHLETICS. aitareg'come, themliii'sin toieg.(e)"s....-- - - -I 7t(outi
tentilshouldhiisureuuu'ticketss imuutnumn e' rt[ IaFuloute Seutmer'Simmg, . -Inerez
Shore the rclosinhg exr'ses'mhsuIehl t ti-armtthe' olinmtmug nitsml mu's f lt'h 5 i liiic,
hueymorasiums te Vi'ii'ssdy btic muuthhe. u-uith miano.
Tore vacatihn al taheicrkmuiatmng WSALIKER11, ARt'i'lAlA, Suih-t Isi'ciirioilul.- -Ah..assnet.i
the girls ihas coemmuo na hiatt shtop. PASI'If. l'OOF~tt,FIFTH CONCERT. t
'lThe gymnautsiiumutmsualy suh a buusy iHOtKER.~ Saturday Evening, May 14, at 7:30.1
place, hiss mmmiieutirtly udusored,'I.fumor_
tIl(,supmtherioriiattractfion itf tehtule- -(,u~'m'I ~~~ t uii tI lu
yard anti Schoolmmirlse' Glen.Evn ci DEAN BOSWORTH'S LECTURE. CAST. o
the new tenuis eoutrts, sum eagerly th- fatmet .. ......... ... uuis' Ituttue
shreet,have huron very litlel is(], andt least Edwtardh Ihhhosocreliof thaie i iM iichel-a........ .Amil a hum
altrtauns fume a tenorts tomurnanent this T'hhm'mhgiah udetahtmnt f Ober'lin, iFearuitt ''--'-f .litra Ieuhy ilissugI
3ear have fatlen thruh. As yet nut gavin'a lecture betrtmeIt'YM,51. 5'A lircls- I' tut' ines'm(a ai i
titans have bPensmamdeihoremgrdutoSisSutnuay SHilo subje tas "''hu, 'Isruuuiiiihu, (TheTom readorm) ....

te time o ordemer' of the remuaining hBesthtaa Stats fats 1omm'' Thh e- ......'.Ihms'huiuh ' Iattiutari"
games of the Pasleet halt series, Puttolire was very inteestinsg andinushtue- tDont.dis)' ..... .IuuJcmtuus lBars
the next game wiltltrohatly ite meceil- tive. 'Thecrentral hidta was thtat a tnntiuhgtt
ott onst te Pastket hail tcoittee' man souludtterforns tim'tasks that Moraess- - -...Fremtt'ele Sartint
meeting to he held this afternoon at cme to him in everyday lifetc'tn the Daraguos, snmtgghm'us, ti'iareltm' girls,;
five-thirty. behot of hts ahility. Street hboys, etc.... Choral Union.

1I1%1{%SILi.Itt'.- 1 hl.m-iti - tlit SHRLI111
Iln 'thu theartinh'hg onplitetiu ftr
lihe omstrum-ctn mifthei'brick wall
taroum uuer'ie ld'm. 'The BoardI tin
i otrolteitin osessionus totnigt, after
!,ConsihleintIhe vsriomus bidis suit.
nutte, lt thuedecisionutotimthe watt
i'ihuiiIitie.'This comumite,- mits 1mm-
uday, ultmwh irsthou)eit'e -mmiitract with
proablyi he' ht andtmworkhwithlrutht-
Rose Puts Shot 4 Feet, 11 inches-
Weight Men Make Remarable
Petrformatsnces.-'Va rsity
Meet May 14.
'thue sptill-IsiletsII)Feyeld ,u'mhys-
Coda werei a-ucm Irealcu tim le' uau-c spe-
tceof smihug a sworldi'smrecortmet-~
en, 1bu)t31ichtiganu sutlethr ruthitusiasts
rr eg s used tolreci-i'm em aking
hi'i'lii' 15iai of lamteht . Ihloe, as usualmt,
wsche culptit,hand umuhis pefmm'''m'atce
3ms) mems 'uconsismtediof tuuttgtte
shtM f5t., G.,in d u af Iterwrs s41 ft.
1 mun, is shunrcoin ut wis mvtr47
inehammm'taua'Ilmirshr 1st'e1dth aocnut
(hti ft. WSil lie'IRosion dounedhhis
trc s-uit euansmu awent utI fume a llftc'
m'rsc i ietr'uhs 13shuuwigthat Pu'
callii u-om tlm'hamnmercu-alitlehimus-
self humclug1lift.SLahost yeah' Mad-
doch.woithli is ieven'th, ashouugh le ell
lustwn nba rommshis usual Ipertormn-
-outee. WihI Hestonu hnthtose i huteuit
presen cmiirtms,SMirchiganu lookhs gunodu tutu
imroh aundlsehnntd pl-us hutthis evntc
at the confe 'ren m. Garrets also
psi- them'shimtIabut.iu42, fePt Nese
himfomu's hums liii'Varsity hatt such a
ine' nunnhs mit wcighult iteas she haso
mmmii-itsnse, Pestnnu, IDula, smut (a-
tels. 'Tnhe hlatier' ils)) raihh5aqutuater'
m(il Ii' seimni lii'heeth-l ndut shilt'
Traii,-i iner tnoI itt. ufni'fm to umgivem
outmth liinesm'it lookedt'mvery ast from
thme blih rsn'i andstueliiinuisht sas
'flueohe.' etcnon lisise new rette
dontio the steady grinds in prepa-
eationutftim the 'Varsity meet on May
I-h Sinthi'ersutlt f this meet wilt
depndun'nthlii' eupu~ of the Michigan
Irc cur Imi ttufor i th 'tCiragomDuah
useet andtui hi' Weistern'i ('onerence
This ,yeircthmuemonfe'ene imiet cames
mitt 'waek laurcithatt usual ant the
mursh ciswilt behu'tedtmmpciiuntil May
hi. 'Plinselli sllow 'rainer Fittpat
rik ito ittweillu af(ter ts' hshtub'ftt'
Varsisty-nmet heforec'bluing noligedt to
pinle his mu elm'is feom the conference
Ont accunt of mithli'eret decisimn of
thin "lug Nitte" tou amnit o competi-
tionu fr 1tme'West ernuChmnpionship,
re'presentativis mintall enollges willing
io cosmpeneunIu' dte u'conereerules.
hi' niumber mm-c tahlete's in the evets
wiltliieotuch l arge thansovrrbeore,
,And inhua grn -t tmauy respuetsthe ig
muet:'onminlasbieibhFieldh.schuedluledt for
Jummi'4, sill b he P'greatest track
Satu msrdy f)ernonuushum'ladims o
th iladisory bioardmiomitheli'Smuents'
Y. 55'1'. C. gamvem' fem -ite scimal in
the' Barboh uh' gy'tmasi~iumfrteIurlt-
mint oftraising funsfis tin'liii'Y35.
C' A. Abonut tnhundredul'mmguests were'u
hl' 5(11)a lihu' affairswhihtohuustlii
farmint a fuuuusm-hrecept'in. nT'he'e-
h-huh Ottu-momi ii' m'mconsise'dlontlthin'adu-
visory bohardmm, Mris Jrdnmtu, StrsI its-
rob,, Ms ee -s-stMs JhnussottMrs
lillu'uu Srs. IhuugSMrsSWait, Mrs
hDais insultMlis11uthinuhssand te lres-
ldent'o t 'eXY W.5'.A. just elected,
M1iss 'Tiffany, a ntui MtissIDietz, the dims'
identwhomse'It'ciiihus just'expied
(hutsuccouumitmof thi' switug-imht,which
taes placme' altfutu'clckmh, Professr
ht-me's rceass hum aisthetits, which it-
utint meettuos mathfiee'cutlockon'T'us-
lay willnhtmenet tday

NextSuuntday eve'ning; In.fGordon,
if ihushmn, wiltludeliver the Wesleyan
tGuild lecture at the Methodist church,

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