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May 15, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1904-05-15

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- - - ---- - ---- - -- - --------

Z G.Hr ' ill( r mn y :nnv trd as 5 ndels e. ttathe Ana
j * H1 VYIIU rIP tcor Pst Office. f
f{ p ebG("e yerat IC K. Wahintn steet,V
Il 1111 chant Tai lb isf emet ftou side entane)t Phne 8W, 3
.-.-.,hallt. STailorsHOASO
AthileteLC. -E - ROBRT K. WAIrON
±For Suits, Top Coat anti Nes J. S. BArv
4~ Trues ulde' ut ,,ASSOCIATES:
fTsealty. res sit tf lifford Stesn, Roy Peebles,
spcat.Let us show ,yon A. 0Gtrver, Henry P. Erwin
A. C. Pond. A. I. Ortmeyer.
our. London Serges, Lodon- Joseph Y. err, Stoddrd S. Mre.
Clivits SotlaMitues *Iai .K.leetee rig. I. Waite Jayne.
Cheios, C~chMixurs, Gee. A. Osbor. Harold C. Smith.E
- Kilowes, Blaeys, High- . lHry iH. Adrew. Tie. A. Sims.
4 Thoea B. Roberts. Clyde L. Dew.
lands, Ediubuegls, Peuui- ±B~nS T
tochty's, MGugors, Lndou C. A. Toepso. Wi.It. Lloyd
y 5lRblil,. HiO.. Lturette.t
and St. Andrew Flannel, ll..e. .eRoy. Ths. L. bele.
MiscPmoo lteio
London Cssineres or Lamer- - l
icon Serges. Please caloidse Edio today-H. C. STEVENSON.
Su So tll: eTwolaroper ero, paeable is
: Ca e ar If delinquentl fer N. 1, 1903, $2.00
G. H. ild rC mpnyflu Office Hon : 12:30 to :3 and 6:31 to 7:30
Addess-ROSCO B. HUSTON, Business San-
loll F. aAgerN331NPackard Street.
" a Nlay15-Sunday, 73, Lecture by
f ! Rev, llr.Cale CuthbertHal
President oi the U3nion Thologi-
* Lave your orders now v cal Seinary, New York City, at
for PrIesbyterian hureh. Aupies of
Y.P.S . C. T.
ENGRAVED - SunaySay 15-Prs. Charles Ctitl-
I VISITING CARDS * brtt el will talk at the Y. M.
C t. A. at 6:30 on "The Bible and
Stls the Tre Sel-knowledge."
* o
Script, Roman, Old English R.SNDRO_ EAE
, From $1.25 to 3.00 t Tlihrsa otrioon at one ocloe,
Ofor \l _rs 'Jordn gave a receeption at Bar-
® or Gymnnasion, to the girls of the
f100 Cards and Copper Plate ® reglar bast bll teams, and to the
t 100 Cards from Plae, 75. -nmebrs of the nmedal sorority, the
j ___ Alpha Epsilon Iota. The reception
watcstonbonor of li. Alice G. Snyder,
New line Crane's * ireltr etfBarotr ynisiu, to an-
Fine 5 unehr enggement to Dr. Hgh
,;- - Fie tationery ITitonof d Newark, N. J. r. Sy-
ri otl1 be married in June.
* Drt Stlder bas ben director of the
SHEEHAN &p 00.O open yinitnm since it wsofBet
II 10100 opened. Fromlver '0 eltlltetiios be-
Br~~lro~leco ginniligs, Dr. byoiefha broght the
University Bokeles tSav ori 0up1toOits present excellent con-
A tioners auth iigrayg. dtittt, adtisletill be very much
f missbet fromtothe gnnasitin. Dr.
320 South State Street. - n tiesublrresr in the gymnasium
* SS @ !®Cg®0O~ is InttIyet known.
U. of 111. Antiseptic Barber Shop NOTED PREACHER TO LECTURE
'Y 'AND BATH 't Ite D. Cleis Cuthbert Hall, preoi-
trite of the Unioni Theological semi-
J R. TRJANiOWKI, Proprietor. onry, of Nest'Yor, will speao this
Face Massage aSpecialty. -e enntgat I6:3lboloek 0110The N-
322 SOUTH STATE STREET latton ot the lBiloeto Ttue Self-
. M1 rAJOR CO I"""' Ktiowlrole," and at 7:30 p. in., be-
CfUIAYfore te Yottng People's society in the
Specialty of Fine Presbyterian chuch.
Interior Decorating He has joust completel a totr of the
Complete now line of Wal tapers, world, hoing spent considerable time
Paints, Oils and Varnishes, in Intdia, Cina and Japan.
123 E. Wasingon. Phone 237 Dr. iHlll's lecture corses, given in
j The Iroof of the pudding I in
-the eatiog thereof. pih
The steady in1crase in one trade i a fair inictioni
of _otr popularity with, the discimintnllic.

the largest cities of the Indian Kin-
pire, were considered the. strongest
and moat cultured ever given by a
foreigner. In the several cities of Jap-
on, where lao spoke, the large crowds
who heard him were composed mostly
of Japanese students of the higher
Among American students, Dr. Hall
is deemed one of the most powerful
exponents of Christian manhood and
noble living of today. Me has won the
admiration of thousands in the East
and is now on a trip through the Hid-
die West.
The Hichigan Daily has prepared a
series of interviews with prominent
students and faculty members on the
subject of the proposed Senior Coun-
cil, a body of upper clansmen to act
as an official representative body of
the stuidents. The Berst of the inter-
viewn as here given is by Richard K.
"My belief is that a senior council
should be incorporated in the consti-
tution of the proposed Studentn' Union.
It ought to be a part of this becatuse
to be anything at all the Students'
Union nhould concern itself with just
snch questions an would probtably be
referred to a council.
'Such a thing is becoming necessa-
ry, althoueh we probably could get
along without it forever. Neverthe-
less it cannot be other than of great

lennis IRackets
Perfect Balance.
Best While Ash Frames.
Clearest and Best Quality Gat
Wsrkmanship a nil Finish
Throughout the Best [ser
Put Into a Tenlis Racket.
You'll fitd all of these geod
points ito
THlE PIM1 at $8.00
With Cover, $8.00.
For sale at


value to the University.' v <.+++"+ i++<++ +++++ s++*<+t" +<*a t~o4St 4
When asked ao to its organization,t
he replied: : ~ P ~ I
"I should think that it otught to he y#'k)S P E C IA L'/
a bind of parliament before whicha all ~ ___
sorts of questions could be brought. O l'+ 1
Suppose that the students thought o
that elections were not properly conl- D o2 oJan s
ducted, stuch a proposittion cold be *7,
thoroughly discussed in a cotuncil. It '4. r
can't, however, be an organieation of M dI rn Jury
students to nettle off hand all ques- .
lions. If itisi dictatorial or dogmatic Trials"+
they will not mind it. The cotuncil"++*
must he widely representative. At
present complaints often come that ColanagclleidI
men are elected to high poitions in : cases, witlh sketchles and '
tUniversity life who do not in aniy ' speeches of AmericanX
sense represent Michigan. A senior advocates. The art of<
council ctotulod disctuss osuchqulestitons winn~ing cases and ela01-
as the qualifications foe certain offices. n~er of counisel described; .
"Now, unuder present condititons stu- notes anid tules of pra~ctice4
dents often get ideas which, if puit-
into effect, would benefit the colliege. B JateJ l otv~, "
As it in they tell a friend and, perhaps, + Il JtkfI V.1oocofo l
he (disourages the otriginaou, anid the ofIDetot.
idea, as a resu~lt, dieo. A council 1
could takee up jtust ouch things for con- U (cO r ooo. Sos. 000 poolge $
sideration. -Its chief function would prir e, ole c 50O.scorit
be an an organ of pulblicity. Ideas 3 pis toreo--
cotuld be taken tip and disctossed and "
'in Ibis way made live questions."
"Don't you thinke that the matter :CL. E. Barth eli
ought t be taken up at once," he was .
"No, t really believe that no steps
should at the preesent time be takoen. 3"YCO, So,. Stoate St. 'jot ,5I
It shotild, however, be recommended 4.~.i~+.t4.n..t.
to the Students' Ulnion which in now----
being neriously conidered."'

(Continued from page one.)
faithful at least once a month.
The Keeper of Stray Junk and the
Chief Grafter shall provide monthly
laughs by a report of their neglected
VIII. Thin dope sheet may be an-
nuled by a two-thirds vote at any reg-
ular meeting.

"A. stiff uipper lip"
is softened and Te-
freshied by Williams'
Shaving Stick.

chick en Sandwichles Chicen Salad
Orange atadj-Pinelipple Shierbet
Vanilla, Chocolate aind Strawberry Ice Cream



DITN M~. .5CABOLT, Matnager 4
Week cornmencinfi rMonday, May 16
M a aid Amnerican
M B~f aids DraaicCo.!
In a Repertoire oftrpltnSces .
PRICES, 10c, 20c, 3oc. NO HIGHER. I
COMING!!!I MRS. FISKE in Ibsen's ,Hedda Gabler."

Ranpberry and Leluon

Bisque anad Strawberry
Ice Creatil


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TINKFER & COMPANY. FURISHERS and HATTERS. '334 5. STATE ST,,, Phone 342-2r..

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