The Michigan Dail.
VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MAY 14, t904. No, 160
Production of Dream of Gerontius Ex-
ceptional-Chorus Does Admira-
ble Work-Soloists Are Per-
fect-Flashlight of
The second day of the May Festival
was a veritable triumph. Both con-
certs were well attended, and the
hearty applause which broke forth
spontaneously many times, plainly tes-
tified to the appreciation of the audi-
ence. In the afternoon, the Boston
Festival orchestra assisted by Mr.
Martin aroused the enthusiasm of the
large audience which turned out de-
spite the shower, and in the evening,
the "Dream of Gerontius" fairly swept
the audience by storm with its won-
derful orchestral effects and its bril-
liant choruses.
Although a full mead of praise
should be given to the chorus for its
admirable work, too much cannot be
said for the soloists of the evening.
Mr. Van Hoose, who sang the tenor
part, fully justified all that has been
said of his interpretation of the part
of Gerontius. He studied the part
under Edward Elgar himself, and his
intimate knowledge of the composer's
conception together with his strong
tenor voice which rang out, at all
times, clear and sweet, qualifies him
over all others to sing this role.
Madame Homer, for three years the
favorite of Ann Arbor audiences, was
greeted by rousing applause as she
came upon the stage. Madame Homer
has not changed a whit from the
charming artist that was at the last
May Festival. Most noticeable was
the wonderful tenderness of her voice,
even when it was loudest, the tone
was tender and appealing.
Sig. Emolio Gogorza is another old
favorite. Last year he sang in the
opera of Aida. His part was a minor
one last evening, but he did full jus-
tice to all that was in it, and richly
deserves the hearty applause which
he received.
The soloists were unanimous in giv-
ing praise to the chorus. After the
last grand climax at the closing, Mad-
am Homer turned to the chorus and
applauded vigorously. In an inter-
view 'while praising the work of the
chorus she said: "When I was told
that you had been practicing only
since January, I was astonished. Why,
the people in Cincinnati have been
drilling for two years." Then she
smilingly told how much she admired
Professor Stanley and how much she
enjoyed coming to Ann Arbor for the
May Festival. Madam Homer has
sung several times the part of Geron-
tius which she took last evening. Mr.
Van Hoose has also sung his part be-
fore. After rehearsal yesterday after-
noon he told a Daily reporter that he
believed the chorus was singing Ger-
ontius as well as any chorus he had
After the performance last night,
a flashlight of the chorus, Professor
Stanley and the orchestra, was taken
to be sent to St. Louis. The audi-
ence did not seem to understand why
the chorus should remain on the stage
and so stayed for fear of leaving too
soon. Finally after several invitations
to leave, the crowd was sufficiently
cleared back to permit an unobstruct-
ed view of the chorus. Just before
the flash was set off, Campariri was
discovered behind the scenes and was
hustled onto the stage in time to get
in the picture.
Tomorrow afternoon a miscellane-
ous program will be given by the or-
chestra, with Miss Florence Mufford
as soloist. In the evening the opera
of Carmen will be sung.
Music ............ ..........Koblitz
Oration ......................Barnes
Essay- ......................Lathers
Debate, "Resolved, that the May
Festival is a benefit to the Uni-
Address.................. Holderman
Songs . -......................Society
Important business meeting.
Since the Tennis doubles could not The 'Varsity baseball team, consist-
ing of ten men and Coach Utley, left
be ptlled off yesterday on accosnt of at 1:38 yesterday afternoon for Cham-
the rain, they will be played this paign where they play Illinois today.
morning, and the singles will be set The men were all in fine condition
and eager to revenge themselves for
tied immediately after dinner to en- the defeat of two weeks ago. Before
t leaving, Coach Utley stated that he
able the players to finish before the hadinot yet dey s thethe
had not yet deided as to whether
track meet begins. Nagle would pitch, but it is likely
that Wendell will be the choice.
Masons Incorporate and Will Have a John 0. Reed To Be Head of Summer
House. .To Be a National Or- School-Object to Proposed Late
ganization. Closing of Saloons.
Articles of incorporation of a Ma- The Board of Regents adjourned
sonic fraternity at the University their two days' session this afternoon
were filed this morning, making an im- at two o'clock. Outside of the annual
portant step in college fraternalism. budget as prepared by the Finance
' he organization is to be known as committee, the Board transacted little
Acacia traternity and the new chapter business this morning.
is Aleph. Professor John o. Reed was ap-
The incorporators are: Harlan P. pointed chairman of the summer
Rowe, off Bad Axe; William J. Mar- school at a salary of $200.
slall of Chesaning; Walttr S. Wheel- $15,000 was again donated to buy
er, of Detroit; Edward E. Gallup, of books; of this the general library gets
Jackson; George A. Malcolm, of Con- $10,000, the law library $2,475, the
cord; Harvey J. Howard, of Church- medical $2,025, while the dental and
Ville; Harry. B. Washburn, of Ann homeopathic departments each get
Anbor; Clarence G. Hill, of Ithica. $250.
The new fraternity has grown out The Board also adopted a resolu-
of the University Masonic club, which lion opposing the request of saloon-
has been in existence several years. keepers that they be allowed to re-
the primary qualifications in Acacia main open at eleven o'clock hereafter
is that the candidate is a Master Ma- instead of ten.
son in good standing, and after that The last business of the session
the usual qualifications of good fel- was the adoption of a routine list of
lowship and ability in some recog appointments. -
nized line will be required.
The purpose of incorporation as MAY FESTIVAL BASKET BALL.
stated in the application, is social in-
tercourse and the maintaining of a Saturday morning,May 13, at eleven
club house for the members. o'clock, a May Festival game of bask-
There are two other college Masonic et ball will be played between the
clubs, one at Northwestern and the senior team and a picked team con-
other at Minnesota, and they will in sisting principally of juniors, and of
all probability be given an opportuni- some sophomores. The seniors are
ty to join. In time, other chapters supposed to have the strongest team
will be established, and it is expected in the gymnasium; the girls are all
that eventually Acacia will have as very tall and their team work is ex-
big a membership as the other prom- cellent, having had four years' prac-
inent fraternities . tice. The juniors and sophomores
The officers of the former Masonic will, however, be a match for them,
club were: President, W. S. Wheeler; as was demonstrated in the fine game
vice president, B. E. DeRoy; secre- which was played betweet the junior
tary, W. J. Marshall; treasurer, and sophomore teams a week ago last
Charles. Thursday. The team work of the
combined junior-sophomore team may
HIGH SCHOOL ACTORS ANGRY be even better than that of the senior
team. The two teams are so evenly
We quote the following from last matched, that no forecasts of the pos-
night's "Times" which would seem to sible outcome can be made. The
indicate that trouble is brewing for game is likely to be one of the best of
somebody, the year.
"The management of the high This game is an open game, and
school comedy club are considerably each girl who has had work in the
wrought up today over the action of gymnasium this year is entitled to a
the U. of M. Glee clubs, and their ticket for a gentleman friend. Ladies
anger is not without just cause and are also invited without special tick-
provocation, for the college men have ets. As the game is a special game,
certainly given a pretty imitation of given just at May Festival time, it is
Mr. Butinski. expected a large attendance of May
"Ever since there has been an inter- Festival guests will be present.
scholistic meet at Ann Arbor, the lo -
cal high school comedy club has done MICHIGAN BINDERY.
its share towards entertaining ath-
letes by putting a ply on the boards. An excellent specimen of work done
Each year the club has gone to more in the University bindery is the thirty
trouble and expense to make the affair three volumes of reprints which are
a success, so that the play is one of ready for shipment to St. Louis, where
the features of the meet. The play is they will be on exhibition in the Mich-
always given on Friday night, and igan University quarters. The work
this year "The Rivals" a difficult play, has been done under the direction of
has been prepared. .The opera house W. C. Hollands and a unique feature
has been leased at a great expense, of the binding is that the pamphlets
and the participants have been work- of all sizes and ages and appearances
ing overtime at practicing. have been uniformly bound into 26
"At the last moment, the glee clubs octavo volumes and 7 quartos,
announce that they will give a con- These elegantly bound books in half
cert at University Hall at the same morocco, with gilt tops, in green, red,
time the play takes place. This black and maroon, bear no resem-
means that all of the outside athletes blance to the hetrogeneous mass of
willnot be able to attend "The Ri- pamphlets that was their nucleus
vals," because they are entertained state.
at the Fraternity houses, and the Frat The larger leaves have been folded "
men will of course drag them off to in to fit the size of the octavo or quar-
the concert at University Hall. to books, and the smaller pamphlets
have been pieced out and built up at
Miller, the crack shot putter of the the back, to make them uniform with
University of Wisconsin, has been the larger sheets.
protested by the University of Chi- Much skill has been used in the
cago. It is claimed that he competed binding of these volumes which stand
for four years at Nebraska. Wiscon- a goodly collection of Michigan work-
sin claims that his first year was in manship, both as regards contents
the prep school. and binding.
Annual 'Varsity Field Day at 2:30
This Afternoon-Sharp Competi-
tion Promised in All Events-
Quarter Mile Will Be the
Star Event.
This afternoon at 2; 30 occurs the
event to which the track candidates
have been looking forward to ever
since the advent of warm weather.
the annual 'Varsity Field Day. If the
weather man is favorably inclined,
the meet should be the most success-
ful affair of the kind ever held for
never before have there been so many
men with national reputations In a
'Varsity meet as there is today.
This is the last chance that the ma-
jority of the students will have to see
the athletes in action who defeated
the First Regiment and Cornell, and
who recently at Philadelphia made
the best performers that the fast
could produce look like the provepial
thirty cents. It will also give t eck
fans a fine opportunity to get a line
on the team which is to uphold the
honor of Michigan in the Chiago
dlual meet and which will make a
strong effort to bring back to Ann
Arbor for the fifth time, the Inter-
collegiate championship banner. It
is probable that all men who win a
first or second in today's contest will
be, taken to Chicago for the dual meet
next Saturday.
For several of the men this is the
last appearance in competuin before a
home audience. Capt. Kellogg, Archie
Hahn, "Bud" Perry, "Mother" H1ll,
Brewer, Sturgeon and Harpham will
all make their farewell bows this af-
There should not be a dull momegit
in the meet for every event is full of
interest and some fine contests should
be brought out.
In the hundred yard dash. Hahn is
generally conceeded firts place place,
but for second place there will be the
fiercest kind of a race betweet Keeler
and Stewart. The rivalry between
these two was begun three years ago
when they were both in high school,
and today's contest should settle defi-
nitely as to which if this speedy pair
is the fastest.
The 220 will also probably be a
gift to Hahn, but it is worth a trip
to Ferry Field any day to see the di-
minuative sprinter tear up the track
in the long dash.
The quarter, however, should be
the banner event of the day and no
sane person would attempt to pick the
winner in advance. Rebstock, Gar-
rels, Norcross and Goodwin are a
great quartet, and each of the four
has a good chance to win. There is
no doubtt shat Rebstock last year was
the best quarter miler in the West.
Only hard luck in drawing for position
kept him from winning this event at
the conference and as it was, he fin-
ished a good second. In the dual
meet here earlier in the season, "Reb"
inflicted a decisive defeat on Taylor
of Chicago, who won the quarter in
the conference. The fact that Reb-
stock has such a hard race before him
speaks well for the quality of Michi-
gan's quarter milers.
In the half mile there will be a
continuation of the Hall-Ramey debate
which was begun so auspiciously in-
doors last winter. Hall is out for re-
venge for the defeat which he re-
ceived at that time and he hopes to
add the Kentuckyian's scalp to his
large collection.
The race in the mile lies between
Perry and Daane. Perry has been
away for a week and has done no
training consequently he is not in the
best of condition and it is among the
possibilities that the freshman will
defeat the veteran, as "Martie" is in
the best of condition and has been
running some fast miles in practice.
Capt. Kellogg has enjoyed a monop-
oly of the two mile run for so long
that today's race will be a novel ex-
perience for him. Stone is going to
make an effort to get the tall captain
this afternoon and the result will be
a great struggle with some fast time
liable to be made if the track is in
good condition.
There will be doings in the hurdles
(Continued on pager three.)
I I.