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April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…Report Reve By MEREDITH EIKER Although the competition for the services gf top faculty is becoming stronger each year, the University has never lost a faculty member it desired because it could not meet competing salary offers, two administration officials said recently. Since University policies toward faculty salaries and tenure are flexible, any competing financial offer to staff members has been met, according to reports by both Vice Presi...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…TWA! THE MICHIGAN DAILY IDAY.16 "RIL 1095 , S. TUDENT POPULATION BOOM: - - EstabNshes Fir Overcrowded Dorm itories: A Nationwide Problem 'For Radio-TV ost Program Internship p i By MERLE JACOB Overcrowded dormitories here are but one manifestation of a crowding problem that is facing all universities across the country. The housing situation, while immediately felt, is only one as- pect of the general trend of over- crowding that has p...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAIE ) FRIDAY, 16 APRiL 1905 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Biggestros fdr Raid 0 Viet Con Support for Policy Given But No Aid Wilson, Brandt Voice Approval of Tactics WASHINGTON (R) - British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt both voiced support yesterday for President Lyndon B. Johnson's Viet Nam policy, but indicated that they could not increase pres- ent aid. The two...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Fifth Year EDrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICMUGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS LAST GLANCES the Most Dangerous Animal r**********WHY NOT? Humanisl Educatio By Jeffrey Goodin ~in e Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MiCH. ruth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. Th...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 5

…4- FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC. rtVW k FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1 9 6 5 THE MICHIGAN I~AIIV PA(W ~WV rn 'AYM1V 3 Reasons for 'U' Teacher Departures (Continued from Page 1) period 1956-57 to 1963-64 reveals that a greater percentage of in- crease in mean salaries has oc- curred at the other institutions during this time than at the Uni- versity. Highest Salary Although the University still has the highest mean salary ac- cording ...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 6

… r l; aL t p ,to ,a SL I V 0.U SUMMER SUBLET MOD. 4-MAN. Air-cond. Very roomy. 11,2 blocks. $140/mo. 665-2426. U5 ALMOST FREE-Summer Sublet. Cen- tral air-cond., mod. 4-person, gar- den apt. Campus. 761-0716. U2 SWIM. POOL. 3 man new, air-cond. SUMMER SUBLET apt. Wall to wall carpeting. Call 665- 7463._U12 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share mod., .m-ond air-cond., 2-man, 2 bdrm, apt, for BABY, the rent must fall. Air-cond, 1st 8 weeks. 665-3798. U20 3-...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN FRIDAY, 18 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN I Residential Plans Nearing Finish i I r (Continued from Page 1) The general consensus of mem- lege, but I thinki sophomore students will be re- bers of the Residential College college should be rea quired to take what are tentative- Faculty Committee indicates opti- nomous. Because th ly called "Freshman and Sopho- mism about ...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1965 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1965 I 1 Panthel Votes TO SubmitLIVINGSTON COUNTY DEMOCRATS: MEMO: Don't Forget To Leave Your Winter Clothes For Storage wE -7017 - _ BOX OR HANGER STORAG at GOLD BOND CLEANERS 515 E. William I. i, NO 8-6335 Membership Data to SGC Continue Political Wa, Over Clerk's Acts NQ 8- I (Continued from Page 1) at it." He suggeste...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 9

…FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1 965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE FRIDAY, 18 APRIL 1985 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NINE Miniature Cold War ALL SHAPES, SIZES, TEMPERAMENTS: P7matre Cod1War I ANN ARBOR'S NEWEST BOOKSTORE __ __ffTT __ T _ __ In 'U' Laboratories i ne Housemotner: views or tier v ary (Continued from Page 1) method of communication com- mon in the prisoners' dilemma ex- periment is what is called a mar- tyr run. In this situation one pla...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 10

…TILE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 16 Al THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. 16 A STUDENT,.FACULTY: Here's Low-Down On Football Tickets Hawks Rally, Edge Wings, 4-2 EASTERN TITLE: "4- - , ] /!' Ceuts Edage 'o ers Tickets for next fall's football games are expected to be at a jpremium with capacity crowds anticipated for the Michigan State and Ohio State games.. Students will purchase their season tickets according to the same procedure as last season...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 11

…FRIDAY, 16 APRIL 1965 THE MICHI T ITrackmen Enter Ohio State Relays G AN DAILY 3' Nine Faces U-D In Pair on Saturday r k 4 By STEVE GALL After a week's layoff the Wol- verine cindermen are off and run- ning again. Tomorrow they journey to Co- lumbus for the twenty-second an- nual Ohio State Relays. "This will be a good indicator of our pro- gress outdoors," commented Coach Don Canham. The trackmen, who have been plagued continuously by ...…

April 16, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 168) • Page Image 12


April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…Assess University Teaching Fellows' Dual Role EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a two-part series on teaching tenlows at the University. By ROBERT KLIVANS The quality of the University teaching fellow, despite the comparatively low salary, the extra time burden and the necessary lengthening of years to reach the Ph.D. level, is evidently con- sidered quite high by most teaching fellow departmental super- visors. John W. Smith, past poli...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. 15 APRIL INS PAGE TWO TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TfLA~kL!VflAV 1 PDT ZAK- ... rt a SS Ja*',5 *3 a College Ho By CLARENCE FANTO Two apparently contradictory trends highlight the housing scene on college campuses across the nation-large, luxury-typedormi- tories and the intimate residen- tial college concept. Increasing student enrollment coupled with overcrowding of ex- isting facilities has led to the rapid...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' AV. TTT8~ AR1,VE THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1965 TUE MtCIttC~AN UAIIV 1~ A tIE' 'i'~~ E~EI rHlaG '1'riKLL 5 Washington Rejects Union Gets "DRASTIC OVERHAUL": ii l New North Viet Nam New Steel Pro posals Authorizes Aid Request f Ne oti1ation r Hanoi Offer Seen as Hinting Possible Coneiliatory Move EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article is an analysis of Washington's rejection of North Viet Nam...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Michigan MAD Hurtling to Doomsday By Robert Jolnston ere Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, 1...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VIA r4 WIMY" THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN BAlKY P~AE FIVlG I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Criticizes U.S. Arab Policies t/.^: t:TJ54V.h: J.:4::4":JJ."JttnYT, JJJ^MTJ.44".^A:JJ: T,4::: t:.".".4"t: tT: XYTY :4"h'.t",:.4 ;:.4t ::.'.+.":n"::: J: .,,y. 4^., y. . ... ..................... ........ .................^. .. ... . . ............ . _.. _........._.. .. 1 :. JYY.JJ Sn .. 44.. .... :":: :...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY.15 APRIL 1965 1* . .. ..,v , wras.s av s ,aviF+.:v d:.RI . __ . 0 IEI,& SUMMER SUBLET PERSONAL MOD. 4-MAN. Air-cond. Very roomy. LONDON to Detroit Sabena Jet Ticket FOR RENT SUMMER SUBLET 4 RM. ECONOMY for 2 or 3. $96/mo. 814 E. Univ. 761-1693. U4 SUMMER: New, 3 bd. rms. air-condi- tioning plus extras. 761-1886. U26 3-MAN APT. Good location, carpeted, air-cond. $105/mo. 665-7080. U6 SUMMER SUBL...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 x tw 1M THURSDAYs15 APRIa1965vTaE M1C1114l fl114111 PAGE St Center Studies Ways To Reduce Tension HANOI PROPOSAL: U.S. Sees Offer as Hint of Softer Line (Continued from Page 1) these' contacts. Angell's study focuses on seven types of transnational contact: participation through non-gov- i ernmental organizations, through study abroad, through business- men whose occupations take them abroad,...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, 15 AFRM 1965 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1965 Orioles Walk over White Sox, TORONTO OUT: -0 Montreal To Face 4 By The Associated Press BALTIMORE - Milt Pappas, who missed the opening day as- signment because of a sore elbow, pitched a six-hitter in Baltimore's second game as the Orioles whip- ped the Chicago White Sox 6-0 yesterday. Pappas hurt his right elbow on April 1 i...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 9

…THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE LLOYD GRAFFI Coach Sees Weakness By CARL ROBINSON Like A Met Can't Even Get Corresponding Secretary NEW YORK (M--Warren Spahn was taken off the hook in his debut with the New York Mets yesterday by a ninth inning homer but the team allowed four runs in a customary collapse in the 11th and was nipped by Houston 7-6. I A counter-rally by New York in the last of the inning-also customary-fell...…

April 15, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 167) • Page Image 10

…PAGE TEN 4, THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. 15 APILT.1985 ----- ~,aa*., ,AETNl MCIA AL i. alll iL 7"Z% X, 1.J MU IVAL I"MJ I Political Strife Common in Livingston County 1 (Continued from Page 1) occupied the attentions of such diverse personalities as N e il Staebler and the head of the po- litical arm of the Michigan Teamsters? Why do state Democrats, law- yers, and state police call the county "unique" in Michigan? Why is there a...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…View Role of Literary College Teaching Fellow EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a two-part series on teaching fellows at the University. By ROBERT KLIVANS The greatest influence on the undergraduate's educational experience during his first few years at the University is the teach- ing fellow, that blend of student and teacher who dominates the freshman and sophomore classrooms. Confronted with bulging lectures, impersonal speakers and...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 1965 PAGE TWO THE MIChIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 196~ IBM Interviewer Teaching Fellowships Increase UMSEU To Expand Economic Activities Explains Si EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a two-part.series on the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information. By ILENE SIEGLER This year over 1400 companies and more than 600 educational institutions will visit the Univer- sity offer...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

… PArm wrnan ' WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAHA PAd~R TW1~?u~ H ouse Passes Presidentia U.S. H its Viet Nam Brid ge; Adviser Slai S ~SAIGON A') -- A force of 80 central or northern South Viet North Vietnamese Premier Pham North Viet Nam to South United States and Vietnamese Air *Nam. Van Dong, saying this would be up Nam. l Ce essiI0 U Fo Rm Rrce laesonded--- Communist --President Lyndon B. Johnson to the Saigon government. Mawie ...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…" Seventy-FiftIhYear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 1 LAST GLANCES WIN I w1gV lw/1 IP97 M How I Do By EDWARD HERSTEIN Editorial Director, 1964-65 dged When It Swung Public Relations .nd dycollar worker are more deliberate the editorials give me a chance A nd P ublicless P olicy and diabolical. All potential study to say something beyond, "See, I o...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 5

…1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILYV , FACM, rTV'9 DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME D A flU' U'W AC3~.N~ WRI I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES I DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .70 1.95 3.45 3 .85 2.40 4.20 4 1.00 2.85 4.95 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 2:30 daily. Phone 764-0557 SUMMER SUBLET SUMMER SUBLET SIN BIN FOR 2 MEN (or Women). 2 bdrm., air-cond., kitchen facilities. Fully furn. May-Aug. Call NO 5-4226. U42 HOUSE-3 bdrms., on c...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 6

…rAGE SrX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 1965 PAGE SIX TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. 14 APRIL 1~R~ rr .wrasaruvar ciw " a a iYau lilVal ' ::::....... .'.:t.......................................'.. ..... .......... . ..v . :r: . , .,.. :r''o l......... .:..,. .. why car clothes * Call Gre We'll de Fill it wit We'll pic Store the Next fal fresh anc SIt's so co than shiF regularc reservey Greene' NO 2-3231 't all those home? en...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 7

…WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAGE SEVEN I PAGE SEVEN Reed Tames Bronco Nine, 8-2 By JIM LaSOVAGE Four fielding miscues by West- ern Michigan and a strong display of moundsmanship by sophomore right hander Bob Reed gave Mich- igan an 8-2 triumph yesterday in the first game of the season. Reed fanned 12 Bronco batters while scattering only four hits in going the distance for the w...…

April 14, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 166) • Page Image 8

…I i PAGE EIGHT, THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 14 APRIL 1965 ...AG E.. . ...EIG H T. .. . _ .. .. ..E. . .. ....C.H.. ._.A N. . .. ...A I. . .. .. ._ . .W.. ....N__ .S.. .. . .... .. _1 4.. ._ .A P R IL... .. . .. .1 9. .6._. .. .. . .................. ........ .... i i , Schubert Foundation Renews PTP Grant r". h4.r ...:: +: 'J'NI:JJ.h"JJ y."i.Y:J: , .fr' .r. r r, 4r ,aa r. rat :a rY .. rr S.,lJ:1'::.r::.".4: :.a.rJ 4r 5r.v4ry"Y"Y". Y:...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…'U'-TUSKEGEE PROGRAM: CHALLENGE AND HOPE See Editorial Page Y 5k ua :4Ia itl PARTLY SUNNY High-54 Low-34 Winds from the northwest, 8-15 Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 165 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1965 SEVEN CENTS S EIGHT PAGEti Debating, Teach-In Focus on Viet Nam By BOB MOORE The issue of United States involvement in Viet Nam continues to be one of the biggest issues on campus. Four campus groups s...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 2

…4 PAGE TWO THE MICHIG~AN nIhllV a i.., icaaa, i Vii i l1HiL ... TUESDAY. 13 APRIL 1965 a -i BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS: Seniors Secure Employment UAC Events To Continue State Sanctions Center For Improving Teaching i I PAS B'NALB'RITH H ILLEL FOUNDATION EDITOR'S NOTE: This .Is the first in a two-part series on the Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information. By ILENE SIEGLER Every year many students leav- ing the University...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIMER TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGK TWRWJ~ AA AALW AL A Aqvju JLI a Power Plays in Viet Nam Heads Seek SOCIAL RESEARCH: New Latin Polls May Remnd Gain; Officers Disappear Trade Bond Federal Officials A GRADUATION GIFT Which Girls Will Love SAIGON, Viet Nam (?) - Power plays within South Viet Nam's high command seemed yesterday to be gaining the kind of momen- tum that in ...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Fifth Yeor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS i LAST GLANCES The Search for Valid Standards Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MWH. Truth Will Prevail, NEws PHONE: 764-05352 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.. TUESDAY, ...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE I TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1 9 6 5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PiTh T# MIM # " i + w . - LETTERS: Hits Coverage of Viet Press Session To the Editor: A"L OF US who lobbied for peace in Viet Nam would prob- ably agree that talking with con- gressmen was, as The Daily in- dicated, frustrating. Talking "with Daily reporters, two of whom at- tended the press conference held upon our return, proved just ...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THlE MICHIGAN DIAILY rrTTV er ev iQ alpu.mr_ nax ave-a a. aa a 1 ULT'MTJA Y. 16 AYI{L y 15 DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVEUTISEMEI! NTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LI N 2 4 S FI 4ES ONE-DAY .70 .85 1.00 Figure 5 overage words to a line PECIAL. VE-DAY RATE 3.00 3.75 4.35 SUMMER SUBLET PERSONAL SIN GLEAPT. 2 blks. from Angell Hall. LONDON to Detroit Sabena Jet Ticket 3 rooms. Call761-1046. U16 avail. June 2nd. 1 off. Call 663- ___- 2907. ...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, 1 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEV M TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY a rava:O UL' fLIIs I Sixtee: Tigers Beat Athletics 6-2; Yanks Lose By The Associated Press KANSAS CITY-Two-run hom- ers by Jerry Lumpe and rookie John Sullivan lifted the Detroit Tigers past the Kansas City Ath- letics 6-2 last night before the smallest crowd in the club's 11 seasons here. Detroit got strong pitching from starter and winner Mick...…

April 13, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 165) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY r'VTTICtOTf 1n irsrn rvr ...-- PAGE EIGHT THE- - - A1T AI. TUESDAY, 13 APRIL 1965 i - PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY: Administration Policy and Nation Differ (Continued from Page 3) favor both neutralization of Viet icy towards China. Completed a Nam and increased contacts with year ago, the research project Communist C h i n a. However, was sponsored by the Council on younger persons with high edu- Foreign R...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…A REPLY TO RICE: 'MAN MAKETH MANNERS' See Editorial Page PEP gi l tFAO A6F Pt COOL High-60 Low-42 Cloudy with chance of showers Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 164 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, 11 APRIL 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES State Board Reviews AFRICAN DELEGATE: I 'Collpgial te Problems Plague . ,.... . . ...,... .... . _.r .v... . . . .i w . v f f s .. i 'Blue Ribbon' Report The State Board of Educatio...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. 11 APRIL 1965 PAGE TWO TUE MICHIGAN DAILY STTNDAY. 11 APlUT.. 1O4& a. 4/a i/tl1" j1 n1141L 1JV.7 F ARTS and LETTERS By Joyce Winslow Festival Focus: 'Bluegrass' Tells Youth LIBERAL ARTS: Voters Need Berkeley, MSU Propose A id in North Experimental Programs FREE DELIVERY THOMPSON'S RESTAURANT Phone 761-0001 OFF on large 5 cOF one item pizza , It was the University's fifth, annual Folk Festival works...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, 11 APRIL 1965 Yrurr miicn7l. A lv nA ii.v VS.^V-f mv wlfl a. as L lr a a.. ti " to 1 H i ! Y PAG.E THiREE~ 9 U.S. PlanesBomb _ ___ NEWS ANALYSIS my -,I 2!!!!!!M I Government Sustains Economic Boom North Viet Nam GENERATION Rusk Voices Disappointment over Communist Rebuff of Peace Talks SAIGON (I)-More than 120 United States warplanes fanned out over North Viet Nam yesterday, striking at a strategic bridge and high...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…i#...... .' Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Michigan MAD Describe Briefly... By Robert Johnston* LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Johnson's Latest Speech Said Nothing New where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, M]CH-. Truth Wil Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 5

…SITh.nA'V. 11tAV/3PTtxF. ~a 9 THE MICHIGAN DJAILY DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME! PAGE FTS ITS SUMMER SUBLET TIFFANY II Air-cond., 3-man, bi-level, furn. apt. REASONABLE. Call 761-2425. U24 SUMMER: New, 3 bd. rms. air-condi- tioning plus extras. 761-1886. U261 SUMMER SUBLET FOR 4 One block from campus. Modern luxury apartment. Air-conditioning, dishwasher, I1% baths, up and down with balcony. NO 5-0855. C16I NEAR CAMPUS, very nicely furn. 3...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

…PAGE $IX t THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 11 AP'RM 196x. WAGE SIX SUNDAY. 11 APR11. 1i~ w.a sra".-iaai as caa av L i..7Val to , Prep School Stars See Cagers Honored 'M' Hurlers Tune Up For Opener By JIM LaSOVAGE If you've ever felt small talking to one of Michigan's near-giant basketball champions, you would have felt some recompense seeing Cazzie Russell craning his neck to converse with Lew Alcindor. But you felt smaller yet when the ...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 7

…*Y A OM SUNDAY, 11 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILYJT as as rr yrya{..1L1VC1.i L1 11I1 PAC LGE Blue Squad Takes Spring Grid Finale 17 - -- ..._... By CHUCK VETZNER The maize and blue electric scoreboards at Michigan Stadium only kept track of the playing time in yesterday's annual intra- squad football scrimmage. Perhaps * the score wasn't posted to save money on the electricity bills, but the idea also saved the White team from added e...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. 11 APRIL 1965 "P Foreign Jobs Attract 14 'U' Students By LESLEY FINKELMAN Fourteen University students of business and economics will par- ticipate in an international job exchange program this summer. The Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Eco- nomiques et Commerciales (AIE- SEC) is run by college students, not by government officials, with the aim of giving future business- men pr...…

April 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…It Was A Day of Honor and HumiiWty orStudents Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands addresses the Honors Convocation . . . 'Young Bucks' initiated into Michiganua . . . President Harlan Hatcher welcomes guests at after -Daily-Richard Cooper noon reception DEMOCRACY AT MICHIGAN STATE See Editorial Page LY A6P *A6P 41j, t t an- r :4Iadj1 CLOUDY High--58 Low-34 Warmer with showers through Sunday Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. ...…

April 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TH MICHIGAN iD ~ r r ULA Ui.j U A off r. 1v1 f i~ i1 fi t1 1 (1171 1, w SATURDAY. 10 APRIL 1965 5 '64 Election Data Ready for Analysis. Plan Trip ACROSSCAMPUS: rP'UN AsscnI 0 Lion To Convene in Union For Study SATURDAY, APRIL 10 8:30 a.m.-Tre United Nations Association will hold a conference In L u g at the Michigan Union. 8:45 a.m.-Registration of the Conference for Teachers of Dri- By NANCY SUNDHEIM quired to evaluate th...…

April 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, 10 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SATURDAY, 10 APRIL 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA(~T~ 'FtlRFF a rava:+ aaaaoaju rt P 0, U.S. Planes Demolish Vietnamese Targets POLICE INSURE SAFETY: Bogalusa Rights March Protests Klan Violence BOGALUSA, La. (P)-Some 550 Negroes, protesting what they call Ku Klux Klan violence, marched through Bogalusa yesterday protected by energetic police from jeering whites. There was no repetition...…

April 10, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…-4 Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ......'°' Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, ici. Truth Will Prevail 42MANRSTNNRBMi-. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 ''f I,'.- s ~ k / I f.,Z ~y 11 # , Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all repri...…

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