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April 15, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-15

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EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a two-part series on teaching
tenlows at the University.
The quality of the University teaching fellow, despite the
comparatively low salary, the extra time burden and the necessary
lengthening of years to reach the Ph.D. level, is evidently con-
sidered quite high by most teaching fellow departmental super-
John W. Smith, past political science teaching fellow at the
University, charges in his manuscript "Teaching Fellows: Their
Cause and Cure" that the very best graduate students are on
scholarships and research fellowships and so do not have to teach
This indictment was generally considered untrue in the hu-
manities departments. In the English department, Prof. Hubert
English said that out of a graduate enrollment of 200 (including
100 teaching fellows) there were only five or six such scholarships
Other Lures
In the sciences, the opportunities of the National Science

Foundation and other reservoirs of research funds lure many top
graduates students away from teaching. Miss Mary Schmidt of
the Chemistry department conceded that this was sometimes the
case, saying that she "would like to see our best people teaching
The disadvantages resulting from the teaching fellow's inex-
perience are assumed to be equalized by their enthusiasm and
understanding, according to English.
He said that teaching fellows "have the basis for a rapport
that older faculty members have a hard time establishing." Prof.
Clarence Pott of the German department lauded his teaching
fellows for their diligence and fine work. "I'm not at all sure that
if we turned over all of our elementary teaching to our regular
staff that it would be done any better or even as well."
Key Issue: A Dual Role
A key issue here is that the teaching fellow remains in his
unusual position of being both a teacher and a student. Smith
labels him "neither fish nor fowl" and claims he is looked down
on by both faculty and undergraduates.
Steven Grossbard, a political science teaching fellow, describes

his position as "in limbo" and says that with the double burden
of pleasing both students and faculty a teaching fellow must
often neglect one or the other.
Yet this opinion loes not seem to reflect the views of all
teaching fellows. A recent questionnaire in the German department
asked the teachers what they felt about their double role. The
bulk did not consider it a hindrance; they said that they could
use more time of their own, but that the need was not great.
An Air of Harassment
Pott personally feels that this awkward position can some-
times create "an air of harassment" and that it is difficult "to
wear two hats."
Prof. Roy Pierce of the political science department did not
regard the teacher-student combination as an ambiguity. "In
some ways, isn't this true of everyone in the University?" he asked.
Miss Schmidt did not find that the double role created a
problem. She conceded that teaching fellows were often "second-
class citizens" in a certain sense, but she added "a teaching
fellow must realize that a teaching fellowship is a scholarship
for which you are working..'

Prof. E. E. Steiner of the botany department viewed the
teaching fellow's dual student-faculty role as a possible advan-
tage. "As a student, the teaching fellow is sensitive to the student's
needs. He is close to the difficulties of taking the course." He
felt that a teaching fellow makes up in enthusiam what he might
lack in experience.
In his report's summation, Smith calls the teaching fellow
"a necessary evil, whitewashed by his supervisors as a tool in
the process of sharpening. He is little appreciated by students,
for he is often ill-equipped and vainly tries to cover up in
authority. what he does not firmly know. He is a surrogate to
the departmental full-time staff by carrying a heavy student
load which would otherwise fall on their shoulders."
This view was rejected by teaching fellow supervisors in every
department. They felt that the teaching fellowship was necessary
but not evil and appraised it as a significant contribution in
the educating of future teachers.
Prof. Pott says that evaluations of teaching fellows by German
pupils show that students are not dissatisfied with their instructors'
See ANALYZE, Page 2

Questions Action
In Dorm Struggle
Haun, Schaadt Involved in Feud
Over Purchase of 'Offensive' Book
Acting Editor


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

:43 i1


A six-week feud over book purchases for the residence halls
libraries has brought to light disputes over business vs. student affairs
orientation in residence halls administration.
The position of Eugene Haun as director of the residence halls
has also been called into question by his long delay in taking any
action on the case.
The problem centered around a refusal by Leonard Schaadt,
business manager of the residence halls, to sign an invoice for a
sex-oriented book he considered objectionable. The book was ordered
by one of the residence halls libraries and the original purchase order
for a list of books was OK'ed in Schaadt's office.
Apparently, when the books were received by the University,
the supposedly objectionable nature of one of them was pointed out
to Schaadt, who thereupon refused to sign the invoice for the book
or to send it to the library. One unsubstantiated report says that a
secretary in the business office brought the book to Schaadt's atten-
At this point the residence halls library coordinator, Neil Edgar,
Grad, and the library selections committee, made up of the residence
halls librarians, entered the picture. The librarians decided that
united action should be taken and submitted orders for 10 additional
copies of the disputed books to Edgar, who ordinarily sends the orders
to Schaadt's office.
Edgar, unable to resolve the conflict with Schaadt, went to Haun,
asking that Schaadt be made to sign the invoice for the book. This
was approximately five weeks ago. Haun apparently refused to take
direct action against Schaadt, and the dispute became embroiled in
bureaucratic red tape.
However, at one point Edgar, who was in constant communi-
cation with Schaadt and Haun, made it known to the librarians that
Haun's office "was not opposed" to the librarians purchasing the
book through their non-University accounts, which are fairly sub-
stantial. ,Such promises would not have to be handled through
Schaadt's office.
After more bickering behind the scenes, South Quadrangle
librarian Curtis Huntington, Grad, decided to bring the matter to;
a head by submitting a letter of resignation to Haun. This was done
April 6.
Haun then called a meeting for the librarians, Edgar and him-
self for Thursday, April 8. The issue was apparently settled between
Haun and Schaadt then, after the letter of resignation and before
the meeting, because Haun told the group that the book purchases
Would henceforth be approved without incident. Huntington then
withdrew his resignation request.
One person high in the residence halls administration system
has labeled the whole incident as "revealing of Haun's inability to1
manage the residence halls properly and without interference from
the business office."
Haun has also been criticized for his role in establishing thef
$45 dorm deposit, payable by all residents of the residence halls
system. It is claimed that the deposit is unjustified and serves no
role in guaranteeing dormitory space since it is not due until thel
end of August.
Haun- has been under intermittent fire from both residence
halls student government and staff virtually from the time he
came here in August, 1963.t
r While most of the criticism has been private, there have
been occasional public flareups, such as former Assembly Asso-
ciation President Maxine Loomis' charges two months ago that
Haun was unduly interfering in matters of student government. 1
This dissatisfaction probably became irrevocable when Haun
gave a "keynote" address to a staff training session last August.
The talk, which was scheduled to provide his philosophy of resi-l
dence halls, turned into a rambling, sarcastic speech, primarily
ridiculing those who had asked him to speak.

Engineers Criticize
Enrollment Limit


Term Enrollment



"If an increase in interest in engineering now occurs, the pres-
ent administration's policy will not allow this interest to blossom.
Engineering must pay what would be a very heavy price in de-
priving those students who desired it of an engineering education,
states the conclusion of a recent study by the Engineering Council.
The engineering graduate schools are being limited to a certain
number of students per department, because of the current lack
of facilities. The survey noted the possible harm that might result
__ - - - from the new restrictions placed Y
on graduate enrollment.
Vice-President for Academic Af- Will:
fairs Roger W. Heyns pointed out ' for1
that the graduate enrollment had in S
a basis before, but because of ex
H i tl y pected increases in the Universi- Nev
ty's number of undergraduates, a Ame
controlled distribution of under- celle
Of Money
graduate and graduate students7
has had to be maintained. The seice
By LYNN A. METZGER total numbers of students allow- also
mhL ued in each graduate school would the s
Members of the Law Club have allow for growth in the futuire,
recently complained aboutth alwfrgrwhn the futr,
recnty ompaiedabot hebut would be balanced as a ra- I for p"
club's Board of Directors which tio between.etotal undergraduate
appropriated itself $237.24 of club and graduate growth, Heyns
money for a banquet. claimed cont
The board, which receives a Great Non-Engineering Growth Hisd
mandatory $2.50 from each law However, the council's report wasc
student each year, held the ban- cited the great growth of the non- War.
quet at the Rubaiyat Restaurant engineering schools as compared
last March 28. to the engineering schools. for o
Board President Mike Matthews W. Gale Biggs, the council's rep- laude
gave an explanation of the board's resentative, graphed the rate of versi
action last night. "The banquet engineering enrollment increase
has been a custom of the board and was supported by a similar
in past years in recognition of itsg
year's work," he said. graph from the office of Stephen URB
H. Spurr, dean of the graduate
No Custom school. The graphs showed a 32
One of the complaining mem- per cent increase in enrollment C
bers, DavidhAdelman, said that for non-engineering graduate stu-
it is true that there have been dents as compared to a 11 per cent
two previous banquets but that for engineering graduates enrolled,,
this "hardly constitutes a cus- over a five year period. And, as Ati
tom." the council survey concludes, the ctin
The amounts spent on the ear- non-engineering schools, whose "The
ier banquets were $54.83 in 1963 growth rate seems in most need of our
and $58.98 in 1964. of being controlled, have taken commun
The way the club's financial up many of the current facilities. sectorst
system operates, the board has As a result ,the engineering the opp
complete control of its funds and schools, whose growth rates have most A
is only answerable to the club's been somewhat more controlled, P. Cava
Board of Governors. suffer from a lack of sufficient fore the
Executive Committee facilities for normal enrollment ins Hall
An executive committee of that increases. Speak
board is composed of Dean Allan ' Only One Consulted Urban
Smith and Prof. Joseph Julin The council survey also claimed Cavanag
of the law school, and Raymond that only one of the heads of the lic and
Potter, a Detroit lawyer, engineering graduate schools had especial;
Julin and Smith last night de- been consulted about the proposed manyo
clined to comment on the issue. restrictions on enrollment. sufferf
-~ -------- __ _tnnnnr

~reehlingWins Nevins Prize
The Society of American Historians has awarded Prof.
iam Freehling of the history department the Nevins Prize
1964 for his dissertation, "The Nullification Controversy
outh Carolina.":
The Nevins Prize, named for the American historian Allan
ns, is ,an annual award for the best-written thesis in
rican history. The purpose is to encourage literary ex-................ >-
nce in the writing of American history.
The prize entitles Freehling to $1,000, which will be pre-
ed to him at a dinner in New York next month. The Society
arranges the winning manuscript to be published by one of
upporting publishers of the prize.}
Harp'er and Row Publishing Co. accepted the manuscript =
publication even before it won the award.
Freehling said that most historians think the nullification
:roversy in the 1830's was based mainly on the tariff issue.
dissertation is an attempt to show that the slavery issue }
crucial in South Carolina then, 30 years before the Civil
Freehling came to the University this year after teaching
one year at Harvard College. He graduated. "magna cum
e" in 1958 from Harvard and earned his Ph.D. at the Uni-
ty of California at Berkeley. PROF. WILLIAM FREEHLING
rvanagh Calls for Local Initiative

tays Below Expectations

U.S. Denies
Travel Bid
The United States State Depart-
ment turned down recently a re-
quest from the editors of 13 col-
lege newspapers to send student
reporters to Cuba during the
Easter vacation.
Abba P. Schwartz, administra-
tor of Security and Consular Af-
fairs, said the department was
granting validated passports for
travel to Cuba to "full-time writ-
ers and journalists."
The editors of several New York
area colleges, the Yale Daily News,
the Daily Princetonian and the
University of Wisconsin's Daily
Cardinal, had written to the State
Department that "a knowledge of
the conditions within Cuba is pre-
requisite to our forming intelli-
gent opinions as to our relations
with that country.
"As student editors in a free
and democratic society, we con-
con-c,.e +he freedom +o traeli a nc-

anagh a
Great S
wide a
and "we
ing role
if we ar(
"I vie
as a cat
and giv
cal initi
ed to f
ing prob
ly invol'
ed by t
ident, re
ed that'
en the
The rol
zen, pa.
first ing
troit ain

g Assistant Managing Editor
greatest unfinished tasks
society are to join our
nity's public and private
to open for all Americans
ortunities now enjoyed by
mericans," Mayor Jerome
anagh of Detroit said be-
Lawyers Club at Hutch-
last night.
ing on "Experiments in
America: Detroit 1965,"
gh declared that the pub-
private sectors must act
ly in "our cities where too
of our fellow Americans
from poverty." The best
nity in history for the
tion of poverty is now, Cay-
dent Lyndon B. Johnson's
Society is the goal of "a
array of programs and
s," Cavanagh explaineid,
must accept this expand-
by the federal government
°e to achieve it."
w the federal government
alyst-proposing programs
ving financial help where
but leaving much to lo-
ative," Cavanagh saidl.
yers by tradition are look-
or leadership," Cavanagh
d. "One of our most press-
blems and one'that direct-
ves lawyers was highlight-
he President in his crime
to Congress." The Pres-
eported Cavanagh, assert-
"it was crucial to strength-
will for law observance.
le of the individual citi-
rticularly lawyers, is the
redient of progress."
many programs in De-
med at both physical and
renewal do not overlook

to start urban renewal and that
its program now includes 20 re-
development and eight neighbor-
hood conservation projects cover-
ing 8000 acres--or about nine per
cent of the city's land area.
"Right now, in 14 Detroit city
departments, 214 youngsters who
otherwise would be unemployed
are stapling papers, polishing
floors, chopping carrots and car-
rying trays. They are first of 2,-
000 young men and women, from
age 16 to 21, who will be trained
in what's called the Neighborhood
Youth Corps of the Total Action
Against Poverty program," Cav-
anagh explained.

The country is in a cycle, he
continued, in which -exists a sub-
culture whose members live their
elderly years on public aid. Youths
in this subculture, Cavanagh said,
are either in need of public as-
sistance or commit crimes which
place them in penal institutions.
In order to move toward a Great
Society, the cycle must be broken,
he declared.
"The challenge is great and the
work is difficult and we must not
relax our efforts in the heat of
progress," Cavanagh said. "We
must remember what Emerson
said: 'The reward of a thing well
done is to have done it'."

Cites Low
In Dormns
Heyns Schedules
Separate Meetings
With College Deans
The University's Office of Regis-
tration yesterday reported for it's
spring-summer, or third trimester,
term a total registration of 3,440
students out of an expected 6,00.
To meet that 6,000 student esti-
mate, officials have said the Uni-
versity student total must reach
4000 by the end of the pre-
registration period on Friday.
However, the Office of Registra-
tion is not the only office having
problems with the summer term
enrollment deficiency.
Assistant to the Director of
University Residence Halls Robert
L. Rau said yesterday that the
Ia, or spring, term enrollment
in residenpe halls has reached
only 116 students, 85 women and
31 men. Enrollment for the total
spring-summer term has reached
a total of 254, 187 women and 67
South, East Quad
According to Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard L. Cut-
ler, his office had hoped to have
enough students to be able to run
a unit like South Quad or East
East Quad currently houses
about 1100 students. South Quad
houses approximately 1200.
At present, according to Cutler,
it appears as if parts of Couzens
will be open for women, and one
house in East Quad for men.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns said yester-
day that he would be meeting sep-
arately with the deans of the col-
leges in the next ten days regard-
ing the budgets and low third-
term enrollment problems through-
out the various schools and col-
leges of the University.
He added that teachers will be
paid and that the University will
honor all verbal hiring commit-
ments made to teaching fellows by
department chairmen.
Cancellations Possible
Asked if courses with low en-
rollments might be cancelled,
Heyns said that cancellation is
possible, but the needs of the
students and their requirements
will be taken into account.
Enrollment in courses through-
out the University continues low.
Prof. John A. Dorr of the geology
department reports that the last
figures showed a IIIa enrollment
of 11 students in Geology 111,
which would have 15 to 24 in a
normal summer term.
The psychology department re-
mains one of the hardest hit. Fig-
ures released last week showed no
enrollments in psychologies 360,
621, 630, 631, 643, 644, and 653.
Psychologies 543, 642, 652, and
681 had one student apiece, Psy-
coloav 411 had two students en-

Violence, Teamsters Figure
Int County's Political Battles
EDITOR'SE .iO This is the first in a two-part series on the political
situation in Livingston County, Michigan.
Special To The Daily
HOWELL-On Thursday evening, Nov. 19, 1964, Brian Lavan
was elected chairman of the Livingston County Democratic committee.
On Saturday evening, Nov. 21, 1964, Edward Rettinger was elected
chairman of the Livingston County Democratic committee.
This paradoxical situation grew out of a bitter internal struggle
for control of the county's Democratic organization.
It began in 1962 when an insurgent Democratic group led by
Rettinger, Hamburg township clerk, ended the three-decade reign of
Martin J. Lavan, a prominent -


attorney, as countyl

THIS DRAB BUILDING BEHIND THE DENTAL SCHOOL houses the University Center for Research
on Conflict Resolution. The center is currently involved in projects analyzing such problems as con-
tacts of people from different nations and their effects on the international situation, clashes be-
tween East and West and the attitudes people have toward other nations.

Continued in Fall
The battle continued in 1964
and erupted into fullscale warfare
when the two forces split into two
rump Democratic county commit-
tees with two sets of officers, pro-
grams and candidates.

Oust Chapter
Of Sigma Chi
The Stanford University chap-
ter of the Sigma Chi fraternity
has been suspended by its national
organization shortly after pledging

Center Seeks Tension Easing

the need to attack the problem The tempest settled when state

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