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Hits Coverage of
Viet Press Session
To the Editor:
A"L OF US who lobbied for
peace in Viet Nam would prob-
ably agree that talking with con-
gressmen was, as The Daily in-
dicated, frustrating. Talking "with
Daily reporters, two of whom at-
tended the press conference held
upon our return, proved just as
exasperating. Judging from Peter .
Sarasohn's garbled and incoherent
account ("Professors Find Lobby
Inadequate," April 11), it was
m'ore a Kafka-Klatch than a press
The following constitute a
minimal clarification of the rec-
1) We did not say, as Sarasohn's
story implied, that Senators
Theodore (sic) Kennedy of Mas-
sachusetts and Robert Kennedy of
New York expressed concern for
party unity on the Viet Nam issue.
We said faculty lobbies from Mas-
sachusetts and New York reported
to us that Senators Edward and
Robert Kennedy expressed reser-
vations about the Administration's
Viet Nam, policies.
2) The statement, attributed to
Prof. Kaufman, that "The aca-
demic community has made their
reputation. Now it must reassert
its responsibility," refers to Mc-
George Bundy, Waiter Rostow and
other former academics in the
Executive Inner Sanctum. It ap-
pears in the article as a non
sequitur - which Kaufman, as
everyone knows, would be con-
b stitutionally incapable of commit-
ting-and should have been in-
serted in the paragraph succeed-
The matter at issue is a plan
proposed by Prof. Barry Common-
er of Washington University, St.
Louis, suggesting that Bundy and
Rostow be invited back to the
academic community to give ac-
count of their actions. The pres-
tige and power which Bundy and
Rostow enjoy stems from academic
successes, which is to say from
esteem accorded them by faculty
colleagues. On credentials we be-
stowed, they entered high places.
Many among us, however, would
like to reconsider this academic
' certification. Bundy and Rostow
will soon be asked to appear on
campuses across the country-and
explain just what they're doing.
3) Sarasohn had little idea of
which faces of the faculty dele-
gation should be connected with
which names. Many of the state-
ments he attributed to particular
persons were in fact made by other
people of the group. No one of us
can be ,personally held responsible
for statements given in his name
by Sarasohn.
-Prof. Marshall Sahlins
Anthropology department
Faculty-Student Committee to
Stop the War in Viet Nam
To the Editor:
IT HAS BEEN several days since
the appearance of your articles
on local bookstores, and as yet no
flurry of angry letters from the
academic community. Only silence,
indifference, acceptance. Yet your
discussion ignores the most de-
pressing aspect of the book trade
in Ann Arbor-the quality of the
books offered for sale.
The commercial, mass market
regimentation of novelties, non-
J books and synthetic best-sellers, as
well as the habit of the "required"
textbook, appears to be the over-
whelming concern of the majority
of local bookstores. This attitude
can .only be furthered by your
neglect of all but the economic
aspects of bookselling.
Until a short time ago there was
no place in Ann Arbor to discover,
examine or purchase those books
-regardless of how appropriate
they may have been to serious stu-
dents in a major university-for
which there was no captive, ready-
made and highly profitable mar-
ket. The existing bookstores, with
merchandising policies based on
the standard "sure-fire" sale, have
never bothered to stock such im-
portant (if less frequently pur-
chased) series as the Loeb Clas-
sical Library, the Collected Papers
of Freud, the Oxford English
Texts and the Bollingen Series in
Philosophy; any authoritative
nontextbook edition of Shake-
speare; most university press titles
or any substantial selection of
French or German publications.
In spite of this, a majority of
the faculty apparently is satisfied
that by offering a staff discount,
the indifferent bookstore is per-
forming its highest service to the
community. Ten per cent is ac-
cepted as adequate compensation
for mediocrity. After all, any book
can be ordered upon request.
MAY I SUGGEST that book-
selling as it may be most useful
is not merely an "industry" and
that the word "bookman" (which
you use several times) may more
properly refer to one who cares for
To the Editor:
Shirking Duties; 'U' Should
Intervene" is incorrect in its us-
age of the term Realtor, and
therefore misrepresents the Real-
tor to your readers.
The term Realtor is a resigstered
service mark applicable only to
members of the National Associa-
tion of Real Estate Boards.
The term Realtor is not a syn-
onym for "real estate agent." The
term definitely connotes business
competence and high standards of
business conduct. Every Realtor
has pledged that he will observe
and abide by the Code of Ethics
promulgated by the National As-
sociation. The University Towers
is not being built by a Realtor.
WE WOULD. also like to take
exception to your statement "ex-
ploitation of profit-conscious real-
tors who are using their prospec-
tive tenants'rdeposits to help fi-
nance construction of the build-
In the first place, members of
the Ann Arbor Board of Realtors
are not solely profit motivated in-
dividuals. They not only perform
a useful economic function in the
community, but they serve on
committees, in service groups,
church groups and charitable
groups for the betterment of the
Article Three of the National
code of ethics states, "It is the
duty of the Realtor to protect the
public against fraud, misrepresen-
tation or unethical practices in
the real estate field." A realtor is
a member of an ethical national
Realtors, contrary to your edi-
torial, cannot use deposits to help
finance construction or building.
Michigan real estate licensing laws
prohibit this, and it is further pro-
hibited under article eight of the
Code of Ethics. If a Realtor were
to do what you suggest, he would
not only lose his license, but he
would lose his membership in the
local board.
-The Ann Arbor Boardj
of Realtors
To the Editor:
W E HAVE in Miss Julie Fitz-
gerald's critique (or criticism)
of the sorority system in the April
8 Daily a perfect example of the
erroneous perspective of which she
accuses sororities themselves.
What she proposes in effect is
abolition of recognized social or-
ganizations on the University
campus. Her editorial accepts a
priori that a purely social organ-
ization has no place withinthe
framework of a university; pro-
ceeding, Miss Fitzgerald presents
the sorority system with two al-
ternatives-reorganization towards
intellectual standards or a shift
to an off-campus, "unofficial"
Not only is this original assump-
tion debatable, but Miss Fitzgerald
ignores completely the even more
basic question of whether or not
a sorority is strictly a social phe-
nomenon. Here, however, I would
like to concentrate on the main
point she does discuss; namely,
justification of a social institu-
tion within the university.
the reader with a key statement
when she says, ". . . some sorority
members feel the sole purpose of
sororities and fraternities is to
participate in campus activities
such as Winter Weekend and
Michigras. They feel these relieve
academic pressures and are worth-
while to the campus as a whole."
In this remark alone we find
valid justification for social or-
ganizations. These activities in
which the sororities and fraterni-
ties take such effort to plan, work
on and promote to the student
body as a whole are a significant
part of college life.
It is practically universally ad-
mitted that college slould be a
complete experience for the stu-
dent. Ideally it should stimulate
him intellectually, encourage con-
tinuous self-examination of per-
sonality, goals and opinions and
provide an opportunity to "grow
up" socially and responsibility-
The University offers the stu-
dent every possibility to develop
his potentialities-no campus has
better or wider-ranging oppor-
tunities for each individual. With-
in such a framnework, purely social
institutions have a valid role, just
as do organizations with outlets
for students' abilities, creativity or
interests in a social service cause.
AS A nonsorority person, I pres-
ently have no plans for becoming
a part of the Greek system. How-
ever, if and when I do reconsider
The Daily Official Bulletin is an '
official publication of The Univer- E
sity of Michigan, for which The C
Michigan Daily assumes no editor- s
tal responsibility. Notices should beC
sent in TYPEiWITTEN form to .
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2.p.m. of the day preceding I
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday t
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi- 7
mum of two times on request; lay
Calendar items appear once only. I
Student organization notices are not1
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Per-1
sonnel Techniques Seminar - E. J.+
Forsythe, Institute of Labor and In-
diustrial Relations, Wayne State Uni-I
versIty, "The Selection and Manage-
ment of Minority Manpower": Mich-
igan Union, 8 a.m.-
Arson Control Seminar-Registration,
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
Training and Development, Person-
nel Office University Management Sen-;
inar-Clyde Johnson, associate pro-3
fessor of industrial engineering; Her-
bert P. Wagner, manager of Food
Service, "Effective Cost Reduction":
Michigan Union, 1:30 p.m.
Baseball-U-M vs. Western Michigan l
University: Ferry Field, 3:30 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-Ken-
dall Robertson, organist: Hill Aud.,
8:30 p.m.
Special Lecture: By Prof. L. Sacconi,
University of Florence. title to be an-
nounced, on Tues., April 13, 8 p.m., Rm.
1300 Chemistry Bldg.
Center for Research on Conflict Res-
olution Arms Control Seminar: George
Kuttickal Chacko, The Mitre Corp., Ar-
lington, Va., "Bluff, Bargaining, and
Arms Control," tonight at 8:15 p.m.,
1057 MHRI.
General Notices "
Research Club: There will be a meet-g
ing for members o fthe Research ClubN
of the University of Michigan Wed.,C
April 14 at 8 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Prof. Albert Feuerwerk-
er will speak on "China's Modernc
Economical History in Communist
China" and Prof. Richard Edwards will
speak on "Authenticity and History in r
Chinese Painting: The Search for theC
Artist." There will be an election of1
officers for the 1965-66 academic year.
The Council will meet at 7 p.m. in
the East Council Room.1
Announcement for the Summer Half-I
Term (111B or Summer Session) is now
available in Room 3510 Administration
Bldg. Distribution to schools and col-
leges will be made as quickly as pos-
Women-.-Sports and Dance -- Term
IIsA: Women students who wish to
audit sports or dance classes in Terml
IIIA may register with the Women's
Physical Education Department in Of-
fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium between
April 12 and 23, or on May 3, 4, 5.f
Office hours are 8-12 and 1-5 p.m.
Classes offered in lifesaving, swim-
ming, gol f,tennis, modern dance.
Notice to LS&A and Rackham Stu-
dents: Those students who have early
registered for Spring-Summer (III),
Spring (IIIA) and also Summer (IIIB),
may pick up their approved olass
schedule during the week of finals.
Beginning April 20 and ending April
27 or May 3 and 4 at the Natural Re-
sources Bldig.--Room 1040. Please di-
rect questions to Advance Classifica-
tion, 764-2154 or 764-5520.
*Students: If you need to order a
transcript without grades for the pres-
ent term, you are urged to call in
person at Rm. 515, Administration
Bldg. not later than April 22.
*B Does not apply to students in Law'
and Undergraduate College of Engi-
Spring-Summer Early Registration:
Early registration will continue through
April 16. All students currently en-
rolled who plan on taking courses in
the Spring-Summer (III) or Spring
Half (IIIA) terms should make ar-
rangements to be counselled now. The
May 3 and 4 registration will be for
new and readmitted students only.
Foreign Visitors
The following are the foreign visi-
ors programmed through the Interna- AMLS. Exper. not req. U.S. citizen-
tional Center who will be on campus ship.
his week on the dates indicated. Pro- Neigrborhood Centers Assoc., Cleve-
gram arrangements are being made by land, Ohio-Attn.: Seniors--Openings
Mrs. Cliftord R. Miller, International for grads, men & women with M.S.W.
Center, 764-21918. as field & group workers, youth coun-
Dagoberto Sanches, professor of phys- sellor ,etc. Beginning level jobs for
ical chemistry, University of San Mar- BA in Soc. Sciences. Also supervisory
cos, Lima, Peru. April 11-16. jobs for exper. & M.S.W.
S* ,:
Dragomir Petrovic, chairman, Depart- Frfrhrifrain laecl
men ofPhyica EdcatonUniersty764-7460. General Div., Bureau of Ap-
of Belgrade, Belgrade Yugoslavia, AprilI pointments, 3200 SAB.
Wolfgang Zapf, assistant at Sociologi-
cal Seminar, Tuebingen, Germany, April SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE:
11-25. 212 SAB-
Wotlfgang Edelstein. Institut fuer Boyne Mountain Lodge, Boyne Mt.,
Bildungsforschung, Berlin, Germany, Mich.-Don Schultz will interview for
April 11-25, waitresses & bus boys TODAY. Jobs
Juergen Habermas, professor ofphil- start when school is out.
osophy and sociology. University of Camp To-Ho-Ne, Great Barrington,
Frankfurt (Main), Frankfurt, Germany, Mass.-The Menaker's will interview
April 11-25. men April 13, 14, & 15, Tues.--Thurs.,
Hermann Roehrs, professor of ped- from 10 a.m.-5 p.m .Counselors, must
agogy, University of Heidelberg, Ger- be 20 or older.
many, April 11-25. New Summer Jobs for Students:
Martin Rang, professor of pedagogy, Since the Daily stops publication April
University of Frankfurt (Main), Ger- 16 stop in to look over new jobs
many, April 18-25, available.
Adalbert Rang, assistant at Ped-
agogic Seminar, University Frankfurt Details available at Summer Place-
(Main), Germany, April 18-25. ment. 212 SAB.
Federal Service Entrance Exam-Ap-
plications must be in by April 15 for
exam on May 15. Last exam for this
school year.
Saginaw General Hospital, Saginaw,
Mich.-Medical Librarian. Also open-
ings for med. tech., reg. pharmacist,
and recreation coordinator.
National Homes Corp., Lafayette, Ind.
-1. Procedures Analyst, degree in Bus.
Ad., or rel. 2 yrs. exper. 2. Informa-
tion Systems Designer, Bus. Ad. or lI
degree. 2 yrs. exper. in systems &
procedures plus 5 yrs. in prod, con-
trol, acctg., etc. 3. Information Sys-
tems Analyst, BA in Math, Computer
Sc)., Bus. Ad., Mgmt. or rel. 2 yrs.
exper.insystems & procedures.
Bacon Memorial Public Library, Wy-
andotte, Mich. - Reference librarian,
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAD.
Cercle Francais and Phi Sigma Iota,
Initiation ceremonies for Phi Sigma
Iota, followed by four short films on
France, Spain and Italy, Tues., April
13, 8 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Everyone
Young Democrats, Final Executive.
Board meeting, Tues., April 13, 6:30
p.m., Room 3529. SAB.
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