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April 15, 1965 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-15

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Criticizes U.S. Arab Policies

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To the Editor:
Barlev (Daily, March 23, 24,
25) represent an effort to distort
the historical facts and events
which led to the existing Arab-
Israeli conflict. Barlev ... abetted
by Zionist/Israeli special interests,
had better wake up to the fact
that his misleading analysis can
only lead to the destruction of the
most vital interests of the United
States in the world.
A great power like the U.S. can-
not afford the luxury of acting out
of pique. The Arab world, lost to
the West, would almost surely
guarantee the eventual dominance
of the earth by the enemy who
intends to bury American ideals
of freedom, justice and equal op-
In all history, whoever has con-
trolled the Near East has con-
trolled the world. Today, no one
controls the Near East. The West
might have had the Arab world
as its ally, but the West, faced
with a choice in 1947, chose Israel
for an ally and began the process
of alienating the Arabs.
ed in getting the U.S. government
to refuse arms to Egypt in 1955,
while abetting Zionist pressure
on West Germany to provide the
funds with which Israel could buy
arms from other Western nations.
The Zionist goal of an Israel
(7800 square miles and 2.2 million
population) as well armed as the
Arab states (4,154,000 square miles
and over 100 million population)
became official U.S. policy. Presi-
dent Nasser, bitterly regretting the
necessity, was forced to turn to
Russia for arms. John Foster Du-
les, acting from pique, brusquely
r abrogated the American contract
to build the Aswan high dam.
More recently, the American po-
sition in regard to Israel's diver-
sion of the Jordan Valley waters
has confirmed the Arabs in their
conviction that whenever Arab
and Israeli interests conflict, the
U.S. sides with Israel.
Add to this the constant stream
of abuse poured out against Arabs
generally, the United Arab Repub-
lic in particular and President
Nasser personally, on the floors
of the Senate and House; the
better than 50:1 ratio (on a per
capita basis) in American aid and
philanthropy as between Arab and
Israeli governments and institu-
tions; the billions in profits being
taken from the underdeveloped
Arab world by American oil com-
panies-add up all these griev-
ances and it is not difficult to
understand the critical state of
current Arab-American relations,
created by roosting Zionist chick-
Posit the fact that, despite the
fairly successful Department of
State theory that America can
deal bilaterally with each one of
the Arab countries and give the
barest lip service to the existence
of an Arab nation striving for
unity, despite this there is an
Arab nation and Gamal Abdel
Nasser is a hero-leader to many
millions of its people. Put all of
these together and the wonder of
it is that until the Arab summit
conference in January, 1964, the
U.S. was getting along pretty well
in the area.
BUT ISRAEL wanted to divert
water considered their own to
open up new settlements in ter-
ritory the Arabs still claim. The
U.S. supported Israel. The Arabs
acted to protect what they believe
to be their rights. The U.S. let it
be known it was not in favor of
the Arab action, even though the
plan, worked out under Nasser's
guidance, proposed a peaceful re-
sisting instead of long-threatened
armed intervention.
F The Arabs felt themselves block-
ed in almost every policy direction

by the U.S. If they had a plan for
r protection of Arab property rights
in Israel (where 92 per cent of the
property still belongs to them),
the US. was against it. If, goaded
by cleverly-devised and armed Is-
raeli maneuvering along their
boundaries, they finally became
embroiled in an incident and Is-
h rael retaliated by brutal bombing
of defenseless Arab towns.
The U.S. wanted to lecture both
as though equally guilty. Hope
that the U.S. really meant its votes
at the UN year after year calling
for repatriation and for compen-
sation for the Palestinian refugees
had dimmed. Arabs had come to
believe that this was just another
cynical gimmick.
The Arabs knew they were ex-
pected to be grateful for American
aid, given here and there to the
more needy states. But they also
knew that the Arab nation-the
reality of which they never doubt-
ed and the U.S. never recognized
--was purchasing $700 million an-
nually from American manufac-
They knew, too, that the aid
given was a token return compared
to the approximately $2.5 billion
in profits American business bring
back home each year.
This was in the mind and emo-

Arab oil for both industry and de-
fense. The U.S. is deeply embattled
in the Arab world as in Viet Nam,
only the weapons are different.
But in Viet Nam the stake is
not as great. Losing out there
would be a serious blow to pride
and prestige, but hardly decisive
in the struggle between the Com-
munist World and the Free World.
To lost out in the Arab World
would imperil, if not doom, the
supremacy of the Free World.
Americans are not all happy
about U.S. policy in Viet Nam,
yet most accept and support the
government's policy. Those who
disagree do so not because they
support the ersatz state of North
Viet Nam. Their opposition is open
and overboard. They have no
ethnic ties to create a special in-
terest. They have no highly-
financed 'propaganda apparatus.
They are not organized to admin-
ister political reprisals.
THE DOMESTIC situation in
regard to the Communist-Free
World struggle in the Arab World
is very different. With much more
at stake and with far better pros-
pects for success, Americans are
losing the battle for the Arab
World. A Trojan horse has been
built within their bounds.
If Americans lose to the Com-
munists in Viet Nam, it will be
because they could not win. If they
lose in the Arab World, it will be
because a small, wealthy, willful
minority-the Zionists-defeated
America from within. America
can win in the Arab World, indeed
in all the Muslim World.
The prospect has not been help-
ed by efforts to ban UAR aid. Nor
will it be helped by passage of
some scores of resolutions spon-
sored by the Zionists already in
the 89th Congressional hopper.
INDEED, Barlev has joined the
ranks of those who wish to see
America lose to the Communists
in the Arab World, or is he one
of those Zionist chickens which
came home to roost?
-Salah El Dareer
Medical school
Viet Nam Myths
To the Editor:
immense amount of misrepre-
sentation being perpetrated on the
public by those who seek virtually
unconditional disengagement in
Viet Nam. These myths have lead
to a clouding of some of the fun-
damental problems and advan-
tages oftour past and present
policies there.
First of all, it is claimed that
the Geneva Agreement ending the
Indo China war provided for elec-
tions in 1956. Bernard Fall, noted
authority on Viet Nam, stated in
Pacific Affairs in 1961:
It is a common error of even
specialists in the field to believe
that the July 20, 1954, Geneva
Agreement on the Indo China
cease fire "provided" for a ple-
bicite to be held by both zones
on or before July 1956. This
plebicite was mentioned only in
the unsigned Final Declaration
and the reference to it there
constituted merely an expression
of hope by the signatories
(which did not include the U.S.
and Viet Nam but included
France who was pressured into
it) but not a binding commit-
ment upon anyone. The Final
Declaration was a temporary
face saving device given by the
West to the Communists but
little else.
P. J. Honey, noted British au-
thority on North Viet Nam, in his
book "Communism in North Viet-
Nam," points out further that
no one really expected elections
ihcluding the North Vietnamese.

Though there are certain vague
references to elections and reuni-
fication in the July 20 agreement,
it is clear that even those were
concessions to the Communists to
help them save face.
What the Vietnamese Commun-
ists -expected to happen was that
Diem's regime would fall because
of internal problems, and they
would fill the vacuum. However,
by the 1956 mythical election date
Diem had made some progress-
due in good measure to American
aid-so that it is not clear that
he would have lost, even if elec-
tions were held precisely as pro-
THIS BRINGS US to the second
myth, which is that Eisenhower
said that if elections were held,
Ho Chi Minh would get 80 per
cent of the vote. People who per-
vert this statement try to make it
mean that Eisenhower meant Ho
vs. Diem in 1956. What Ike really
said was "that had elections been
held as of the time of fighting,
possibly 80 per cent of the popu-
lation would have voted for the
Communist Ho Chi Minh as their
leader rather than Chief of State
Bao Dai. Indeed, the lack of lead-
ership and drive on the part of
Bao Dai was a factor in the feel-

Diem from 1954 to 1956 and later
assistant to the Secretary of De-
fense from 1957 to 1963, stated
in the October, 1964, Foreign Af-
After this election (Diem's
election in 1955), the Soviet
Union sent representatives to
London to meet with the repre-
sentatives of the other co-
sponsor of the Geneva Accords,
Great Britain. The two spon-
soring parties agreed to call off
the plebicite which the Accords
(here he means the unsigned
Final Declaration) had sched-
ules in 1956. An internationally
supervised secret ballot in Viet
Nam might well have gone
heavily against the Communists
at that time.
Hence even if we say there was
supposed to be elections, they were
called off.
One of the reasons the elections
were called off is because Diem
said the elections in the North
would not be free unless they
were supervised by the United Na-
tions. To this the Communists
would not accede. Bernard Fall
points out in his Pacific Affairs
article that they do not use secret
ballots in North Viet Nam. In
fact, he noted there were aides
standing around to "help the com-
rade who had difficulty making
out their ballot." And most had
ANOTHER MYTH which is per-
petrated is that if there is any
North Vietnamese infiltration or
control it has just come about
lately. Fall, writing again in Pa-
cific Affairs, correlated complaints
by the Communists to the ISCC of
alleged invasion of civil rights of
"Former Resistance Members"
and terrorist acts. He states:
A perusal of the complaints
shows that they are sufficiently
precise in their details to have
been based upon information
given to the Communist North
Vietnamese authorities by Viet
Minh agents who have remained
behind in the South after the
armistice or who have been in-
filtrated into the area since .. .
The conclusion is inescapable
that there must be some coor-
dination between the rebels and
the North Vietnamese govern-
This was based on 1954-58
figures. Hence it is clear that long
before the Lao Dong Party Con-
gress' declaration of open support
for the Viet Cong and long before
other statements by influential
North Vietnamese leaders declar-
ing support and assistancen to the
Viet Cong, the North Vietnamese
government had linked itself to
the rebels.
MY POINT here is two fold.
First, that those people who com-
plain the loudest about the pres-
ent administration misleading the
people about Viet Nam are them-
selves guilty of misleading their
converts and marchers about cer-
tain important aspects of the past
in Viet Nam. Secondly, by mis-
representing what has happened,
they are clouding the problem and
making it difficult to ascertain
how we can adequately prevent
another Viet Nam in the future
and find out where our policy
went wrong in the past.
-Alan M. Sager, '65L
Course Booklet
To the Editor:
T AM WRITING about your spe-
cial supplement of March 28, in
which you reviewed 53 University
I feel it is appropriate for me to
comment on your review of courses
because on the one hand, my own
courses are not reviewed and, on
the other, because I have some
professional experience in taking

surveys of this type.
Let me state first of all that I
agree in principle with the idea
of students sharing their evalua-
tions of courses with one another.
It is one good source of informa-
tion about a course, and so I often
urge students asking permission
to take one of my courses to con-
sult with students who have taken
I agree, too, that students' eval-
uations are also helpful to an in-
structor; my department and my
college routinely solicit students'
course evaluations, and I regularly
solicit mid-term evaluations as
Not only do I approve in prin-
ciple with the aims of your proj -
ect, but I found the tone of the
reporting agreeably sober and ob-
jective and your forthrightness
about the sources of your basic
data commendable.
WHICH BRINGS me to the
essential flaw: your data are lousy.
It is especially unfortunate that
your samples of students should be
so bad because there are sampling
experts on campus who I'm sure
would be happy to help you to do
an adequate job, and it would be

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daiy assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TPWHAITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for punlication.
Day Calendar
Otorhinolaryngology Dept. Postgrad-
uate Conference-Registration, W5610
Hospital, 8:30 a.m.
Arson Control Seminar-Registration,
Michigan Union, 9 a.m.
School of Music, Physics Dept. Lec-
ture-Fritz Kuttner, "Acoustical Skills
and Techniques in Ancient China":
Lane Hall Aud., 4:15 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Elaine Scott, flutist: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Lun Han
Tang, Nuclear Engineering thesis:
"Theory of the Influence of the En-
vironment on Gamma Angular Cor-
relation and Its Rotational Depend-
ence," today, 315 Auto. Lab., N. Cam-
pus, 9 a.m. Chairman, R. K. Osborn.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
J. Brown, U-M Dearborn Extension.
"Boas and Buck Generating Functions."
today at 4 p.m., 229 W. Engineering.
Refreshments at 3:30 p.m., 350 W. En-
Physical Chemistry Thesis Colloquium
-John Goodenow, Chem. Dept., U. of
M., will speak on "Charge Transfer
Spectra in the Vapor Phase," 5 p.m.
in Rm. 1200 of the Chemistry Bldg.
American Chemical Society Lecture-
"Proposed Water-Protein Interaction
and Application to Protein Structure
and Biological Reactions," by Dr. D. T.
Warner, The Upjohn Co., 8 p.m., Room
1300 of the Chemistry Bldg.
General Notices
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative May graduates
from the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, for honors or high
honors should recommend such stu-
dents by forwarding a letter to the
Director, Honors Council, 1210 Angell
Hall, before noon, Thurs., April 29,
Teaching departments in the School
of Education should forward letters di.
rectly to the Office of Registration
and Records, Room 1513 Administra-
tion Bldg., by noon, Thursday, April
29, 1965.
Attention Faculty Members Of: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health, and
School of Business Administration:
Students expecting degrees May 1, 1965,
are advised not to request grades of
I or X. When such grades are abso-
1.I've been weighing the
possibility of becoming a
perpetual student.
Last week you said you
were considering the
merits of mink farming.

8.I must admit the thought
did enter my mind.
Has the thought ever
entered your mind
that you might get a
job and make a career
for yourself?
5. You mean earn while learning?
Right. And you can
do it at Equitable.
They'll pay 100% of

lutely imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow you to re-
port the make-up grade not later than
noon, Thurs., April 29, 1965.
May 1, 1965
Graduates Assemble at 9:30 a.m.
Procession Enters Field at 10 a.m.
Program Begins at 10:30 a.m.
Exercises to be held at 10:30 a.m
either in the Stadium or Yost Field
House, depending on the weather. Ex-
ercises will conclude about 12:30.
All graduates as of May 1965 are
eligible to participate.
For Yost Field House: Two to each
prospective graduate, to be distributed
from Mon., April 19. to 5 p.m., Fri.,
April 30, at Diploma Office, 555 Ad-
ministration Bldg. Office will be closed
Sat., April 24.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary
Children not admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University
Ave., Ann Arbor. Orders should be
placed immediately.
Assembly for Graduates: At 9:30 a.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals
will direct graduates to proper sta-
tions. If siren indicates (at intervals
from 8:50 to 9 a.m.) that exercises
are to be held in Yost Field House,
graduates should go directly there and
be seated by marshals.
Stadium: Enter by Main St. gate-
only. All should be seated by 10 a.m.
when procession enters field.
Yost Field House: Owing to lack of
space only those holding tickets can be
admitted. Enter on State St., opposite
McKinley Ave.
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
Commencement Programs: To be dis-
tributed at Stadium or Yost Field
Distribution of Diplomas: DiplomaF
conferred as of Commencement Day
May 1, and Dental School diplomas
conferred as of May 15, may be called
for at the Student Activities Bldg.
from May 17 through May 21. Medical
School diplomas will be distributed at
Senior Class Night Exercises on June
4; Flint College diplomas will be dis-
tributed at the Flint College Convoca-
tion on June 4; Dearborn Campus
diplomas will be distributed at the
Dearborn Campus Graduation Exercises
on June 13. Law. School diplomas may

be called for after May 25 at Room
555 Administration Bldg.
Doctoral degree candidates who qual-
ify for the PhD degree or a simila!
degree from the Graduate School and
EXERCISES will be given a hood by
the University.
Office of Student Affairs: The stu-
dent automobile regulations will be lift-
ed for the Winter Term from 5 p.m.,
Sat., April 17, until further notice,
Summer Term Registration Assistants:
Anyone interested in working for the
Summer Term registration June 24-25
should come to 1513 Administration
Bldg. and fill out an application.
Commencement - Saturday, May 1,
1965, 10 a.m.
Time of Assembly-9:30 a.m. (ex-
cept as noted).
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 9:'15
a.m. in the Lobby, first floor, Ad-
ministration Bldg., where they may
robe. (Transportation to Stadium or
Yost Field House will be provided.)
Regents, Ex-Regents, Members of
Deans' Conference and other Admin-
istrative Officials at 9:15 a.m. in Ad-
ministration Bldg., Room 2549, where
they may robe. (Transportat ionto Sta-
dium or Yost Field House will be pro-
Students of the various Schools and
Colleges on paved roadway and grassy
field, 7ast of East Gate (Gate 1-
Tunnel) to Stadium in four columns
of two in the following order:
Section A-North side of pavement.
- -Medicine (in front).
-Law (behind Medicine).
-Dentistry (behind Law),
-Pharmacy (behind Dentistry).
-Engineering (behind Pharmacy).
-Music (behind Engineering).
Section C-On grass field in a line
about 300 South of East
-Graduate School Doctors (in front).
-Graduate School Masters (behind
-Architecture (behind Masters).
-Education (behind Architecture).
Section D-On grass field in a line
about 450 South of East.
-Natural Resources (in front).
-Nursing (behind Natural Resources)
-Business Administration (behind
-Public Health (behind Business Ad-

-Social Work (behind Public Health).
-Flint (behind Social Work).
-Dearborn (behind Flint).
Schedules of Assembly will be post-
ed on bulletin boards of appropriate
buildings. Markers will be placed at
the assembling places on Commence-
ment Day.
March into Stadium-10 a.nm.
In case of rainy weather, the Uni-
versity fire siren will be blown at in-
tervals between 8:50 and 9 a.m. indi-
cating the exercises in the Stadium
will be abandoned. Members of the
Faculties, Regents, Deans, etc., will
assemble at the same places as for the
fair weather program. Graduates will go
directly to Yost Field House at 10

a.m. and enter by the South door.
Faculty Members and University Em-
p~loyes: The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics of the University of
Micnigan extends to the Faculty and to
full-time University employes the priv-
ilege of purchasing Athletic Cards.
Those Eligible to Purchase .
1) University Faculty and AdminIs-
trative Officers.
2) Faculty members who have been re-
tired, but still retain faculty privileges.
3) Employes on the University payroll
who have appointments or contracts
on a full-time yearly basis; or, if on an
hourly basis, are full-time employes and
have been employed by the University
for a period of not less than twelve
(Continued on Page 10)

LOOKING FOR YOUNG MEN who would like a
summer job selling ice cream novelties with truck.
INTERVIEW: Michigan Union, Rm. 3B
7:00-10:00 P.M... . Monday, April 19th


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