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April 10, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-10

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Seventy-Fifth Year


Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, ici.
Truth Will Prevail 42MANRSTNNRBMi-.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

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~y 11

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
MSU Teach-In:
Reviving the Practice of Democracy

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Will U.S. Start World
War Over Viet Nam?

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Viet Nam teach-in at Michigan State
University. Half way through the pro-
gram a group of picketers protesting the
teach-in hung an American flag over
the balcony rail. Those who were spon-
soring the teach-in did nothing about it.
Because an American flag is sacred.
One is not supposed to draw down, boo or
hiss an American flag-that would be un-
democratic. Thursday's teach-in was an
act of democracy, and so the presence of
the flag was eminently appropriate.
Some one at the teach-in asked me why
I was for ending the war in Viet Nam.
I answered that I am not for ending the
war any more than I am for continuing
it. I said I realize there is something
definitely wrong with the present policy
and that something must be done about
it, but that I don't know what that some-
thing is and that's why I am here.
THAT WAS ALSO the reason why most
of the 2500 others were there. By par-
ticipating in the teach-in they were seek-
ing a chance, a democratic chance, to
find out about a particular set of alter-
natives. That a group of citizen-faculty
were giving them that chance makes me
think . the words democracy and free
speech rally mean something, that those
words are not figments of my imagina-
tion, specters out of civics books which
are never experienced in real life.
This makes my already naive mind even
more naive, for it gives me a feeling
there is still some hope.
ITEM: One of the major barriers the
organizers of the teach-in had to face
was the campus itself. MSU. is not a
completely academically-oriented cam-
pus. There are not nearly as strong poli-
tical feelings on the campus as there are
at some other schools, maybe even ours.
And yet the organizers were able to bring
out as many students as ours did.
ITEM: Many authorities on Viet Nam
call MSU the Viet Nam campus, since a
team of MSU professors spent a great
deal of time in Viet Nam three years
ago. The professors were from all differ-
ent fields, and their purpose there was to
aid and advise the Vietnamese. Of those
men, however, only one of them was a
member (the spokesman) of the Michigan
State Faculty Committee to End the War
in Viet Nam: Prof. John Donohue of the
anthropology department. The other pro-
fessors are now actively speaking on cam-
pus to uphold the United States' present
Viet Nam policies, and their influence
was no doubt felt on the campus-yet
there were still 2500 at the teach-in.
through again and rained throughout
the evening. MSU is extremely spread
out, and most of the people who attend-
ed the teach-in had to bear the elements
to get there. And that wasn't all: dur-
ing the evening they were forced outside
twice by hoax bomb scares. Each time
they stood quietly in the rain, waiting to
return for the continuation of the pro-
gram, and each time almost the entire
group did return.
ITEM: A large portion of the MSU stu-
dent body is quite socially-oriented. They
follow the in-vogue fashions of bass we-
juns and madras. The teach-in was not
in-vogue, yet the majority of the 2500
were dressed in the in-vogue. fashion:
they had gone to hear what was being
said, regardless of its social standing.
ITEM: Another problem the sponsors
of the teach-in faced was the conserva-
tism of the campus: all girls still have
11:30 weekday curfews, and a curfew ex-

tension is almost unheard of. (In the
past three years, the only other extension
was when the alumni sponsored a junior
prom.) For the administration to be will-
Alcting Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial director
JUDITH WARREN ...... .......... Personnel Director
THOMAS WEINB.RG ...........,. .. . Sports Editor
LAUREN BAHR ..........Associate Managing Editor
SCOTT BLECBH............ Assistant. Managing Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER Associate Editorial director
GAIL LIIMI*A* As Magaine Editor
LLOYD GJRAFF.............. Associate Sports Editor

ing to grant such a rare privilege was
truly a sign of hope.
available for the expression of pop-
ular opinion on any given subject of
national interest. That is one of the prin-
ciples of democracy, but not until the
teach-ins have we seen so many people
trying so fervently to influence policy so
directly. The teach-in at MSU is thus
an indication of a good trend, and it is
significant that over 50 other universi-
ties have staged similar protests and
that we have yet to see the end of these
events. There will be a national teach-
in, a march on Washington and much
(There is also implied in our tradi-
tional ways of thinking about democracy
that Presidents are servants of the peo-
ple and must answer to them at all times
about their actions. Unless the kinds of
people who are protesting our Viet Nam
policy are answered specifically and di-
rectly, those traditions will not be ful-
filled. And when President Johnson gave
a major policy speech at Johns Hopkins
University Wednesday yet did not allow
questions after his speech, he was not al-
lowing the full practice of democracy.).
Thursday's teach-in did show there is
democracy left, but it didn't make every-
thing all right.
The first speaker of MSU's program,
Prof. Stanley Millett of Briarcliff College,
opened his address by telling his audi-
ence,. "I'm ashamed of everyone here."
This completely shocked the audience:
after all, Millett was going to speak
against the present Viet Nam policy and
they were there to hear about that.
BUT MILLETT WENT ON to explain that
he had been in Viet Nam for a long
time, and upon his return had begun lec-
turing to groups of people about the
growing problem in Viet Nam. He said
that at that time the most people he
ever lectured to was 20, but all at once,
following the February 8 bombing of
Viet Nam by American planes, his audi-
ences increased to astounding sizes like
the one that was there that night.
But then he asked again what right
his listeners had to be there. They were
there, he said, because they had realized
their own lives might be involved; they
didn't really care or worry about others'
lives. And he concluded by exhorting his
listeners not to go home and pat them-
selves on the back for coming, but rath-
er to go home and start doing some-
thing about the war.
HE WAS RIGHT. The participation in
the teach-in was a heartening revival
of basic democracy, but even that wasn't
enough. There is a bus leaving, in six
days, for the April 17 march on Washing-
ton. There are still a lot of seats avail-
Third Term
DESPITE the obviously unfortunate as-
pects of the low third-term enroll-
ments being projected for the University's
first full-fledged trimester, there is at
least one genuinely exciting feature which
deserves looking at.
Due to the facts that only 2500 stu-
dents instead of an expected 6000 have
registered and that the faculty already
hired to teach will be paid to teach any-
way, it seems as if a good percentage of
classes in most schools and colleges this
summer will have student-teacher ratios

something like 1:3 and 1:4.
This amazing ratio just might make for
one of the largest-scale mass-education
experiments in the history of the Uni-
versity, if not of the nation's colleges as
a whole.
For this set-up is like something out
of an educator's dream, something that
could never in a million years be planned
deliberately, because the cost would be
too prohibitive.
The potentialities for the summer term
are infinite. Think of the individual at-
tention students will be able to receive

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Sn65. The Rcg.,w
ed Trib- Syndiu[e 4em


EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
comments were written by Prof.
Owen Lattimore of the University
of Leeds in England. Formerly of
Johns Hopkins University, Latti-
more is acknowledged world expert
on Mongolia, an expert on Chinese
Studies and a former adviser to
Chiang Kai-shek. The article ap-
peared as a letter in yesterday's
New York Times.
T HE TRAGEDY deepens. Presi-
dent Johnson's generosity and
humanity carry conviction. But he
has accepted the distorted policy
of previous administrations. Not
a word to show that the people of
North and South Viet Nam are
one people, fighting a civil war
though other nations are involved
on both sides.
Instead we are told once more
that Hanoi manipulates the Viet
Cong and Peking manipulates
Hanoi. Chinacis presented as the
Great Menace looming behind
Viet Nam, as Japan once depicted
Russia as the Great Menace loom-
ing behind China. Most fatal of
all, America is exhorted to accept
the mission,, once claimed by
Japan, to impose order in China.
Our march toward doom recalls
that of Japanain the 1930's. Then
Japan's slogan was the Co-
Prosperity Sphere-and co-pros-
perity was to be whatever Japan
said it was. Today we proclaim a
Free World-and free is to be
whatever we say is free.
THEN JAPAN had set up in
Manchuria a regime without popu-
lar support (though it fielded an
army, under Japanese advisers),
which Japan said represented the
"kingly way." Today we act from
behind a government in South Viet
Nam - which is without popular
support, though it can line up
some collaborators and can keep
an army in the field, under Amer-
ican advisers. We say it represents
the Free World.
Then Japan would not permit
reunion between Manchuria and
the rest of China because Nan-
king was "not sincere"-which
meant that it would not knuckle
under. Today we will not permit
union between North and South
Viet Nam because Hanoi has not
acknowledged that it has "got
the message"-the message to
knuckle under.
Then Japan was consolidating
Chinese nationalism under a pres-
sure that made sure that, in the
end, nationalism under Commun-
ist leadership would triumph over

nationalism without Communism.
We are doing the same thing.
Then it was essential to the
Japanese calculation that China
and Russia would not be able to
compose their differences. Today
we have made that our own cal-
Then the Japanese Government,
armed forces and university ex-
perts had more hard-fact infor-
mation about China than any
other country. They kept assuring
the world that they knew what
they were doing, that they were
saving not only China but the
rest of Asia from Communism (the
domino theory of those days), and
that other countries ought to ac-
cept Japan's judgment. But though
the Japanese based their analysis
on more known, tested, catalogued
facts than anyone else could cite,
they misunderstood what was go-
ing on and misjudged the essen-
tials that make history.
It is the same with us today.
We know the facts, we pile up the
facts, we cite the facts, we turn
on Kremlinologists and Pekinolo-
gists to expound the facts-and
yet we don't realize what's going
on, we don't know what the score
is, we are misjudging what goes
into the making of history.
IN THE END, goaded by the
failure of their creeping barrage of
bombing and terror to numb the
"lesser breeds without the law,"
the Japanese advanced to the
final escalation: they bombed an-
other country. Is that to be the
end, or the beginning of the end,
for America too?
Is the next Pearl Harbor to be
an American bombing of China?
Is that the meaning of the smooth,
cold, authoritative hypnotically
evasive voices of McGeorge Bundy,
Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara and
the imperfectly civilianized Gen.
Maxwell Taylor?
One difference between Japan
then and America now is that we
are more free to protest. We must
use that freedom. Between here
and the Pacific Coast I have
heard and read enough to know
that many have been ahead of me
in raising their voices, and many
of them are more influential than
BUT UNLESS we all unite in a
great outcry of horror, repudiat-
ing this obsessed policy of doom,
we shall not waken from the
nightmare in time.


Striving and Personal Growth

Assistant Editorial Director, 1964-1965
play "The Chairs," an Old Man
95 years old calls a meeting of
h~ s country's most important
people to deliver his final message
to the world. He and his wife of-
ficiate at the ceremony but, since
the Old Man hasn't the gift of
public speaking, they hire a pro-
fessional Orator to deliver the
Before the orator comes, the old
mean declaims: . . . and yet
it was I, I tell you, it was I and
I alone who could have saved
mankind, suffering, sick man-
kind . . . or at least I could
have spared men the ills they
have endured in the last 25
years, if only I had had the
chance to pass on my message;
I haven't given up hope of sav-
ing mankind, there is still time,
and my plan is ready . . . but
I find it so difficult to express
myself ...
Upon the arrival of the Orator,
the Old Man'and the Old Woman
jubilantly, amid confetti and
cheers, throw themselves into the
sea, knowing that the long-over-
due message to mankind will at
last be heard.
With much flourish and thea-
trical posing, theOrator prepares
to address the assembly. But it is
with horror that we discover him
a deaf-mute and the Old Man's
"message" unintelligible non-
IT IS MY FEAR that a senior
editor of The Daily writing his
"Last Glance" editorial presup-
poses, like the Old Man in Iones-
co's play, that he, too, has a
message which, could it but be
expressed, offers the salvation of

Yet surveying my last four years
at the University-one year in the
residence halls, two in apartments
,and another in cooperative hous-
ing; the people I have known at
all levels of the system; the faces
I have passed on the Diag, in the
UGLI, in the Fshbowl; the ideas
I've read in books and those I've
formulated on my own-surveying
these experiences, I am not certain
this is true. I suspect the "truths"
I have discovered have been only
personal ones, and whatever philo-
sophical insights I have gained
have little relevence outside a
small circle of intimate friends.
Yet I, too, wish to offer a last
message as an undergraduate.
John Manning, in a recent "Last
Chance" lecture, told a small
group of students the most impor-
tant thing they can do at the
University is to discover for them-
selves some integrative principle of
life by which all their experiences
can be ordered.
It's good advice. And perhaps
the opportunity to find this "in-
tegrative principle" is all one
ought reasonably to expect from
a university education.
IF I HAVE found such a prin-
ciple, it has come, not surprising-
ly, in connection with my study
of literature as an English major
at the University. Or perhaps it
is only that I found my "integra-
tive principle" best articulated in
the literature I read.
Whatever the case may be, Shel-
ley, in "A Defense of Poetry," ex-
pressed this principle well when
he wrote that poetry "awakens
and enlarges the mind itself by
rendering it the receptacle of a
thousand unapprehended com-
binations of thought" and that it
"enlarges the circumference of the
imagination by replenishing it
with thoughts of ever-new delight,
which have the power of attract-
ing and assimilating to their own
nature all other thoughts and
which form new intervals and in-
terstices whose void for ever
craves fresh food."
Here, of course, Shelley is dis-
cussing poetry. But if we sub-
stitute the word University wher-
ever he used "poetry," I think
you will discover my meaning.
FOR SHELLEY, poetry provided
a means of dealing with diversity,
of integrating it "in a thousand
unapprehended combinations of
thought" to awaken and enlarge
the mind, So too can the multiver-
sity of this University awaken and
enlarge the mind.
It can-but there is a qualifica-
tion: we, as undergraduates, must
let it. We must actively involve
ourselves in all the variety which
this University offers; we must go
out of our way to expose our-
selves to the "thousand unappre-
hended combinations of thought"
available in any number of ac-
tivities on this campus. The ac-
tivity itself is unimportant-any
one of the several hundred avail-
able will serve.
Yet as I look about me, I do
not see thousands of students
beating on the doors of student
activities centers-or even on the
door of the classroom, for that
matter. Rather, I see a gradual
but steady decline in membership
in student activities; I see a mass

"thousand unapprehended com-
b'nations of thought" but himself
n relation to them. To fail here,
undergraduates reason, would cer-
tainly be to fail, in some way, as
a human being.
BUT FAILURE itself is unim-
portant. We all fail-and we make
little failures adding up to big
ones every day. It is not failure
or success which will ultimately
make a difference to us as people;
in the long run, it is only the
striving which counts-striving on
any level of activity we decide has
relevence to us.
Looking around us in Ann Ar-
bor, we can see that this campus
offers some good examples of un-
afraid and unheeded striving:
-Everywhere the University is
reaching out for more than it
can possibly grasp: each year it
admits thousands -of students it
cannotrealistically hope truly to
-Of the thousands of men paid
to try to teach in the classroom,
perhaps a handful fully compre-
hend what the verb "to teach"
really means;
-The Honors English Program,
in my own experience, places a
high premium on scholarship-but
rarely produces it or the "honor
students" to which its curriculum
is geared;
-Student Government Council,
aspiring like other activities to-
ward excellence, has neither the
power nor the ability to govern
-A group of student-faculty
committees established two years
ago as a "first step" towards full
student-faculty government pro-
duced but limited results in its
first year of existence and was
abandoned the next;
-A course description booklet,
sponsored by seven student organ-
izations, undertook to describe cri-
tically as many undergraduate
courses as possible; what success
the booklet achieved was limited
to a description of 53 courses;
-Campus fraternities and sorori-
ties promise the ideal of "brother-
hood" or "sisterhood," but, I am
led to believe, are only minimally
-And this newspaper, which
strives to be a newspaper and
ever-so-much-more, reaches its
goal with but sporadic success, as
anyone who reads it with some
regularity can tell you.
THERE IS, on this campus, fail-
ure all about us. But to my way
of thinking, all that is unimpor-
tant: it is not the doing of some-
thing or the doing of something
well, but the doing, the involve-
ment that counts.
I would be the lastyperson to
claim that our society or this
University is built on failure. But
I would be the first to assure
you that neither is it built on
timidity and fear. Rather, it is
and must be, like all other things,
built on unafraid, unheeding striv-
ing, the reaching-after those
"thousand unapprehended com-
binations of thought" available in
such abundance here.
And the most and the best we
can do as undergraduates is to
expose ourselves fully to the pro-
cess, to !seek out those combina-

nightmare in time.

In Defense
Of Quad Living

I AM NEARING the end of a
wonderful year in the residence
hall system and feel it is about
time someone come to the defense
of quadrangle life. Frankly I am
tired of listening to people tell
me quad living conditions are in-
tolerable. I have found the quad
a great place to live.
It is a perfect place for un-
winding after a tense day of
classes. All the guysthave a great
sense of humor. I recall one day
when the boy across the hall
"dropped trou" and mooned the
The quadrangle is exciting as
well. Shortly after I moved in,
someone on the floor above me
dropped a bomb blowing out seven
windows in the first floor dining
All kinds of thrilling things go
on at night. One high spirited boy
recently blew off a string of 100
firecrackers in front of my house-
mother's door at four in the morn-
This is to say nothing of the
countless wastebaskets full of
water that have been poured un-
derneath doors,' the innumerable
"swirlies," the time someone
dumped buturic acid into the ven-
tilating system or the guy who
flipped a lighted cigarette butt
into the mail chute-incinerating
the contents of the mailbox.
I have found quadrangle resi-
dents to possess a good sense of

maturity, and so has the admin-
istration : students are given the
maximum freedom consistent with
the need for law, order and
morality. Thanks to a liberal policy
on open-opens I am allowed to
entertain a girl in my room three
hours a month.
This same maturity has been
responsible for a fine system of
student government through the
Inter-Quadrangle Council. In my
house, for example, a fine young
man ran unopposed and was elect-
ed to IQC through our democratic
ballotting procedures.
This boy is clear-thinking and
has firm political convictions. He
believes, for example, that the
United States government should
sell the post office, give the east-
ern United States postal rights to
General Motors and the Western
states rights to American Tele-
phone and Telegraph. With in-
dividuals like this, it is easy to
see why IQC is what it is today.
Thanks to the boys above me
who wrestle, the guy on one side
who is typing the great American
novel and the guys on the other
side who play Shostakovitch and
Beattle records all day, I get a
lot of homework done every even-
It's advantages like these that
have endeared the quad to me.
over the past year. In fact, if I
could afford next year's fee hike
and they weren't adding a third
guy to my double room, I would
be living in the quad again next


JF THE STUDENT'S life at the
University both within and
without the classroom is to stim-
ulate him to make maximum use
of his abilities and maximum
contribution to society, he must be
considered a participating mem-
ber of a "community of scholars,"
with responsibilities and oppor-
tunities commensurate with his
He should be expected to par-
ticipate fully in decisions affecting
his welfare. He should help to
formulate, uphold and enforce the
rules by which he is to live in
the University community. He
should work with faculty and ad-
ministration for the broad wel-
fare of the University, tempering
his self-interest to the common
He should be free to question, to
decide, to act on his decisions, and
he should be expected to assume
responsibility for his conduct.
WITHOUT SUCH freedom and
correlative responsibility he can-

Folk Festival Of f
To Smashing Start
WHAT DID IT TAKE to get the Fifth Annual Folk Festival off to
a roaring start? Two guitars, one mouth-harp, one set of drums
and one piano set the Union Ballroom into orbit last night as Mike
Bloomfield's Rhythm and Blues Band ventured forth from its native
environment of Chicago South-Side bars and brought scores of dancing
couples to their feet with a wild and wooly display of instrumental
and vocal competence rarely found in more popular "Rock-and Roll"
Bloomfield's lead guitar soared into unbelieveably intricate solos,
and Charley Musselwhite's wailing blues harp moaned out its soul-tones
in accompaniment, but unfortunately, neither harp nor piano managed

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