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Inexperience ,Plagues
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second and last article analyzing
the race for the Big Ten tennis
Although pre-season opinion
rates Michigan, Indiana, and
Northwestern as the teams to
beat in the race for the tennis ti-
tle, several other squads could
prove to be nuisances for the big1
But nearly all the other squads
share the problem of inexperi-
ence. Graduation hit hard and
often, putting a heavy load on
players who have not yet been;
tested in pressure situations.
Michigan State, which finish-
ed a distant fourth in the race
last year, lost three starters by
graduation including their num- 1
ber one man Tom Jamieson, but;
the Spartans have a powerhousej
in their experienced juniors and
Dwight Sheldon is a likely bet to
nail down the number one spot,
as he played number two singles
all last year. Behind him will be
senior Charlie Wolff who is also
a two year monogram winner,
Behind Wolff will be Laird1
Warner, an outstanding junior
whose play pleased Coach Stan
Drobac quite a bit last season.
The next player in the State
lineup should be Dave Click, a
senior, who lettered last year.
Rounding out the Spartan squad
are senior Bill Bremer and jun-
ior Mike Youngs.
The Spartans appear to have
the experienced players, but they
will have to play top flight tennis
all season if they expect to break
into the top three.
Illinois is another team that
was raked with graduation losses,
as they lost their number one,
four, five, and six players from
last year's team that wound up
seventh in the conference.
Tom Bauer, who played number
two all last season, will spear-
head the Illini attack. Bauer's 11-
10 record was the only winning
record on last year's team ,and
he was eliminated by Northwest-
ern's Clark Graebner in the tour-
ney last year.
Hoops to Nets
Behind Bauer are Steve Sim-
ons, a junior from Highland Park,
Ill. John Sisson, a two year let-
terman ,and Jim Dawson, start.
ing guard on the Illini basket-
ball team.
Sophomore Jerry Johnson, from
Olney, Ill., will probably fill out
the fifth spot, and the last slot
will be filled by one of several
Coach Bob Lansforad realistic-
ally admits, "We might have trou-
ble equaling last year's mark, be-
cause of our heavy graduation
Wisconsin finished fifth in last
year's race but they too were
severely hurt by graduation.
Heading up the Badger lineup will
be senior Tom Oberlin who letter-'
ed last year. Right behind him is
expected to be senior Gary Kirk.
Paul Bishop of Skokie, Ill., is
expected to give the other two a
run for their money in the race
for the top three spots.
Depend on Sophs
Other than these three experi-
enced players, Wisconsin will have
to rely on several sophomores to
take up the slack in their lineup.
This inexperience will be a ma-
jor obstacle in the Badgers' bid
to advance in the standings.
Purdue, last year's Big Ten
tennis version of the Mets have,
several men returning, but this
s Cleaners
Tennis Foes
still might not get them out of
the cellar, in a conference that
appears just as strong as last year.
Junior Wayne Svoboda is a like-
ly bet for the number one spot as
he played number two last year,
winning 12 while losing 16. Bruce
Brodie, the only senior on this
'year's team, and junior Eric
Schmidt will be right on his tracks
for the next two spots. Brodie is
a two year letterman, but he had
an 8-16 mark last year.
The most promising of the
sophomores is Don Stone from
Columbus, Ohio. Other spots are
still indoubt among several jun-
iors who won minor letters last
year ,and several sophs.
Pick Walls
For Captain
Michigan's swimming team chose
freestyler Rich Walls to be cap-
tain of the 1965-66 squad last,
night at the annual swimming
Walls replaces Ed Bartsch, who
led the team to a third place fin-
ish in the NCAA meet and a sec-
ond in the Big Tens.
"It's a great honor to say the
least,' 'the captain-elect remark-
ed after the banquet. He com-
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mented that Michigan should have'
one of the best teams in the na-
tion next season.
As a swimmer, Walls placed
ir 'e finals of three individual
events in the Big Tens and was
on the second place freestyle re-
lay team. Later, in the finals of
the NCAA meet, Walls anchored
the 400-yard freestyle relay team
which finished third, and set a
new varsity record.
by Bill Bullard
Lewn Alcind or,
Please Come Back
Big Lew Alcindor was in town last weekend. The Tl" giant,
being touted as the greatest "big man" to come out of high school
basketball since Wilt Chamberlain, was trying to decide which college
to attend next fall.
I only had a brief chance to shake Big Lew's hand. I didn't
say a word to him. But if I had the chance, I could only tell Lew
what he was hearing from Coaches Strack, Skala, Jorgensen, the
basketball teami, students, alumni, and just interested townsfolk.
And that was: come to Michigan Big Lew and you'll never regret it.
I came to Ann Arbor four years ago thinking that there was an
almost unlimited opportunity for each entering student to achieve
something individually meaningful. All my experiences in the short
four years of my undergraduate education have tended to confirm
this expectation. Michigan's success in athletics, an over-all record
not matched by any other school in the country, is only the most
obvious example of this.
But all over the several campuses, activity is going on unceasingly.
Some of this activity is well publicized. Much of it is unknown but
to a few. All have one thing in common: human beings are trying
to achieve something. It may be "beating" another team in an
athletic contest, seeking improvement in one of the performing arts,
doing research in a laboratory, gaining insights in a class room, or
dedicating yourself to a student activity.
I like to call this pursuit of excellence. Because of the
efforts of such a multitude of people in such a diversity of
activities I think Michigan excels in more areas than does any
similar institution in the world. Because of this, I think the
University is unique.
Because athletics are so interesting to so many people and is
therefore so well publicized, an athlete entering school here has a
bigger opportunity than most to contribute to the Michigan tradition.
Big Lew, for example, with the help of his future teammates could
guarantee the continuance of the championship basketball tradition
started by Bill Buntin and Cazzie Russell.
Crisler Era Ends .,.
The future that Lew and other potential freshmen would see here
contains significant events. There era of Athletic Director H. O.
(Fritz) Crisler will soon be over. Crisler, recognized as the leading
spokesman for college athletics in this country, reaches the Univer-
sity's mandatory retirement age of 70 early in 1969. Speculation as
to Crisler's successor has already begun and will continue until a
replacement is chosen.
Under Crisler, Michigan's winning tradition of Fielding H. Yost
the first Athletic Director, has been maintained and expandedi.
Excellence has been achieved in Michigan's championship football
and basketball teams as well as in all the so-called "minor sports."
At the same time a high sta'ndard of adherence to the rules and
spirit of college athletics has been set and met. Crisler's loss will
leave a vid that will take a big man to fill.
Fortunately, there exists within the Michigan community a
highly qualified group of candidates. Included on this list are
coaches here who have had experience in broader concerns of
college athletics than their individual sports such as Don Canham
and Bert Katzenmeyer. Athletic Directors like Iowa's Forest
Evashevski, Indiana's Bill Orwig, Wisconsin's Ivy Williamson
and Delaware's Davey Nelson (who is also head football coach
and a member with Crisler of the Football Rules Committee of
the NCAA) fit the bill. Also add Don Lund, Detroit Tiger base-
ball executive, who was one of the most respected men ever to
coach here.
One name has been left out. This is the name of Bump Elliott.
I have saved Elliott for last since he is the obvious choice that
comes to most minds. Elliott, in the most competitive college sport,
has built a championship team and hopefully the return to a winning
tradition from virtually nothing. In doing so he has acquired skills
that make him stand out in any kind of consideration. A head
football coach is a coach but also the administrator of a big-time
operation. This experience plus his character which compels respect
from his players and all others who meet him would make the
! choice of Elliott a sure thing if it weren't for the high qualification
of some of the other candidates which deserve consideration.
In any event, Crisler will retire from an active role and another
will take his place. The Michigan tradition will live on because of
the men who are carrying on and who will carry on Michigan's
athletic program. But problems will continue. The increasing trend
towards professionalism in intercollegiate athletics is growing. Crisler
has been an effective fighter to stem the tide. Recent indications
such as the almost national scope of the "letter of intent" which
eliminates some of the worst aspects of recruiting, give hope for
keeping college sports free from the taint of professionalism.
Plant Expansion .
The most pressing athletic needs remains plant expansion. While
the casual observer is satisfied with the progress of the new basket-
ball arena which is due to be completed in two years, other long
standing needs are being neglected. As the student population grows,
new intramural facilities are called for on north campus as well
as at the athletic campus. (The present Sports Building was built
in 1928 when University enrollment was 9,000.) Other needs period-
ically reported by the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
include a new hockey rink, an outdoor Olympic-size swimming pool,
and new and larger facilities for physical education. This summer
fiber glass seats are being installed in Michigan Stadium and the
outdoor track at Ferry Field is being modernized and given an all-
weather surface.
But despite the progress in plant expansion represented by the
new basketball arena, any other major additions may not be possible
under present circumstances. The athletic budget may not be able
to do much more than cover the constantly rising operating ex-
penditures plus the debt service on the basketball arena. Certainly
the total need will not be met from funds of the Athletic Department
The Athletic Department has three sources from which to
acquire the added funds needed for plant expansion: students,
alumni, and the University. Students have already been hit hard
by ticket prices and shouldn't be asked to bear a larger burden
of the cost of plant expansion. Alumni could perhaps be induced
to contribute to an annual fund raising drive but the threat of
alumni interference in athletic policy should hold off this alter-
native untilall other possibilities have been eliminated.
The University could provide funds in two ways. First, the
Regents could raise the athletic fee taken out of each students' tuition
and transferred to the athletic budget. This fee has not been increased
in recent years despite numerous tuition increases. As athletic costs
and plant expansion needs rise, it seems only reasonable for the
University to allocate a larger share of money per student to the
athletic department.
Second, the University could take over some of the costs of the
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