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April 16, 1965 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-04-16

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(Continued from Page 1) The general consensus of mem- lege, but I thinki
sophomore students will be re- bers of the Residential College college should be rea
quired to take what are tentative- Faculty Committee indicates opti- nomous. Because th
ly called "Freshman and Sopho- mism about the direction the de- lege faculty made
more Seminars," consisting of velopment of the residential col- ing decisions, such
critical reading and evaluation of lege has taken. out' their facultya
text, with much writing required, "We see a unique chance for college instructors ir
so as to perfect his handling of experimentation within a small ing a separate facu
the language, develop his ability college, and I think our commit- that the proposedc
to think critically, and make ef- tee would like to move faster to- an integral part of
fective use of the library. ward the realization of our indi- college.
Trial Runs vidual and general goals," Prof. Another A
"It is planned that we will Bradford Perkins of the history Another aspect, w
make experimental trial runs of department said. be considered, is th
these sorts of courses in the Valued by Committee fessional school off
Pilot Project during the coming "This residential college means the liberal arts pro
year," Thuma said. a lot to everyone on the commit- ground for admis
The Faculty Planning Commit- tee, so as we strive to perfect it schools, so the resid
tee is now considering the various we've got to realize that progress program should b
major programs of study which towards its completion will take concern, not just t.
may be offered. Tentatively these much time," Eriksen added. erary college," Hen
are of two kinds: This college is to be as far Prof. Lawrence
-A major in a discipline, such away from routine as possible, but the zoology departr
as philosophy, mathematics, his- because of its experimental na- the present stageo
tory and ture, one of our concerns is find- in the college's cur
--An interdisciplinary major ing a way of transferring into the forms to his orig
which will crosscut departments outer world," Prof. James Meisel "There's a possibili
or even their major divisions. of the political science depart- crystallize into s
Subcommittees of the Commit- ment, said. but as of now it's
tee are now at work on the core Prof. Donald Brown of the expected," he said.
curriculum and will soon consult psychology department o n c e "The architectu
with chairmen of departments thought that a state university to be built aroundV
and members of the faculty who didn't have a chance for academ- ed, and the archit
indicated an interest in planning ic freedom, but "since I joined the posing their conce
the curriculum. faculty committee, I don't think Slobodkin added.
Government Planning that anymore," he said. "I just, Cites G
While the Faculty Committeee joined the University faculty this "My goals for t
has worked on curriculum, the year, but I was very willing to college have rema
Student Advisory Committee has come because the residential col- lduring its course of
been engaged in planning a com- lege idea attracted me. After Prof. Alan T. Ga
munity government for the resi- being involved in the Mellon EglIan d.rtm
denialcolege a oncpt hic IEnglish departmer
dential college, a concept which Study at Vassar College, I realize goals are to help i:
involves student participation in the value of a small experimental- of an academic cor
legislation and policy making. ly-oriented college in a large uni- the 'common' life
The students have worked out the versity," Brown commented. what more signific
major elements in their plan, Still Optimistic ed than is present;
which will be submitted to the "Today I am as optimistic as I where educationa li
Faculty Committee for approval was when we began our work. be more easily ir
or modification and eventual Ideas always change when actual- judged than isc
submission to appropriate admin- ly working with bricks, mortar, case," he said.
istrative officers in the Univer- and money, but our goal of the "I entered this a
sity. residential college hasn't been some feeling that
Administrative, procedures to compromised and I don't feel it debate about the fe
be followed in recruitment of fac- will be. Nothing has so far alter- college had involv
ulty for the residential college ed the direction of our develop- sentimental attach
both from within and without ment," Brown said. notion that qua
the University have been ap- Dr. Frederick Wagman, director automatically was
proved by the Planning Commit- of University libraries, is involved small numbers and
tee, Dean William Haber of the only in library planning for the faculty ratio. I felt
literary college, and the Executive residential college. "From the er openness to n
Committee and submitted to de- progress in this area I see the outside the range
partment chairmen. The prin- college library as very adequate, lar experience, was
ciple involved is that members' inviting, a comfortable place, and said.
of the residential college faculty an aid to the academic instruction Changesl
will be appointed by the depart- involved in students' education," "Changes in my
ments of the literary college and he said. e aboutdto

a residential uated in clear daylight. For ex- the direction of the residentialI

change when we get
costs," Brown said.

asonably auto- ample, in drawing up a prelimin-
he literary col- ary set of specifications for a
some restrict- classroom and offices building, we
as 'farming found it necessary to redefine for
as residential ourselves what we thought a lib-
nstead of hav- eral education should be and
.lty, it appears should involve (what does a hall-
college will be way do, educationally? should a
the literary receptionist be interposed be-
tween student and teacher? how
%spect large is 'too large' for a lecture
which ought to hall-and what does one 'do' in
hat other pro- such a place? what does a sem-
faculty rely on inar 'do' in a seminar room? what
gram as back- is to be the relationship between
sion to their the teacher's research areas and
ential college's the other places where he meets
e all facultys' students?)," Gaylord added.
hat of the lit- Prof. Michel Benamou of the
nderson added. French department says that his
Slobodkin of concept for the residential col-
ment says that lege has been altered. "My orig-
of development inal goal was to see the pro-
rriculum con- posed institution as a real hu-
ginal concept. manities college; it was to be
ty that it may specialized, not a microcosm of
omething else, the present literary college. At
as good as I first I saw no possibility for
science majors," he said.
al plans seem Science Majors?
what we want- I "Now I see the feasibility of
ects aren't im- having science majors, but what
ptions on us," the college needs is strengthened
humanities. I also thought at
oafs first that this college could have
he residential what requirements it wanted, but
ined the same now it appears as if they will be
development," geared to those of the literary
ylord of the college," he added.
nt said. "Mo Prof. Wayne Hazen of the
in the planning physics department feels that one
mmunity where purpose for the residential college
can be some- is to improve physics courses, and
antly integrat- he sees this as being the case in
ly possible and the college's present development.
innovation can Prof. Allen Shields of the
ntroduced and mathematics department, a n d
currently the Richard Wellman of the law
school said that other activities
ssignment with have diverted them from full
t the original participation on the faculty com-
easibility of the mittee and are therefore not
ed an overly capable of commenting on its
ment to the progress or their changes in ideas.
lity education "As far as I can tell from my
one employing limited participation on the com-
a low student- mittee, I still am optimistic in
an even great- that the residential college is po-
ew ideas, even tentially an answer to the ques-
of our particu- tion of how to accommodate a
called for," he large number of people in an edu-
cational environment," Wellman
Ideas said.

college's development as it was
first planned.
"The only administrative pres-
sure has been to 'get things
done.' This meant concentrating
on the buildings first, and we
found it hard to design buildings
because we didn't know what
curriculum and m e t h o d s of
teaching would be employed with-
in them," Thuma said.
"Our committee hasn't felt ad-
ministrative pressures because we
were given functional autonomy,"
Newcomb said. "The administra-
tion has reminded us of finances,
but its main concern is for us to
work faster toward the reality of
t h e residential college," he
"The administration has only
given us support. Maybe this will

"The administration has been
delicate in giving their opinions.
We haven't bumped into financ-
ing, which is where we may feel
the pinch. But, now in the plan-
ning stage, I do not feel any in-
terference," Slobodkin said.
At the University's Dearborn
extension two members of the
F a c u 1 t y Planning Committee
were not able to comment on the
residential college's development.
Prof. Carl Cohen of the philoso-
phy department was not available
for comment because he is on
leave ofnabsence at the University
of Illinois. Prof. Allan Emery of
the chemistry department said
that he hasn't been a committee
member long enough to comment
on its work.

to actualI


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thinking have
my education

will hold their teaching title in
the department.
Work Part-Time
"It is anticipated that most of
the faculty will hold part-time
appointments for a specified term
in the residential college and will
be known as Fellows of the Resi-
dential College," Thuma said. The
length of the term and other con-
ditions of the appointments will
be determined in individual cases
by mutual agreement between the
department,' the administration of
the residential college, and the
individual concerned.
"We hope to have a sufficient
number of buildings constructed
on the site and to begin a fresh-
man class by the fall of 1967.
This assumes that everything runs
smoothly, that architects' draw-
ings can be readied in time to
ask for bids in the late fall of
1965, that construction proceeds
without difficulties, and above
all, that money becomes available
in time," Thuma added.
In his report Thuma also says
that the Faculty Planning Com-
mittee is undecided whether it
will try to start with a freshman
class in one' of the existing cam-
pus dormitories in the fall of
1966. If buildings are not ready
by the fall of 1967, the residen-
tial college might begin in an
existing campus building at that
time and move into the.new build-
ings sometime later during the
, academic year 1967-68.

"I, too, am very hopeful nowf
for my goal for the residential
college," Dr. Stephen Kaplan of
the psychology department, said.
His goal involves a situation in
which students are actively con-
cerned with academics and in
which they are encouraged to be
Outlines Goals;
Prof. Algo Henderson, director
of the center for Study of Higher
Education and consultant to the
faculty committee, outlines his
goal for the college as a .program
of intimate relationships be-
tween students and faculty. Be-
cause the college will be a small
residential unit, there will be the
advantages o f student-faculty,
faculty-faculty, and student-stu-
dent relationships.
"The ideal factors contained in
such an institution are its resi-
dential aspect and the fact that it
will 'break up' this huge Univer-
sity. Education will be individual-
ized, and the possibility for a
self-contained nucleus of faculty
appears possibly evident," Hen-
derson said.
"Decisions have been made to
keep the residential college in-
tact with the present literary col-
[- - --_________

as a committee member and
planner. Dreams had to be eval-

No Pressures
The entire faculty committee
agreed that there have not been
administrative pressures to alter



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