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March 31, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…. a ' t. ail . Vol- II.-No. PH% UNIViERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ti'III'ISL)AY, MAH"(1II :1, IS1tO. Revised Class Schedule. Ihe lias Ibal~l cIo Ilmm ilte ()f ile- Atltcl i iltllatlte I i Cii holiltlastevening wih thelmlna teas 1o nm tlt thIelshetill) Ill sIlilhtl-,maingSt1111datesilaIlfew lays late 1,1so 'th t ti l t e slwho werlmell II AIthe Glee aillBanjo '9; lit.I 'iheIfNlluingisl the sched- Mo da , a 'I2,( 1 Ill2llt VS1. 43 lwcampus. >1 lillIl...…

March 30, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…s f of / 4 I , ' a . Vol'. 11.-No. 1:,(). UNIVERSITY OF M1IC11IGAN, WI)N "SlA Y, MA ICI[o, 1892. TrHE WA'EBSTER SOCIETY. oie the pseople must be capable ev'eryrociotin."' M1r. Iepew thell ot self cos-erislent andi be imbued introduced Edwaril IHenry Warren, Second Public Entertainment. ____ s;i a spirit of self-dependence. 'g5,of II arcard , whoi opened the lie- )II ii '' asI ~ll i st t iiiitcc I is the neg;ro dloes not liace. it bats'. '"...…

March 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…c I ' i i* AL T Voi- .-- O. 129. Porter on the Census. This secouui if the Political Sci- Mice ser'ies of lectures seas (lelir- ercal last evensing ins silsersi tV Halt 17y' II us Robert 1'. orter, supersin - tenient of the renuis bureau, ini a iii >5t pleasing and ledlifyinig audress us' "Sisise Resuilts of the last Ccci- '1} Thereirere abousit twselve _ 11111:sl ecupeopltete reset asdithtiuri;t his susbjectuwas "dul , cteadl i - 1 si " .'...…

March 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…iJtI.o fU. Walp. VOL. II.--NO. 12-S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARICHI2S,1 92. HENRY H. RAGAN'S LECTURE. I for the regular annual meeting of _____--the Association }.,to present the ac- One of the Finest of t he S. C. A. series. ' costs of the Association for audit- iog as prescribed in sectioni 2 of sivt sits IHall was weitll e article l\'. It shall also bse his cit eveds ni iing to listen to thic to s1in all orders upothte Treasure...…

March 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…i je i .of , n. mlaIjj. VOL. I.-NO. 127;. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, SATt:RI)AY, M'ARCHI 2(, 189f2. PRICF, THitFEI CENTS. In-Dour Athletic Meet. andi honors wvere quite etenlyd(iriiiet. one in twentr for their whole sums- r OF YOUR - 1 Thle meni clinched frequentiy to ber. When the three literary classesCIYBAG lit as I sicnti1snuen a themselves. ''lie secoiii[ roiudl'fuirnishs fifteeni canidiates eacht the U iIt wt'tii estsoe vt u air clear...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…11$/ItOt Al . Wiziljj. Voi,. IL-No. 12 6). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 1-IDLIAY, IA 1tCII 2-5, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Harvard Base Bat!t. \\Win-ans, Hot. Don ll.1 )ickinson manifested by the stuideints, are tand IH[n.Geo. L. Vaple and thaitgrowving seaker and less important, \nililthlaticaedlestt ae beent ecr. of them had acceptedth le itt5 I antI nnless a ce-action occuirs, wsll I Caion to attend. At present tite3= soonigounuder, carryini...…

March 24, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…VoiL. I[--No. 125. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN,'I'1IRSDAY, MARCH 24>, 192. PIC, THRiEE CENTS. president McLaughin's Message, his products, and all artificial leis- Choral Union Amendments. ( OF (YOUR - - ruuitesn. lation has beeis ineffectual in mater- prreosed flr'TY TT BADGE { / Esen if. the adrmitiine of raws'ially increasing the wool raising ielsinl- OC pi~ Ote UR Ianendimens swhichi sill lbe votell Orl 10 wool, free of dots stwould injure the ...…

March 23, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…'Ij e U'. of LU . Wiaip . ?or,..1.-No. 12. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WFA)NESI), ARCI 2:;, 1892. presidenlt McLaugliin's Message. secures corruption, and, whlile I free list. The tinie seenis to havis lieMok o'ies o sh Inies Sotis woiilvd not hy any word insinuate( conic for a much frer idimittanc e i'po yor asemlingin ece- that the present Congress tias so of mianufa ctuired woolenstint if the lat anmtedt o cran mn iuch as 'fl temp tatioii t...…

March 22, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…Ij IVI of $U. Walip. VOL. IL1-No. 128 . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TU'ESIDAY, MARICH 22, 1 92. PRICE, THRENE{CENTS. Mock House of Representatives. J liarities of this, one of the imost stik- Cap and Gown at Harvard. r OF YQS At last evening''s session the ye- ,fae nhsor. te scey A R. Crandell, clhairnman of the oT~~ o l ptilican snenmherso h os adte apeowasrsfl itilsaetof( Harsaril senior class (day conmmittee, cmesot i ulfre rprd to ad te a...…

March 21, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…e . a AX; Wailjj. VOL. 1I.-No. 1'2) Athletic Board Meeting. The Athletic Btoard met Saturdayj mrrning inl AlphainNi. lall. The trreaurer reporteil 53g73-43 oiihand. commliunicatioin friiin1 the 792'S lrISe-ball maunager uwns referred to tIconcseihallicommittee, wiho wiill ((Isdwiithie rMairiers ofithlie cllsta sillregiri t Iiithe sciedli . She Adv lisrt oard wa s tll senl(! iwl.aun thei things,-lthatI rlittiilte shioildibetic 1imeiniitto rvs...…

March 18, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…i~.of fU1. Weiitpu. VOL. 1.-NO. 12). Oratorical Contest. UNIVERSITY OF MICHI1GAN~, PFRIDAY, MARCH. 18,1S92. _ - i.__. CONWAY COACHING THEM. Track Athletic Records. 31 i C' ' I l { r. }il 1 l t, Ikhe seconil annuial conitest of thte ;university of Michigan Boys Pro- '!The collegiate and iiitercollegiate' 1 of N. (Ii atorical AssociationIs oaring for the Diamond. rcords as dleterminedl'by the Inter- aes place i15 1 iviersit IHalllthis _e...…

March 16, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…1,c . a A, Votl'.I-No. INis. The Thought News Ihis pultication groxN-s out of (t ide that soime professors in t -ii tisite hold anl Irv to teacr gidi s ews interpcretation of tl i sic11 mthoditof 1pub)lsiction.T [t)Boiongi' anounceent csourern ii UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, '"J. EINSi)AY, MARICHIIlt,192. the thought side. The cuterpieisti the dlirection of a coolll sit asd prom pled by an inqtuirs-cmosvemient tpractical astronomer. t!centerin";...…

March 15, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…. of , .1. la l . VOL. IL.-No. 117. CLASS BASE-BALL CHAMPION- SHIP. The Schedule and Rulesas Arranged by Ithe Base-Ball Cornmittee. 'The sclicdn1(11Of liamuesfor the (,lasbase-ball (11iam piolislip of the reiIrsi te will he (com1muenedelmi1 W, luesdvr April i . The four iou sll(of the literary iii prlirrlllt th°t Nilde ite li soulio sh t~l te prfessonal epa has(' de-i lilrq iu the IImelis idet ,! ltrak-c 1m 1(1 lia t (illur- Ill I or te lioe...…

March 14, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…'Ije IV.of ~n. Wail p. VOL. 1.-No. li6. The Contest Debate. j The ilelsate-Saturday evening be- tween the gntlemen representing Prof. Trueblood 's senior and junior law classes in Elocution and OIra- toreysvas a most interesting one. The lecture room was confortably siled andth le eiitlhusiastic audience cxcelied the Philadelphia Clover Cultb in interpolating bright tliotights, sit and raillery istso the: eloquent UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MO...…

March 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…NOW of VOL.. ItI-No. I115. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, SATURDAY, MARICR 12, 1892. Glee and Banjo Club Concert.I A University of Michigan Camera ___Club. The Inlander. A very smnalaudience greeted the i nw;it1ot o TihicNfarchIn81nlandler was 1111onciii j it ,Ice and Batnjo CluhiilaIst evening, Asaoeietle this mtorning, at the hook-stores oil the occasion of thlir irsit appearo-' Cnii and at thie.Uiversity. It is oiie of apa-Such organizatio...…

March 11, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…le . of Alt. W1i i p. Vo,..1I.-NVo. 1 14. O0ratorical contest. UNIVERSITY OF MICH-IGAN, FRIDAY, AIRCII Ili2 ...... ..... I Glee and Banjo Club. Democratic Society. in se osters are 5new out for the 1 Tie U'niversity Glee an(1 1anjo Ilast esensig thelDemiocratic soci- I II secndi annual scontest of the (Ora- (Clusivase their eighth aninual son- niey held its regular iioiuiliy itteetitig in ( ii Assocniattionii Alii iinusual cert attliver...…

March 10, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…VOL.. IL-No. .1.13. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISDAY, AIARiI' 10, 1592. PRICE, TEE 'vCENTS. Webster Society. Choral Union at the Columbian Es- Prof. Harper on the University of ( OF YOUR - ___position. Chicago. OU 201 1T7 BADGE I rP\cstrScit shllws Llhirteen of the 'IX ci hI sair lsThe sork on the two pioneer n n cowd(ed last evening by an audience micial directors, among whlomtws ibuildins of the university of Ci- slliiiswas weli enteritiiie...…

March 09, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

… Al1. W1aijj. VoL,. II.-No. I1i2. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARICHII91892. AttentioS Western College Jour- nerthatshowec himi to bcetiioroiughly programnme for these new subijects eats. conversant with the world's history ;tile Association reconmmends that vieI fllowing journals of theadgfd wtaflwlnuae the tinle atllotedi to arithnsetic, grog- 0U R weser Ci sIoliege Press-Associ tio s ht few possess. Elegance of fini rapihy, and En...…

March 08, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…. of In, Vol-.II.-No. L. ii1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAIN, ItITESi)AY, iilfRil 8, 1892. PitIoF, TFRisno CEtNTS7. ,rIMnek House of Representatives. Middy aisd a Senorita.'' rie wellii other Universities. fetwOenty-fise ___-constructed plot sparkles switlt sra- different papers hasve flourished it Prof. ltci auglilin, at the request nimatic activity andi vividly ltortrays a tldifferent tisues, tlhe first one to be of the Ihouse gave a fewv sord...…

March 07, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…~Ij a.Of ~n. Wa~Ijj. VOL. 11:-No. 119. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MIONDAY, MARII _"r, 1892. Senior Lit; Cilass Meetnw. graduiating from Andover T'heologi- A bill a ainst the old Base-Ilall1 cat Seminary in 186i3 In tSHo he A ssociation, contracted in 1889),was Sa turt.ay morning the Senior Ills. f(U. heldan nthsiatic meeing was made professor of itoiiilties ini presented. IThis presenting of old OJ1 th~e sanie seminary after having filled til...…

March 05, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…liekh tO~fA . alj VOL. 1I.-No. 109. UNIVERSITY OF.MICIGAN, SAT-RDAY, MARCHIL5, 1892.-PsI'Ec, Tnrisi CENTS. Excursion to Detroit te theis being nmostly those alleged slightest little silk skull cap tat ittad r O .F YOUR 20 ietaoth fhunorous selections whiiih a'te al-hium lie a bald head bt over his bos { dearlyzostdnsabu$o£j this wili and storms-tossed bag boiletl Qpp SOCETY BADGE iwhich were '"co-eds'"a suosnpder0 o nthdese.Iup in the most iwo...…

March 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Ijc I~. of Al. Wailjj. VOL. 1.-No. 1 08. BASE-BALL ENTERTAINMENT. A Grand Success. Las evening an audience nnmber- iieg about r, goo persons assembled i n University 1-all to see the much adlvertised entertainment given for the benefit of the base-ball nine. Many in tir audience, no doiibt, sent for siveet Charity's sake, and lidi not expert that She affair wvonld UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FIIDAY, iMARICHII,11 2 belated ''SophtsshIey svere he....…

March 03, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…e i. of Am,1 m1Il Ip VOL. II.-No. 1017. U. A ciollede Education Attacked From a Business Po nt of View. NLVERSITY OF MlIHIGAN, THIURSDAY, MARIII , 1S92. Damacratic Society. Base Ball. IAn enthusiastic meeting of the At a special nmeetiug, Tuesday, in II .A boy is not educateil when he D emsocratic society was hield last Ial pha Ni hall, the Athletic B3oard leaves college aec more thain a eveniug in the lawe lecture coons. disiussedl sev...…

March 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…lie of 4 fl. rnai jj. Vos.. 11.-No. 1.6 BASE BALL BENEFIT. A Splendid Entertainment to Given To-morrow Night. flie sale of seats has snot sects great as tie imaitagemtiiof 1to-il 'l5slitois has rtasoii to tape perhaps msany wsilllnot get tit ickttsutl tileiiigiit of tihe sho '.111 it is thiat a bettert lprotgram 1 iip'bellarangedsherin't}earsils. suit eonisyishilfisasiairieditot silbegod.Inlies oifithe f ithati. tI (tsils edatrt tolie apli lo...…

March 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…XVts 11-o 0. UNIVERSITY OF, MIC1IIGAIS FbSi) XX', MAR(CH.1,1892) rPiies, Tow (I:Ni ;C S. N, 11i Chicago University. isc ene olev 'ecii~Communication. OF YOUR Uniiversity to acceept an 'appointmnts t'. (>r Ii()it. r : trT~vBADG Thefolloinsg list oif professors to the thair in History. lit is a 1Tlitpr elirninar iy orastoicalt contest[ 0 Aldi assistatS isico hasve already beci.stts a aswlash toin b n 'crr e cepuiitetito thet factyiiIsofthe n...…

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