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March 07, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-07

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~Ij a.Of

~n. Wa~Ijj.

VOL. 11:-No. 119.


Senior Lit; Cilass Meetnw. graduiating from Andover T'heologi- A bill a ainst the old Base-Ilall1
cat Seminary in 186i3 In tSHo he A ssociation, contracted in 1889),was
Sa turt.ay morning the Senior Ills. f(U.
heldan nthsiatic meeing was made professor of itoiiilties ini presented. IThis presenting of old OJ1
th~e sanie seminary after having filled tills is beconming mionotonoius. It
Roo A.11winiortnt oes~o~for a"-number of years, the pastorate -would seens that hills coulti be pre-
befre he las ws wethr o no -of-tbd \ladisoni Square Presbyterian sented swithin a year of contraction hcaangonsulbe.dptr ,NE
thuch' caIadiovi soudbeadpt ork. tr. Itncker at leaist. This is the very tigthatN W
ed. Th chairanuofNhewcthinge
ml.Tuecharma ofthecomdlteva oiie of. th'e. founders of the And. has emptied the association treasury:
appiniitedh to canvass -:the class and
iiiai h etnin fismmesover Review and has beeni one of its ,- .
obtan te setimnt o it memersKentucky Club Banquet.
velportedl that 72 tad declared then-- most prominent editors since its - PRICI
selves in favor, 5 i were opposed aindubnzto.Ih ecie h ~- Ii esucvCui"e t hr
ivee nutrl ,s rcarts he gree of ). 1). froni Dartmiouth iin annual banq uet at the Cook House,
1875, anid, in 1878 svas elected tins-
in. As the muajority- in favor of ' ' (ii Saturday last. Oiving' to Mr:
fit: questioni did not appear large tee ons the nomnuation of the alumni. Ilreckenridge's failure' to niake ILS
evooh i) mny embrs f te ILast month Dr. Tucker svas selected knoswis Iis inability to attend, until.
as orator before thme iHarvard Phi
class, coinsidleriiig that 5o of the very late, it seas thsought biest inut to
iemnbers had offereinoopiionitDeli. Kappa Society next (tune. D)r. postpone the banquest till hiis ar-
t'a moedad1aridfucker has had the most iunitedhrvl
uttrale liv~usiisAbt acosmi-siipport as nominee for thic vacant I After'Presidlenit Hollosway's ad.
teeof hre soul li apoitedtooffice, from the alunmni, trustees, dress toasts swere responded to,-a
canvass the class anesw andl in the faculty, and students of the college, follows: I
est of their obtaining thesignait- Base''ThePrStiritHoofsDi, iit
tires of 3-~ of ltme class that the cap Johnson, lamyq3
aind gowsti te adopted. Tie pres- The canidliates for the ball team ''Our Constitution,'" C. T'. M\c-
lent appeointeit as nuembers of the have beconie so numerous that the Clintock, assistant to IDr. Vaughan. whens o
Conimittee S. W. Curtiss, AV. C. captain has founnd it necessary to '''De Long Hutnters,"' Albert irsSoes-
iQuarles andt C. A- Bowveni. 'Die divide thenm into sections ini ordter MNarlin, law '92.
baseball question then attractedl the to accommodate all in the Itractice ''My (lid Keituck'y II onie," 1',11. atnino h casadai:rata h-ik nth is eto owrmdc'4
entlhusiasmi a niotion to levy a class frooi2:30 to _1:0o p. M. are the fod- Seseral impromtut speechles sveie.l
tax of 3o cts. per capitia for the sui-)- lowing. Catchers, Crasvford, Smelt-,niade, after wiciih the. clutb sog, .-
tort of a balltleant sas carried, and Izer, i-aas, hKensortlip anullrnett; 'My (ltd Kenlsurky I be ie, niit D
a commuittee coimposedl of M\essrs. pilthers, Bosveit, Austini, fSeynmour I adjourned. IUJi
rseen, Ray, aindlMcPhierran was and Hleartd;ist basenten,. Ironson, --
appointed to collect the tax. Itugo 1-olt and Fenkctl; 2nd1 basemni, LctreonCoumus
Patmseas elected manager andI*Pitt Erognian ansd C. A. ilotveu, shioirt- Student lovers of Ihistotry aint
Totwnsenid sas electedl captain of stop, .Pepple; 3rd baseman, Pearson; all swho are iiiterested in the life and -
tie nine. It was then votedl to in- filers, Hlallock, Ilatis, lPeer, works of Columbus swill do well to
strorct the serretary to tenider tthe lii ctinian andI t-armni. In the attentd the lecture sehichs willb
lasw classes the thanks of '92 lit for second section, practicig froni 4:00 giveim at university Hall to-niorrow .
teir kindnuess ini grantting themn the to to are the followeing achreeniing iinder the auspices otf the -+
privilege of liearing thme adrerss iot (oiroy-, Rictt,IBoswermnn Dellen- :Holey Guiildt. Rev. Fr. Nugent is an
Lx- PresiidenitCleselandl aftci er t i mbck andJHeyswood; piticirsliar-acmlse ortrndith-
Messrs- Nichols, Cutler and Ci is mtess, (IC Pont, Hyatt antd Chiurct;ugyconipivled ratwtor athisttrin
weere apipiiinted a comtltec to)isk1,it bisemnt; Xppe, cJffries, j igaliycevesafterdiscoverer's C p -i a
aliotit a 'class picture ainel \essrs Arnmitauge and Merrill. 2id hbasemn iii1fe. Ilie lecture proiiises to tbe
houghty, Btoeni, Curtiss, Stuirni Harrison; shtortstopis, Spitzer, hot : oe of the noist interesting given in -
antl Ilaskins a committee torion inres, and \'. Tupper; fheldecrs, Nc- IUniversity Hiatt this year. No adl- IeIT
ccr the advisabtility. of giving a class ILaucitlis, HIyatt, WeintwsorthHa I tal issioit fee siit be charged.
lanqeluet. 1XWoodbury, Shields 'T'ownsenid and- ~
----- {"- - Jones. The Waiter Camp Dinner.
Dartmouth's New President. I

tetaied to You
Through Your
Upon ---
Slum eacinrers od Finest Piaini
and lJeweiled 'Society lBadges.
an weantthe Latest Metropolitan Styles
st 50e is $1 a lair less iliannc is
prcessediior Caalogse t
{. FYFE & &
1)1T11OI), MItII.
lAb SALE!i
Chias. Spoiler & Co.
aire sellitig at greastly re-
dulced Itrices, thir i'choice
hine of Necksvear, Under-
sseai andialIl Furniishing
('oand iispiect goods
andi pices.
.s. -speller &~
mtond Straight Qcat.
-- CigaretoeSmokers swho
aare ssiiing to Dcv 5a itie
_ ore than teprice
charged eor the ortisa-y
trsilt Cigarettrs,.willSild
'THIs tRresupsenrior ts

At a meeting of thme trustees 'Tues-
lay nighst Rev. William J. Tucker,
I). ID., professor of sacred rhletoric
in Andover 'Theological Seminary,
eras elected president of Dartnmouth
College, to succed P'resident S. 0.
Blarlett, swhose resignation will take
effet next commencement.
Professor 'Tucker graduated at
1lartnsouth in 1861, and after grad-
uation taught school' a few years,

Athletic Association Meeting.
'Tie Athletic Btoard oct Saturday
im Alphma No hall. In vie of thme
fact that IE. E.'Taylor had decidled
to remain the second semester, the
acceptance of Iis resignation was
reconsidered and by request of time
board withdrawn. M~anager atone
reported a net profit of about $2'50
from the base-ball entertainmpent of
Thursday evening.-

T'he current issue of the Yale
Alunmni Weekly coinies to us in the

shape of a special editiom, contain-ve .f i The ichmondiiSiraighs
CtN.ICigarettiesare -seefros she bright-
tng eight, pages. With slight etxcep- eel.,esost delicately fSevered and higheci. eost
dGoid Leaf green in Virgieia. Tuie is the Cud
tions the whole edition is devoted do and Orignal and ofStraight CutCigrelic.,
a report of the complinmentary din- Biewarecof-imitatios, and observe that the
firm name as breo is as every packasge.
ner recently tendered Walter Camp The ALLEN & GINTERB lrsnch
by the Yale alumni. 'I'he various NManfatuer - - Rchoniginia.
speeches are printed in full and
make interesting reading matter. J. A. POIL lEMl -
The editors of the Weekly are to be IiI E 7
compimetedon heirentrprse. ALSO 'BUtS RACK AND BAGGAG M LINE
compimeted n teirenteprie.,North Main seet.

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