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March 11, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-11

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le . of

Alt. W1i i p.

Vo,..1I.-NVo. 1 14.
O0ratorical contest.


...... .....

I Glee and Banjo Club.

Democratic Society.

in se osters are 5new out for the 1 Tie U'niversity Glee an(1 1anjo Ilast esensig thelDemiocratic soci- I II
secndi annual scontest of the (Ora- (Clusivase their eighth aninual son- niey held its regular iioiuiliy itteetitig
in ( ii Assocniattionii Alii iinusual cert attliversity Hal lihis eveninig. liTe commtiittee oil arrangiemients for
interest hsbn ers its s ~ted in ora 's luCnis are far supe~iiito those t~stiisrltha tieepheld 1)1hat iri t- NI:
tor s thins year.ITits is tprobahlin ssofpre-stus-years adtt}'nssutsIitia,rertdhainia NIV
a nlicisuilCduC so Nitr. iortiley's satisfactions wtieresver tihny Isase tiiiis tad heens ent tot the hit hiss sit
slncins last statswhenithritsgntisimpnayd. I Iheis initial onet Onaouis tein: Sesatior Palmierof
it ivs shoswniithat steI .of l.Nts15 lisilasstiws t tinehust ever15 given itlinois; SentorotiCNiicCsof I t LI1
neens ii to no tollege ini the North-iiiy the Unsiversitliumbsuitdthere is al I o.hI(e, floa Gv
n oissratory'. IeveICiy5retasontto itsliee thtitte Rus~sellioNIMistahsts e;Gv
Friay eCeningiMrhit S sesc-5 itclbsitavegreatlimpittroived ini their SCampbll, of (Ohuo;SesntostitD1anie1ls
n'I represeitativsestill ine titlseto insit:sie. It is ltn:to issinoesitint o*Vris IxG v. aott 5 5- I T
o';i'isentthL- . of M. inthe.ii N tillthsitudnswsill tunoatsittund ive asits(tins ui ssistson Micik in'-
( m ratoiricail I eague contst to be I tiemclutsthe tiweslcomie that they sittson 1Ho. ii .. NVaples, Ilosit
lwi ai t 1 5 snsut li tl I iChesventirsultytinstist A ln g westerti trill toastkIHutrdI sssgressssssitI oss its
en iptittors fori tshs sissir are I is contmlteCdsin d unsts tied-aiI sit n. lists.IP.SI. icen Cidgn
Sk' isis Ihits, ("N. listswnitsubtilt it de fra y tehe55 nu c es exesnse. C i 5C I n. Ittit l -I. Dick inisont asit
Ih tin i theStat-siaai :"N. N I 'lie foslloswing is steisroram (otv.NWinaIss itave ltnstilr -
Cte, es iT'Iensdenicsy iifNI isidsI511 heatrtysupsrtuisfor thle isunssertakitng,
Tin RetlttistnilolteSlate tnt te 5 "htilss Iisessln tns st 515suc55Css.Me 5ss. olieitsNiastilt
3.itssiuKiI st-- ----lt..iSmii~l a i nitu'ar 5 iii'nd e eatppoiit ed tol 5 al
"J,1t i on ands's thset-M-ste." enor Dar st, its 'sli---c----- so rn e listrissstess 1111diMeCssras. its
Ilks, ns1.Roetns "AmrcIan Solo115Q5a55ettid llsb.tti risIyos tnsdt Reaniristosi trrange sshessis
St ritl siss ''N. Sit. Iisciirs ste 1tl ,a< atr-tits -----Shit z sil ori atits stor tie regultar ms tingtitig. li
I ti iiittiti nits 111 llioislisl terC i chiit ii t llsci it journeti to
(; oitl of 1 sisrnti 5 lsnot; i t si t t i e t Cli i
." I~tinteTsi'(horns ----------------De Kove.

PRuICE, Tuittmo CENTS.
IMasted to You
- Through Your
MtIlssisisltessi ofs'-r ilssst Plissn
ssn-itswell ed ietBadges.
Isis wiss tltsLastest MetrlrstitanssStyes
si at5to is la i r tlesss tlists Aisn Arbor
I 1 Sor It NII
tin n 1I lu tis rat Ilt re-

It andit Icomposiiitionis' 1) j1
IC-i, ISNtrsit, intl t ireser' ll iisi
eF .W c c In . eiv r ,; 1 etA. ilist I Stpsisaut i -tien 5 1 ismi'-ssii I -l
Wittiit sill e galI tr
te tit i , Jat ckson; II. i
,V, etrit.L etdas !

I.ij C lii
C i t -- -iiitt
lC -vr a dt'ilit's'te ti

wtis i st asinsll it eai nitit its its l I
an interiste als swel yhties
soloit wichtw55 tin enin o
whti S tit l to beints in inin il e5
ih l stiist sti lii tis111 i st

! ! i 3

I-- T

- nl i te tti't'i iii t in1narm n o h rtsre o e trs lsto isis ]a tills iittose w oi n joCii mis sic.is 1s1r.
dr11 1. o hi ei y ins si-is i st'tiilr bet d cp t i_,tt iuposs thii subijnect if i tititnl e e act asitu s n si stnt wilie
''llitiat c ired i ts i1tal ~sebt i l a l n i htiss io a~i . 5 lii studysl f sIt hein ts-itd te sI-ti1 ltss isssits] ist ite
tin fit ellertirl (> t n t nil ite-rasturn-ofit hlt'- 'i stiiss5 to)' lut)ist is- in'- is e y tc ira)e
gan bte myb xetd( ,teIndispsitsion ioi liiis" 111.1C-, ciltvtli elci~ -swl
tiultis l ei . ittitnes lito ineta it s s iletim sills- ec ivd Ncss Sintt ilspittn
ti tie t~litisnititis 1 11ytutu cit its I titiesil hew y f isro s tionis s(1itu islla n stnt' 'tia is tittmnliti
,Sia tirocees stin gs ro twrdstiil 55has .15ever reetsvesdthi n is itton andslgiuitarittnwhiichic iitedn nats
thne prineandssisendsinsg three dsten1 thtit iimierits, sits thin attento1111nsof enre. :Mist Cltare Kensyoinisihter
dates to slur conventiosat Evaus1stson.s(lein esh autihosrs titus ini re5cntCyears usuatl happsystylne,dsliiseresda reitat-
Evsery L. of 1NI.- stsdentttwhisshiss beenC sirecedesthisthis itsestiationi hont wticrhigs swetIresceiv'ed. -XIr.
tile tinterest of thin 5'nis nrsuts a twills sery siubitatial'Iresults.SnoNIcL asighlins miade a good argsuesnt
heart, cainiasifest it isa to littler far s knsuwns, thtis is the fisrst cisusrse o trairmtiesie 1ftests
ti- that'sbli gitving is hearty sup- i of this kind iever delis'eredl at an Slots dehatedl, butt ditslot succeed in
tort to the 'Oratorical Associationa. Anmerican Utniversity, hut Professor defeatitng Mr. M4'orriu~wbo continiced
Time U. of M. was first last year anid Abbott's lertures are highly etnter- the judges that Russia was not yet
te hate good reasoni to exptect she tamning and instructive aind cannot ready for a republican form of got-
wrill lie this year. It is desired that fail to awaken an interest among erment. Miss Glena Orr sang a
tliterselie a good house whlen our the stuldenits of our large law classes charming vocal solo that was a fit
representative to Evanston is chosen in the literary and.-ethicaI fib, $, of conclusions to so good program, and
that lie msay be assured that the unti- juridical science---an inteoduction the large audience, which was made
nersity students are ready to stand to the hiddens treasures of tie prin- up, in large part, of ladies, wett
bsy himnintil a second victory shall fession which college lawyers all honme much pleased with an evening
lie won for the U. of 'It. appreciate, spent with the Jeffersonians.

(lae( mirthIiiiCw thtrm litute
litse if Neckwea'~tr, I usr
111 ts mmiallI lli hiltigt

Ch~ S peT111,1'Ill El &l @.
tIQhrsn~fd Straight QcP.
'Nit. i
r% Cigasestse iokters whs
a tre'twilingitoissy atlitleu
t mosure titan thse price
chaured inr lie srdisso u
tradelsCigarett e,'ill fSnd
TiussBRuAuND userior to
2 all sothers.
The Richmond Straight
Cut No.1I Cgarettes are etude from She bright-
est, mset sellealely flavored and highsatcessi
Gold Leat genirn in Virginia. Tuis lathe Ol
and Original lrand of Straight Cat Cigarettea,
and was brought out by usns the year 1870.
Besware or imitations, and observe that the
firm name as below in an every paekage.
The ALLEN & .TERl Braneh
Of the A rican Tobacco Ce.
Manusfactarers. - iclhmond. Virginia.
J. A. tsO1 yED~MUS.
North MaIn Street.

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