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March 11, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-11

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the spring vacation, anl shall lholtd Qollege FOR IRE SECOITD SEMESTER1
'1 h ofie forane9getr hssletd+
'Th nanain edto ha sle t ext i+Greek, LatintI, 'resich, Germsan, and Mteaia
the Colege seas, by. Satarilay, April 9, as the day oil +t,. Books, News anti Secondhtand at
whlich to told thte election atidl se I
llmtorttmiipee t2 ie ea, narabysois(lesirinmg to conmpete for pos- B- -
SvFrltinpie 2f0pr er nvral+ University Booksetlers, State Street,
Inxdin aeii ieteooesit3ttents. On sae ats;tio)ns othle Bonardt) thIatndllittheir
iherhas's ella Past Officne noes stand at rMtiame aind designmate thteir classs antc
o'clock, none. Subtscriptos nay tie left at!j
thn office ifthte 0DAMY, Opera Stne htlohk, at ideparm tent at onice, so tat thy1"
She hat'sat Stofftet's, or wti tsaoftshe tte liecredlitecd sitht all conlribtt
Coinianieatinns shoul d reaehti te osien ti tions. Seceral mtetn are now com
on'ctickht,. At. it they are to appear the nx petitig, hitt nore are desired.'Fl --
tap. Aitdrest att matter intended tar pahtica-
tinsto tnie Managieg Editotn. Atlltinsinesas ability o~f aspirants silb ee
cmmnationns shnoulid te tent ta theBsai- milnecd ly te number and quality tif t htS -O-HOta t ht
THE U. of X. DAILY, lteir cointributions. 0 Fou Sir departtnts-Comnmercialttent-b
it mnnnnrijtwos- teglic. horttithandtani
Ann Arhor i i. - s. f---_____T ___==-Pnmn-nship. itt esit btilitdng . ti asp -e
tdar eeeit ituctors orkuth lii
Recoeption to A. C. Gormltey. uliigepnsexrmylo,*.5t
EDITORS.t! 5011per stark; studentn nseistedt topostions.
S. W. URciIeS, '92 ananging Editor. \ orie{f leerdaeFor cataltgeaddress P .tCLEARY,Sreidnt.
G. L. Cst'teA, 'tO, Assist. M'anlag2itg Editnr. A . omey f h raut
w. E. 55IENCitia,'i1i, Anet. Managing Editnr. lawe class, leaven this week for Whitle tss -A blatck Engliolt setter. Fintd-T
J.C.c. ise, '91, Buiness Matnger. Sulphtur Springs, Mbont., where lie teisiFto10MtLntr.- j j___NE_
toih sts idesirisig to see ioie if thle;
F'.. .saNEn. '9i, Assist.Bunesa aeer. has funned a law partnmershtip with a largest lites of WVoolenis for Spritig _
C. tO. Ittsunnenn.'94, Assist. BusinesasMin'gr. well-knoin attorney.tie svas given tanilSummsaer wear shsould exasmisne theI--F
IV. '. nusniu 'S. , S.Aensit. 'i. a t te husetif lint, of thte Goldest Eagle, Detriitex-I P in
F' J. ttrtim.uo na. ha. I . lx i farewel pry hited tttte CookItoiuse, Fridatiy, ~r
Fo isa ttxiesa '5. Sw. . ittete,'W. ID. Jeswell, 431]:. Catherine ttreet, Marchlth.isThey shtow all the Ittest
ie.tmtit,Ntat cs'ln ieus'st ten t IC. 't94.sniveelties i imported cliithsswhcel
F. Et. Stea~riu, t. tLUCaA IcoEVa, 't. last nightt, whtichi sas attended by thley make to measuore in the most per-Sf-- +
te resideitt graduates of the laseletnttliertt at ppstepie.M
T~i AQUB UBII~tNQNOUS. !1).F. Foley (one of thse best cutters inllI
Th dte natmdinueeersit'departmtetnt. Mr. G~ormley hart the state.) twill he ott handtiote takeI!
Ttehe dtitidinno ttt nthes elvrepo- been ineiteid to spend the evenisng at sietisi res. tf yoiu wanlt itsohiy suit Pant~aloons, 'Jj
pnbl dorsteapein ioln tcaenr.tsittfeasorres-ur-or anythinsg in thleir lisie it wsil1lpayV
podntapern i heDIY. M.Jeswell s,buwa mchsr you to see wohat they odfes.
__r_ is to- lie - top--__ t- at- all-- '.- if ; prised tii fitid a l l tis classmates as- --- ----nd__ - L
iIr s toe holltie ottar t.efsenilled to receiee tint A very G AI I ?LA IIIJE
11.stuent wil trn ut o har heenjoyale social time is repiorted. G A DO ""i H U E
Inieersile Glee ant IBanjo tClibs ., Refreshtmeitts were scrvecistormtBijsi'hltean , cIt.iy
tli e1tiianItu itt ierspeechtes seere niade, ainid Mr. Gormo- 4;
appreciationl of the wotrk thei clubs ley seas presenttecd witht a fine set of Saturday Evening, March 12 ~,us:--o
ar dotghllehe'me ittclilays andtHalamtusi ('onstitutional eLtnJ
logadfihul'i h tep oThe Popular thaaternineian, Ftn xtxe. t ur.t
logsdfiifal l h tel~ itHistory of Einglandc, as a imemientloFiilEG ADNDS01 kD
perfect tei r singitng atmilainlg so0 from thte class anth a toin of their'
tat their coimcerts on thte sprimug tripI esteetm.arelccedtothLnvFt1JA , r T FO I
titey represemnt; aniljdnigin ftotttal 'Ib"Te I). G. lasss are going to aveF W CU R I AS M, T F OR
reptorts, they havte succeeded.cThe I a grouppimmre taken tim-tay. _ I-tNo.1 uh1,15Sie

studmeints haree ntvsery liberal in Reduced Raton.
their sumpmport of oither organtizationts
whiose purpose is to sptreaidtime reput- Thue T., A. A. &k N. Al. Wy trill sell
tatonandfare f he . f M (exeiursioni tiecets at the rate of mitestud
matimi ad fmttneof tme t - o \l osie-thirid fare for the fiollowaisng:
antI it is toi le hopedi that there mil' Irolhiitionl State Convntitont,at
beinoexceptiontinlithis case, as teGrouchRapdshi a trch 17thmtnii1thh.
lie tite Tickets ion sale littht asni 17th, limited
clubs teed anth deserve time hearty' for retiurn to Malrchl19th.
of hei srimhtmtfrinil ~d State cosivesitiont of Youtng People's
suppoairto hi tdntfinsad Chiristian Enideatvor Societies, ant Granti
adlmtirers. IRatpids, March 29tht nd0ti h ~l. 'lickets
055n side arth 29thI, listiteel tii retuns
IMmrett l1st. It. S. Gttatmseomo,
Tu'll., II miv calls attetntiont to time .Aget.
followintg extracts front the Conssti- BUStINESS LOCArS.
tutiotn of thic IndepenitchiA .ssocia- [Soticesa intert in this conmsn at time rate
ion: af 10 cents per ine. Special rates tor langer
ion: titeantd extra lae furnisheid tipapplingsieat
lR'itti'I. IT. tse DAIiY oatte.1
Sectioni s . AllltIndepenctdcstu- LosT - A laiys gold steck-chtain;
dent oftheUniersiy ae eigi liidoule stransilfastessedin sione clusap.
ihettsof het'tivcsit ae eigiicFinder please retutrn to 28 Jeffersost
to positionts on thte hoard, sitbject to tand receive resward.
bry-lames. Sprintg itats at thse'Iswo Sams. Opest-
stIiricteit. isng clay, Mtarchls tt. Mr. Youmanss,
IMr. Knox ansd thse celebratedi Silver-
Section 5. At ends electiotn themenan Htat at thse Two Stams. Telephtonte
Board of Echitmrs nmay recomnmend No. 99.
candidates, not; exceeding elevesn, Sosoeting tntisantk McKinley for.
selecteidont the basis ofi work idotie Oswing to tise McKintley bili, thse Impe-
rial Turkiis Tobaeco and Cigarette Co.
itt conmpetition. "u(Losndorsansd Cairo) Isave beastfosrced
to opess a bransci of thseir bissiness isn
s'rtci. elmi. tisn country, ttnd tine Imeperial Egyp-
't'he editors of the hDAttLY shall be tiasn Cigarettes, made of thse fissest
electeeFt a time set la the manag imparted tobacco, eatsiosw be bought
by g-for five anld tin cents per pasckage ssud
lag -0,(Jitor, immediately preceding opatrds.

S AM'L OF POSEN' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
THE Cc55NEWIAt D tfM555 , Michigan Railway.
'rime Curd in efetta a ry iini I, 1892
Suiportedt liea Comttpastsofit xctsmiinltI Aitenlftatinsnit sAn ntror nesly.
Na. . Masil anail xpress.......57''+mi. i
1irlnslto',Otis'Otto Nighit o. .:Pssu An Ag orAceitti 2i5 tituimi
SN. 2. itail Passentger .......it1iso. in
Prices, - 50, 75 an(I $1.00) N. .itail lExpress ..........5f4011.in. i
N. 0. Passesnger, Toledo Accnir.... 700namut.
Trainsand un bmi tetweemi AninAitiutand
Scea ts nSite at P. mO. Seas St andi. Tntedo asnly.
______________________________ Central Standard Titan.
Alt Trains tDnily excepst Sstunda.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Loaa Agenmt.
NO. 12 W. HURON S.
Renpairintg a specialty. i46 SOU~THMAIN STi
Ann Arbor Savings Banak
Ann Arboar Minhk. ialSok $000
Surplus, 51050.0__________________
Organized under te General Bankhing Lawse ON
n sti tate. SReeivesnDaposts, tbuyn anda
tails aehange en the principal nitian of the JU . SIS ~ 318
identification. Officers: State Street Grocers.
CHI .IA D. HannIIeaa, Tcen Pres, , Students patronage especially oite.
OnAS. E. Hincoca, Cashier. 1 245S STATE STREET.

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