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March 11, 1892 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-11

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SPRING HATS at The TwoSam~s. Open.-T E
in9 day March i . Mr. Youmans, NONE ()G -FOURTH
Knox and the Celebrated Silverman HIat. S.ALE
Telephone 99c. AT THE TWO SAMS. The J.

Is still ragin g at the J. T. Jacobs Comn-
On. Children's Suits. EVERtYTLI1I Nt
goes. until March 1. Come and avail
yourself of this gOldee opporttln n !/
T. Jacobs Company,
27 and 29 MAIN STREET.

1=== KEYTQ r=7 STTT7A=1T G O G L O R 'Successor to
GEESE LEMOO S, Moore &1Taber.)J+4
THEB FISKI TEAC~o~HER AE1i I.JZNCIES. A Full Line of all College Text Books, Including Law antI Medical Booba, by the eatv.
106-1088SFWABA'Sh .AVE.,CHICAGO. Cheapet place for Note BouosodFontain fensin.the city. Irehmncrrud in. (Comeslong
_ oldlfriends. Ibow have my entire stock aysty alo usO. 6 S. M AIN ST11.
OPPOSITE HaIbs julst received a full line of 1111 Second Semnester .Text-Books. 21)G0~ ~O '
COR haqaresfo Irrlll tdTrt LIVblctots ol AERIY, StACK ANII-tnAeecli LINE.
COUR Hed glarers or erm n ad Frnch pilliction Sle .(Oders for tcin,. parties, weddrldings, etc.,
HIOUSE) aett'orWllititng's 111; taioey"111 Kllfl 1lssr STATE strotosuly atteented to.
Celtfr Ie toebratdantd llatial Sortngtoos. il SREE. relephooeCiK .1BN. Main St., opp. Feott010cc.
STAIN Clbae NIateatlInlstruments. poting Goods. N A. Seno.gamUE- EXCESI.IOR - 5.AUrs5RY
STREET., Blan~k Looks. MansagerY. 1R8 llthe pOted .achiery, indis pte
Prices ceasontable sod work guaran teed. No
(Charteredandnot lrported. RIN D A .M. MARTIN,
.NOTEDI)tot-its P '1AATOD CAJSSPreprss tdet fFINEy PHOTOeGRAPHS. loth Caskets, Metallic
tfeshointecoun;try.OI Cli~~.lrue fac~sfrsyeelgouit-MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! ANDCCOMMON COFFINS.
Frts leCOrLEG1,Cill S h,52-. Pr-eparesofortIlhe degrees sod silostat te broadest culture sodE
te ins1et aI resus. 311EstCuto tret ee, RINSEY & SEABOLT,
lee ifs NORlMAL AND) T~EfHER' TRIlNING fIPI'A TIbENT. Special attention glveesakr addelrsi
toopreparstitonIfor exaitui eo andteaebioe. Iaeosddaesi
For its MitI' A D) FIN P AlI' OlEW tfTMliNTS,. Second to Non~e i thet1tosled Sluate KF Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed,
toe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it6 al nuA 8fie ~l~ANelllA~TINsb loigeoe fbooto HIIM Ylls E. Washington St.
F'or threeteely moduerefexptensetoistudetsttendtittg. The rxpeonese coutolansbe fg-SHRT AN CURSE.
iced lowferolwith tus it t toyolier etire tiotil I "iittiotll t he o un trily, soiltit theI tT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthansd Schuol,. N a etm ietrelan o fral.Ivritrn funrh .T)71 '
A. I;. VEREX, 5Presidtent. Building, t0 South Sfafe Strret. [?i 1 p 1
INTER-COLLEGIATE. lilteiiossibiility iof a race at111e Nirrgt-,:Thlere swil lib e lcetintg : LVp j*- P
g orl llr tcwtI teIlt'c)2 m~edics ill lower ILecture -51T
teno ietr~lIjliii itsctc f115tll~yRtilSaturday, 9:,jo a. il. Very ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St.
Sotniec cttentiini. It it rumiioreii nowOI+ tl 1
)1t,1'a1il's, Valey's crgestol illig ' i - P til . fitalit mieetin~g of ttie sophtomlore I flleJ.kloiltIlo rtuS~o
ii iioitls.that 0011ord 1w iltleie the rot- (11100 Satuirdiay, .Macrh 2,ill Itolt stactetlIttbtgl- sot.ly i
t~e I trrati ree 111C setirutlege crewsosfitth011worlti it satlstac - A ati1:00 a . ni Lets1everyonlel at tereontltStoicg Ileposits. Otts safety
fure irrci ilelldllIre1w1haiteIlsecureidti eoti R. t ee loet furIRent.
tor ararlenintscal b mae wth end ; . EIMPF, te. F. IH. 1itttEt, Casittie.
sonl ee 11o1Cs erfiircted i thllex- , ", ,1""" t .. " ..n bntu4 itetiSattiribt'eettitg.

acly the righlt numbller itt holes to
Secure thlilniieesslrr amontliofttre-
.congress oiiedcila11stloth tIi
tile tiversily tit Penn~sylvan~ia.
titety jun~iors formt the houtse of rep-
resentiatives, iandi twenty senliorCsare

all esveetas tlise wouldiiprobtably be
entleretisilil crews as H arvarti,
Vale, CornellI,U. of it., Colum~iai,
anti possibly tvo or three othlers.-
Cotnlcl su11.
Attention!t Freshmenrt

the senate. itres. \coTulyle thts113313oitedi
It is repotrtedl thlat (1C1utntiMoss, ttftihe titiloswigast o m0tlmittee ftoco113
\'ienlc, tiltseeitig thterrecenit '-lec lanst assetsmentl of o rents
per c apita. tiol the portpose of aidling
rersity of itetllsyilanicLeiiigi toot- tile '93 base-bell leant: R. M0. Manlty,
ball game, tocs heardto1 obuerve that chairman;L.-IA. Stanley, R. R. l~y-
lext to bllt-fighinlg it swas tilegreat.man, iR. 'l. Welctenntcn, J.- M. lKuh,
est splort lite ihades-cr witnessed. :Misses C. Noble, it Antierson, IV.
R. Claines J. E. Work, N. ',M.
Somte of tile southiellrn olleges Doty. I Thefmneiy sheottidtte givenl
tiave tile advantage over 11sill regard the romnmitee as soonC as possiblie ill
to otdt~oor sports. Its Colorado ordCer to expedite niatters.
t'lsleersity tilebase-hal ltealmeis ci--
yNisrli'Te Stock IHou~se lot
reatdy practicinig icily 011 tie cani- Representatives wil lmeet 'T'uesdacy
iCs, and tennlis can ibe played somI jes-en ing at 7 ('clock.
in every mlonth of tile year. W X. RFesltoli, Spieaker.

mleetinlg rtttile Athletic Itoardi sut nMAro
a. nil., inAlpha Nil hail. j8tiii-- ulifY
Nunic- \Alt candtidlates for '92 SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS.
biaseblcl Inine ihandlitheir nae l :t -1/
Sui' 0 iitii tall llliger 2 1Office. - 23 Southt Fourth Ave.
iloliislOsret -0 K. BARBER SHOP
Noic i...- There toillI be lirattice IBibh It ~m in toilctt 0I t s or ttttin t
13n tile campusillt itly, begiin1lg Obt Iita n i t Istd otitli eeti lt 1
-'Thursdy, Mtarchl 0111, froni 4:1.,I
shtarp until 6, 1111Satiurtiays." telitut J. U. '' T ()j AN)10 'SK 1,
9:15 rto titi. New fmen lare especially 4t:i0). Wshittgtll t5., 4Arb-uior. Sietigt1.
tesiredi. IGEOI. IDscg, R-
Captain. rr'i1 1~tT--
Ntriie.- ,'More tenors soantetd JVIAE 4 D BAINJO,
Aln examlinaiion for first antd secontd
tenolrs for tile Freshman Glee Cubh! CLUBS,
wiii tbe held ite Roonm 24, Saturday,; NVRI'V1A..
Marcho 12, at eleven o'clock. All
Freshlman tenors come. arolud. I
Friday, March 11, '92
Secretary. Sce-tsouw nste i.lt tCSIscres a n td Moote'

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