FbSi) XX', MAR(CH.1,1892) rPiies, Tow (I:Ni ;C S.
N, 11i
Chicago University. isc ene olev 'ecii~Communication. OF YOUR
Uniiversity to acceept an 'appointmnts t'. (>r Ii()it. r : trT~vBADG
Thefolloinsg list oif professors to the thair in History. lit is a 1Tlitpr elirninar iy orastoicalt contest[ 0
Aldi assistatS isico hasve already beci.stts a aswlash toin b n 'crr e
cepuiitetito thet factyiiIsofthe n se isw s'i sei siitiraibe hi as tome aiii gone at ieiliikt otisr
a isember of the iupptirliouste i cte 1111ttitM cetiaild to You -
(jitag lii titiIi 5 it ciiGermany;ifle is also 'iii iiiiiioi imomett it hasliiight its suire of N ThouhNou
n5sscedetifeliowsinisthe I I tussiii Xi'iiitiiny tf ltssins. Aithioughithe wit er is si cone-J/ i~ ~ B I?
fllit i stieiilt Si ences. of the nsccisitsful cosntestats, lit iC H P
hroad iprofessor of i .the iti i e-1-- ,
pelsa.Excirsion to Detroit. iihatnotsuitcint ftaro tfiteiuualpon
William i. h ile, io f itortltryof 'iic grs s li kvp i ' --- A iLI TON
lucid 1professor cccLatii 1cIs ii i 11 \ s li foc cicss5cehtsec o I
. .. Lauglint ( 1Co irntetlcclsiirsshteiiadsace to lit just icmmcients i'ost'er ciscthis Il I
oftiesslt t reputa~ t ionc suppo~ted byiiiithel . ofieent.t 1'hli 1)rtliinii iiir tiioctest Ias ; ., ist
IWilliamas I . iniap,01f\Vsithead \I. Glee C.leO, swill ccive aieiitert cites further reasinssforiii fli it;t1s icc ici ice P~otYt~
:ccci c'eleil society 1ledges.
~rifessot cof the RosaclIicang I -tacceinitth ie IDetroit FinsiPfor the ilwh ihI thinkiltis sot doubited b DETROIT. - - MIICH.
s acdli teeaiuie.itinefi t iiifite iWomiiiiis (yIc I ayci ii i c l tha i s i rule, the iiiist lal - __________________________
olirsd cli 1 ii i tiict iiiec f tha t sp ople of D etiiiit tiiteii meii ils iot etier the cinietst.
c(Colby Itscvrssts , heed ploessor cisia litb eenie d iithatthefl i iiei si suficie t titetason isoiilil litfoiiiiii
cc cccl ccci t~csty ilstue ts aru tcleft stedinii andi biti maniiinccl heifli cPt thait, cencerally
I ry P 1cisl (tfi ses rteally iianct fte iwoamei's5annext to Ispeaking, eoratolrical'cl ontests else
clict csisei ietiscclhs the cccisi it is eaccrnestlydsre e t cry littltetcasce fr iiustcet ccthssue
tieicic cii ccii ccc'iii'ie a t l 100 ooor I00 sticdenits ccclto whoiii entsr cilticdtitonali Itasonl
s~~c cii tide I IDtri Ot lto ttendcithis ettrItainmsenitcay Ilet toundcincccsoim elfitefetuhres
055the excusilin rates thcat wicllebe iof fleesmancaccemeneteel this tcontet.
Ic Cle handicile'r, icsonc t ccc
oferfed.ti5o wi lcoi al l e - ote ts icililt Itt scask isleiif there iti yw)ticcc sss t iciit sE riii icccStit
telrio t il 'ciii.
clii u~)eises utf te tripeccel ridinc Sects is *liii'virtuet ii inte creful systemc inc sil,si t 50c to1c fcc id t l ess t i mcus Sccc A i
ciii id il1~ ler, ass i t profesi sr iccfitltt ci ci h elsorcisrl-ciec ccseei flit cccli c il to
tctitk t cii ssii cl restervein55the, list fl t i ii cfYth e ofcy r igeit hel its al cont[estc ,e ( t ~ .'
i rlt clftconomy.ilifi li cisliiisieI c ltce'5 t555is1 scts l c I [li ~~ i
rinkiiscs el \ t 'rce 'csi eceof cisthe I*. ccciiil i thsd f nt a~ ls udi n hlpi lm-ii. H . b
ceitiilicitsithi itcci s seosseinancil posts f c tecccii cii s s afflcre i leh sy tancinteoh r ). R 1' Ai
(cerc Acci Gciiisacceied, cccrcc c occfcle cVidaleP~~I~J.
pioninint cerest caci ie mu clnchoe litetary' serits tif aceotrstiin cannt
ccci iptofessors intScemtcsiic patmet.teaily awvakencedtinitlie ipublit., and sle ecgctlectpriilytirc
-'. A. St'sg. 'ait. cdirecties f1hepbengcitat arill ise
lccsvc Liie inc nich assistante still lee smore gyarsdedi if the diecisioin is peostponeeI
Physiabbouttr ctase. li'io readiliy fortiscosming. iThe attendt- to the fimhe of dielivery.iFurtiher,
eeoInIaseotf snitersity'wois en es pe- t~thefit defeatedIcand~ilates are at a ioss
/cA.I ios aislsi iiracas csally' desired, ini viesw ofliheir pecu- Ito kaowe wviereisnfts'y bate failied,
Z. A . Dixon(aisct ntclierar- Iliarit eresis ini use siatter, aced if they are snot givens lie coscuiara-
feseir ii IsceishI it shre, every arranegesenit wilil iteisade toI tite grailes. I shsoulit also like to
S. b' cti~X ci ascassae renere the trip a pleasanct onetoIc says a wvord, sot ie a faulit-fiadineg
these. Several of fist facultilaieiw say, hsowever, to sousetif those ivho
hrtftssisr ic ermci san.woesacs tl s sluiie ie
C. . Bckof ale asisa~i whse ame wll e pblihedlatrkiandly acttedas judtges.IDidI ytou
c. ii. iissk ol as wiltct haperonltegirls. Thcet traine sot, gentitisit, pertly'misitake flit
professor ia Sanskirit andtiCouss t-his;IhaeAciAro'cc
five Philology'.ae AnAbo t4'_}2cOtt'Friday (true funsctiossofta Ijudge'y Shsouldt
irelerck tar, asisasc erefesorafierscoois,reacing Delritllat 6:15,a specker huetdeiriveti of list carefles
andeviretuirsati0:22 p. Iilstetrip andseti macthsetic attesntioniof his
ice tietifl deeartesect.thus cosumsincg oilyiFidaly tite-judiges, asni compeiltled to ediscouirse
George C. Howlaice, Amesrt 8,
instruictor in msodlernc iangtuages. ig. Rotundtipuetickets, iclingecto empty thauirs? is ift proper for
F. . illr, clVal, iestsscorasdmissions to lice rink, ait $ i a isshwlI the ties ftu le aismocst obstinactely
iii ali. beon alt arsg ch pc lac ii lieteti froasftespeaker, aani
Vs. I.. hilseipadiesofreading roomevery'siorneingc broutghtstfc beair uponhimini ly' for
netwe.If at least 100 tickets ie eyetitc ofci-
struictor intEglishLi iteratuire. aentsl teeteh isa?'sThere are lest speakers, and
Isaac Bi. Burgess, tBostoic Latin aentsl ieetohtwici1fthstaveture to say are not flit
list Unitersity, there swill ice sonme best, who cani reach thetir higheest
School, assistant professor in Latin
reason for outsiders and eten college power without sonme kind of an audi-
MoscaemC.GitofIliipse people to affirm, "The girls don'ttactwith is 7vi//s'un to be interest-
want lice gym. What are they doing e nwa they sy."fIan rn
structor in Gretk, in acddeicy. for it?" in these commnts, j would gladly
J. H. Tufts, of Michigan Uniter- .. -- learn wvhere the mistake lies. C).
sity, Amcherstl84, assistant' professor Thie senior lills wiii holdl a nmeet- -
of Philosophy. ing in Roons A, at 1o a, as Satur- Quit a few senior lis are enter-
Professor ernman ,F.: Von Hoist, day. ii h a eatet
(lCas. Spealcr c'k, Coc.
ire sellinugcit gi-scthy'srec
SidcII prices, their thovic
Iieiof Neckweatr, Uneder-
wearandall lFutrnishucig
(Coo adinspec1tgoodls
chap3. peller & ~
f iQhmond 5traiqht Qcit.
Ncu. I
- ' - CigarelteSmsoikerswh
sr eilinlg tos eaysalitle
- ' carged frthe crdinar s
2' tradet Cigsrettes, sill find
Tags BRiANsu perior tic
r,: Fc/ aliothiers.
Y!U 0 The iclhwond Straights
Cot No.1 Cigarettes are mide frew lbs bright-'
osl, wsst delcately flavoredi ail highest test
Goad Lest gross is Virginia. This is the old
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