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March 26, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-26

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i je i .of

, n. mlaIjj.

VOL. I.-NO. 127;.



In-Dour Athletic Meet. andi honors wvere quite etenlyd(iriiiet. one in twentr for their whole sums- r OF YOUR -
1 Thle meni clinched frequentiy to ber. When the three literary classesCIYBAG
lit as I sicnti1snuen a themselves. ''lie secoiii[ roiudl'fuirnishs fifteeni canidiates eacht the U iIt
wt'tii estsoe vt u air clearly in favr of IHolt andl literary departmient nill rarry off. tie Out' It
/ iisis si s siloi right appeared switnded. 'li ne liontor, lbnt prohahly no~t till they tlo Mailed to You-:-.
consiiering' its obcalledas aectiiil- Through Your
ohicct rtssii alliva for the last round and put up) reasoniahletnsiher if c n h\X
ieseri s of a parkeil house, its the Nrih failed to toe [lieniark, liar- didates. '[ilie its ought inot to let AT) P 'I'''
meet seas swithout iloutbt,tint ofthe igbe suddenly taken sick. After the contest (;o liy default fur lack of ;'"C" H A P E
iiteiresting;" inilexctitingi of i ng _
a lengthy ten seconds'iwast t i lt htinsging'fotrsarit their list retire-
kiid thasisalIis civerhens teldin a wreihem th ettiedte(ill a t o PI C ' uponn
\uu~~~~~~~~~ -ro ti sti es'ieite:tt-sac cttvs tdts ns st slsAPPLICATION.
1t Abr I a am red im- liite fencinis" coittest bietwenthi iis is fur a lre niusstr to titter
pitem n ovsii ter list sears indotr IFassct, olit, anti N n tilttiii the tcliss pre liiimiitrirs. LeItlieITits W 1
iiitests tnd tcirili pres-ties li te Isii i s sI il vic I t s 1i lttiiii
osvieiict lat erscilcleayiwsettll O a ory hsaitat ithesis I S
need frte ftr deeo m of o -iach dtit n iakngiitof Miiiiiie itrayitu- Lisiiiii'.ahltis t he .ot'MiAa5nl'ietti'if ites iPai
tpiohtiits t Iis oppunentst in thsree udtnts loiiiste iOratticitiiassotciastiiii iii ii iii iiiS'cr iey tadgut'.
seal iof the eciects if ts ii itheiii-rnn s. IProt.ide 1Piiitnt ii i nil this 'iiniieial t I M\easiiire swill blit rolii DETROIT, - - MICH.
in:; err u vi d abii t i iiiiitttil liii
;it wath e neran en 1so
It gtu li s 11 i' iitIthiiiit lt ighitiki i t slidheru nu t i trincei veii foli enterin t heii
teIop rl t hI.urrt rou etit plteasii ing C ttreii fithIeiiinIt ii cas oi t sts.iiiiL Cttiliteraryi bi nsiiiI
lirte' f~ isd tf alr tlght Ieighi n j tl fts oura( i l asts Spirt it and
i) lt tit'0 hea , issipiitteda gai it t licttt t.hi eti1lit st to it I sitsuel-st ti5 t
t tu iiittt it ii iili st ts sit)i stssthe liicedItinit ii sithe t_ f MI o e ,sis astik to is liwor t: t i iii tilt-
It a-is lt iifelsei iics lt t ichs.I lt~ e san -utide t hutsea litthe ich ines cifit at' tisise.
'ul iitit s ti lbrieni-r s t 'sit thes sl i lc ftt es t tsittl
''Iitils" ue is cs st tin [lsts tterthis qre arkhb st ca incte 'is ar. t t s evoer sl t uditit t tr tomt J"- ' 1'
l'~-stt t irenues I te [ra>lnk hisissitisissitassic etl t eC ritt
buti bectiltse5tf ss'.y to[)s'lIire'5'
s t d1bo tiris55 sstsieresiatist sls.ssiciteitttn iitse sot its, unaif ti os n t C yn.sutteLts Iltoloial t
fuse ls'h stst itsarin I 1 [itotriy is-eight cI 5aii lit slit site1 itslseitli th oAnestest titu
hi i s ot w;.s sholrandli exc sel Isci 1tdI etitisgiiiiiic t itt s li beit atlsit c ragsi th s ]'IJ E~S '
te ioes ( liissatc s tsss t Ts he potatsrai c e Pryoved t aiiil ituliare-i t i seat i t tlr o
titiia liiissorcin its toth fI o sist a bls rr o ierobecau s iraoflt fat l Foot-Baere i t.o eaon wh
st it Isis -sisti focarpet aths uc1 s t a ckou eve)s sank hsit nee d toshsrouldsnotifc sie t trh r .
Bflin th ti noilsii esaniseastw inurl srt ie csisrto cs ia i n.tectlt'. o reIadtis e rglar'. of Mi.iu'trs tt
ill hislgit at netsp rsin, t.t sis ci at 9 le aturdec ayis areig -'['i

ini'm Itasrm[nt, gettiig inthe sc ms~isi
[I ticic itsit etal siicsisill 1 Conmmunication.
"ttidietfect.I IQut lata1of istoi____
Ieting ini ightsig wsits dulisiedi. di tos-.IOF tict. DAHt:
Veny fess hotylowits swecre sili I [to telills feel sti sll ashsamiedl
headslotwss seeintsohbehrfatvoriit saltte lassswshat-ccarrietd off te
Ii tltwis ussitlysaasrdleditle itsatscis otraticisal contestbohcilsyears?They
T timtsttectslushesvrutsiotfte susrelsycoughs t t. 'irsthe contsest

eteiig sierr undotedhstly Ithe
tug. Isn[lieswrestling[botlh W'o[-
itirtis'93late andt[ Leonard[ '95ylit
appeared[ its fiseforte.' Wootdsirth t
liy Iisstretngtht andl aggressivreness
andi L~eonard bhyhisnagility and
spsiendid hriduging drewe fortht the
tearst' plaudits of tlie asidietice.
'Two[bostts seere wrestled witht no'
fall, so thse mtatcht vas declared a
In thme 'parritl4, iolt appeared!
sigaloyst 'Wlighit, miieic.*IWriglit
was very Aggressive thte first rottund,

last Friday ntighitiwas fairly wetnttby
tir lairs, hotshfirst andslseconst
places, he a sidle margini. Irstte
ills lamthlensielves. Are there
not1 helter orators its the literars' de-
partmtetnt thusatsay sehso appearetd
for our departmenit last Friday
nigh[t? Thhe fault lies iii the memt-
hers of te literary departnment for
tot, entering thte conitest. "Think of
classes numhering three htundred
furntishing three candlidates for the
prelinsinaries. The laiws pulttp five
timesas ninny propo'rtilnally. There
were thtirty law candidatea or abott

foriser tuentlers of thur trait are
turnthng outs getnerall}stoortherituhi Ft i IcIleports if A LI, 15AS1-
somenrwiris-tns, incud ints-ttitse- BA.LL GANIES sell Ibertutde it
niati, 'q;, andilDyas, '95 I ost tif I peuitlte. Pritc' fortchlii'rt'tstiu-
Ilse stork is intshirowsuing.anth catch-tint' of te tush le's s-tc. 5-2.
lng andualhinig ons te hail, shile -
thur tneuis are learnintg tui tackle ihmond 5tr'ciqht Qsit.
itows. As te grosutids are diryig upru 'Nt.0I
there are good proispects for tutichiOlGA RETT1ES.
icreasedsinuterest.-y Cgarette Smokoerstwht
I..tL Abuot, '91r ate, the crack stre llin u thepa it
catcher of lasst year's hase-hall teaismcharged for the tedin'ty
= trCi are tte Isvitt fetd
is ma Onilha, Neis., swithmGets. (Cout- ant. OttANs 01 tnt'to 1 l tes
it mll h reuentere, Cu NoThe Richmond Straight
ins,whiwilb reneibriOuto. iugarettes are stade troat the hright-
etmeet delicately flaysred and hightest eost
seas the trading law'yer repiresenting Geld Leat grown in 'Vtrginia. Thisisthtte 014
Con.lloy in tsr ateand Original Brandof, Straight Cut Cigarettes.
Gov.Boydin e lte giuhernatiomual and was brughteout hy ustinlime year iS75.
Beware sf initations. and. observe thst te
contest. dirm caste as helow is an every pechage.
- ---- --- ..---- -The ALLEN & GINTJIB Braneh
Of the American Thac4-oCo. -
P.rof. F.. 1. Moore, associate pro- Manufacturers. - Eichamond. Virginia.
fessor of Nateniatics iti North
Wiestertn University, has heen ap- J A. P01HE-MUS,.
pointed professor of the saute sub- s'1 ,. " ZitE IZ
jetin [lie Chicago Ifniversity. ALSO 'BUS NQt ANDS BAG Gull ELlN E

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