Al1. W1aijj.
VoL,. II.-No. I1i2.
AttentioS Western College Jour- nerthatshowec himi to bcetiioroiughly programnme for these new subijects
eats. conversant with the world's history ;tile Association reconmmends that
vieI fllowing journals of theadgfd wtaflwlnuae the tinle atllotedi to arithnsetic, grog- 0U R
weser Ci sIoliege Press-Associ tio s ht few possess. Elegance of fini rapihy, and English grammar tie
ar rerlested to select their retire- isis. originality of method, pulrity of rediucedi to whiatever extent nsaytic
sol iiies frttie aniiiat conivention diction and careful selection of ma- necessary. ~E
to he hlin Cihticago, Satisrdlay, teriat chtaracterizedi the lecture The Assiiciationl iiakes these ccc-
ry:thiroiighoiit. ommnidationis in the iiiterest if the
of I. Dily Chonile-a mI igest's cairriage is bohullpubilic school system ias as ihole;
srtit. InlanderXsAis Arbor, ' histrikisig .iid easy-, while hiis swhosle hut most of theme arL uffieLII moreni L ilC
gao. ni~~iiainei silicates a style bothiled- ptarticuilarly in the insterest iii thelsL
Northwiesterni Worldi,Evaiiston, guiltaind forcitble. Ini tll, the Iec- clii ldreii whose eiuti ios is not to
titure seaslund~oubltedily iaiicof the iii-lie colitisned heyondiuthe grammiairI
Il r f s'l'
Pegasus, iiireka,Ll. esot ever "icesn1in1UniversitvyIHatll. 5school.I - -
levon Co11 legiani, Gamiiieir, Oii, Webster Society Program.
LullBena, eencastle, Ini. Proposed Changes In N. E' Cram- __
1ifii iii'Albioin, ,Micli. mrScols The folloswing excellenit prograni
U.tofiW. egis, Puadisoit, - s ' Al its last meeting the following will lbe- renderesi by- the \Wehster
Noirthwsestern Ciollege Ciiroiceivole iwas passed hy tue IHa~rvalrdi Vac- society this cvrning:
\ipievilfle, I11.slty sof Airts andI Sciences. Vocal solo-I-tiss Blella Siheldon.l
SteintorILake. Iorest, ill.''Voted, Thiat the I -icists heiiesve Declanmation-R.. W isoii
Mini, C 1hampaign, Ill. that the tGrammar Schsoil instruction '1ak on Politeness- Jos . G.sral
I ii lissite RichmnIniiii of New1Engi-snd siounii ie siproved impromnptil C. K.IieIdmaill
Weilbe~rt, Clevecind, Ohio. oiitie gcner-alluses susggestesdhy lDuet- bliss Bella-1nd 1\ir. -
I illegioiii iorese, DcsAMusnes, the sole of the Association of Ciol- Sheldons.
Io I irlges in Newr Ensland if No05 6, ehate: Resolved, tha t ailaiyryi
It risclcsiircd that missy of lh i-s 19I- ''is istifsidini defeninls a client
enterrising ctollcge 1011rinais iof the 'that vote of the A5ssociaiiuiis a s iio'illIre may thiiiik is gui lty.Af-
Weist sholiid bhcomiiicidcntifSidswiths follows: li-iamiive, IW. F. licklevs I .~,a
lte asoc ils at th ime si of this thels Assoiai on of Collegces i A. J .lBriuce.
iliiig.Weqotceifr0111frt. .1,I Neciv nlsanditiiiimprssed ithis theli G(ceralrdeliatc.
Se.- ,o thye(Consstitutioni)iii I Criilsiiity if intsitci theIicned
IIreIIIlvi ship:' "Asnys'college lioirnl iof imuitual sympslathiy -soillic] p)tiroiighiContest Debae
dlesiring" to lie acimittcei tosiembih-iouilt hit diferent' "radsof tpuilic ( N ext Saturuday evening i'iofessoil
s1h1p ini the issociationi shiall preset'eciscation inv iles thic sttenltion of lisi'caseiiii101\i111
it tiii -nnsuii coltsection iif saiii the pubici to the fiillowr ig cihangesthladermnwilodajit
'ssociation a wriittcinioffiicial noltice is thc prorsmm-se of NewiEnglan I deathe i itealct re rooiiilsl leu
to thit effect."IGiamimar Schoolssniiichi it r ecoin-siustiect of the debiate is, '' Resolived,
All ippl icationis fioi adniission I mcsnds foi giradual aioiptiii tath ors'Pirsioni lc Ic
must belicprcsentcd toitheiceccutivec i.I lie instroduction of ececniiiiithepulcoSndy.Jnir
I iiiridliiicihihaisthe powertosiake tar' intua i stor y into the ceiilicr Isillbepliticeoiigainis sen irstie
thle imninatioss. Suchi journassas years of the program-smei as a siili- focusies ipholding tie aifisimaitives
inteiid to apply fur niemhership ivor 11111tii aluject, ato he liiulittbi s iof tic contro0vLiersituand lic
to hiare representatives at the cmi-1 dciionstratiiins anid irarct i cexcv- latter the negative. T'lie opingsii
Vrotiliii ioulid dio ielI to iiiiifv t1 I rciscs ra-thser luau fromisbooks.
at pice a 'rle itrouctin o eleen i b ill bele cikieby Messrs. A. W.
A. D). DiosiIr, lacy iihiysics into the lotecc sias if I fi c'sI i iu
Greencastle.,Ind.i the programmine as a siihstana suit-il siili. h .Wilis ad .J Carok srwiile thic neg-tiv-e side sill
Chtairmn i:hxecotive iBoarid. I s. I, to lie taught hyyitic experi- iiceintl iirliii cabratiyy \tsssi sndIiii
"Philosonhv-.5 of C'iilzation."-,N ickerson, kroA. JIDis ad EI
Wrhen yC
Mailed to You -
- oThrough Your
Mmi'iliisloFinliest liain
andsil eled SocietryIBadges.
oi wailt the Latest MetroplitansSSiles
,st 5ic so$Ils sair less tsas AnniiArboiu
rces, sedfomCtlogueiito
Ft. F YFFI &
JAb M~E!
rsill inhgifgreatly ro-
iice pro iies, their choice
isi, of Neckweasr,lUnsdes-
wsear tash sll lFss'iisihss
A large assd appreciative ausdiesce
assceldit University I-ail, last
evening to hear Rev. J. F. Nugesnt's
lectre. Owing to son-e misssnder-
standing the lecturce was advertised
is he on Columbus, while the real
suject iwas Thse Phitosophy of Civi-
lizatioss.. The lep..prer.. spoke for
about an hiltfr-and, a'-saif and held
tihe undivi ddattentiot of Iis atudi-
rose throughout.
lie handled his subject in a man-
meiasusrinig hy the pispils thsemiselves.
;. 'l'he introuctions of elesmen-
tary' algehra at ass agenslater thsasn
twelve years.
4. The introductioni of elessen-
tary~ plane geometry at ass age not
later than thirteen years. -
5. The offeri' o f opportu1-pty
o' =study: 4,jescls, -=or Germnan, or
Latin, or any two of the e langogesi
from ad after tfiage of ten years.
In order to make room--in the
J ohinstone. liescdehbate lpromaises to
be innly and isnterestisig, aridtll
who are interested in thsis iortant
qusestion of opening or closing the
W~ord's lair on Sundays should
Revd. J. M~. CGelston spoke on
Chas. Finney tonslay night, in the
-Igppan Guild lectore co-rse.. , -
Heywood,' one "of i6 new Men
practicing at -the rink, is attracting
attention by his graceful catching.
Chas. 'peller & @.
lglzhmond Straight Qcst
Nou. I
Cigasrette Smsokers who
are' willisig tu con a litle
chsarged cur the icuira
tradseCigaretts, still liars
Teis BRsAsNDsupuerior so
s "4 The Richmond Strsighs
Cut No.5I Cgarettes arceisade Crass she brighst-
cr1, mosts delicately' flavored ail highesteeost
Sold Leaf growssisn'Virginia. This is tlhe Old
and Original'Blrand of Straight Cust Cigarettes,
ad was hroughta ost hy uasi the year 15th.
tBeware or imitatiosandohserve that the
trin n5as e as e is a ry package.
The ALLE N& GIST ItBrassch'
Oftt tljAsaerit seTh -coCo.,
Manuacturers. - ' I te saossd. Virgiia.
North Main Street.