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March 09, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-09

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a~ ~ ~~ hurdle, lHe was champion all
ZC f R ' T ~t'V" ;arounui athlete at Vale, captain of
the Mott Havein team and htalf-back
Pubished Daily (Sundays excepstesd) duriaaonhgoiest lee, lei
the College sear, b ntehi'esiyeeen ei
going to study niedicine and woold
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION like to enler our niedical school.
He is an athlete who can coach and
Subscript ion pre M.5ii per'eer, inariably
nadt aeset Siaglretsopiea 1 es. On saile at play on our eleveii,tdevelop our
Slethine nod Posttionceewseestanadat 1I trick 'itlics, anid hriiigMichigan
o'elnck, soon. Subiecriptiosa y be left at l
the office ofthasi DAILY. Opera House block, at into icr iropaer rank in athletics.
Sheehan's, at Stottiet's, ortwithtanofo the (It is lieyoiiddoubit that M~r. Ai'l-
dtoo esieti.w eiolieatst liait ambus is the best available tiian for
7 tlock P'. tt. it they are an appettr the neat coach in football atid if one hope to
tiny.-''Address all mattee itttetnted toe pobliea-
tone to tee Managitng Editor. All business omwitncxt yeasrinc nust sorely have
commnmiciatiotansislbe stit to uth 31itI a gotiti toachi
Tes MnaeU a N DIL, Inthe lDetroit Athletic Club
Ann Arbor, Xints.i gaines Satuitday evening the hi iver-
EDITORS. sity of iilgan onas represented by
I. IV. Ct'tSt, 'lt, Managiiig Editor. only oine sit. 't'his is not as it
G. . C t'tt, 'lt2, Ansist. Managittg Editor.I should be. There is a side field for
15. E. arcs NEcitas, '9i, Asst. Matnging Editor. ildevelopmoent iso this lute of athaletis
J.1.5. 'ovin, '92, LBuisnaesosMatntger. andlleiiry IWilliamss is list theusasi
F. L 1E.,lfstaro'93 l, A ssist.toBustessoogr
C. . ticr rs'94 Asit. usnes Mn'r.to awakent interest ini this branith.
is'.'.puse, w J~t.5~stx,,'i 1 l'his is a great opportsni ty for our
F .J. tiss ftsssos','W2. 0CH'. I i soon, l_ liversily ansI if we suffer it to slip
w.i'),iS ;c.ti '0zost t t siTiess 5 Its'. '94' 1o111of our Ihans wiiouit aii effort
F. . UG , ,' . 1, ~cax,1,v ov e dii 11o1 ieserive to wini. uvcry-
THEARUH UBISHNGHOUE. boil shsould taolse asi interest in this
'The Ediiirs diioobdt iiheselvsnr",pso n matter'.
Bile fo'ir teoiios osir statemoen'tssosct e'3rs'.
pondento, atpeing-tsin te s ites,v. Priof. t dcta llyliolted isii
Ar the tieetinur if the 1) D cas n 'Iistsrvtl li!lsPlic,'

Gaeek, Latins. Freatelt(German, aid Mathemnatic.i
T ext" + Bunko, Neo n ad Secondhasnd ast
ook 1+~ University Baaksellera, S- tate Street.
pt Isethe LEA DI N6SCHOOLa oa 05)151
? im ole dpartments'-Commrcsil tt sat
S" eamanship. llganit bisdi lh
y t~~endarc efriicnintstruos, ntt uen io-
nagh, ivitngrexptssxremta ely loss 3.x3t
V'2 50 per seek, students assistedc to posittis.
Foe catalogue, address P. R.5CLEA R',Praidenus

Ractk Now' of the U. of B. I). andolY. T ----
Neoos Depot. F ij
Loss-A blacsik anglishi settea'. Finid-
ei setissastio ii)Msaynardl.-
Subscet h'for thes'lWashtenaw505Titlist Snrmn"
stnd L; oh AT. D. at F., Stoflllctx, 12 N.
'-Bee-tland''tilside"',(Toledo) it 12 c .
N. AliS t. Suitings,
ISpiringg Iais aithle 'Iwosais.(Olet-
AIr. Ksox asnd the celehrted'tlSilovti- 1Ptaloo
isian Hast at the Twoi Samtss. TelIephone'Pa
No. 9.



l 1 A.a

iioardl last evenintg, xlanagimst Lslilor last 'lMunday.
Mliss 1o0s
S. 'i.',Ctrtiss teas seletteid to repire-cicllost
sesnt the DAMNis'at die Wiesterni Col-
lege tress Assoiatiots tileelisis of 01r5itivi
wohichi will lie heldl at C'hicano Ahiril isLla
en.:codnIote olwn Mmhs rovisin of the by-laoss, 'A lythec scesi
memiber sif the Botaril itiLsdi tori

sRowe, 'g;9 liltwao
yesterday luy the tdeaths


--B-Cyow, (11(11

1i Johisoni, '91lto Saturday Evening, March 12,
'ii lai rIiiis o 'Ithe Poputslar Chatraeter tttss ian
is 1o svork fur a msater's!

FIstos L .l,AxssANSCO S tlAND' I


jointing a fraterisity itiereby forfeiti RoSa NE-0SS LOCALS. £ V V U U L i 10 j Lb, iI bl'~1~L 1 UK
his piositi iioon the isoarcd,' ' Nlr. IDan 'stse sseis isttiaosststisitess'h
INtc isredi hselntta h aei Noh.19Sossnstlaits ~nStreet.
\',iicev orfeits liipoisitionsist 10 the 'itt 105cenit s lite. tSeial raesfci rselstger - N
itte, and tex ars fusrnshedss'byir tpplyinig at4
bosardl, andth Ir. iWs. 1. laneicwis t' it )iiV ose 1
elctdtofilth vcnc. to lt hssOpe-a Il tisis New'ssdepot SAM L Oi~F POiiSEN Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
_iele1 ,stluli saatc, i illtipapers.ruN "' lytihsshMichigan Railway.
I si1s1:.thse scht'fa)lis in of the ath- I Tse Loissil'l I iss's Feu'hsary 5 '1 115tO OII C'list ss in aet.1stussoss y 4, I"2
reti enertanmet o Isis a t hs theholmis lg shisutsthle playicilihs
ici slelittes i 'lac 21 5 .aat i nn A'sro t ilt nesxt S tts- Sl till ey its C outspaof ss' ExceptitnalI Atrivaul o1 trusit isst A i slsos osti
is ts osotainthii' necessary msonesoesIclashtEvls.u'This'h'faiiarst'inteislrest- Merit.tusotita
tug itouu'ot Sa'stof'h si entta wa stsectsGOIN "ORTH
supphort ouor t niiersily louse, yet atut liaisley I heate'r'last night.satnhdNut. 1. Mtill and Express . an,
Ze i-- Je h I11)Oe Niht Nit. 0. i'augr, Onus Arioe ActutussI'S 0055r
spaecialh eff'ors iwoillhoe moadle to awak Iis it tiiqusit astshrateristissandu cssisac, 'No. 5' .OMail Psseoger .......... ';) p.In
seeralsvsi ourst wescre oet fourth by F. GOoNGnOtUT,.
cut a permsanet ti erest us this 11'.aCulos tisshble' a iannier a itsi No. 2. Mail Paseg'r........ ll t tot
boranochs of athletircs.'This cntlestjhirothirshadistubhtown0Stheirsstsformier P _ce r0,75 aNo$.00 4. MSall Etpress ............ S 40it.II
reulr essu, earts. ' tin 1 of Posien"ittasdelighit- Pie' ' n $.0No .Pssengce', Toledo Auscuit .. tis.00ott'
00011 be arua r anual e tath liii euuisehy ,utandtiecomsspanuy that Teeins 3and unu t abetwenusAnnssAtloas so
if a msail hoes n01o in this yearlie hselpiedh Mrii (mmtiito 155i5550thie iuidi- isats onSsile at tY. uu. Neus Stasuist Toledo only.
ease lit usohs ivis fshlyt~l to ~teCeatral tasndard Tine,
may e ginig ece astnigt. as ull ri totheAll Trains Daily except tSuniday.
say b gioibgtime reqluisite en ss- ork. . S. H. RENNETS, 11. S, GtEENWOOD~,
cesce to stake butt thec champion in 'Lesveo'e(usr sublscr'iption tfour iDe'roit, L 10- 1,~2 Gee.Pass.Agetat, Ltocal Ag-rit.
thme followving year. It. is no smoall C'hicaugo, Newo York, ( iuseinntlti, an~d ________________________
'loledo papsulorat the Opierta Souose
hsosnor to be chiampionu orestler or Non'sudepot. O
fencer isn time Uiversity of 4iclti- LotisT A laduy's gold aneck-ecshan; Aii~~J A
double strasnd fassteaneud 1StonOeclasp. NO. 12 W. HURONST
gain. Provided sufficient interest is Findler please return to 28 Jeffersont__________________
taketn it is probable that te winners and receive reward.,
at eat illbegien seal ofsoe Studeats desiritag to see oane of the U. H A4 L L E R,
at lastwil begive mealsof omelargestinaes of Wooleano for Sprinug'
kind,,and the evhnto oill be pub- aand Summer wear should examinue the TEflz~rl
lispseudins-the college annuals, line of the Goldeat Eaglo. Detroit, ax- Repairing a specialty. dt6 nOUTHn SAIN 00.
lhitad at the ConkIHous, Friday, j
--'--f=+--- March S1th. Thtey sow all the latest A nAbrSvnsB n
f. 'noneltiea n mpr elothes wih Ann Abr ekSavng k s BankR
Aat efortis bing mde t getthey make to meaaure in the moat per- surplun, $100.000. ________________
Henry IL. Williams, Yale 'g95, to feet mannser at popular prices. Mr. Organined unader the General Banking Laws
D. F. Foley (one of tlee best cutters in o tissttReceives Depsintt, buys and T Qmr1otrner h MdclDeaten et h tae)wllb nsadtotk
year. A5r. ,; Williams, holds. the measures. If you want' a -hobby suit identification. Offieern: "State Stre Grocers.
world's recoa'd in" She '2 ad or anything in .their line it will pay y ,CD.Ke AK, Pnn.,vine Pen.. Stndentapatronagoeapecially solicited.
20yrsyou to see what they offer. CHAD. 'R. T gscoewa'cahier, 24 S. 14s. TAj5STREET.


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