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March 04, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-04

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Ijc I~. of Al. Wailjj.

VOL. 1.-No. 1 08.
A Grand Success.
Las evening an audience nnmber-
iieg about r, goo persons assembled
i n University 1-all to see the much
adlvertised entertainment given for
the benefit of the base-ball nine.
Many in tir audience, no doiibt,
sent for siveet Charity's sake, and
lidi not expert that She affair wvonld

belated ''SophtsshIey svere he.artily! giving Slis question thorough discus-
Iencored. The followving is the song sion. Tise M-ichigan plan may lie
witwhichs the freshmueii iwon the adotitedt in several states, and as it01I
applause of the souse: contemplates quite 'ia tricschnge
Sw here in the banner that bioswid ti the in the imethords of chloosing, presi-
stiln,cdential electors, it is bonid to NENW
When the train bearing ( les etl""(t w i become a qnestion of natiiind inter-
dune, eit. iProf. Ttsomtson's 'irtivc is a
Where the transparency '94 Spun
Th catiifte rsiint very able and vlear pirestationi of
Gone is the sign to the Snishionire ilvir, thte Democratic siess of the squestion, I'Ifi Cl
1 And for ft is fallinig a Sophomoiiustear. mad Mr. Taggart's 'irraiignment sif

IMailed to Ynu -c
-c Through Your
1wflhA1i, hAV' &4T,0

I n -

is-nilit be sworths the iiioney, hut they We 'ire. thetieopleciii sce mums-tibe
separted in a rifferentl fir-ame cit, tiesirit
mnd ihand iearly everyone priesenst It Hurrahii tothe '95's true.
Noitedh the entgrtrainiseis Sai irand H-ere's ito She brooms i-twh ic e tiiik
success, futly worth She prive of thirouigh the seris,
- ~~Hersto ltihe horns we tblsew,
admiissiois.'Time Ctequcsimegiin or hiees tn Sheops that fleufll itoitheI1
chsestra openedutShe program swih an trap.i
ivertiure whlichi sas swellSreidesrecl When thieyiwent liir the 'S's true'.
Next ois the programi cameii.the SGn iits of hiroin-stri i ni a nntmiier
s-isnediettm, whlch seas sviiy sell einle,
:eitdtearts that'ire true andiit ces
presentedh by 'Mlr. H-arris aiidltlwoi combine,
iiiiiig ldenseettltknoswnin c-ollege li'
'i vles. -A young iman , a giraduiate Ha'ii liito tunbrom wichuiws ii oofu:
Ofi tie S'. if M.-, after six iioitlii of throunh tuhe scap,
inarriedt lifeleconues swearied if lhithu I ratifur the i-i s tirue.
v-i fe's lick iof conversationalii ws TheIlivluiaker C(ity 11Quartette and
:11si cosisplaiiss So ivy mother, ading thes' ibc1 svrsty Glcveiait Baunjoio vi
shat if icr duighter bail been clii swithi thveirivyll reindtredl selections,

She :itincr lass is comiiplete andt very
muichi to the pint. 'fle vcditoirs ofI
the Lasv Ioiirisalcansniotrio tbetter


thian constiinue She ilisciussioniiin sub- and Jewceledm Society' Badges.
svieguit inmbers. 'theufuestioni' I DETROIT, - - MICH.-
invsoilv'edtis onesrithSichliieivevi
law stiicenst should faiirizhis m- lii
'T'he editorials are wevy11 i tteni
ancd nupon nell chocsen subjects. The ~I
leading ecditoirial is sipois I Ilcvtrii
Rtailwsayvi tig-ation.' ' Oneic sitthe
strounigst features iif Shy jouisnifis!
She repiort of She late uec ssisssit
wh eaniyouwant therlatestNMetropslitaStyls
She slichSigan Suipreme Cioust. fense houe sitirciso l apaiir(essthaniAniAroiu

of She eitori guys tss Lanising" each
imioithi anidiabstractis Shyoiionsiioii
the jiudges. 'Thlesvastsrascts isrc if
pracstical valise t h ayr
haivesflreadvy attic itiei conisidveribli
atteiitionii throsmuhiut She si-ie
'there is a juiis s elis ectfioniiiiof
recenst decisionis, iiidlthecdirectory

-avii in the 1t sitNi. sue woulicibi
iiivslnfrmediinill ciisrviitSiofscs.
h isteadl of thiisbiniig"time cisv shic
%Vis spenig heg ithiie 'ossipss' ani(]
r(sua s isusoels if 'a sensaional 1sis i
atr Fiially She s iiiii lady ill
(pvstion eiters aniil isoceds to cciii
viesv oisciece, history, ecv, on
wh ibch tofpis sthliv sibandftnis i hesir
bettiei (') fpostedl 1thiinli liihimselffis,
isii alsushieticasks tiisve Shyefbooiks
sheha Bden 'uwsayschichi lie siiii{
ssareiy niovls hut svhichiitiurvi out
to liv issle bosoks witiiibii iniiscsiif
wis ile in cilfs'''v swhiichlishyeihas Ii '"n
-tsdii ii' i i(,(i: us
rflte tvhi iwi ity remarks .and li
mustyicritiicisnm wsv c-niiosler is ons the
slowi ionsaiislwicshthe cvionversaiitini
vear iofthe hal lie IDftSrit AtSf

itiatisussof Williv, swhicishiivis ccvi'
gissc ii insiie ts, espevial ly- that
if WX'ill iv at She ouiiset, thiioighi iin

' p i rc n d r atmi ..miieits
R.H. FYFE & &
1)1 111011MistS
Chass. spellrr&cCoi.
tIre sol lug siat grevati v me-
ciscerd prices, their choise
we n I I hlii'lishiit ;

Shiv swhole itnwis tio sungidraiviiout.- --
h'adcewiski's" second lappfear- if societies ainitcilubicourtis is re-
-~ visedf Sis late.

'siaisim as his first, thssoughs le ws w sell
vscei veil. 'Ithe trick "isat svas af
sourscisositgreat aniusessest, asdsheir-
Iformi w~ei sellfofrsbis i rsi afppearaniice
Mavch Law Journali.
I 'it Marchi inumsber of SheivcIlii--
an lasw Jousrnsal siilllie suit isi
St osilay. The secoissisnsussbir isj
Ifulls- sup So Shivstandsarsd of the
iiial is issber.T'leafeihng asticle
is the adderess (if I teuni (ecu-er ('lies-
large. The jousirnal sell Ible sosl ii
lrenumbers isisaeciunit if this

ITle \Michi-anuss ass'ornral is Isi
! sspus iilivitssuvccess andl issh li e
teh suppf rted ti f hisShvlate schusiss.
''il ivsecondsiedistioniss I tireasE l-a-
isosst exhfsausteif Thieve is somuie talk
Iof miak ing it ai yearvly puistlcations
in s'suing''it ( lijiithiv summeir.s

letic Clib's than jo asndt Mandomloim addrress, as Shiv law studiesnts andu
Clubhs playd in greaLt forms andc their othsers miiilseis Sco jireserve it.'
selections seemingly tookc welt with Another article is tby tProf. hi. NIt .
te audience. 1r. PhilH Iower, ShivjThompson, swhocianswrers General
Irish character delineator, seas sellh Cutcheon's argumsent upon the cois-
receivedh and made several good stitutionality of use electoral air,
sallies. 'Tie trvshmaaus;lee Club whchid argument appeared us thse
furnishsiedh t-e surprise of thse even- February number of the jousrnal.
ing, thseir singing seas excehhent, Ex-Attorney-General .Moses Taggart'
wvile thseir "roast'' tn the "Sophs" of Grand Rapids, answers Professor
bromighit down the souse, and notwiths- Thompson. The editors of the
s:andisg thse feeble protest of a fesw Iawv Journal hiave acted wisely in

Comuniatin.ap. Speler & E.
Thiviughi scsmeerrovvses roc iigi .nis
if the base-hall esntertauinimtent cidii hmt2ofd Stratghf Qut.
nuot smenstiosnuthus tnices if all theNo.s
mcesuuevo(f this:lhresfussass I;ivy C IGA RET'T"ES.
Cflub. A cocrrectesh list is tisasfolssws: ---ewingvuutouunay a ittl
First 'Tenocrs-LI.A. fic (retury, Ni.4chargessmou ue real
tvade Cigsiretts, wsill indu
XV. Peppl:, It. I,. Cle. XV. P.'iTiIiRANsupeiiriour io
StteA. H.it <e. The iclscncnd Straigist
Stosie, Edger.Cut Non 5 Cugarettes are madIcfrom tisusbright-
Second 'Tenors-D). WX.t'arker, Rt I esmntdelieately flavoreudauldlhighs.tecs
GoldLeafgroncisni'irgicia. Thsisrel
F. .Illistemman., 1. A. Stevens, A- '.and Orignail Brad ofStraight Cat digarettes.
ad wabrughtaout by us ia the year 1875.
Gaylrd.Beware or imitionsead iuserve that the
Gaylord.firm ncras mbecowms aevery packagie.
F'irst Blasses-I' . Briscoe, it. '1 The ALIEN & GINTEE. Braech
Of time AmerieaTobsamcCm..
Nigshtengale. WV. H. tierkins, Will Msaufaturers, - - Richmiond, Virginia.
A. Spitzley, A. C. McCuhhsin.
Second Basses-R. Nt. Weide- J. A. POL1HSMJS.
nmanns, NV. XW. Woodbuiry, R. ALSO"Xi _HC N IAGGILN
IDunn, C. A. tPalimer, Was. Neuns enLO RUSKAts* SAGAeet. N

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