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March 25, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-25

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Al . Wiziljj.

Voi,. IL-No. 12 6).



Harvard Base Bat!t. \\Win-ans, Hot. Don ll.1 )ickinson manifested by the stuideints, are
tand IH[n.Geo. L. Vaple and thaitgrowving seaker and less important,
\nililthlaticaedlestt ae beent ecr. of them had acceptedth le itt5 I antI nnless a ce-action occuirs, wsll
I Caion to attend. At present tite3= soonigounuder, carryinig vitlh ttemt
shred I aaran base tball tten are tie ini correspondence wtitt severali the fruits of mtany years of last
har -a wok wth ver repec ofother noted democrats whlose 1)1rs-labor. ETte writer has attendtedti
Alttlt tlt mn re t s-rik bt ncr thtey expect to secutre: petni several mteetiiits of bthi of the sttci-
twHvyaneitt aimong thieimtare et-Presitlent eties referredt to. The ttie, the
«-ilt Iplait befotrtheLar1ster recess I GrotverCletvelandt AllenC,.nu-Adelphilhaving beenti deprivited, re
I mtian Senators Carlisle It ikrt tn ety, of its hltttno rmetsS ittir-
tt Id l iafortitis extpec te it11htisn
<iandt Ililtet tGitt totes i'ant ex-Got. lday evensigs i Rotti20.
~ill posittisotveriy stoti afttn -i- s it tofthito. Acomittetie ' Iniiorertit mert the p tiuari--
lIncs ttus ttneiwrtv ittihti.is Iteig (co - e fMsr.LeMri in o oeti a hne t
carfulycochd ndswthhaes andItlIIat ttu n ereappoiniteid t srr orti ofotrga-ittaittiiad is ftossthe I
N\t1()isrexpet-tedto ttreturtiit cotllege butttg-etting uautcoitisiit tttis fut Ad plittSenter iiscuissingtuu rrett
Itsto rth s~titt t~i isssil iiauethe memeirs of tir stitcity ti thr cconttotticivquestittis at its sessiotis.
t ptrte s itsttite of IIHarvaNrtdt'is enstrtt i itsi itIletlstttliscststtit h
I itehlin Cii(hicatuot taid itittherAlpha Nuitnieets ini a teautiiful
I -ptutu andttCobblaretienlyii cI
I conipstsdl tf lrs s Robtrts, rootmiofttits oitt n itthe sousthtinut,
vinatcheitandtiti is imptlossile to lire- Shtieldl stldI geirto dra ft irsoletteeriy SathurtIaisertnintg.Alpha NUi
diltit whichi tf the twso still catch.i - utions iicommeningis-Congisressmnihalt is finely finished atid is a seriit-
Fu hesaini lettlas ill prithtty lie abotitit irittaiss dtrindeii t tit settreabe a tomt beting ci tl
aii sabliteuiitsgflastnAbearnd ecortediithrotssctsttuar
taiti atisecondttIn lithe outftield Stirringstanditetltoquet speeclirs tisid Iistottical cit-c-itittgs. I ic Al-
Ititlciell atd iciIikintsiis- i-s i-cllpob wrethen iiade liy'itesstrs.Scott, phi Nuitpossesses ilsit a Ilitrait if
iltllay , atict the poisitioni of left Vanctetyiii iitssrcd, aksn3 pl- o volirs. itt dittcits ticau-
ildttis iuntcertalit- Amonitg the nec A itiit 1Rolirts andti al. a -Afterfuti ilii i ris theiclenht iii tsit lit
ic i i tittit ittnoe'),adttit ad iiitttsewhichi aniexecuttive coistiittcc 55wis anditliterary pro-rasrtth i icitetic
suitan I i asthei apc oitcompoeiii . i tt1 cad byc oniesicd i lscutssionsi, itic
mot iron r'list \. l t ievelandi, lit: sIt South- ,taisececofi stilicicsais tic ci
It the sic-thter I teciits tietic ii it teii; lt. le sch -s he iti a ts teti-t
attic isdicill. ittLee dent;ing schiastheottgrIssNercit
itsris, itnciti. [lie itteetiti thenii tt I liborsandtiffr~fts oitthe iicitictttic
iii u Ncit eret, isi I eitiy Istit i tt tstieet at the icill if thec I it its endtic rii tscliange tiths s ii
duing -the recess. 'ichy-still lprotbl
President. cis sdit ioofaaisI luiltpiil A fit-
Cltb ninti or: nthe lt Communication.lnd ithetrIEasternitCollesues i
of Atril. I icy wilt theisplatat iit(ititot- srOFat- tatYt alitve std ftoutishuts, as esvincedyl lsPini NwJrsy e
sc"n otiiiIeejrsv Iethe recentin tter-collegiate debtates.
hiat-- Bietleemu, andilthe I iis ets- 1 It is ut deplorable fact that dtiticin i-g litllitiiile iees
its itt Ptennsylvania, at Ithitailetlh tiathe list fews-years, amidctthe Ititon hytit soudi-ntb lkws
Ih tichIetdule inludites i targe i in'ttofttir athletics aind fosteing te .o Aoeftescilii
tiiiiitcrituitietsilil cullec tties urclas siri, ee iac tesseclt oinieither cit str tt-itsocieties andc
numer f gmeswit colee nnesourclas sirt, e hve eglcte rshore iteimito their ttoriier cisnii-
isirad itt the usual ganmes tw ithpro- antIalmtost entirety lost si ltit s
17h ftelott of prospierity- atndtisefuln est.I
sessioniitalits. [lie sale of seat ii svchic and inecessity of stir-i aithiigit- te ono ae obcmemn
ticket Irstill conimence sect stun asli tierartystork. Iii the i-ears-.-goineheslthmatesten toe
ltn the 1publuication of the sr sedith ii1bysi-leu theqiuestiontss tf fotot-batll eltthd t etteic hs
Th ittoe at presenit is wvorktitg in i andhi-ls tlities, less eitgagedl the pciiali ntecuetiln ir
the cage andl spenuds coittderable min itto the stuiceitts, the literracre yto~ais tetttdl h
- !iu ei-citutoftl ncourcagemtenst of thteir hreseince,
titeuicni startinig trollmses ad deaten lft ittiversity titaiti- anththe bettefits, literary aitdlsocial,
slittitigcouipleth witht cunubsbell tuainecd aindl supportedI tto literarythtsilacuirlttilesoey
twork and a short q~uick ruts-The societies, wehichi were iteitrul credit and its visitors wilt be amlie atnd
Prinucetonians. ito this institutiont antIa uritice ttf valualhe.
__... -benefit and pleasure to the miemlbers
Demorati Socety- and visitors, of whionm there weere
many at each meeting.- - lit etiw, trhere is every reason to believee
bast eseniig about 25o densocratic since the attention of altiost all the that there will be sonic clever spar-a
students held an enthusiastic nmtet- students is titrned to. the improve- ring and wrestling between Rittinger a'
iin the law lecture roonm. ''ie nient of our athieletics, ti entertain- and Woodworth, the niddle-weightfl
committee on arrangemients for the eets and varius - social affairs, between Woodworth anti Leonard. a
.anquet to be given on Jeffersons work in this direction htas been The heavy and middle-weight spar-
-ttidyreported that word hail wholly neglected. As a result, ring betweetn Rittenger and Wright
teen received tronm Hn. W. -C, P P.thtese two societies, on accountt of arid WNrightt and Hoyt respectively
Bireckenridge, Gee. Ewittg, Goy, the lack of interest and attention are sure of being exciting ev-ents. A

I Matted to You
NTN Through Your


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tinst-st<(touuu l ttutiur it-sstittanAtutiAvit w
ir,"s edfCtalotuto
R. H. FYFE (X &
Sublsc-ribe fothelu- -
<- l V it lii simtt tutu
Itercvotllcgiuate dtsilug)s. -
FuttI reporits t4 ALL ;ASE-
BALl: GAMLES 'will be mtaideut
speialty. P-iccsfor-the relltili-
det- ofthfle col tee ycear, $1.25i.
RI~hmond Straight Qcit.
Cigarette Smelters who
are wilting to nay a tiltsv
sten this the price
charged ter the ut fete's
tre Cigarettet. wilt find
TanisLBRANsuperior to
all others.
The Richmond Straight
eut No. I Cigarettes are made teem the height-
ast, mont delieately Slavored and highent cost
boid Lent grown in Virginia. This Is the Old
and Original Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes.
nd wan brought out by un in the year IK55.
Beware of imitations, and nbserve that tic
em name an below lsan every package.
Of the American Tobacco Co..
Manuftacturers.- - Richmond. Virginia.
Northn Masn Street.

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