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March 25, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-25

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01 1o1tsieicci ng.15 li e shall watn hinm
1 eodtimi eth: o aln i e 1'ofIdered
il thi it D ily (Sui na s exceptel)d ring. ots 1.o u
the ('elie tya,1y otid fterbs T ext
Iltese ( ihiii.;es wiltet ub it tt ed
THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION itte1 etn ftieasiftii
- iest NMay. i 4 'e lr

Bobs i tS.New ttiiil ernlldlittI tit

Sbcitinpiee$2.50nper eaiti itrlty i 'Y University Booksee, - - State Street,
thhilind ostO Coitece nw tant 1:; lijitBase Bait.-
rtiit'ii, teetnSebseritcit ytbe leftcat I
'he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ptai tii-hlY j-t aehte.a i- tst fe liltys of favorablie ____
-heetiati's,att Stoffletts, ort' itttt t otf the ___________
f--diters. s eratlict seeitts to tare beeni Gast thet
Coiticietietesteeiuldt reach the eftiee hy infatuetise iieeded tidevelop ba ser
t'clotkeh. m.if teyare tto appierthe fleet
day. Addiress all matter intetited tee public- ; ball interest. Yesterday alteritoit
teoti tot the Managintg Editor. All hactceec thle juiolawsliies nlta class meetinr~
c teitunicatiect shtiitiibeitencttointhe Bs T 1un nm usistti-INGSC O Lof1 SIE
ittititer. ., tinaiiili~ti~ly otiti to pult a class isde iiGiitio t It
n-s.Manger y otig furieprtmets-Comercitalt Netext-bo
THlE U. of M. DAILY, team nii the fieldl. S. MicRoberit corcaisttitiieet-IEiliiih.Shertiharti
Ann Arbacr, bickiemaeshi i~liriet biltding-,largt tt-
w___sas elected mlanlager iof the ta.-- - -- inlarefircieelt istruicterse vokth ii
EDITORS. (Iser thirty tnaiies hare beets hiniiii V!il .il) petsieek; ttuideiitc aesisie toiiiplcsittns.
W riti iti ,,2 itiaigiiig Editor. ini as ctnidliates, aisi a conisidlerablieF titeeales P tl ieiei
it i. iietas 5. ssst Mctt'ii Ethr.aionof moiniiiiey has lieeii raiseid to I BUSINESS LOCALS. I
t . 5 Iiittlit3, st, c. Mittagilt Siditor.aktecu.3 tep ilb ______ T TN
i. a.1'rti,'9t, Bintess iitae. kte cii n tei il l tics itiso-nedin ithteistcmnat theiratei ~ L I
k ofiotc t e .-.n Specil ltes flong Iicer
r.'. . Jt si re, 't., Ascst.itisiiiect Blitter. ;ia etiiseiire a fid suitabile for tsee, ataextiatitles furttishediiby aplingiti i
c.w. tt' Ii r e, '94, Assiet. BinhtessDlisitgi'. vpaltice, irhichth ie aunior laws wtill "liD i te~ t
IItts toa Iti( it N - essti'nesecc tisei-, isserc C
iV. 1'. PitaR '93i. .. iR. AtItt.L. 'i. Ilse eon isirel . Thlientstoogingie li Inlie: iost $18I5. Will setlI pr fl4
VIslt i sea, N th iv.IN .ias .I.)I NY .92 ;lave idecitdedi toli ltii their plare it saciflie. ,\lilcesIC. ( tet
is F.i Ci:1 i3 si{';12t Gtliwrr mit c I{urns. Ii te i iter-ibtss'ris
V'. E. t ii ri 5 s ' n,5. 1.rcIi lt r.e ' )5. (tissigiieilnte ne-cas sclheilile Si let5s ieiig ttse ae i li S ii~
al are mimhgactsve preparationsla -rgest hitsrsof Wooileutsliii Sli iiig
tfor orga ii iig anid equiiptinig theitiSueriiis wser sol -\mn ett fle f (o tesle sAottwt-fv ad hliettttlelie l il uexeltt ;itE }tieP naO nS
._ieletits.tieitep e ini r ttiet tsof sates sil 1 yr to Ibishi i 2ml . 1.they shoew ill the latesi C
ponent, apea~inr ii (le AIL. dteswil tiy l lacs.Tisplant illsveltitesiitlliported clolths a hiuh
hit, lsts irtti i ilitiii til te tcal 'lass interest augurstesi-ll tot thieyimaleeto iiesre intlhe mostfe- ]][[ A
baehl tte N im ).1'V. ilet gote of the best etittetrs in ii
atientin of tits remaers to the Ahl- i'io i seasiti the -tatestiltlibe o nit ito takt'
leti Conestat te Oera lose ....iieatcsii If you swanit a toiliy sail F nc
ciii' ('iii testat.dienrIysH.aRagian.sor anyth~ingiltheft'line it still lpiay~ '
this esenin1g. l miter rwiitto tataMr.enryH.tRgan yositti seset~-hat they offet'.
in it lair teen trtainiinghgtarid andttolapeas isl n ii- ii DA good Sitigle risomt, 'ci
f~iitifitls' NI r Ifigaitseltt apjearstit iitirally liica ted, fiiisee itr t'leamii hesti. Y estin S
fatflyanisll1perobablylrgiv el ilSs rsseiti less Ni., bo hx V.

fir st-class etntertainet. A s the
lricesitasditnissiontiis onlyIc50oIdruts
it stains thatnisrlael 11lt litihae
the athtletic itterests of the t'niver

the eighth attract ion of the Slt-
dent's I ectitee Assosiatioti, anitia
first-class etntertaitntment ilac be ex-
liacted it testittials count tioe ants-

- --- -- -- -- -I litist E Nit A ND ileSi tl ISs


ANN ititBOR,

New Foot-bali Rules Suggested. itm11any leiha reiveid:
B___-lishiop 1 1I. Vinetit, Iluffalo,
WtaltereCaumh if tale, Alesandle'5 N. V., says "sir tillianicy if
M51offalt fttintletion,-.1 Joithn fll1 citilluistriousiforeelegatnme of difs'titu,
thte I['isesitr of IPenntsyl rail iandty i!cor c'Itici itssteireitt celiver, tool
"eankic1I. heath t f esleyc om- list fullneiss ioifistietin I e.
erisi hg the .\ilisory tommteteoitt Is'ns slecturees tierironoumined Ib>
tic, In teecol legi ale loot Blts. sisl o ii tl iciettticl tliilltttC~hathil ilis
Belai fc' a metiin ftthe Fifithunturisi ed clsince the eny begiti-
brveittic otel. Nets Nletl, onla tst nfig;iof the Chutamtiua Iinstfiute.
'Satura niit ight lil1dimaide seivreal --It)ie acilsyii ns nwhich-l tel
siuggestfiutis frtu de aiilinti 1 o thi liii itire moist Iihis inishedl cratiwesaei
i-tles gui rtiiin liai iitsllii 1conkthr stlijri c ttreof it isclisunrse.
tests. 'Treulichign'es'ee priopiiseid. I l i life lrbli ct ics. Ile e'rtin-i
[le ierlt was inirergariltlitheIe y has iio suirlor ini this ci-tiltl's.''
.pu timut.'' I-i liii'futtirerit thit llostoiiTra'lr.
ctcher in ifls the bill fromti"puntI .'The' ii isltationswecre adiletl r
out' it is piropiosedltat lie shall-ble chomsnminumieiroes andisp liledid, anid
moaide toitiy atgain. -Iflite fail te thIle I leue in ely ileliiveredi stas er-
secoti lmte bihll sll I; le g-git li1.lela ssithl uabttlle iinfortmation, aiii
to the opploet it i T miiddleof tle in fored iby a hniiior Itat sias racy
fedi. 'aiiil delighitful"-Brlook]lynm Tiirs.
'Tle secondilsl s'i itba ietfidtlIy iIt5'was a 5su e itleriairtteit.
is irnadlefor a, goal .atti. oissedsl the-NecmFoelk WorldI.
ball shall.tie laltcedl in the middile sit
- -te field just as thtoughi a goal hail Noahi nas the first hitcher ottcc-.
berth scored, cord. Ilhe pitchied the ark nwitin
'Ehel thirdcl oseresh ' the scorinugandil withotit. '[le gamie seas callesd
riules:lIf 'the refereeidiscovers tillon atcciiant of rain.

No. it9 Sotht i nsStreel.

Satturday Evening, March 26

ti Ci LEWISi
,k hi lul l ntili iotlist tit)I ilentlt
Artlists it

Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
'FitcCad sinchtliei tlnt .it Ai 1!t2
Nit. 1. Mait ant Expess..._....,.'a.m
Nii. t.. Passi,.Annt rlrAu-hm - 1.'?i(10
Nit. 2. Muuti asi-tute. .... ...........1518 a. in
Nit. -4. toui Exprsss .. ................S l-10 ip. ii
Centreal Staniitdariime.
OAllTrinsmti Paibly s's-ittSuda'
Iv. }I i iENNiErT, It. S. tthtI-oNAVOODti
Geii.iiass. Arent. Locaml Al-cut

Yi-hees, - 115, O and 75 AP
,va-;iilStireiatiP. i.News -4aiid.
J.HAL L E R, T. DP. TIMOoN & Soi
, State Street Grocers.
z E-mmStutdeiets patronage especially solieited.
lepiiirittg a spe-isity. 4 OUh Meeii.i si2es4noS. STATE STREET.

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