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March 01, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…PAW r V t, , f, r~ . r'y J \ f' J _ (= -- rte. _ ! /: y I J: f' ' r , , J; f: .- _ lV ^ . i. . .,, ,--r r ' J. ^" -J f'= "' r n ,..= r . . 1-- = per. "4 . r-r _ r r 'J. .r f , r ' _.+ .. C'C .-r ./ ' J 1 7C r" .... 7C .- .... ,,, _ ! ; y r ! ; r 7 - ='- . (.; f ,; , = "- s , r; JC, ,. r" (. r, - f -^, ; j r+ '_' ' ' ,V n. ! l r.. J _ := .n r, r . : f, ..,, ^ rn -, . J: r n v ' J ~;" , . .:, f't ('w -- r H ar _ . '+. n. J h, _ rY' , r - -. !; ...…

March 02, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…I e l -*0h g r aiI Vol XXIL UNDERCLASS TRACK MEN WORKING HARD Sophomores Plan to Best Fresh Stars With Strategy On Saturday CRAIG-HORNER MEET IS NEXT \\ ie :ll sit KI cn. ens p pl ;tr1 pwiig elr' he reaest efotst ,h~l: fr it, tusle tha aw ittem it1th tishsoh m et ichS is to b t cit ~ lresntti}cs boh le i s m t i , th ir athlte; -in th ttttttt 4(I .ic a in pr ailtis for t~ls ill sae frtecheiI ots ta ive 1i1 t Ii te tark n bil its tetit i ltt S...…

March 03, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, M1CIIGANFII \,.iRi 3, 1911. Vol. XXI. No. 10o4, SPIRITED CONTEST AS.SURED SATURDAY Fresh and Soph Track Athletes Will Gather in Force For Struggle SEVENTY- TWO MEN ENTERED~ ist ien ke y spiritedi ConItsts is coliclec i the is 11of15entr ies titrlthe llmut 4 llt It 11o4 a 1hletes1 I s iI h tv,1'. i l l assesll have11 , 'ltt.11 ti t'Ittl ' 1' '111115- tr i Illa C 1 isn 11 V:tict ill I 1' 111 omorr wt Il n '1 : t1.11 ll.'l e.lelllli...…

March 04, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

… a f t Y; it +i 3 _ I N + u . a, f I i i H 'x 0 0v s.. su- " C e t- ! s..H GL0+- c 0- 0 rt LL., - /' ': . l r f. ~ f 1, ', .J r. ' ^- .1. .. . .-. f , r' / f a-+ t..-: I i I -,f, -~ '-' , .-.y f T J ^ r ..T "' .J . .J t--. -r.,. j , , I --, _ . '!' .f .r, 'r, .i, ' ,f G . s , ,r . "r, , o y _ .. r_ ;. ;;; .. , s,,, a : R r f F'" c U - ._ 4. W a .r _ . x _ . - , , ,y 'r. Jf. _ ,r^ r .11M d"0 o -w r s 'JK- r, f r i .. J "- /; -- .r ,. ...…

March 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…hat XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SIX IIAY AIAlRCI l ii - l( xxt. N4) 6 Y ALRINGS ROLL UP I _S01 iLltiitA AOS bA O IIIIIII- BIGSCORE IN MEET;j Si~itta1 'U N iV OS c~ i u c ,. '. 1 ' cclcli ti a -i i a l n .t o n ili) , w c a Frsh en Tiu ph i A nu iinir ar- ic- Soi 1phomore Engineers Propose: e cilic ~t iiii t}tkestner se ior Pclas The jior aoi di- That Quicker Students \ as h ire h r-c pi c-t of tie . At. C. Underclass Dual By Score huitea la...…

March 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…o ,. f r v: ; J :/: , n ... _ r i + ;r. r, ' . h r ;r _ -r^ i ,Yi -- n J ,r -- . ~ , r . r. n J: . r; J4 . .- y ;., :!' J IS.--~- r r ! _ . j "S r . '. __ - , 7 _. ' <' '_ ^' :/; _ Oo v - m c :Ca CC CD C -TID C CD c CD 7)--CD ~ ~; ; ' r-r " CI _ . . .. (.. _".0 7 't f - J;. .... - - : ; r 7~ _ v: r-. .. = ~. 7 N i (' t ' -- f. r+ i . .,.. ,,., . , r r _~ .. . r _ r J ' ,. . 7, i T, i 1 '-- < . _ . '!, , T. ^ ._.. 'r. .. M . _ -- .. _. r...…

March 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,\ II NI MARC HIII 8, 19No i.i. ..... ..... No. T08t V«i. xxi. ATHLETES PREPARE FOR VARSITY MEET Even Some Freshmen Will Taket Part in Big Indoor Affairt Saturday Night; ENTRY LISTS CLOSE THURSDAY 11010 ocli e st fothe tdeprturttt ofte l akl ea ont hefirtotof its 'n i iva ist litt efo rth an tt a ins; lace ~n he suad rc. ivin ulteIt tiit il h°vr i ll m t StitdayIt vlit ng, it occimill lso aford li(, i t oppor. tn~n...…

March 09, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…lhe _ __ __ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,'OIll'7 MARCH 9, 1911. Vol. XXI. "K iioJ LAWS SLIP OVER DOUBLE VICTORY Juniors and Freshmen Both Win Their Games y Good Majorities MATCH WITH DENTS. CLOSEST' p];t~ec I. z n the. class iaakt- all ~ cri n th 'itI, ad '2 .L I I c 1d h "r a nd the1 do-it he .ll t~st; fie 11 1 b thescor of 43 Ito 14 v-r ihemot intetl ,inpled off ths fa, a1Ii hi h~ y ih t e '13 wiil u~c ~ x . clss eam A. kits een i ,;rh cse ein uns...…

March 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…___e __ ___ ___ __ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,11F11)D.--\A'l RIC[ c 10 Ott o. Vol. XXI. No. T to VARSITY PERSONNEL DECIDED TOMORROW Craig-Horner Meet Will Be A Contest Between Michigan's Best Athletes BEST FRESHMEN WILL COMPETE W 1,1tebit t- s litetu inrit-es in i chlil- rit t ind o-takc~et, t i~t fth I -r10' . ,eCriswl e stagedin th V~it tak ae i of the i1111- It X)I ith the liii ionthIes Xarsit 4tl its h i n)I h i i liv he ide f r I It ihe1 t ...…

March 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…l iqe i., iga'n ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, S.l ITRD,' '", M.\ kCI1 Vol. XXI. No?. rIi BOTH TRACK SQUJADS l)SI (11sW1 lUI'llK--.DARLING ENTERS CLAIM~' THE VICTORY Opposing Teams in Big Varsity Meet Are About Evenly [divided LAPSLEY WILL PROBABLY RUN \N 1citt tc I>rler ad te laithai , i t 1!l n tit ii I . laof a i f (e"1 l t:()a tiich i 1 fan Ol' SU 'CCSSC a rain inr I.i1 ;111 lld IC an-1ac t \ nIII c Ip tefi i ii 1. tt11'i s cl a d tingittvl i ...…

March 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…______ __ A ~JM7W Vl. XXI. ANN 'ARBO7R, 1MIC IGAN, SLC' NI)_ 14 MARC1'12, is 541 1 ,. CRAICS ACHIEVE A DECISIVE VICTORY Vanquish Homers Nearly Two To One in Hard Fought Meet CAPTAIN BRE'AKS OWN RECORD heiusswh icmp sel the [I, ig ll he et last '5 's's 1it gr°~ ti m of epitit ",, Ii l,;5at t I i e csiisie so 0,- o3oz.3.T e coko n millad ck ad I its ithei 'Iso tere temost eitt r 'siss featres. 4 ict . ha c m cd ii Is it i te finater isis' te...…

March 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

… pppp I 3 3 E Ca) av ) O CZ p) C7 tla) a) -a) C!7 a) Wl V7 =7 a) O F' i i AOL j ii 11 _ I E S E 0 ~~-4 E o)7 iC~ C l H H z) z y -oZ 0~a W -; , 0 a. V ,f l . . ,f J v (\ 1r - ._ r - . ._: r n s ; L , r .. .., :r . f . S ,, ._. ... ' . s ..r ,' ,J . °- ,_' r J f 7 J ^ J f .... .J J' ; ' . . -jH- z 0 b) CG d I. EU S U a -- 0 7 tI) 0 0 *vow ' - , " -^, ; , ^ - . ,. =' '- : - . , . , v t..4,:3 , t s F=- , , : r :: k !_ W - 6...…

March 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

… C:) cco CL-- z 0s. 14 O W H W F; ' 4> 0o v7 z,, 2 O U E- W t r,' . . 'y r -3 v G a c *: c , o o +: o .,. r c U ' "' ti - a . a .': r 'l: ' .. -- ,.. , ~ v ~ J ^ ..! r... -+ .i' V vl 1 .. _' f. 0 0 LU L O OL.J 0 0O 0 0 r0 0r 43 a0 ca 0.r. Q 0 d 0 0 f (0 S Q~ W- f c 0 s 0 U' I- po~ Y0@ 't: 'J' . .f !/: , I f . fw. N '-r.' ' ,r ; i-. J N '~ 41 T 'r r ':+ f V 1-+ .._, ^ ~ . r __ J n , :% It _- __. _ . = .f v..+ V W N .. f .--...…

March 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOIZ, MICHIGAN N '.tl ;iM.AllCt-I . 1Q11. Vol. xxi. LOOKS LIKE CLOSE CONTEST ICI EAST Michigan Will Be Handicapped Not Only By Strange Track But By Long Trip FRESH ENTE~R DETROIT MEET t1i1 lth f . tcfto t t11einl all I- ra1c4 f r al ftwii( it hecoCIllita he l: .n 1h 11111cl 1 tr}'v rst el 'hCCC ICtlliith Cfrsh a llss, <ir vt rkil;;tiii IIhar est in prSaat litl co' In; I.. ar ly' 1.ce tol 1 1 e ill th'. \cl di - 1111 n aInt 11 tt ic t...…

March 16, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…0 - CD C. 0 r a v pzm a el a C C U, . A A 0 xI A A A Y a c2 w 0' 0s C- U l7i v , r n r 1 ' u ^ rr rh f^ r r ^ . .; i-; r,, r -t .".+ . w r v v ". :f: n r -, U'r " -- . V . _ . l ' ."... n " :"'fi't a '~ 'f l'v. y u tr M r w.. ..: . Pn. e^ ~ uy _ ^' ~ 'J f %. .._.._._..__.. i ..Y __... _ ._.r._ / J °" ^-. . ., . _. . , . r.. f-- ^-. ., J. r _ f' "x J r ' J r.... -- u rv . _ .J' r / V N !"t / ' ~ e r r; , J . r r r ~ , y ,- f (; ._.. _ ...…

March 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRJ DAY, 1I NRCf Ii, 1911 Vol, XXI. WOLVERINES FACE f ENi~t "C al~t1E l1.,\)[ 'raa TERRIFIC STRUGGLE a I2 (r111(1t i 1ti ilt[t Ini Splendid Spirits, Prepared Pi[ct is a a ati ga Fr op It tr ig) a t To aWin, H rn r sspeed aja'l t itat I itt la 111'1}-th ii[ i CAMPAIGN IS ON FOR BIG APPROPRIATION It ;l nlta 'tit aofr il \ 11ita a 't7 11( a tt a Iti ' 7'~lr rl ct ia ta lfici~ A uthorities Seek To Enlighten Iaa Wl...…

March 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SITR-D)AY, h \111 V I t8,' fl t VTol. XXI. No. 117 VRITY CLASHES WITH FOE TONIGHT Strange Track Will Not Prove Serious Handicap For Michigan SYRACUSE LOSES SHOT PUTTER " hi11s .11 1 2 '5ac, Iriin thel'Starter's 111il h 1rt (sl(1 the1 11 I 11111 ee ' lt {1!' 1 silla( ' 11 l 1 11'(l t I 'MI Il l'\ c+ l t w ic . 1that 1 le i ll1 ,ii ' .ac1 ti)I I v II Ii 7Wad, adherens hc-l ('i .I cp-csc I~tt ,a c 1 11 ' 'tlcit li s be o...…

March 19, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…Vol. XXI. ~~~~~~~ANN ,ARBO3R, MICHIGAN,3 )3' 131. I,9 .II Vol, XXI. 118 1 I -- NICH-IGAN RUNNERS LOS, TO SYRACUSE Unfamiliar Track Causes Defeat' of Wolvertines in Hard Struggle HIOEI '1-,1S3FOUR FIRSTS t 11tr1i h l 1 1 00 1111'r) () ( 7'LI~11 .1 11134~t. ld 1 i 1 t 11 . l ist t it i t' tc '}li' t.1C' <il'( 11l1 11;111, oll111 2' I' IIIS hall 11 tak ''1: I ' 1111110(111 1 11111111 Ii }, 1 1 T«()1111 lll 11popl 0 ar111101C~ r ~1111111...…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…Vol.XXI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.'Il i UFO DA 'x-i \R( Hi1,IfIl)[ Vol. xxi. I ft). VASITY HAS FIRST IELXBORAT E POTERS f LD.\ WOUNDED STUDENT OUTDOOR PRACTICE tlhrae asare bo teini itdx For IMPROVES RAPIDLY _________ xclss dance- to he held at harbi ou yneptt_____ tientx tt turday. Posters that arx i rs Initial Game on Ferry Field toxattract :teattixlt aitd arc siip c h Howard R, Hartman's Condition Gives Players Chance To year<fo a soc lfxir,....…

March 21, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…Vol XXI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\It)NI SIAY,\MARCHl igs Vol. XXI. VARSITY PREPARES' TO MEET CORNELL Reports of Ithacans' Strength Keep Track learn on Edge For Contest RECORD CROWD IS EXPECTED 'Tie Wolitserine track mns are wo srking aosilyti.\the-se (tays witnt s'e ee on the east and stisiltier on the west swatchinig their prspuietiv e oppn- eits at Co"eand C iis hicaigo. As lie .Itt- AI~t T NI AMN s I .,I BRA l' II1A NQUF .I'I' lVT N Ztil N...…

March 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…L t , ry cy l t I _ Th i un _.' , Vol XXI. 'VARSITY TO MEET TEAM OF VETERANS Syracuse Entries Are Strong In Field, Distance, and Quarter HEAVY ATTENDANCE EXPECTED (Coroclo o nties o-,ir teii penlit i meet i Xato rmio;gvin, winch reacheod Ani --Arb1'or eterda)-, videonce tficfact thoatin theliocans crcto b10111 icc d byl a vect(ranii igitrngiti on. 'Moln-of th ]Hell1Who111il1111pear Ottilililni lht ran tore oa1101r (g wieno the I iiiicoioo wen...…

March 24, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

… i! __ C 2 I 0 ;, t , * :. " . ._ ; ' ; __ C _ 1 J , e y i a i 1. - .: 4 i! '. j' t a- "41 t4 U4 ." .^4 pp. h4 "4 V 0 0 w z x w x F- r, ,a .Z: 0r h 0) 0hr 0 .w a. 0 Q s- "4 "4i 0 LtJ) Q Ch Chi a ; I MK co o W _ = "4 J :r. '. .^ v: :., _ f ""_ _ . 1 .' G, %', 'sue. J .. ' r- "v "vry 'v "-' f v v . rM .,rr _ J 1 ' " ' , 4..{ tit +rtl N er r n 1 t'n t4G 0i -j. «.. 0. .) 0+ 0/ w I 0 …

March 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…Vol XI.ANN ARBOR, MJCIIIG4 N, ,"I 'It) NN V, ANCI Nttt.t Vol. XXI. CORNELL SEEKS REVENGE HANCHETT MADE REGENT CNIORI Grand Rapiids Man N'amed as Judge- Knappens Successor l'unitn; i '(>It' 'tin it it It t i'T heta In t' uset h I N TONGHTS BG IIEE t ii~n i ii tt}I 1 ihm'nn I'ntldtx, .Nnil1 ()h 'i o Ii ni N) i (I t at o)II tnfnilefti foeInn h' nd \\ a Every Atom of Wolverine Strength Will Have To Itnittit ,fit I tl.Nr icw i itotcii ol~ \\-il t...…

March 26, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…l: J J: - - . tl cA 0 r-- c ps VI 0 p. 1 v !D D r 0M b 00 77- .. _ .. to _.. . ... .... .. , ' i ,M/Iir rri( l t { wiC ' ~ " r." ° is" / } I I C d d d con y, iI C t 1 ru+ M i i , " x J r s f s ,, ,; .- .. J ,-; '_' v" f. ... r1 . 0 0. cr . m z I Ij PON& Y owl 4 r f ii 1 1.]5 i I S.d r. q J." ryy .... i _ ' T . Mry C e 4 . . ^^. pw. f i rr , 4 e Mw43 f" V _ v " r- dd w ad I+ y. --^ 5 C0 m~ 21 r. r.' 0 c c …

March 28, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XX.ANN AII: :iI, 'I IIIGlAN 'I ISI) LL .\l'I 111218, liii Vol. XXI. SIX MICHIGAN IYEN JLD)(i tlIRs I' 1:( )C i 1 N' , ?E I N N. WILL lD T Wolverines Willc Relay Team toI Class Oppc HORNER IS ALSO WihL h I i i 1ii iii) Judg ai c( Iiiolliia , ill, of tIi )OIYAHA \L ount(}iaiiicr1 cuit ~r I, dic << Roceser N in S air a i allcci i al- fend Strong prfreby1r , Aiii iiIiLIa oofa cite lude R l ert g 1 Iac rm1t~ Meet High 1liac aaattil aaae flo ...…

March 29, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…VolXXLAN Allt~tt 61 1166 1 1'I)>151)6 661,1) 1,11) N. 1.( : , .-- .. Vol, XXI. 'L t? . r "v VARSITY B JTTRY l WILT BE STRONG "lobtil,"kn hil t ishuhPr } ,lt Work of Pitching and Catching 10*iz.ile wstO Dllt Staff Predicts Trouble For ra'1te e~«r1( d ) < l) ru bil raiycr idhsc11Hostile Batsmen tiay PLAYERS LO3NG FOR WARM TPAYS r-iS-tmvrdte trei h 11 1te 11-sw )cle\ tel 'is av a tr ender1 h1as 11e1 11 1 Notht(C6' i sclprc On haps2 ~ < ld1 01...…

March 30, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…+ = ... sr W Ni Vol, XXI 4h.+ T"RACK MEN DEPART ,t1O).\T I]? "nT% nmruf6 f I mflfI11 ANN ARBOR, MICiII;A 1. I'1I1lX:XI) Cl',11 r1 CI 30o, 0)1t. No 1 FO OMYAIJA i'UuAY Relay Quartet Will Face Crack Western learns in Big Meet Saturday HORNER MADE WORLD'S RECORD ilidhi ati . 111mik" r( Ililqttrt . Iac: c iat i r 1 Ca tain I 11ie 0nd eek 1e e [() t iult 11 elth '?:3;;11 this 11111 1cTt (.1 Tw a i a e al i] dlt. li l Iwtl 11ra k1 uclii 1,1111 ...…

March 31, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…y 3Y kr r F { al it > :< . ANN A r{)1:,tICI-TIGA I i:Il)_, l 1R<'C 13r, irr. x Vol. XXI. A No. I:28 IJY RIDING PROVES EXPENSIVE LUXURY Seni or Engineer Pays Dearly For Automobile in Which He "Serpentined," S RELEASED ON $500.00 BOND "1v li"C5111 , 11 1.111 111 _1 i1t~ '51 2211e the 311Zi "j r !-;(Iill" slat doo 1 0 b ll II'(11- 1;t 1110ta 1111llqu of gi hei 1111 1111 short11 it1is gin1o1 te1111.cinc sqa'11 as11111 ld'i 1 1it i...…

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