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March 02, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-03-02

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I e l -*0h g r aiI

Sophomores Plan to Best Fresh
Stars With Strategy On
\\ ie :ll sit KI cn. ens p pl
;tr1 pwiig elr' he reaest efotst
,h~l: fr it, tusle tha aw ittem
it1th tishsoh m et ichS is to b
t cit ~ lresntti}cs boh le i s
m t i , th ir athlte; -in th ttttttt 4(I
.ic a in pr ailtis for
t~ls ill sae frtecheiI ots
ta ive 1i1 t Ii te tark
n bil its tetit i ltt S t h tr
rcc it ho rcim om- metit i t f tt
5 al c rl i tnt t e' t-il ihteitalifti
,t l lsei'ti inp ~ti o testwith
ptt Is c5 't 1 Ii~r t" tsotol t
tue i n imi ted to% t i fatltha
aSt.. 1 ts sme ecnds an
h, t a it w l ,olthe v ltt i thtet
loo is l 't~ i ti i " 11t a lty t'
~ ic iis lm ii ct \'s~t i 1 e cr cl
it ,iturisle 1 t He s t tes t
si, rt i ,nl G trl i1tl a rv
-itt . slt iii 11 I poini ts Itrthi
\\Itii tls ttdccls 55t 5 ar spilt li
te t-ir f~ t o dts -i t' mtti i
is+I issi lit esac ikig for Scr tio
icti-- t hapSt ic liest.etift he
I c l r t i ll- - t;c n l h ~ tt e i " I h S t i lrc s t'' 1 r i s " h q a il l t


Noi.i )

Ometiga Pitt. tetiotmtics literary- xii
cicty, 111ll istld its autial ittitiaitiontibsan-
qut n ext sw-tik iii Iftiel ur gyittsii 5
ii iltto tti sci tii ttt i im:Clar
I igliti Batarate S t et\Mat-s 11 liil
Sustit Palmeir, I silt Janiss, Diy- i Itsni
tie, Florece itontiis Iitssii \e la-
si, _sgiies Parks aiti Gwrtrudte kMss it
cety, -WSill act as itastistres
Ftor ite it-ciis itoSt-e soityIsS tir
ihas beeniiarras edci:
By Close Vote ;senate Allows Him to
Ret amillHs Seat
Wasi-ingttons, i). C.. tiMartchS - Sentosis
secltihiis afitnitisiisI~ts- list -it
taSt(-i S. tlcby a S t t ii f415t is..W.- Pits
isistckIli -Is siati- isr theseatiisof lit

SENATE TACKLES U5511:sent 'l c- iri.. "E ERT' ECIE
V SteriTIllS ill asi t ti ~t i Ii ti i !' i
HONOR SCITIS nwmemibers. toris Kll, Malrs Si e I Al' t r OMANFINDS
Election on Scholarship Basis Marin it \sssis-creal -papesr MD r, Esther Van iDeman Tells of
With Faculty Ratification Ii tilt TiitkT -- - - ___ _I mportant Archeological.
Sl S.Si- iiit i-lit St -SiSStS 5

It s illts te 5 1I(If til t- -t ive sits St-i tl

It Sc-ttltr klt it J. Heveil sr
tliol sitoiiunsi t ithel it osl. s t:
iC ititig ti iilthei-isits r -it tr f
.ihi l voed ag i stie sil I si
.'-ie S to r W.i A.i S mii th-s i
his ote lusi av wthil il
tsitfel sitttigS sit-st it I 'I
:Memibersof theII-sti " om l
llit s -isis-i lis


iS io-it44s:IIIit , li t os i i, ft ' 1
e taIeI tu) r t-tieis tiltishli it\it
st-iri titnlic1s l t siit)t)t.dpiniit t lt ex-
CcllnC II sr o~r it ss: sscIl,<Ii I
_t) Sll stil -11 11 su t he ii cther r om a tst
)f -tlii St-i iii -imis lls tssiittls 4l li
tl a i~ed t,(I4 t~f - ie iliss f fih
-ic- forssititaI1 1Ol iats(1 I)4S i -
)4 s ch a h(i t itlnost sit i ii i
1,14" itself issat lol -sot liii sith i
-,lt o th M11Istee toll111)-a l -
Alot)1ti 111441ii~s; 11mi ',so t iirt e
is s ()f is s l inc Iit s f r is lh,
I'l- t tu ilit I )11st i- slitS erlite
islof s it iitis t Ilt fi afirs 5 of i ()ss it
ts t'iOlliii5isat ittiiiiiii55 is tissalilre-
S- <_ ( iirc -iti f r1 a i)IS <C
is .i . ts;Y1 }silt i t {t is jul - Ios1tc-' hi fv)si
c sslil St ar iipate itlu 4a i '-t
iot detiecIttsi-t te a,
Womn tW illI havc te cPlay, New Song,

ii I cones- ri-list stillbei runtis xti5 Stt
in a t thei-fris-sit Ish silt. i lst iti -
i o lk s will rack'tic mis ibut -sisc
lIlc i tls t its)tea ssh d ld fi his
iS- eni rs-itst s. s~fl is , ds ont i'' - el-i
Suits i .s. olilt ilc r
Scenes V r Union Operas Scattered
From Africa to Pole
Sie atisc-itit-s weeI i - mit u t) ithe
. i 'sils -li u t i (tr}lli t s- itertI. of-
tellrsightsetingsitheuIlsti -itirti i
wichsit- thesnextisop-e sisi s ts e I -~csit si
:r t i-, lttit s- si- el1s t' ittlwoks 1 -liii
tilsi*ad teerwhreftrom the North
:ta k bo III I0Slit et i is se I e 11-
is snilts 515and s p tlt-i i-i pmt-itcs lli -ii
Is ls ibrittilslt ill iie itrn d )\,it ;
once t tlist-i still Ii tts-cuiClssl i -
sI iiiif ' Sott nd Seass Ist1
its-faclt-il-i Di rec11 osd St.i '--ii
s-s-sisss; -if th ly i an mu c iii S I
vIs ill I S tu ii liiits iar fut re
sit sit sit i-is ii MW of
of V 1ileet lanneIdlfol r tIisI\p\
hV it-.t R t tilslcits if hisokithesit C
k Il\ c (Iii Ds FIR l 1'0ti lli S! itItlt-il
listgulareingo h ecnui -
o ciite} ill is iteis-i I ltoit- iitIls-i'' it ll I-
Il-1'cutilteit si t tic-ld ithe7;.-a t i7:3 it'llc
l otiiii it its ill i ve detailedrIt orts
l iii-)itret Slto thiitit-ilti tliln v~l1
the rep rt ftil i itt list iii5-tiu Itti'- it I
f lie pr i-it, Si t'' llt ut -s-IWi t stil 1s
(i iseriesoflecurs ocoe nth na

!11I iii
all it -I

5~a111 1 it
-il t i I -i ?

PT( l*11ls t sd-i-s t ril i-is is of ; 5511 !
siav l-i is 7% 5 . 1 - s s l isi ts

lib ( 1sts'--
sI> I t -i ,-is -i the
E1 t' ){1 'i o
till.s tI I

1{ is - i-i 1s rcc
r t 11 I' tiI -i }1c
F 1c1cii-i I(if
si'ts i-il -s Is Its;
,ue-I is Ia
itiss Is '- N
t il''is- lii tha t .

°n5 r lt t ight5
hItll rostl a ofsJut
the l o I s t i-i-it -o

SkitAPit kDliOOilllii -
5 Si C 5555 iii e ties-si fit
Neits wats-i thtuide o - e i>dl ols oethruhyi clo
sirae i tth anii laist iii li tti l ih
Imtls stnoliut-i From-'s--isis lrt~ n
tutu tiloSkits il lu hos( wa l'<°
S it - litt i ii -tii
fell-i sip. ii it -tu ii asC Ill) stanil ii
filsleit-i s sef iltli-s misis (Y11 n
ainedsi outiesill l tilt kits dIts fI i sit s I
siteadyS51tltS of ists t slus itt-i
sit-s-i tu t i lite tble, Stills f c artt
ti cessS-illassistsd,
TIie affai iir-si iittiiaitivii its tl
sicisti cteus it astonl t s lin withs li:
nC overlt coail. ttt dlthe par1ty s-be
tuat st-ill litisus siit Sits is-e-ie
ithousghst 1si simustachei-(ft-sit-111Isisletsrights
to pic tiC ot-sts tutils'i tacklftdit1suit
The i'cuch"th tutumeat cicleIn
mast. Andttuatits-sli-sists o (iog
thsing I-ispush: neithericlits it feel liki
ai ills-er stud itli- s 1 c ill Iwit ti -i--
iat-sitgutudrins toistile-sliolitilet l
iV tope ltgt h is-esuctigli01s lL'
MustachInsad alsit isantppee.
isle eirst itcins-the F'encers' it cif i
itr-lasisti-iuut litt w-ilil utie sitsr
slmtellessi iit t ilets C-isIL .1-i
fr-siienitti ssful -iusuli tti ss tiill fis -t
suith lit' oslloiw ig 1eisisst ndsit he=li t tics
siisuig tisisuss sill 1lights isI i s t-eiweeii
after, lprobalyt sthsicsuits c litleas i-is
finasl interciilst a usblliamin Wat-1
ciiisli i . 1i h'l s s -us re i ts reporti
ts tiartsh sandi liii-jsmssu rtsIlusunicskc
at 4:15'tosnlorrow.c

"ttt) "MFRl hll"ttKPI II N IM' tRh
Sill lI Its 1 1 tll 141
tr m ,rtills if the tIniv esits fr-isi
-'cat t a -i w lulenSaivelits s usin ittti
0s il-i -s-iss e I its) tilts 11 lt-e 11111-
cr~tc Daly (f t'w s ct f tictlsig-s u
11 lisort he W"I oos I s thQi i,
Y' c:I- ei n ti-ir. A r-i r i-ii-ii
usd teh n r th e fussyiof fuss
-is-c l, iss lutist-i of ]:,,,. n i- suit
wlill)-.- i u-uuts u iI u-'

tii s fuso lsr suuthe Itseal ii iiiIn inl
11'S I I s(11 tWill I Itiduto ay F s til n c tis ls l >-ua ii s-f Ie
tu-tuln lutist -itdIt asit rct eiit'iiutl t I ssn s i i flusts St-issttpped out-rut-
>r tei uui)_tS, , l titus JO-lust l l siur o iili suwait«usta ilts piu his
ill( Mrs. i ur-itvIi fromiwthis the alumI ieI suit itus at this- tsilies is stit -f ti-
aaenlaV o tan teirticet. T e t-ltant isl u ftheitus ln iis itsllee sit
s-i i Jut-t Pisil I ictus iusths kountry, l sitw the s fus
Sp tmotu lici-i Cftonklin : - nsitu itt- andsu uss te I his u-st u ls i t-iigated thes
suits, Sophtuc ie sI s 'l'lisThe ittitt i ll - iititiiiis a heI it Sit f tli
ii hut fii~~iss;rillt ati thef t ii S it esit ls \si uu n d si t heuss
;, a Ococ I'obe llowetilts y5 the -ils-il.S-i hi-cfInit InbrMr s[ow
tsh1 slu s s' tutu i(- uiti r Jitti tus t 1111l) S theg esissIliiseMr.A
ant adsh it hito- bothuthtitbsand ue-t a t ic: M,5 tii sis uitt 1st
ctic tthsI uiiuis Oclist lusts tulmeyt pr l's 1r iC H iltsN tt u 555'l' TAIitS li t '155
ieptpe Ishis lhuvl 'ilsol lt s-su guivtetu - llt meI- his ani i lt IC-i ii it lmuI tithcre -
toass. T e l iat liii oftllhC lts-s-tht ii situ akesu thessscouriseii i Iate te
ma e slusucha i t itc- t es us-i alt u l ti-isss' and sss tr i til itu hi s iNT. itF.51;.5It is
Ial d inn r i tll hits us ills-use 55s tilt;ofspe-it altistphtansuces ts juniorst ,ss hishu
assnu]ls Is E list- hall w of t l'ten S ti t5 -n-, ti tseintitiit Pb I-itak nih a dtontuh
usic wuessill bi ts inug. itGivertnorusgitu Ms. - -
Oiustorn susilattend hu titth t' tt-iba-tnq-s it- uitsndGo. ENIRSW13, Cjj't 5155 t'tNEW
Osbosrns siltl s lsak. uPresidentt II ilhiitt T hIetssiorhuntS wssill lioldia shortu eet1tus
tndDr t n kiell wsill sotlh lisetoastss ndtutu t us 4 s iitc h is aftnoon 111t l 1i
fyl e ts I'luts- usill -ipetak tuihthus-prsen e ct hsusur ssroom i-f theu ccc ics bi'5 iiliiitf
ho sn -sonit is -ihisre'I Te tmits ibius iss of fthus ctut hg still
utty i it at1 s- ittilet Issitiu-u i-tsih elS r- os t ak h lace 55 of Jale h i s-,
ho waitl lithuhab lle t us(AIsu4elt silts -i i tgsssu

I ithii-clas s cltutu tt-luit
MresRife itserisit<
iltsh Sui t -this l s .
tuuir sts It-i Is-us cs
if thus- I iii ilt
liniua lsu, iruth 3,..
- SI tti [ 1-Iil7- .
II eudliesulut- iluchs8.S
'luinisus - ltrch So
1 tI-u Jla cli t. . .
Mody sis Ma-tisrc-h13,s.-
IkcsleS(LIV, Nl Lrchit ,,

T1 I I:Su tO tu-; us-i
s i1 c r tills -ii
luitthi s susufuse
'1te flmills
11-d for thuscru--il
19)14 Vs. ti-is2
)ixia\Si ts st-i
1()12Sf tush
--t.i-it uVS. (l

ti-is f-is Is( stlf. tltIaIIIIftIsts hoin
'1Vsrtitus i ishutphutshuts hut-sill isis
tsr'Is sstff i-ttoIsmlakest reiv val-u
tushle- aI f llitrsitthIt f ruuiu-sssc
W1 his list 5s-sI-slush11Si Msitigiut it-ill
itt ti sitlu-irt-i --f sits--i thtusheli sill
luststilt 11 u-itt u his- slusuuusculof. The
al-octkri-s itmumpts s-u itvllid esards-
hut lowtsfor thu s enits-i u ut Scshouulds le
inshact rite u -susinu thu' ioilst-s utstdoor
kuustinususttitPae s2.1

Pretst- ietHitchiins %I ts 551 ofss-
I-isit atS t heutIi-itet i tg f thus- ti-
Usnuivern-its sf 1lii itigttu 5liiiituiRSi--
lutist l i t Mfon-oe,51 M oat Seh -
uft , 'Februtiuar. , lists iturbu Prkus
0f this' kisus-dStti5 stiiC uls-~tr
ts-ittt usith l([&Jusli teit rs u' tsi t oit-I s %lii
thue tuoastmastr. I-units-r justitr"Ifrl.
if th tstli -ur eicst uetrssgstLan-
the othelr -ispkes.

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